
4. New Connection.

“By the way, what are you wearing and holding? ”

“What? What if the Talent doesn't know the Talent Equipment...? By the way, don't you have any equipment? Weren't you the striker? ”

The dog was easy to speak to an old woojin.

“Yes. That's right...? ”

When the dog saw him, he immediately looked at the king's room and said,

“Excuse me. Isn't this a bit much, though? It's hard without a strike system.You hunt without equipment?? ”

“Yes…… I think it's a bit strange. ”

I went out with the robber to Kim Soo-hyun. And the king's council who had heard it was also embarrassed.

“You, you don't have any equipment? ”

“Equipment? What are you doing with it? ”

“Wow... This is driving me crazy. ”

The king's chambers have nothing more to say. As soon as I saw that I didn't have the equipment, I felt like I was hit in the back.

“So you've been hunting without equipment? ”


“So catching Wolf Creek for four minutes was a no-go? ”

“So? What's wrong? ”

As the first eugenic person to hear this sound began to slowly realize that something was wrong with him.

“Hey! Are you kidding me? What kind of hunter hunts with no equipment? If you're a striker, don't you think you should have a weapon that boosts your skill level? Don't you think one of you is avoiding the other? Don't you think people are sweating and spending money on equipment investments? ”

“I'm sorry. I had no idea. ”

The Grand Chamberlain has never shot himself like this. Seeing that, I felt sorry for him.

“Yes, but we can catch it in four minutes, even without the equipment. ”

“Hey! Son of a bitch... Are you asking me to believe that? ”

“I'm serious, bro. Trust me."

“Wow... This is one hell of a punch today. I don't know. Take responsibility for what you just said. You did more to these people than I did to you. ”

I hurriedly bowed my head to them and apologized.

“Sorry, sorry……. ”

Kim Soo-hyun looked at Woojin like that and said.

“I don't know about equipment, but have you ever hunted before? Plus, what do you mean, you'll catch it in four minutes? ”

Immediately, he looked at Kim Soo-hyun and replied.

“Oh, you know what? He's never hunted with anyone before. But he said he could kill Wolfrick in four minutes. ”


“Are you kidding?”

Seeing the two surprised people, he also seemed to have no choice.

“Let's go hunting first. If it doesn't work, we just give up. You don't have any other options either, do you? ”

“Phew... ”

“I see. Let's just get on with it first..." ”

He nodded to them again and did not forget to say thank you.

‘Wow... I don't know what equipment is, but I can drive people away like this without it. His equipment, by the way...... It's never good to see the name of an item, but it's quick to be looked down on someone who doesn't have equipment by himself... ’

It was never a bad dog. The notion that it was better than no trivial equipment was clearly established.

Moreover, if his name or other options are visible in relation to the equipment, he will be able to see more detail about the equipment capability than anyone else.

‘You should also learn more about equipment. ’

I've seen a lot of equipment while watching TV. But I thought it was all just for the looks of it.

It's like being ashamed of Captain America in a movie wearing nothing but cowardice, so you want to shield yourself? It's because I just thought it was.

‘By the way, the fact that the equipment has those options adds and subtracts…… we need to check. ’

By the time the idea was cleared, the Robber Dog did not erase the suspicious look in his eyes.

“Then we're going in. ”


Description: A giant wolf-like monster that is quite ferocious and has powerful teeth and claws. The thick leather also makes it more defensive.

Level: 26

HP: 3550

Wolfrick had about 50 different lives than he had when he first encountered him. Monsters that look alike do not have the same level of health. Just as humans were all different and had the wrong characteristics, so were monsters.

The robber hurries towards Wolfgang.


Wolfrick, conscious of the Robbery Dog, rushes straight towards him, and the two of them rush towards each other and attack without a thing.


But the first successful attack was the mugger.

The broad side of the shield you were holding was a blow to Wolf Creek's face by pushing his attacking front foot.

Wolf Creek's head is sharply bent to the side by the shield. It seems that the power of the shield was unusual.

‘What is it? Is it only five?' ’

However, unlike Wolf Creek, his vitality dropped by only 3,549.

Is the defensive system too weak to attack? Maybe we should keep him in there all day? ’

Kim Soo-hyun opened his mouth to Woojin, who was watching the robber for a moment.

“What are you doing? You're not going to attack? ”

“Yes? Ah! Yes, I will. ”

“Hurry up!"

Kim Soo-hyun was restoring the strength of the Elongated Robber Dog. In the auxiliary system, you cannot know the health of your opponent. But it was their job to keep it alive from the start, just in case, and one of the most mentally exhausting.

Upon hearing her words, Ujin begins to approach Wolfkrick to strike.

“What, what are you doing? ”

When he saw him, he was greatly surprised and opened his mouth.


Wolf Creek was also reacting when he saw Eugene.

“I'm sorry. Technical distance is short. I'm only going to cast it once, and then I'm out. ”

“Damn it!! ”


As he was saying that, Wolf Creek tried to hit him on the head, and the mugger bashed his hammer in to get Wolf Creek's attention.

“Hurry and get lost!! ”

A Robbery Dog is not a very talented person. But he wasn't the only one who hadn't hunted once.

I have hunted many times as old as I am, but I have never seen such nonsense. Of course, there are many close-ups among the striking systems.

But they always say they're wearing defense gear from the start, or they're a melee striker before they start. It was the only way the defenses could handle the situation just in case.

Moreover, the attacking system itself is a large number of remote branches. In the natural world, a distance of more than 50 meters is considered very long enough for those attacking. Moreover, striking systems, such as the ability to give equipment the ability to shoot arrows, are also quite distant.

The defensive system needed to make sure that the monsters didn't attack the other party. However, if we get close to the defence system like we do now, it is also a sensitive part because if we don't see it and the monsters attack the group, it can lead to annihilation.

When Ujin heard a slightly offensive comment, he cast a skill.

“Lightning Ball!! ”

A Ujin that quickly casts a skill while keeping a certain distance from monsters.

Phage, phage!

“Ugh! What's this?! ”

A first-time robber encountered by the natural striking system. So, Ujin's ability was astonishing and surprising.

‘Dammit, they say something nasty. In this condition, using lightning balls is absolutely tasty...... Then I have no choice but to use the Fly Bind. ’

Woojin stepped back and began to cast the Lightning Shorts and Storm in succession. The power of the lightning ball was definitely strong.

After using all the other skills in a row with no reason to run away, it was also blinking.

A robbing dog looks at Eugene approaching him, then yells in surprise again.

“What are you doing here again!! ”

“Don't worry!! It's never gonna be dangerous! Fly bind!! ”

Fly Bind is cast from Ujin's hand, and Wolf Creek, electrically bound, rises into the air as it is.

“Hey, what's this? ”

“This is my technology. Never mind. And after a while, he's going to fall off again. Catch my attention only at the right time! ”

A dazzling skill, the Robber Dog stares at Wolf Creek for a moment in surprise.

“Now!! ”

He unbinds the fly and casts the lightning ball in succession.

You attack Wolfrick falling from the air with your hammer and shield in succession, stopping Wolfrick from attacking Ujin.

When the lightning ball disappeared during the time calculation, it was the right edge that more overlaps the damage with the effect of the lighting boom.

The skill level also rises, which raises the Attack Power considerably. Nevertheless, Wolf Creek was not easily caught.

‘Damn. I guess four or five minutes was too long. I'm not hunting as I thought.I 'm busy here and there, too. What can I do? ’

The hunt that I had originally assumed for 4-5 minutes was only seven minutes before I was able to finish the hunt.

“Huff... Huff! ”

The Robber Dog is breathing heavily. Seeing that, I felt that the defensive system wasn't for everyone.

After the hunt, the others said nothing. It seemed like everyone was thinking a lot, and so was Ujin.

"There are 1,100 XPs!! Does that mean there's at least 1,200 cars per person based on my pure experience, except for the one he hit? It's a tremendous experience.Not unlike the ones you've hunted so far! You can level up in no time! ’

It was very surprising to see Wolverine's EXP. It was hard to imagine that there would be more than a thousand digits of EXP.

Unlike that, the robber dog and Kim Soo-hyun were looking at the slick Woojin. He seemed to have something to say, but it seemed as if he was keeping his mouth shut, and the most surprising face he was making was the Grand Chamber.

What, that guy? I, for one, caught him in such a short time. Who the hell is he? If you own that kind of DPS, don't you think you would be a senior? ’

By its aggression alone, it was considered to be worthy of its superiors. The evidence was that the hunt was completed much faster than the hunting figure of two ordinary strikers.

‘He... would be quite useful if he's good.' ’

It was a moment, but his desire for wealth shined in his eyes.

A robber dog took a short breath came to Woojin.

“But didn't you say it would take about four to five minutes per person? ”

His speech had changed to his own.