
57. Battle with the Destroyer.

Ujin turns away, leaving only that word. A short while later, ten elite members walked by Faus and said, following him.

“You... touched someone you shouldn't have touched." ”

“What a pity.... ”

“You'll see hell now.... ”

A few talents pass by him, and Faus cries out in a loud voice as he looks at them.

“Damn it!! Kill me instead!! Kill me and go! ”

Faus, who is already bleeding a lot, will die without treatment right now. I know that, but I felt like I was dying right now because I was in this reality with Woojin.

However, the last person who was going to touch him did something unexpected.

“Don't worry. You won't die well.... ”


He stops the massive bleeding from Faus' leg, and gives his body a steady recovery.

Park Sung-ho did what he had seen so far.

“Eeeeee!! You bastards!! I'll leave you alone!! You touch my family, and I'll leave you all alone! ”

His shout resounded throughout Gangnam, but no one felt afraid of him.

* * *

“Faus and Keslin have been lost. There is also no news in Korea. ”

“Something's wrong, huh? ”

“How strong was the man who was so strong that he could fight them both? ”

All the characters of the Destroyer are gathered. There are now 16 of them.

“I think Jangwoojin is not the only strong one in Korea. ”

A person put his smartphone on the table. And the conversation from there stimulated everyone's ears.

“Did Keslin give us any information last time? Just like her.”

Keslin was one of the most obvious dystrophic of all dystrophies. That's why this information will be very important to them as well.

“But they also did human experiments in Korea, right? ”

“It could be. Maybe not. ”

“If it's not human experimentation, how did it become so powerful? ”

It was quick for them to see that there were not just one or two powerful people watching the conversation.

“This...... shouldn't we be cautious too? ”

“Yes, I think so, given the circumstances. Why don't you take this chance to gain some more Magic Stone power? ”

A blonde man shakes his head at the words of a woman.

“You can't do that. Now we have reached the limit of the power of the Magic Stone. Maybe your body can't take it anymore. ”

“Then what the hell are we supposed to do? We're just gonna sit here and get our asses kicked? ”

“Who's going down? Do you really think we're all going to get hurt just because Faus and Keslin got hurt? ”

“Th-that's not what I meant... but just in case. ”

The woman started avoiding the gaze as if she was a little scared.

“Don't worry. They'll never get through to us. Many have already acquired the power of the Magic Stone. It's not at our level, but with all their strength, this won't be a crisis. ”

They all know it. that they had applied human experiments on the magic stones that they had undergone to the newly added dystrophic powers.

It is said to be weaker than them because it has not reached the limits of the body. However, because a large number of people gained strong abilities, it was a problem that we could say that they were outnumbered.

“But I'm a little nervous, to be honest. ”

“What do you mean? ”

The woman stared at the window and replied.

“I didn't... feel like I touched someone I shouldn't have touched..." ”

“Haha, let's worry about that. Aren't you ashamed of yourself for saying that as a Destroyer? ”

Other talents were making fun of her, but she could not relieve the anxiety of the ambush.

The blonde man who heard her say that was looking very carefully.

‘There must be a reason why Leanne would say something like that...... There's nothing bad about being prepared. ’

He looks at a small stone in his hand. It was one of the fragments of debris that only existed inside the black conjunctiva.

* * *

Everything about Faus and Keslin in the Destroyer has been cleared up.

The government has quarantined Faus and Keslin and is planning to find out all the information about the Destroyer in the future.

“What do you think?”

Hwang Tae Gon asked, looking at the doublet.


“What are you talking about? My boss. Woojin.”

“Well……. ”

All the elite members heard the news about Goguryeo. I didn't want to be sad when I first heard the news, but everyone was blurry about what happened later.

It didn't make any sense that Woojin showed such a face, but I felt afraid of his reversal.

The difference between the person who saw it and the person who had not seen it was clear. Huang Taigon belonged to an unseen person, so he was not as nervous as he was now, but the other 10 people who saw him were very careful.

“Don't say anything to the commander, preferably. ”

“Yes? Ah... yes. I understand.”

At this very moment, he was calling him ‘Captain’. They know how dangerous the situation is.

It was a situation in which Urgin had solved Faus and rushed straight to Goose. In it, we were already awake, but no one was allowed to access it, and Ujin had to wait for her outside the room as well.

I didn't tell her family about it at first, but then I had to tell them, and her parents came to the room.

They didn't say anything to him. I just knocked on the door of the room.

Knock, knock.

“That's us. That's my mom. May I come in?”

The door to the room is locked from the inside. So now her parents are carefully asking her permission.

“Mom...? ”

Inside, you hear our voices. I felt a little relieved in his voice.

As I heard the answer, our mother slowly started to open the visit.


An interior filled with cold air as soon as the visit is opened. It was a gorge with its windows open and its eyes looking out.

“Ooh, is that us? ”

However, Gore was just sitting by the window as if he were going to fall soon.

“Mom... ”

Our voices, helpless to look at her, almost shed tears without even knowing it.

“My daughter. It's okay, don't worry. I have a mother.”

“Mom... I'm s-scared. ”

Tears began to flow from our eyes.

“I don't think I can see you anymore. I…… I……. ”

“What are you talking about! Why can't Woojin see you? ”

“I've been... defiled! ”

Her voice echoes loudly inside the room. It was an audible voice for those outside.

When I heard his voice, Ujin was surprised and looked into the room. And I opened my eyes wide to see where Gore was.

“Brother……. ”

She looks at him and weeps again.

“I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. ”

She smiles sadly and throws herself out the window.

“No!! ”

“Ours!! ”

When Woojin saw that, he hurriedly ran to the window.

“Sea Dragon!!! ”

At Eugene's words, the sea dragon who was floating in the sky hurriedly flew up the hospital wall and asked Goku with his mouth.

Her arms are wedged between the giant mouths. Luckily, it wasn't bleeding or anything, and it was barely hanging on.

Sea Dragon leads her like that, slowly flapping her wings toward the room where she jumped off.

“Sea Dragon... can you let me go? I'm so... scared to see you. ”

She starts to shed tears.

The sea dragon meets her eyes, and her eyes start shaking severely whether she knows her mind or not. And…….


The Sea Dragon opens its silent mouth. And we're starting to fall apart.

“Ours!! ”

When Woojin saw that, he shot himself out of the hospital window. As you watch it from the outside, you hurriedly step into the room and push your head out the window.

Woojin leaps out of the window, and his eyes meet the sea dragon.

Why the hell did you do that? ’

Woojin's eyes were staring at the Sea Dragon with grumbling eyes, and it was only the eyes of the Sea Dragon that followed Woojin's gaze with sad eyes.

“Suck!! ”

You find a fallen right foot and use your mind to stop him in the air. Later, she discovered Gore and tied her mind to it as well.


At the same time, however, a dull sound was heard, and the dense gaze suddenly changed.

Ujin, who was slowly pulled up to the room by the psychic power, sat down in the room and hugged Gowe a moment later, looking at his appearance.

Our bodies were very cold. Since I had been in the cold room with the window open for a long time, my body was also quite cold.

“Ooh, we're cold. I think we need to keep her warm. ”

He lies us down on the bed. Then I put the blanket over her and held her hand.

As the doublet quickly opened its eyes, the auxiliary systems beside it approached us. And as he was about to begin treatment, he stopped. I slowly turned my head and looked at the other members.

Dusit felt dejected by his stirring neck. Then I led everyone out of the room, and only Woojin and our parents were in the room.

The pillow blood on her head, lying on the bed, is turning red. But it repeated the act of melting into her cool hands, as if it hadn't caught his eye.

“It's okay... it's okay. It'll be warm soon.... ”

With this look of Woojin, his parents seemed to be heartbroken. I can't replace my parents' heart with any words, but I know that my dominance hurts just as much as theirs. “Ugh. What should we do with our poor children...?" ”

“Ugh... ”

Our mother leaned on her husband's chest and began to shed tears, and even our father, who had never seen tears, began to weep.

“It's okay… it's okay…. ”

Ujin continues to rub his hands against the cold, and time passes slowly.