Boundary Labyrinth and the Foreign Magician
Outside 801 pioneering vessel water inbound
The vessel was also made, so it was a light tea party with Luberencia.
Drinking tea and scorching Grace's baked treats for me.
Since it is also made precisely with regard to the taste unit...... Luberencia blinks her eyes with a mouthful of baked confectionery.
"This is... delicious...!
And Rubelencia said so by chewing the baked confectionery thoroughly, swallowing it and then smiling brightly. Because smell and taste units are built to fit people. It would be the first feeling of baked confectionery to feel sweet and fragrant in my life as a dragon.
As for Luberencia, who was interested in humans when she saw the dragons attending the banquet using the technique of humanization, she had the impression that she was in a good mood for a similar experience as them quickly.
Maxwell, Arx, and the Viams slave unit that was coming to visit it, too, can you tell how Luberencia feels, each carrying baked sweets in his mouth, while nodding yeah.
"Mr. Luberencia, is there anything you'd like to try?
When Grace asks, Rubelencia conceives and answers as she carries the tea into her mouth.
"Hmm. I think I'd like to take a trip to the labyrinth. Didn't even go to the banquet or welcome of the demons."
"Oh. I'm certainly interested in the labyrinth."
That's what Bloomwood says to Rubelencia's words, and Volkeor and Carla nod as well. The inside of the labyrinth may look interesting, even in the content of the Fangonoid wisdom tree and Carla's notebook.
"It might be interesting to see the labyrinth after we've become escorts."
I'm also an admin agent, so I can control the movement of labyrinth demons. Rubelencia and Bloomwood seem to be interested in the labyrinth itself, including fighting, and Bolkeor and Carla actually want to look inside, so it's possible to ensure the safety of non-combatants while also supporting Rubelencia and Bloomwood and others.
Wherever it would be good to go… When the topic of the tea table talked about the compartment of the labyrinth, it became a flow that it was still a good place around the forest of the night darkness for the faces of the demonic world.
"That place also has a lot of mushroom demons...... what do you think?
"We'll be fine. There were mushrooms in the demon kingdom who had no reason... but for those of us who lived in the valley of spores, they stood in a more troublesome position than ordinary demons."
When Claudia tilts her neck, she responds with her eyes closed, saying that Volkeol is fine. I see. The mushroom demons for the Fangonoids will be treated as either a Ningro competitor or a dangerous enemy that threatens their residence.
At that rate, the time for relaxing and tea parties passed while holding meetings such as labyrinth exploration days.
Well. We also made good progress on the development of the navigation vessel and the training of sailors, and finally we celebrated the day of the watering ceremony. As for the labyrinth exploration, it is later than dropping off water intake and route development vessels. If you are exploring the woods of night and darkness, you should be ready for a little bit, such as equipment to combat the art of sleep. Before that, the day of the water intake and departure was approaching, so I turned it around later.
The sailors are chosen from Western alliance countries, and the Grantios and deep fishermen are also incorporated into the formation as personnel.
Dolores was smiling and pressing her heartbeat when she had lived and trained together to develop her route with the East, and her skill and relationships were good.
"As far as we are concerned, I feel comfortable with the many magic items that His Excellency Theodore has prepared for us."
"We take our safety into account. Thank you."
The sailors of the pioneering ship smiled and said so as they toured the preparations before the water intake ceremony began, such as making a face at the shipyard and confirming the supplies to be loaded.
"That's above all. What I can say when I leave the port is that if I encounter danger during my voyage, or if I experience problems that make it difficult to navigate, I want you to value the lives of the sailors."
"I understand. One of the purposes is to make sure it's a safe sea route."
Other sailors nodding with a serious look as if they knew what the captain was saying. It's reassuring.
That being the case, the checking of the inventory of the shipments is completed, and the kings of the countries involved in the development of the route - Queen Eldraine of Grantios and King Demetrio of Groufonica, Queen Constanza of the Kingdom of Gasterm, and the heavy towns, including the Marquis of Balfour, uncle of Rosemary, also show up at the shipyard the shipyard. Queen Meggiastra came from the demonic realm to visit, along with Tierra and Geogranta.
The sailors lined up to welcome the kings, and the Royal Castle musicians soared the music, and the water procession began.
Let me also say hello to you as a position where I have been working on a route development plan with the East Country since the beginning.
"Today - I am truly pleased to have this safe water intake ceremony and to be present at the touch of such a face. We hope that this plan will culminate in a voyage to the East and deepen exchanges between the East and the sea. May this voyage and the courageous sailors bless the Spirit with protection and good fortune."
When I said that and thanked him, the applause rolled up. As it is the word in the greeting, Tierra and the others are also showing up with Geogranta, so it seems that the ship actually receives protection as the high-altitude spirits snort and wrap the light thinly around it... well, it's a good thing, so there's no problem.
"Once we didn't even know each other existed by the magic build-up that spread east and west apart... but by the achievements of the airship and Lord Theodore we met and deepened our bonds. I also hope that this development of the route will form the basis for future peace."
Greetings of King Melvin. Then the captain and Dolores followed me and greeted me, and each time a round of applause arose from the linemen. Dolores' greeting was also interesting inside because he was a shipbuilding engineer traveling from Glowfonica. Technology used on ships. New magic props. Explain such things carefully to the kings of the nations about the excellence of the path-breaking ships.
"- Thus, various advanced technologies are used at all costs on ships, which conveys the sentiments of Lord Boundary, who wishes the sailors well. So, Lord Theodore. I'd like the name of the cruise ship, please."
And Dolores gives me another round of applause.
Since I named the ship, I've been going to the water... and I've been working on the plan since the beginning, and I've been told that you want me to name it. We already have a name, and we have cloth on both sides of the pioneering ship to hide the name of the ship.
"The Helianthus, I named it."
Heliansus. A word that means sunflower, or that even as a fellow sunflower there is a species with that name? East - a ship bound for the rising direction of the sun, which means a ship bearing the name of a sunflower.
When the cloth covering the ship is excluded and the name of the ship is exposed, another big round of applause occurs.
"The Helianthus? That's a good name."
Describing it with the origin of the name where the applause subsided, King Melvin and the sailors broke up and nodded. We're finally watering down where we got our name.
If you cut the rope connecting the pioneering ship to the liquor bottle - the golem tips the pedestal to signal it and the pioneering ship lands in the sea. At the same time, light magic and fire magic fireworks were fired up in tandem.
The band plays lively music and everyone's cheer sounds under a well sunny blue sky.
That's a good waterprogression. According to Tierra, tomorrow's sailing will be a good day to drop off.