[The government building towering into the clouds stands in the most prosperous central area of ​​City H, and is heavily guarded.

This is the most intense stage of vote-reading in the mayoral campaign.

But in fact, everyone knows that Chris, a white young man from a famous background, will be the final winner!

Everyone said that he would be the best mayor of all time, and even qualified to run for president!

A man with short blond hair and an elegant manner was sitting in the high-rise office of the building, looking at the positioning information from Guangmin, bending his gray eyes.

A smile appeared on this normally gentle face.

"Everything will change, and we will be the final winners!"

In the underground parking lot of the building, a few rebel soldiers in disguise have also quietly entered.

"This kind of virus has no individual consciousness. It can basically be said to act only in accordance with the overall consciousness of the ethnic group. They live for only one purpose, which is to keep infecting other people, and even if they die, they can change parasites again, um, so dispersed. Virus individuals are really tricky, but fortunately, the doctor discovered the weakness of this virus-that is, at special times, such as when it concerns the development of the entire virus population, they will give birth to the virus consciousness subject representing their entire consciousness. According to the doctor's test, that subject is here!"

The young man Daniel showed the light brain picture in his hand to everyone.

The rebellious army commander Norton nodded silently, while the brown-haired beauty Ai Li beside her looked viciously at the red dot on the light brain, which symbolized the subject, and said, "Are you sure you can eliminate it by doing what you say?"

"Of course, just do what I said!" Daniel raised the serum in his hand and blinked his big brown eyes.

"In addition, you can call it-Doomsday Virus."]

-From "Fatal Infection"

Zhou Yu heard that the person outside was checking the toilet compartments one by one. He had already checked the first two, and the compartment he was in now was the fourth.

Sweat slipped from his forehead, Zhou Yu stared at the door panel of the compartment in front of him without blinking, and the gun in his hand was pointed at the outside.


The footsteps are getting closer.

Zhou Yu could see a pair of high-end leather shoes stained with blood through the gap under the door panel, which happened to stop right in front of this compartment.


At the moment the door was opened, Zhou Yu slammed his gun on the person outside and pointed the muzzle at his temple.

"Don't move, don't make a sound!" The man was pressed tightly against the smooth tiled wall by Zhou Yu, his dim gray eyes trembled, and the human staring at the Asian face in front of him did not know what he was thinking.

Zhou Yu looked at the familiar gray eyes of the person under him, and felt that he was about to collapse.

What's wrong with him now?

Everyone looks like his lover, and after being in physical contact with this person now, I feel that this is my lover!

But his lover Billus is still waiting for him in his apartment!

The more I thought about it, the more I felt like a scumbag, Zhou Yu looked at the hand covering the man’s face, moved his fingers uncomfortably, and said, “As long as you don’t make a sound, I’ll let go! If you still want to survive If you do, it’s best not to act rashly!"

Zhou Yu shook the gun in his hand and signaled him to be careful of this gun that would kill him at any time.

"If you agree, you blink twice, otherwise I will collapse you now!" In fact, he can't do anything at all now, always feeling that he is a violent lover at home.

I can't live this day!Zhou Yu wanted to cry without tears.

What he is facing now is a group of gangsters who don't know where they are coming from!To be kind to the enemy because of the love in the heart, it is dying!

The unfamiliar researcher under him blinked twice, with deep love hidden in his gray eyes.

Only he himself knew that, in fact, he could pierce his sharpened palm into the human abdomen at any time, resulting in his life or infecting him.

But it was strange that whenever he wanted to do that, he felt a sense of reluctance, which made him unable to do anything.

He even felt that it would be okay to be killed by this human being, as long as this human being can be happy, he can do anything.

Zhou Yu slowly let go of his hand, only the muzzle was still steadily facing his temple.

The strange researcher showed a stiff smile and whispered: "Hello, my name is Jack, how about you?" He wants to know the name of this human being, and he wants to be with him forever.

Zhou Yu's hand holding the gun trembled for a moment, but then he knocked the man's forehead forcefully, showing a fierce expression on his face.

"Come ahead of me! Don't talk!"

Pulling the gangster with unknown intentions in front of him, Zhou Yu showed a struggling expression.

The marks on his wrists are still hot, and the love in his heart can’t go away. He can only try his best to control himself not to hug the gangster, but he can’t guarantee whether his self-control will be complete after spending a long time with him collapse.

What is going on in this world!

Zhou Yu cursed the chaotic world fiercely in his heart.

He doesn't want to become a scumbag, but now it seems that everyone is full of love.

"Dear mercenary captain—"

"Just call me Norton!" The rebellious army commander Norton looked at the mercenary who walked in front of him with his usual expression.

"Okay, Captain Norton, hello, you can call me Cheng Fei. Presumably you also know the purpose of this mission-destroy this base, right!" The bearded uncle Cheng Fei walked to this place with a righteous expression. In front of the indigenous resistance army, he continued: "But don't you know the real reason for destroying this base?"

Norton's eyes flashed before he looked at the mercenary squarely and said, "You know?"

"Of course, this is also one of the tasks the employer has given us to explain the situation in detail for you, ah, the door has been opened, but I advise you not to go in yet."

The rebels stopped and looked at the mercenary who was badly dressed.

"Because, this base is already full of people infected with the Doomsday Virus!"

"Doomsday virus?"

Everyone in the resistance army was puzzled, while the reincarnations on the other side remained quiet, wanting to see what the consequences of this early bird would be.

According to the survival rules of these small characters at the bottom of the reincarnation space, in fact, they should stay away from the plot for the first time, maintain the stability of the plot, and then stay on and live smoothly to the end of the plot.

But now, if the Lord God forces them to participate in the plot, it will definitely change the plot, but no one knows whether blind changes are good or bad.

So they kept silent, letting the unshaven man find the way first.

In fact, this is also their sorrow. They dare not try, which means that there will never be a chance for improvement.

After a while, the rebels showed a kind expression to the bearded man, and seeing the smile of the man who was sluggish for a while, these samsara who huddled in their shells and did not dare to probe also understood that this The harvest for men is definitely not small.

"Let's go! Watch out for those infected! Don't be touched by them!"

Ai Li put on a mask and ordered all her comrades beside her one by one, and then drove the group of mercenaries into this underground experimental base.

"First, let's find someone familiar with the terrain and take us to the self-destructing device of the base!" Captain Norton spoke calmly, and the combat boots under his feet stepped on the smooth ground with a crisp click.

"Okay, Captain! I have invaded the outer defense system!" Ai Li showed her pride and looked at her sweetheart Norton.

caveat!Turn on the first level of alert!Strangers broke into the laboratory!

The red light instantly enveloped the entire base, and Alice stiffly retracted her smiling face and continued to operate on the light brain.

"Sorry, my fault! Please wait a moment!"

The screen on Guang Brain kept flashing, rows of data slid across the screen like a waterfall, and the light blue halo reflected Alice's somewhat distorted face.

Damn, she never expected that the defense system of this base would be so stubborn, causing her to lose such a big face in front of the captain!

Alert lifted!

But before Ellie could find the cause of the alarm, the harsh alarm sound disappeared.

Looking at the thankful eyes of her teammates, Ai also swallowed the doubts in her throat.

Forget it, this base is going to be destroyed anyway, so much exploration is useless!

In this way, the group finally entered the interior of this underground experimental base.

The interior of the base was empty, and the various laboratories were also in a mess. The few bloodstains inadvertently rendered a terrifying atmosphere here, and everyone couldn't help raising their vigilance.

"Captain, there are two people in front! Do you want to kill?" The black rebels coldly raised their guns and aimed at the two figures that were getting closer.

Norton was wearing smart glasses with automatic aiming, and he could naturally see the two people. He made a pause gesture.

"Wait first."

Those were two figures at the corner, walking one after the other. The person behind was obscured and couldn't see clearly, and could only barely see the white researcher uniform of the person in front.

Here, Zhou Yu held the gun all the way to the exit of the base, his hands were a little stiff, but this was nothing, and what bothered him more was that the man in front kept covering his mouth.

"Can you call me Jack? I want to hear you call my name!"

"Shut up! Be quiet!"

"...Can't you really tell me your name? I really want to know your name."

"be quiet."

"Well, can I walk facing you? I want to see your face, your face is so cute, I want to keep looking at it!"

"...Do you want to die?" He always has a feeling of flirting with his lover... No, what is going on with this feeling of betraying his lover!

Zhou Yu collapsed and strangled the neck of the person in front of him, lowered his voice, and said viciously: "You better stop talking!" Damn it!He especially wants to kiss this person now...No, no, he can't be sorry for Birus!

"Ah... can you get closer? You smell so good, I think I am in love with you!" The strange researcher almost intoxicated enjoying the approach of the human behind him, his breathing was a little unstable.

"Can you love me? Because I love you so much!"

"...Shut up first!" Zhou Yu let go and continued to hold the gun feebly.

"Will you love me if I shut up?" The strange researcher's gray eyes lit up, and he turned to look at his pleasant human, and the love in his heart almost overflowed.

bad!Looking at his face made him want to kiss him even more now.

Zhou Yu looked at the researcher's gray eyes and could hardly control his hands. He wanted to touch this strange but familiar face very much.

This is his lover...no no no!He is not!Birus is!

Zhou Yu turned the man's head over, and said in a vicious voice: "Don't turn your head! Don't talk! Otherwise, I'll kill you!"

"...Then if I die, will you love me?" The strange researcher obediently faced forward, but his mouth kept talking.

"of course not!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Yu saw blood splashing out of the head of the researcher who had been entangled in his heart for a long time.

Zhou Yu's pupils dilated, and he felt that time and his heartbeat were stagnating at this moment, only the tall figure in front of him was still hiding in front of him.

Do not--!!!

The man in the white researcher uniform fell down, revealing the face of the man behind.

After seeing the person's appearance, Alice's pupils shrank, and immediately raised the heavy ray gun in her hand.

She can't let the captain find this person!This is the stain of her life!

"Wait, Ellie, he is not infected, we still need him for the time being!" Norton raised his hand and turned off the energy storage button on Ellie's ray gun.

"But-what if he gets infected? Captain! We can't take this risk!" Ai Li's original beautiful face was distorted because of her eagerness to kill, and she never saw her usual beauty.