
13. Appearance of Class B monsters.

So they began to get to know each other a little bit. And there was one person who watched those two from afar.

There is white smoke on the rooftop of the school building. A person who smokes cigarettes.

“Phew... Who is that guy? ”

“Ah... so I'll find out. ”

“It makes no sense that someone is still talking to Ara alone without a concept. ”

He dropped his smoking cigarette and went down to the rooftop building.

Then a figure stands on a water tank on a rooftop building with his waist up.

“Phew... My nephew will get us into trouble again. ”

Huang Taigon.

He climbed up to the roof and sat on the water tank to get some warm sunlight. But now I've heard the story of a person who wants to know the identity of Woojin.

“You're the one driving the wind. ”

It was Hwang Tae-gon who was lying on his back with a smile on his face.

“I have to go see my brother. I'll go first. ”

“Younger brother? Oh, right. Your brother seems very young. ”

“Yes, that's right. I'm 11 now.”

“Phew... That's amazing. You were here when you were 11? ”


“I'm already in third grade. You're a bigger fish than I am. ”

“It's great to be 11, but third grade? Sand will graduate tomorrow. ”

“Hehe...... He's a bit of a hotshot. ”

Her expression brightens as she talks about Gora.

Normally, brothers and sisters, or brothers and sisters, if someone was exceptionally good, they had to be compared. But Gore didn't care about that at all, and rather cared about his brother.

“Okay, go. ”

“Hm... Can I see you again? ”

“Again? Well... I can always see it, right? ”

“I see…… Then I'll always wait here. ”

She finally got up and ran somewhere.

“Huh? Uh...? ”

Eugene was a little confused by what she said. I had no idea we were going to have a conversation and make the next appointment right away.

“Wow, the kids are fast these days.... ”

She was only a year old, but we were just surprised to get her appointment first.

Why did I say that? ’

In a rapid march through the barrel, Gowe's face is turning red. It was the first time I had made a promise to meet a man first.

I've talked to a lot of men, but none of them are particularly attracted to me. But Woojin was different.

I don't know if the situation we met in the first place was unusual, but it was not only a comfortable conversation, but also a curiosity about him.

Gore wanted to get as close to him as possible. And that was the result of making a promise in the first place.

Gore is now in front of the Prophecy Room to see her brother. The prophecy room is completely white and has an outer wall, so you can never look inside from the outside.

This place is for the prophets only, and no one but the officials can enter.

In time, Gora left the Prophecy Room.

“Hard, isn't it?"

“Whatever. I have to lie still and close my eyes. ”

The prophets all prophesy the same way. The easiest posture and method to take is because the nature itself is looking forward to the future.

Most prophets prophesy the most when they close their eyes and when they sleep. But he was different from the usual prophets called orphans.

The prophets began to be known to the world for the first time since the world changed, and the prophets who existed before Armageddon prophesied the accidents that occurred in the world. However, the prophets who appeared after Armageddon mainly prophesied only the appearance of monsters or the big accidents that would be caused by monsters.

As the breadth of the prophecy had decreased, it was a prophecy with that much accuracy, so no one in any country had ever looked up to the prophets.

We know he's struggling. Furthermore, after coming to the Talent School, my brother seems to be losing his life as he grows more and more thin for 3 years.

Seeing him like that as a sister, I had to hurt my heart.

“By the way, what's the good news? ”

“Huh? Good work? ”

When we heard that, we tilted our heads and looked at our brother. Suddenly, the orphan's eyes started to gum quickly.

“She looks pretty good, expecting a class B monster…… Hongcheon………… to harm people……. ”

“Ah!! ”

At that moment, I learned that she had prophesied the appearance of monsters.

Once they prophesied, the prophets lost their strength and fell. Now Gora also fell with her eyes open.

Gourdy hugging his brother in a hurry. She hurriedly went to the teacher and told him the same thing.

A few minutes after Gora prophesied, the other prophets prophesied the same, but no one said the exact names like Gora.

* * *

Congress is currently in session.

The topic of the meeting was to lower the taxes of monsters caught by talented people.

“It is difficult to maintain your territory in its current state. Monsters like the Philippines could take all their territory. ”

“Yes. To do that, we need to reduce taxes so that talents can speed up monster hunting." ”

These were the congressmen who agreed to lower taxes. On the contrary, the members of the opposition were also substantial.

“Does that make sense? So, how do you plan to manage your country's finances? 40% tax per monster. Capable of catching any monster without lowering it. Even if they say," Die or die, "they end up catching monsters and living them. We have to pay our taxes! ”

“Yes, it's honestly hard to lower taxes on monsters. It's hard to play these days, but it might be even harder to lower taxes. And lowering taxes doesn't guarantee that more monsters will be captured by talented people, right? ”

There was another dissent about him.

“At the very least, lowering the tax would reduce the amount of illegal hunting, wouldn't you say? You'd pay 40% in taxes to hunt monsters? Or do you think we'll be hunting illegally without getting caught? Shouldn't you at least be thinking about where there's no tax clearance from illegal hunting? ”

“That's right. Illegal hunting is a crime, indeed. Shouldn't we reduce taxes to get out of the country to reduce crime? ”

Then other opinions began to come out.

“Rather than collecting ordinary people's taxes, we have to raise corporate taxes. The company currently benefits too much from monsters. So you're not the only ones who have money? ”

A situation that conflicts with the creation of fire that erupts from all over.

None of the decisions were made easily.

“You have to think about it. There is no mandatory mobilization of capabilities in my country at this time. It's not the military. ”

Currently, South Korea has no forced mobilization order except the Ministry of Defense. It was also possible for the government to make reasonable payments to competent people.

“When a crisis comes, shouldn't we at least let the talented use patriotism? I'm squeezing like this, and who's patriotic? ”

“I think we should also create a competent mobilization bill on this occasion. ”

An opposition to an opinion is a must. There was always no unity between them.

“What if the talented don't hunt monsters as a group like they used to? Did you know that even if powerful people don't hunt monsters for a day, it's a huge loss in the country? Wouldn't it be better to prevent that from happening in the future? ”

“Let's sell our worries. Will you protest until you starve to death? After all, the thirsty man is selling the well, so there will be an end to the protest. ”

The brawl of the congressmen was rarely narrowed down. Some of them frowned and held their foreheads in their hands.

And in the ongoing confrontation against each other, a warning sound began to sound.

Beeping, beeping!

This was an emergency alert broadcast.

Code red, code red. A Class B monster has appeared in Hongcheon, Gangwon Province.

As the announcement rang loudly, the members were also surprised.

Code Red refers to an event that could pose a risk to a country, and Code Black refers to an event that has a catastrophic level to it.

“What class B all of a sudden? ”

The members of the council were in the middle of a meeting.

Class B monsters were currently in South Korea and were at a loss in the country. And in the last 10 years, there has never been a Class B monster.

A Class B monster doesn't leave once it's nested. So he finds it when he first discovers it, or when he tries to nest it.

Monsters' nests are undetermined, so many of these things have happened in the private sector before and have suffered heavy damage.

And in 10 years, a Class B monster had emerged.

The Councillors have gone dark without you. The reason is obvious. When a Class B monster appeared, at least one area name had to be considered missing.

There are many sacrifices to deal with Class B monsters, so you cannot use forced mobilization in your country. Moreover, there were no capable of catching Class B monsters on their own.

If one of the country's regional names was lost, it was enough to buy citizens' roots, and it was clear that protests along with numerous complaints arose.

This is now military command. Many of the adults were sitting around listening to the briefing.

“Now that I've caught a Class B monster, I've briefed them like this. As you can see, a Class B monster has been spotted. The location is in the Red Ceiling, and is now expected to open the nest. ”

“Damn...... Is it the nest again? How is it that we can't solve it with capable people? ”

“There won't be an attack party to defeat Class B monsters this way. ”

“Dammit! That doesn't mean the troops can march in and get them!" ”

The adults couldn't help but feel frustrated.

Monsters can only be dealt with by those with abilities. The troops could march in and stop the monsters. However, the level of monsters that can be solved is only Class D, and it cannot be harmed by tank shells from Class C or higher.

How do we compare the destructive power of our abilities to a cannonball? But, instead of science, they were capable of harnessing the power of nature, and even the cover of a monster's energy was more easily pierced than a cannonball.

A missile could do some harm to a monster, but shooting it wasn't easy. So, firing a missile is only at its worst. Furthermore, considering the surrounding effects, scientific weapons were of no great use to the monsters, and the troops were only able to defend against the monsters.

Artwork Reviews

I understand that political stories are quite sensitive. I watch a lot of news as well... and I'm also somewhat sensitive to political or misconduct issues that I don't know about.

But I think I should be careful too, because there's a lot of intersection between your readers about this kind of writing.

I'm reading this article now, and if the stories of politics and corporate misconduct are mentioned a lot to readers, I'm going to refrain from talking about politics and so on as much as possible in the future.

I like it... I wrote a story about politics in Luxury Buff before... and my reader pointed out his political orientation to me...