The wind coming down from the Nindia Mountains soars the dust and passes through the city of Istav. As the season gradually progresses toward autumn, it seems that the originally dry land has become more and more dry. Persival coughed deeply as fine dust pierced his throat, pushing his scent bag into his mouth.

"Percy, are you okay?" "Geho ... shit, I can't stand it with this dusty." "It's dry here. "There's something there," "Uncle, do you eat candy? Or do you want to eat candy?" "No need. Take it yourself."

Percival reached out and knocked on Lucille's shoulder. Kassim laughed as he clung.

"I love Percy for dogs." "Yeah. Uncle, lonely?" "Oh, I'm lonely. I'm sorry. I'm lonely. I'm going to tears. What about you?"

Percival grinned with a grin, pinching Lucille's drooping dog's ears. Lucille dyed his cheeks and closed his eyes.

"Lonely ... Uncle, let's do it again," "O, wait in Tornera. Don't catch a cold."

Percival said so and stroked Lucille and I. Yakumo muttered with a weird laugh.

"Is the picture criminal?" "Percy, do you like younger?"

Said Kasim, grinning. Percival sighed as if she was stunned.

"You guys do that again ..."

Everyone laughed with pleasure. The square is lined with horse-drawn carriages, some departing and some just coming. All of them are full of people and luggage, and it is even more noisy that people are crowded. It seems that the base of the wheel has gone somewhere, a large cart full of luggage makes a loud and loud noise, and several people are pushing hard from behind, but it does not help. Something shouts at the frustrated appearance of the owner.

Duncan carried his luggage back.

"Now, I'll send you Belle, it's a goodbye." "Thanks, Duncan, thank you. Take care on the way." I hope you can reunite with Sati safely. "" Oh, I'll do my best. Thanks to Graham and others. "" Let me tell you. "I'm a bit far away ... I want to go play someday."

Ishmer smiled and held Duncan's hand. Yakumo took out the smoke tube and held it in his mouth.

"Now, if you arrive well in front of the snow, you will be able to come out in the spring. Earn in the south and go on a vacation in the north. Let's take it slow." "But Yakumo, Tornera have no place to play ... "

According to Angelin, Yakumo frowned.

"Mmmm ... I guess it's the northern frontier. I can't help but buy a lot on the way." "The baked goods of Bordeaux were delicious. The ale was delicious." "Well, yeah. But it's going to get cold by the time I get there, and I want to bring a lot of spirits."

If you're going to get to it before it's closed to snow, you have to be pretty quick. But all three are skilled adventurers, and it's safe to leave them alone.

Despite the goodbye, when the three-wheeled wagons left the square, they felt like it was their turn. Bergliff breathed greatly and looked around. The carriages are back and forth as usual and are very lively. The big cart that was just making noise went somewhere.

At first glance, Angelin had a lonely face. A little worried, thanks in part to the strange situation so far, Bergliff wrapped his hand around Angelin's shoulder. Then he rubs his head somewhat crumpled. Angelin knew her body tickling.

"Hiwawa," "Don't make such a face, Anger. You're going to worry about your dad."

Angelin gladly rubbed her head against Bergriff's chest and looked up.

"When do you leave ...?" "I have to wait for Toya and Morin ..." "What are they doing? Well, I'm hungry. Let's eat something." You can't be dusty here.

Percival frowned and coughed. Kasim agrees and nods.

"Either way, you have to pack up your luggage. Toya's will come to the inn when it's convenient."

Then, the group returned to the inn, separated into rooms and checked their luggage. Unlike a road down Mansa along a mountain range or a trip to the "Navel of the Earth", you don't need to prepare for camps on such a large scale. There are many merchants along wide roads. At worst, you can get water and food if you have enough money. But still, Bergryf lowered his pots, pans and canteens into large bags, as he did, and packed his portable food and medicine, bandages with cloth and various props. Consider the weight, fragility, frequency of use, etc. and put them in order. Kasim sitting on the bed looks interesting.

"Nostalgic, I was always looking at the side of the bell being prepared this way." "Yes. We tried to help, but we're good at the bell, so we just watch it."

Percival said he had packed his little bag.

"Is that so? But I managed my own tools." "The bare minimum," Percival lifted his bag. "But you always carry your luggage, don't you?" "I didn't say it, but they gave me what I needed when I needed it." "It's the right place for the right people. You can't fight if you carry a lot of luggage. It was the best party efficiency I could carry. That's the story. "" Yeah, yes. Speaking of pure fighting power, you were certainly the weakest. "

Percival greeted. Casim erupted.

"Hey, I'll tell you clearly. But what about now?" "Do you lose to the bell?" "Yeah. It's bad for the bell, but I don't want to lose." "That's it." "I know, that's ..."

Berggriff smiled and scratched his head. This is what you don't wear on your teeth. But it was strangely pleasant. It's easier than being weird. Percival also gradually became less awkward and seemed very calm.

"But I was most relieved that Bell had my luggage. I felt like we were crazy about fighting and breaking or losing something." "Oh, it's possible. Percy. And Satie will be given priority when the battle begins, so you're like, "You're a similar thing, don't be a common sense man. Well, Bell?" "Hm, yes. "

The three laughed happily. Kassim suddenly sighed and put on his mountain hat again.

"What's wrong with Sati ..." "I'm going to see him. If I meet you, apologize first ... this time I'll settle it."

Percival laughed. Bergliff smiles. Speaking of which, I guess Persival and Satie's mock match was a draw. Now that I've seen Percival's ability in Earth's Navel, I don't know which one is stronger, but I was reminded of her opponent's Percival holding her head down and clenching her teeth in pain. .

Kasim clasped his hand behind him.

"Whether you honed your sword or did you go to magic?" "Because of which talent, he might have unexpectedly acquired his own skill by combining both." It's possible ... I hope you're fine. "" It's not an easy-to-understand ball. I'm living easily anyway. "

While tapping lightly, Kassim felt a bit of an intense attempt to dispel his concerns about Percival's mouth. After all, she has no idea what she is doing now. Of course, Bergryph is not without its worst imagination. But I don't say it because it's going to be real if I say it.

It seemed like a dream to be with such old friends as you might think in the past. All three have wrinkles, beards and hair growth. Still, when I talked, I still felt as if I was a boy, with my sword neck raised. That's why you have to find Satie. Only then can Berghrif, Percival and Kasim clear the past.

Suddenly, I think about Angelin. When Angelin grows up, will she miss her old days like Anessa, Miriam and Marguerite? Fortunately she had good friends. This is probably a transition from children to adults. If Angelin gets forty, he's over halfway through. I don't know if I'm alive. Even if it is not such a thing, it will not be possible to stay with my father and father forever. Will something change if that happens? But it's hard to imagine.

Thinking of the future is uplifting, but a bit lonely. It seems a bit different between understanding with your head and understanding with your emotions. Berglyph turned his eyes down when he lived for more than 40 years and was only worried.

The horse was not cheerful outside the window. There was a voice of Mako. Percival said with a suspicious look, holding his bottle of medicine in his bag.

"What's going on, your hand has stopped?" "N, ah ... a little thought ..." "It's Angers."

Bergliff was stiffened. Kassim laughs from the air.

"It's a star, it's a star" "Are you worried? Did you have a quarrel?" "... I guess that child might be a time of parenthood," "Hmm?" I do n’t know because it ’s so young… Is that an atmosphere that seems to be close to that?

Percival leans on his head with a strange face, reminiscent of Angelin's sweetness to Bergryf. Berggriff smiled and scratched his head.

"Well, there's a lot of things ..." "But Angers isn't doing good at Orphen, isn't he keeping away from parents? Don't hate parents, not parents "I hated my parents when I was as young as Angers." "I didn't tell Percy. I don't even know the faces of my parents." "It doesn't really matter." First, is there a reason Anger hates Bell? "No, not." "If you mean to live independently from your parents, S-rank adventurers will be far apart. What's the separation of the parents, Bell? Doesn't that mean that Anger will not be spoiled? "" Nm, um, well, yeah ... "

Berglyph twisted his beard, saying nothing. It doesn't mean that you can be completely spoiled. It's not clear words, but there's a subtle thing to do. At that time the door opened and Angelin came out a little.

"Mary is hungry, so she comes to the market ... what do she want? Dad" "Well ... if she has a portable biscuit, will she buy two bags?" "Oh, go. Take care."

The door closed quickly. The Berglyph breathed in and looked at him, and Percival and Kasim were grinning.

"I don't want to ask anything. What's so close?" "Okay, Angers loves Bell, so I can't help helping him. That's the only thing that's the same." Already ... did you want something? "" No? "" Nothing else "" ... at all "

Bergliff sighed as if she was amazed and turned to her luggage. The two are smoldering and sneaking.

The dust weakened due to the weak wind, but the fine sand trampled under the feet soared and the traffic was crowded. Orphene is one of those occasions, but Istaf is only in arid areas, and the dust of sand is just as strong.

"Well, this isn't tough, even if it's not Percy. I feel like it's especially dry today." "Throat squishy ... I'm leaving early." … ”“ It ’s okay. Duncan had traveled here and there, and both Yakumo and Lucile were adventurers of the flow, so they should be more accustomed to travel than we do. ”“ Do n’t talk about this, Let's sit somewhere soon. Your throat will dry out. "

The girls, who were less familiar with the dry areas, frowned, but still roamed between stalls looking for food. Even if it is dusty, it still smells good everywhere. Smoke of gravy falling on a charcoal fire and steam rising when the lid of the large soup pan was opened drifted in the dust.

Angelin looked around and bought a well-baked, portable biscuit. It is stiff and durable, so it is useful for traveling and long-term requests. The biscuits sold here are of a slightly different quality than Orphen's, but there were still neat ones, the city of travelers.

After completing the requested shopping, I bought soup with chicken and beans, thinly baked bread, and light water, and sat down at the table behind the stall. The cloth has been lowered and is somewhat partitioned, so it doesn't frown too much on the sand.

Marguerite, who seems to be hungry, eats skewers on his cheeks, carries beans to his mouth, and dips thin bread into soup. Angelin, sitting opposite, stared at it.

"... What are you eating?"

Marguerite, who apparently noticed being seen, tilted his head. Angelin held the spoon as remembered. Anessa frowns a bit worried.

"Are you still worried?" "That's not what I'm supposed to be."

Angelin said so and put the spoonful of beans into her mouth. It is cooked firmly and is soft enough to be crushed only by the tongue and upper jaw. Miriam tears off the light bread.

"It's an elf. I'm sure he's a beautiful person." "Yes. Marie and Morin are both beautiful."

The gaze of the three gathered at Marguerite. Marguerite glanced down at the dish as if shy and carried the spoon silently into his mouth. The ears are dyed a little red. Miriam giggles.

"I'm embarrassed. Hey, Marie, the elf are young in their forties. Are they still young?" "Nm, um, um, yeah. It's almost like everyone starts to get old from about fifty, but it depends on the person. I can't say it. "

Elves are heard to be a race that loves quiet and peaceful lives, but aside from Graham, the elves I have met so far are Marie, a good Morin, and a good habit. Elves who are not familiar with their own tribal life and jump out as adventurers are probably strangers.

Angelin grabbed a bottle of light water and thought. According to the three Belgries, Satie was cheerful and male-dominated, and his sword arm was as good as Percy. I don't know how it is because I was still a boy and girl, but I guess she was an attractive girl. If you have a cheerful personality, maybe it looks like Marguerite. If so, it would be hard if I became my mother.

Suddenly, a black thing leaned over his sickle from one corner of his heart, but shook his head slightly. I really want a mother. Wouldn't that be nice if they really liked Bergglyph? Please be honest. What do you get jealous of? No matter who you are, I'm Dad's daughter.

His hand stretched from an unexpected head and pinched Angelin's cheek.

"Unya ..." "What a scary face. I'm worried, idiot Angers." "What is a idiot ..."

Angelin reached out and pinched Marguerite's cheeks. As Annessa stunned, she grabbed her crossing arms on the table.

"What are you doing, don't do it, already?" "But, Anger, don't hold it alone? No, you can't, you're going to explode if you can't do it."

Angelin was silent while her cheeks were pinched. I know it, but I don't know what I said. Marguerite let go of his mouth, muttering his mouth, and instead grabbed Angelin's arm and pulled it off his cheek.

"You're going out of tune. If you're going round the rounds, do you want to simulate? Is the one who is upset clearer?" "Gunnu ... When Marie is instructed, humiliation ..." , Konnyaro "" So be rampage! You will spill! "

Anessa pressed the shaking table as if panicking. Miriam is laughing.

While playing with Marguerite, I felt better. Speaking of which, I think my father had a big fight with Percy and made up for it. I'm not confused with Marguerite, but I'm glad I have someone to be rampaged. Angelin picked up the soup plate and took the rest together.

"Oh, good food. How are you?" "Yeah, a little ..."

Marguerite said, shaping his slightly ragged hair with his hand comb.

"What kind of place is the Imperial City? Is it different from Orphen? After all" "It's the center of Rhodesia. I think Olfen is, of course, bigger than the public capital." "Hey, Angers. "Was it?" "Estgall ... there was a big river and there was a town along there. There were lots of boats and houses on a floating bridge ..." "River. Elf The territory did not have a wide river ... "" There is a river in the imperial capital ... but the sea seems to be near. "

Anessa spread the map. The imperial capital Rhodesia stretches behind the mountains, overlooking the vast plains. It seems that the canals that were built by the flood control projects of the past emperors have run, and are going to the sea to be connected to shipping. It is a land rich in fertility and good for trade, and seems to continue to develop as people and goods come and go.

Going to a land you don't know is simply fun. If you are an adventurer, you have a landscape you have never seen, people you have never met, food you have never eaten, and an admiration for such a thing.

Angelin muttered, "Is it Imperial City?" Speaking of which, when I was called by the Grand Duchy of Estgal, I think I met the Prince at the ball. I'm not sure, that's the emperor's son, the next emperor. I'm not going to see him anymore, but he didn't feel so good, Angelin stuck his cheek.

"What, do you think again?" "Hm ... when I was called by the Grand Prince before, I met a prince ..." "Oh, did you remember in the Imperial City ... "I can't imagine it." "Sure, you're a really great boy?

Miriam smiles with that. Angelin sharpened his mouth.

"That's such a good guy. I didn't feel so reliable at all ... I enjoyed dancing with my dad in Tornella." "Oh ... I see. The ideal man in Angers is Belle. "Hana, that's what it is. Well, by the way, Mr. Bell is a pretty high hurdle for a man." "Dad is exceptional ..."

Angelin burst into her cheeks and grabbed a bottle of light water. Marguerite leaned on the chair as if she was amazed.

"I'm single for a lifetime, you" "Noisy, and I don't want Marie to tell you ..." "I'm good, I'm easier on one person" "... "I'm fluttering with the croquettes." "Mary is so simple." "What ?! What do you think I am!"

Marguerite was angry with the steam from his head. The three laughed out loud. Suddenly, my eyes met Anessa. Anessa laughed and winked. Angelin shrugged and put a mouth in the bottle of light water. I was completely relaxed from my shoulders and I felt better. I wish I could make friends.