
A huge explosion sounded, and the man in tight combat uniforms was communicating information with his teammates remotely through the device. Seeing the flames from the dilapidated factory not far away, his face immediately showed a smile.

"Report to the headquarters! The B-class evil drunkner has been successfully eliminated." Even though he was happy in his heart, he did not forget to inform the headquarters of their mission progress, and the communicator on his wrist automatically dialed the headquarters number.

After the report, the teammates also returned.

"Brothers did a good job! Hurry up, hurry up, let's go back, today the captain will give us rewards haha, I heard that if you don't need money, it can be replaced by a chance to go to the ghost domain!" The man looked back safely. His teammates laughed loudly, and at the end they blinked at a baby-faced player.

In order to wipe out this drunk who occupied an abandoned factory in the suburbs of S City, they took a lot of effort, because its abilities are rather strange, making it impossible to start.

Fortunately, in the end, there was no danger, and it was successfully eliminated.

It’s the evil spirit who died by himself. It’s not easy to occupy the factory here. You must know that this is the place where the headquarters of the ghost king’s lover’s company is established. The contract's companion monster is also terribly high, and dealing with such a B-level ghost is simply a breeze.

"Really? Really? Can you really go to the ghost domain? Goodbye! Then make a lot of money!" The baby-faced team member received the man's eyes and was immediately full of excitement. "My mother has long been wondering when to save money for I have formally contracted a companion monster. If this is really possible, it might save a lot of money!"

Although they are now official staff, most of the companion monsters they use are independent. They choose the contractors themselves and change them if they are not satisfied.

But there is no way. Since the ghost king disappeared, the output of the companion monster has begun to decrease, and the fertility rate of the companion monster itself is horribly low, and the government has to introduce many policies to maximize the increase of the companion monster. Usage rate.

After all, there are more monks and less porridge, and the status of companion monsters is rising.

They were born in the ghost domain of the ghost king. They are not inherently hostile to humans. They will not be as hostile to humans as the ghosts in the quarantine area. They want to bite your head when they meet, but they are not unconditional. To obey humans, they will only choose suitable contractors to make a contract. Most of them will go through several tasks from one end. If they feel good, they will sign a contract and become the most loyal partner of mankind.

But there are always cases where they like to constantly change contractors, and will refuse to give out tasks whenever they get tired. At this time, the government will respect its willingness to terminate the contract and change contractors, but if any contractor wants to abandon already The companion who signed the contract?I'm sorry, what is waiting for you is a court summons.

There is no other reason for such partiality. The companion monsters are not only highly capable but also extremely loyal. They are the best partners of mankind. They can contract with supernatural powers or with ordinary people who see the right eye. Ordinary people who are able can also get the opportunity to change their lives, and such opportunities are only available in Country Z, so it is natural to treat them well!

The baby-faced team members unfortunately encountered a particularly carefree companion monster. Although they were willing to work with him, they refused to sign a contract with him. What made the baby-faced worries was that his hair fell out.

As a formal public official, he can apply to change his combat partner without signing a contract, but he has to pay a termination fee and then a handling fee to enter the ghost domain and select the appropriate companion monster again. If he can get a free entry opportunity, he can indeed save a lot of money.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie——!!!" A beast-shaped companion with two wings on the back and greasy hair all over jumped out of the temporary contract spell engraved on the baby's face and exploded its hair at the baby's face.

Babyface immediately scratched his cheeks with embarrassment, and said with a dry smile: "Ha...haha, you haven't slept yet, uh, there is no way, if you don't make a contract with me, I will have to contract a companion stranger, otherwise next time I should get QAQ for departmental assessment."

The beast-type companion was angry, and stretched out the claws with the sharp claws to hammer the fascinated contractor.

Don’t know if there is an inspection period?I was thinking about finding a mistress before the inspection period was over!Pooh!Scumbag!

There is a temporary contract between the baby face and the beast-shaped companion monster, so he can naturally understand some of its words. While holding the small fist of the companion monster, he cried without tears: "Wow! There is no reason! Whose companion is the stranger? The inspection period is three years! So long! Is it time to get married when you fall in love?"

Upon hearing these sophistry, the beast-type companion was furious again.

You single dog!Where's the girlfriend?Get married in three years!Give me a look!

The baby face was struck by lightning in an instant, and she lay down flat and beaten.

Actually, I was laughed at by my own companion!

He was so hurt in his heart that he didn't dare to argue anymore, although he wanted to say that you are not a single monster, and you have never been spotted on blind dates with other companion monsters for so many years.

The other teammates looked good at the show, and had no intention of stepping forward to persuade them, which shows that they are completely used to such a scene.

Although the companion monsters of the Babyface family have always disagreed with the contract, each time they go out on a mission, the fit is the highest among them. It can be seen that it is just the companion monster Tsundere. Softly booze.

After this, the baby face and the companion monster finally form a contract. Although the companion monster is still burying his face, the baby face still shows a silly and satisfied appearance.

The baby face walked out of the contract notary office with the newly engraved official charm, looked up at the beautiful blue sky above his head in a good mood, and couldn't help but sigh that this is really the best time!

His country has become the strongest country, and the negative impact of the first supernatural explosion is slowly diminishing. Mankind is on a new evolutionary path and is becoming stronger and stronger!

But all this is due to the ghost king Fengxing and his lover Zhou Yu, who gave this world hope and another possibility!

Thinking of the ghost king and his human lover, Babyface couldn't help turning his head to look at his awkward companion.

Uh, can such different species really fall in love?

The animal companion turned his face and looked at his contractor, showing disgust.

Ugly contractor, what is this handsome guy doing?

The baby's face turned dark, and he quickly put the thoughts behind him with a bit of cold. Although someone did marry the companion, he would never marry this guy!This nasty guy!Absolutely not!

Lord God World

In the Genting Building is housed the most important mastermind of the entire interstellar-the Lord God, which handles all kinds of affairs of the entire interstellar every day, and is also responsible for the continuous expansion of the interstellar, and controls the small worlds that can be detected.

In the past, these activities were very smooth, but today there are some differences. This difference even makes the Lord God into trouble.

It wanted to restart a B-level supernatural world again according to the loaded instructions, but found that the instructions could not be executed and the program was running incorrectly.

It did not have the perplexing emotions that humans should have, and reacted very quickly to start a self-test, trying to find the root of the problem.

drop!Program error!Restart failed!

drop!Program error!Restart failed!

[Start self-test...]

[The self-inspection is over, the world wall of the B-level supernatural world has been reinforced, and the world level has been improved!

[Attempting to load this world again...Loading failed!

[B-level supernatural world "Strange She" has been removed from the detection network!Capture failed!

This world that should have been completely colonized in these few days was out of the control of the Lord God.

The Lord God had never encountered such a situation, and immediately uploaded the situation to the personal light brain of the highest authority holder to wait for the next step.

The supreme controller of the interstellar government-a blond middle-aged man, looked at the message from the main god, and immediately began to order it to transmit other information about the world.

The main god transmitted the message.

The information shows that in the original plot, the world has been destroyed in a series of supernatural tides, and humans have almost disappeared.Later, the Spiritual Tide also had no soil to attach to, and in the end all ghosts and demons also disappeared, and the world was barren, and because of this, it could be easily restarted by the main god again and again.

And now for some reason, this small world has actually completed an evolution on its own. Humans have overcome the spiritual tide, and successfully raised the world level to A level, and smoothly escaped the capture of the main god world while the world wall was reinforced.

The middle-aged man frowned and looked at the information, and finally ordered the Lord God to self-check again and strengthen his control over other small worlds to prevent similar situations from happening again.

Recently, it was the time of the change of term. This news must not be disclosed. If his competitors are used as a handle to expose, his approval rate is bound to decline. He will never allow this to happen!

[The instruction has been received, the self-check starts]

The main god who received the instruction has restored the high efficiency of the past, everything is the same as before, and its data link captures countless small worlds.

And these small worlds are providing energy for the entire interstellar world at all times. Until their energy is exhausted and the world is destroyed, the main god will release the data link to capture the next prey, and the cycle repeats endlessly.

It recently captured a mysterious side space group with unusually abundant energy. There are low-level C-level worlds and S-level high magic worlds, but many of them have not been completely colonized. This mysterious side space group allows interstellar government It is coveted, so it has laid a lot of data links in these worlds, captured the coordinates of these worlds, and then sent the reincarnations in to achieve the ultimate goal of colonization through the reincarnations.

Confirmed that the program is working properly, it looks to the next small world that will become a colonial world-"The Fury of Cthulhu"

A low demons world with gods.

Energetic and weak in the world.

In order to ensure that no similar situation occurs again, the Lord God stretched out more data links to capture the information of the world, and also provided detailed plot information for the reincarnations who are about to do missions, and increased the reward points.

As for the reincarnation who returned from the B-level supernatural world out of control, well, it had deducted part of the reward ruthlessly.