
16. Start of dispute

Level < has been increased. >

All right!

This is the moment you reach level 79.

It's been 10 days since I had a strange accident on campus. In the meantime, five traffic accidents, seven falls on the second and third floors. In addition, it was only six times that a potter fell from the floor and hit his head on the desk.

Every time, Ujin had to concentrate on hunting this crocodile and monsters. You don't know when a new skill will be created. However, if you hunt and level up like this madly, you were expecting a new skill one day.

There's only one reason. It was because there was no way to catch Gangnam alone in this situation.

‘Just a little more……. ’

Woojin, who is not sure, but who is looking forward to it.

When he went to the academy, Skull Circle began to work in a shape that was no longer just a fight with Gangnam Doggo.

As the Skull Circle's gatherings began to converge, they began to plague Wujing.

Using their abilities, they gradually started harassing him, of which he was severely ill.


The cutlery began to move at its own pace. And the soup moves, and the soup splashes into his face.

He stares at himself from afar.

Ujin lowers his spoon and looks at his old condition.

‘Yes... I believe in circles and do this... Then I can give you some too...' ’

Woojin demonstrated his Energy Field skills in that situation.

You little...!

The current began to flow everywhere.

“Yuck!! ”

“What the hell!! ‘

“Ahhh!! ”

The energy field does not harm the human body. Therefore, no one is ever harmed. However, I was surprised because they were the first students who had seen this.

During the meal, the children were startled by the sudden current phenomenon, and Ujin was staring at a stiff state.

He sent a little warning message to the elderly.


Then he smiled.

High status was also unprecedented, so I was unable to respond to these warnings. He gripped it and no longer used his powers. Then I left the restaurant right away.

‘Tired... ’

Woojin was even tired of school life. What pleases him the most is hunting monsters and living a lively life. Life at the institute could not be compared with that.

The only joy at the institute was the conversation with Gouri and Park Sung-ho. In addition, Hwang Tae-gon, who is also a close friend, was often hard to see.

The amount of damage known to the country after the Hongcheon incident is tens of trillion won. All citizens of the Hongcheon area lost damages to the ordinary people as well as the expense of labor as they started to build a defensive wall. However, this was the only figure at the time, and in the long run, the amount of damage would be beyond imagination.

The government made a decision.

“As you have seen in the Hongcheon incident, monsters are no longer our enemy. So we need to increase the efficiency of our talent even more. ”

“That's right. At the very least, we can't benefit each of our talents, but we can make them move faster on monster hunting." ”

The congressmen started the meeting without having to do anything for you. Also, the senators who had previously opposed it were no longer able to say anything. This happened because it was very likely to be branded in every country if they opposed it.

It was a significant reduction in taxes for monsters that had remained unchanged for many years. This was intended to make the hunt for the monsters more active, so that we could prevent the monsters at all costs.

It was also clear that such a government decision would also greatly benefit the economic impact. All the people have welcomed this decision.

It was because I was able to resolve my lack of water in this way. And as this happened, the frequency of illegal hunting began to drop dramatically.

What is particularly different is that talent is exempt from military service.

Monsters are the remaining threats, so we definitely need talents to defend ourselves. However, this decision was made by the competent to prevent military losses, and the competent was exempted from all defense obligations, including the reserve army and civil defense.

The Republic of Korea's defense power is now divided into two parts:

One is a military force and the other a group of capable people. It can be seen from the beginning that this trend has spread worldwide. The Republic of Korea, however, has been obligated by the defense of all its capabilities, but by releasing it this time, they were forced to call for a mandatory emergency.

It was a compulsory summoning of the powers in a country when a citizen or country was threatened by a monster. These laws followed many criticisms of the competent, but many were able to recognize and pass because the mandate paid well.

After all these laws had been enacted, South Korean talent began to become increasingly energized, and it was the start of empowering more and more monsters, as a result of teaming up, rather than regular monster sites, to the monster nests.

[Today's parliament amended the legislation on talents... ….]

All of Woojin's family were watching TV. And Woojin's mother said, watching articles pour out in succession about today's work.

“I'm so glad. But your son doesn't have to go to the army? ”

“What a relief! A man should go to the army! That way you'll grow up! ”

“Oh? Honey. My son is all grown up. Where else would Woojin be at this age? ”

“Huge……. ”

His father just swallowed up his cough.

“But is everything going well at Woojin Academy? ”

“Yes? Umm... Nothing special happened. ”

“I see… but you seem to have a lot on your mind lately? ”

While eating the fruit, I did not like the look of Mother looking at Woojin so well. He has lived for 18 years. So, she knew that even the slightest change in her expression had a problem with her son's heart.

“Well... that's where the kids go, right? Don't worry.If... anything happens, I won't do anything to hurt my parents. ”

“What do you mean? What do you mean," never "? If something happens, make sure to talk to your parents. ”

“Yes, I understand. ”

Woojin bites the fruit he ate into his mouth and throws it into his room.

‘If you get into an accident at the institute, your parents will find out. The question is, how big an accident am I in...... Is it really going to be okay? ’

Looking down at his hands, he began to worry about what would happen.

To date, dominance has no control over skills. Skills originally appear according to a weaved program, so even if you use them with low power, their power is the same.

The question depended on whether these students could survive.

‘Should I ask the boss once...? ’

I wondered how many shocks a human being could endure. When he attacked someone, he was directly connected to death if he could not overcome the shock. Therefore, today was one of the reasons why the restaurant only poured an energy field.

I was most curious about whether my skills could be used to kill people.

After school, I spoke with Duplicants before the hunt.

“I have a question for you. ”

“Huh? What is it? ”

“Hey…… how long can I endure my abilities if other talents or the average person? ”

“Se... Se... Se? ”

Duplicates that right-wing DPS is quite strong. However, he did not know how his abilities would affect others.

“Well... I don't know anything else, but it's definitely pretty dangerous. ”

“I see… I want to know how dangerous……. ”

“No way? What happened to you at the academy? Isn't that right? ”

A swift doublet asks Woojin, and he nods as if there's nothing he can do.

“Yes... To be honest, fighting against the prodigals is harder and more difficult than fighting monsters. However, if the force is not controlled, there are situations that can be killed as difficult opponents. And in your case, yes. ”

“I know. And that's one of the reasons to be careful. roughly because I want to know. ”

“Simply because DPS is the same, it doesn't do the same damage to the human body. Because each of the attributes deals different damage. And in your case, it's an electrostatic system...... I'm not sure what to say. ”

The doublet had a curious expression.

“What I do know...... is that DPS 500 is the closest I've ever come to a halfway deceased. ”

“Oh? Really? ”

“Yes, but in your case, it's more than 500, right? What's the lowest one? ”

The lowest attack skill of Ujin was Storm.

“I know it's a little over 30. ”

“Hmm... More than 30... I can't give you any answers just like that. Then why don't you give it to me? ”

“Yes? You want to experiment with your own body? ”

“Hey, I'm defensive. He's not as powerful as the others, and he's pretty strong. ”

He was a little worried, but he couldn't help but insist on letting me do a body test.

“Then I'll thank you for the experiment. ”

“Good! Good. ”

Listening to these two conversations, one of the protagonists who was preparing for the hunt shouted aloud.

“I think you and Woojin are up to something. Come and have a look! ”

“Oh? Really? Hey, somebody get some chips. ”

“I love popcorn!! ”

They immediately moved away and began to observe the two of them. I could feel their gaze, but there was no change in their faces.

‘Very briefly……. ’

A stem of brain metastasis falls from the air to the double.

Phage job!

“Ouch!! ”

The expression of the doublet changed momentarily and raised a loud voice to Woojin.

“Hey!! When you're ready, at least say something and shoot! If you attack like that, you'll surprise me!! ”

“Oh? I'm sorry. You're okay, though?”

The doublet began to look around its body.

“Hmm... You look fine, but your body is still tingling. I feel like I have hair all over me. I don't think it's weaker than I thought. Do you feel like you're going to have paralysis if you stack this up multiple times? This much attack... ”

It was the lowest skill, but the effect that people felt when they were attacked seemed to be complicated other than the description of the skill.

Artwork Reviews

I was a little late, so I spent more time than two days.

But I'm writing on time, and I'm only posting three.