
10. Disappearance and Reunion

“Oh? This one. What boyfriend? You told me not to say anything, right? ”

“Heheh……. ”

The little girl smiled and looked at Gouriri and Ujin in succession.

“I'm sorry."

“No, I'm sorry. ”

“Yes……. ”

Woojin felt burdened. It's because not only were the students coming out of the school, but also the two friends who were with Gowoori were watching him.

Seeing that I wasn't used to being looked at by others, it was a burden.

‘Let's see…… stiff……. ’

Woojin had no illusions about the academy, but he felt that he only wanted revenge for his high status. I also wanted to show him his abilities that had changed. Maybe he wants to pay for what he's been through rather than show it to you.

I felt deep about revenge, but on the one hand, I was also glad that I knew about her.

‘I told you I was Gouriri...'... I'd be 17 years old if I said I was my cousin's brother... '... And he was so cute... ’

He smiled and walked away.

And her sister orphan turned around and said, looking at Eugene.

“Sister, I just spoke to the brother. ”

“Yes? What about him? ”

“No! He just seems like a nice guy. ”

“What are you talking about? Did you see something? Right?"

“Heehee! ”

The orphan smiles nervously.

“What was it? Tell your sister. ”

“Mmm-hmm! No. Just in case. ”


He is currently the youngest qualified student in Korea at the age of 11.

She has attended a Talent Institute for the Age of 9 and has been here for three years. When you hit high school, it means high school 3.

My sister Gore is 17 years old and she is a freshman here. An ironic situation where my brother is more senior than my sister.

But this is a sea that everyone recognizes.

An orphan prophet has an appraisal of 95% accuracy. Thus, there are special administrative measures around it, and of course, the government is taking care of Gora.

Such an orphan looked into the future of Ujin and was smiling.

“I'm going to ask my mom to do something delicious today. Right?"

“Yes! I missed you, too! I miss you, too. ”

Goa is a prophet, so she prophesies big and small things about what happens in Korea.

Mostly what we do is to prevent monsters from appearing in the city, or prophesying and preventing people's lives.

In addition to Talent Schools throughout the country, there are also people who are able to prophesy in government agencies. Their overall predictions of dangerous things in the country led to a life unlike that of ordinary people.

Also, there is not a lot of relaxation like others. The unique characteristics of the prophet were a few, and these few were all deployed to detect the dangers of the country.

Usually hazards are predicted by monster raids, the appearance of monsters, and big accidents in the city.

There are not many resting places for us at a young age. I haven't been home in three days.

The prophets…… no one in the world knew that they were born with a very bad fate.

When I returned home, there was a royal throne room.

“Huh? Brother. What are you doing here? ”

As the most important person, I know about Woojin's house.

“Hey, why can't you talk to me? Why 'd you turn your phone off? ”

“I just wanted to have some of my time. So what's going on? ”

The king took a long sigh and said.

“Hey, there's a commotion today. ”

“Yes? What happened? ”

“The wounded have fallen from the hunt without you. ”

Woojin was startled. It's because I didn't even know I was going to get hurt because I wasn't confident.

Without him, the assault squad's hunt has progressed. Myeong-woo had already quit because of the quarrel with Lee Jin-hyuk.

Eighty-eight people have gone missing and started hunting monsters. And the blank space that was left behind began to emerge from the beginning.

They wandered around looking for monsters and were suddenly attacked by monsters, each time a dangerous situation continued to appear.

Moreover, the dangers were unspeakable with monsters of Class D swarming from all over.

Lee Jin-hyuk, the leader, said that he wanted to stop hunting because of the vacancy of Woojin, but in some cases he said that he wanted to do a lot. Eventually, the hunt continued due to the majority, and Class C monsters appeared.

In the beginning, illegal hunting was only a class C monster because the attackers were not organized, but it was worth a challenge when they were ready.

They decided that Woojin was simply a strong DPS power and began to unite their will. As the monster hunt progressed, he hunted the monsters in the same way as before.

However, the blank space was slowly revealed.

The defense system has lost a lot of rest time. This is because I had to prepare for an attack by a monster while I was alternating.

But this was good. The defensive systems alternately restored their stamina. But the assault squad could not have predicted the next situation.

Class C monsters were not easily defeated. 38 of them were hunting with all their might, but after an hour, the monsters did not collapse, and the strength of most of their abilities was falling. And that's when the Class D monsters started breaking in. It was only three break-ins, but the three exhausted talents were equally heavy.

The strikers should have dealt with the monsters indiscriminately, but in a situation where the hunt lasts for more than an hour, their strength is exhausted.

With the strikers unable to attack, the monsters continue to attack their defensive abilities, eventually reaching the support system.

Then came the wounded. He was in the defensive system, but he was injured because the auxiliary's heels didn't come in.

Lee Jin-hyuk judged the situation as difficult and urged everyone to prepare for retreat. However, Lee Jin-hyuk decided to become a sacrifice.

He leads the most dangerous class C monsters and starts dragging them in the opposite direction to the retreat path alone.

“Since then, I still haven't heard from Lee Jin-hyuk...., ”


Woojin had only just begun to realize the seriousness of the situation. The dead don't come out, but the wounded do. And the disappearance of Lee Jin-hyuk.

“Shouldn't we go look for him? ”

“W-where are you going? Do you know where he is? ”

“So we're just supposed to wait for the news? ”

“This is the life of the talented. I don't know if he's alive or dead, but we can't go in there looking for someone who might be alive or dead. But you can't ask the government for help in an illegal hunt. ”

The disappearance of a competent person usually involves the government's ability to mobilize and search. And based on their traces, they decide whether they exist or not.

But what if we were to announce this news to the government in an illegal hunt organized to the attackers now?

The king's life will end here.

“How long has it been? ”

“It's been six hours so far. ”

“Yes? So this happened almost as soon as the hunt started? ”

“That's right, man...... so we're all rolling our feet because we don't know what to do. ”

He didn't think it was his fault at all. It's because I had no idea that such an action would result in this situation.

“So are you going to do some rescue work? ”

“Of course I do. We need to make sure he's alive. It's too late to go now anyway. A nighttime search of nests in Class C is dangerous. ”

Woojin has done a lot of night hunting. Night hunting can be difficult because you can't see properly.

“First thing tomorrow morning, all the attackers decided to take the bus out early. I'd appreciate it if you'd help me. ”

“Of course you should... …. Okay, then I'll go to the rendezvous point tomorrow. ”

“Yes... I'll see you tomorrow then. ”

The Grand Chamberlain looks away with a bad look. If Lee Jin-hyuk is known to have died, he will also have a dangerous moment.

And I had to reduce the more dangerous situations to confirm my life, so I had to find it unavoidably.

The most powerful man he knows at the moment is only one true man.

This was not Woojin's fault. But Woojin fell into guilt and waited for the sun to rise in no time.

At 6: 00 a.m., the sun came up.

You pull two hours ahead of usual, and all the attackers are in place.

“Here you are……. ”

A man came and said to Woojin,

“Yes……. ”

Woojin was lengthening his words. I don't know what to say.

“I need you to lend me your strength. Forget about the bad before... Actually, it will be harder than monster hunting to confirm this life... Please. ”

“I understand.”

Everyone looked at him, and they didn't say anything to him.

I knew that none of them could blame him or blame him. Right now, only the life of Lee Jin-hyuk is important to them.

The bus quickly heads for the monster's nest. And from the entrance, the talents begin to move in lines.

A defensive figure sits at the front and right behind you.

Wooden that starts using the energy field to determine the location of the monster.

The path they are headed to is where Lee Jin-hyuk caught a class C monster and is searching for the route where he ran away.

“Monsters are close to the front. Are you going to catch it?”

“No. We don't have a lot of time to catch monsters right now. I think we should just turn around. ”

The distance to the monster was about 50 meters away. However, there are no monsters in sight due to the dense forest.

The leader moves in the direction that Woojin is pointing, and they arrive at the place where they encountered Class C monsters.

There are violent tracks everywhere. And the blood of the wounded was also found in the grass.

“Lee Jin-hyuk went to the other side to make us run away. That's a place I've never been... ”

The leading defense system is looking right at us and saying, He uses the energy field every time he gets a chance to give him directions.

“They must have gone this way. A Class C monster seems to have broken a lot of branches as it passes by quickly. ”

Like he said, there were numerous broken branches in the middle of the forest.

“Energy Field! ”


“Monsters in front of you are widely herpes. It's a constant distance, so if you don't go through one, you have to go around completely. ”

“Hmm... Then we'll have no choice but to fight." Let's go. ”

An attack party that has decided to cross the middle part of the proceeding road. Fortunately, the monsters were herded in Class D, and the attackers were quickly able to suppress the three monsters.

And some distance ahead, the defensive system looks embarrassed.

“There's no trace... I missed it... ”

“Yes? So what do I do? ”

“Hmm...... Go back and look for the trail again, or he or he will have to herpe extensively from here and search again." I'm gonna need your strength. ”

Artwork Reviews

Some of you have asked me why I do events.

To be honest with you, I think it's fun to write, because there are readers watching my work, not to put a damper on the dissension.

To be honest, I want to thank each and every one of you for being so grateful, but I feel even more sorry for not being able to.

In fact, this ticket event was supposed to happen in the old Luxury Buff days, but the shoe event was... because no one left a note... and the shoe was stuck.

I didn't want it to be a verbal event, so I replaced it with this.

I don't think this event is possible because of your readers.

As much as you look at the article, I have a benefit, and I think it's normal to give it to your readers a little bit.

Of course, it would be best if I wrote something better... but I'm still poor at writing... I have no choice but to repay you this much.

That's why we do these events.

And even if you continue to write another novel, the event will continue.

As much as I feel good, I think readers should feel good about things.

So you don't think about the event, and you should just do it.