Boundary Labyrinth and the Foreign Magician
Examination of the 641 battle
Quickly play the BFO song. At the same time, I decided to remove the anti curse song demon props and try the effects myself.
Golem's orchestra sounds the tone of the trumpet from the keyboard as everyone watches over things like intrigue. The sound of a drum sounding with a low sounding tone behind the trumpet augurs well for something to begin. The opening of the BFO is such an intro to the song.
A drum roll overlaps the trumpet that gradually hits, and a magnificent song opens the curtain with the sound of a cymbal that can be played.
Nostalgia. What comes to mind is footage of knights crossing a flying dragon or griffon rushing through the clouds and flailing their flags through the Rungardo sky.
A fanfare to honor the knights moving on. The beautiful mountain scenery that flows, the glowing sea plains, the fairies playing in the windy meadows. And adventurers fighting goblins. The town where people live. Various scenarios flow along with brave but beautiful tones.
While supplementing the chorus part with another instrument, the opening theme ended with the golem orchestra uplifting the song by layering several tones, and sounding percussion and trumpet tones where it culminated.
"This is also... quite a magnificent song"
"But beautiful song. It's weird how powerful it is."
"The scene is a portrayal of knights and warriors running through the sky. Do you feel like flying for what you need to protect while looking at the sea, the mountains and the beauty of the meadows?"
"I see..."
Describing the scene, Ramona and Marion close their eyes to taste the aftertaste of the earlier song.
"If the musicians were playing when the Knights came out, that would be a morale song."
and Rosemary nods quietly with her hands on her chin.
Right. The key curse effect is a composite effect that builds courage, boosts health, and improves regeneration from the way it resonates. Is it right for Rosemary to play before the battle?
At that rate, the Golem Orchestra will also play other songs while explaining the scenario of the song, the specific effects of the curse song, and how it is supposed to be used.
The songs in the tavern somehow felt like they were floating, and the songs that were playing in the Temple of the Moon revitalized the magic, and also quickened the recovery of the magic consumed.
Moreover, I could see that the movements of the spirits were also activated. It is not suitable for morale boosting because it has a sedative effect, but the songs of the Temple of the Moon are very user-friendly to play in the rear.
I mean... don't feel like there's a lot of composite stuff over there as an effect because the tone is pretty complicated by layering several different instruments.
"When it becomes the song of the Temple of the Moon, it becomes the song of Lady Claudia"
"No, not me... although I think it's the scene of the temple goddess statue"
Claudia smiles bitterly and shakes her neck sideways, but Mallane smiles.
Okay, well. The question is, is it a disturbing song in the labyrinth and a song in battle? These are likely offensive curses based on the tune, so there are a few issues I have to take without measures.
So change the type of measures. Instead of blocking it, we'll see how it works by dropping the rank of magic and reducing it.
"If that still has a huge impact, thank you"
And I said to Valor, who grabbed me on the shoulder, Valor replied to me by trying to blink the eye lid. We have a procedure for blocking the impact in an emergency.
Well, it's from an instrument, so I expect it won't do that much good......
When the Golem orchestra played the song and the tone of the busy strings sounded like stirring anxiety, agitation with the heavy bass, feelings similar to fear and haste sprang from the bottom of my mind twitching to erode.
... I see. But it will be possible to resist and carry the curse with the power of will to be mindful. But when this one dominates, if you play it when you chop off a group of enemies - you can invite them to crush, maybe. It's a valid curse in a mass battle.
"Scary song...... that's unusual"
Grace blinks wonderfully when she listens to the labyrinth song.
"Maybe so. It would be rare for people to bother to hear a song like that."
"Sure... it's just a song that we don't have in our settlement"
And, Ramona.
The purpose of this song is to scare the listener. Games and performances will make you more immersive, but you'll love the rest of the stuff you want to hear songs like this when you're in reality attacked by demons or diving into the labyrinth.
Seylan or Harpy's attack curse is the direction of inviting the opponent to sleep in a soothing tone, charming him with the beauty of a melody, hypnotizing him and manipulating his actions to a certain extent, so even the same attack curse has slightly different purposes of use.
On the other hand, the sound of Illumhilt's bowstring dwells on the power of evil. It is not a curse but instantaneously disrupts the control of the procedure along with the attack of the arrows, making it user-friendly and difficult to be countered in a variety of situations.
"Well, I guess the next song"
Well. All that's left is a song of battle. It's a song played at an event battle, and the fur color is different again compared to previous songs. It is one of the most popular songs in the BFO, although it may be heterogeneous in this world.
Say so...... As everyone watched, the golem struck a drumstick and the violin melodies echoed. Sound pressure and feeling of disease. The trumpet blows an aggressive main melody with melodies, and the percussion boosts vigorously.
The will of war rises from the inside of my mind in two ways. Though, my thoughts calmed down and I felt as if I was getting more focused. Yeah, this is definitely, like, a combat song.
But it's not an attack curse, it's a song that sharpens the concentration of your allies. Slightly different than expected, but definitely useful during combat. Is it easier to perform at your best?
Given that their opponents are demons, the advantage of being able to fight while calmly judging the battlefield is enormous, not being driven by barbarity or pushed to death by fear. Because relative to a demon, it doesn't mean they read the emotion and take it backwards.
Used during the BFO was… a town defense event. It was a song played on the occasion of invading toward the town that spreads behind the players, intercepting a group of undead serving necromancers with the NPCs of the town and turning into counter-attacks upon the arrival of the Knights reinforcements.
Well, the background around here is also why it became popular. There are many thought-provoking players that go hand in hand with the creation, situations, and performances of BGM itself.
And... when I finished playing it, everyone seemed to be uniformly surprised by the songs in the genre they'd heard for the first time.
"This is another... intense song"
Says Old Siegmund as he rounds his eyes.
"You can now use a variety of tones on your magic keyboard. He wants a new style of song because it's a corner. Is this… a song about a scenario where you defeat an invading enemy with your friends while carrying a city to protect"
"... well dressed"
"Yeah. Maybe I like this song"
And, when Sigritta says, Marcesca and Scion also nod. The Scions seem to like it a lot. That explains the effect of the curse.
"You have the impression of a song in preparation for the upcoming showdown. The scenes that come to mind are tempting."
"That's good. I liked it too."
They also liked Princess Stephania and Princess Adriana.
To sum up, I have the impression that many BFO songs have a composite effect, a convenience frame that can handle a variety of situations.
Let these songs be in the form of scores, while at the same time the songs that are being passed on between Labyrinth Village, Seylane and Harpy will also be in the form of scores.
Then… we merge and mash up songs of our own lineage among the many races so that we can all play thoughtfully, he said.
I don't know how much of that and this and hands can take shape, but a mixed unit of Seylane and Harpy can take turns playing the curse we're used to, and it won't be in vain because it's going to be a form of backward cover.
Tomorrow the Harpy clan is scheduled to assemble, and let's just say that we will move on with those tasks by then.