Here I will try. Whether I can show myself in this unfavorable environment.

"Oh, yeah, yeah ... I wonder if you use a great spell that causes a catastrophe here, it's a pot you want ... hu, hu, hu ... shit, I want to fold my neck bone and ... Anyway, she will strangle her right away !! "

"Hah, huh ... come and see ..."

Despite his red face and rage, Yamidile tried to calm down, taking many deep breaths, arbitrarily convinced that this was my strategy of disturbing concentration and using magic. I was lucky in a way.

"Hm. You can't use your left arm anymore. You can't use footwork too ... just watch out for your right hand! What do you do in that situation!"

"let's go……"

"A broken spiral, a great spiral? す る と Even if such a thing would work for me ..."

Yamidile comes to stab me. For me ...

"Earth Spell Mega Road!"

Squat and place your right hand on the muddy ground to drain the magic. And ...

“… What? Mega-class?” Such a thing, just controlling the ground a little and paving a little ...?

Earth spell. Intense ones can crack the ground, cause earthquakes, sometimes open large holes, and make huge earth walls like mountains. But I can't do that. At the moment, the magic is, at best, to increase the amount of soil at the feet and fix the scaffolding ... yes ... fix the scaffolding ... that's fine.

"... What, what ?! Pia ...? Scaffolding !?" As I taught in my first training ... You are good at "earth attributes". That doesn't mean that you should attack with earth magic. If there is no land to stand, create it with your hands! 』

What was messed up with the mud and water around me is back ... this is enough!

"I'm gonna go, Daima, Earth, Misdirection Shuffle!" "Kisa, oh yeah! I'm going to do a little trick again ... this time, it's on the ground that can't be repaired with your magic ... Once you use ... "

Yamadile furiously tries to destroy the earth again, but stops his hand in a hurry. Yeah, if you use that much magic ... it's probably gone for a moment. But I'm not missing that moment.

"Daima Goose Step!"

Rather, I'll make time for me ...

"That's okay ... come on!"

If you come this far, you will surely lose your mind in the battle of Yamadile. What kind of footwork I will take next ...

"Looking aside from the great demon"

That's why I did not dare to step on footwork and looked away with my bare feet. It seems that Yamadile was completely unexpected, and it was caught properly ...

"Daima light jab" "Shimashima ...?!?"

I can't use my left hand. That said, despite looking away, it wasn't sweet enough to hit Yamidile right up to the full swing. I don't have time to break the Great Demon Spiral. Inevitably I switched to Southpaw and hit the short jab on the right against Yamadile's chin.

“Ah ……………”

The next moment, without consciousness, Yamidile kneels on the ground on the spot. I hit the woman's face ... it's after!

"Huh, huh ... how are you!"

It was the moment when my fist hit one knee against that six-ha. And ...

"Thank you ..." "And ...... the Great Demon Spiral!" "That!" "I'll finish this, Yamadile!"

Yamidile with her knees in front of her eyes, still standing. During this time, I release the Great Devil Spiral. Create a spiral that can be inserted into your right arm, rotate it, and make it growl! It's not a shock wave anymore. Hit it directly.

"Don't worry!せ Stab!し な い I will not die, but I can make it impossible to fight enough! 』

Killing, not killing, or managing your life is no longer the case you are thinking about. Just, here's all I can do now!

"Earth Spiral Break!"

"Uaaaaaaa, breakthrough!"

The moment I tried to hit the giant spiral that I put up into Yamadile, Yamadile fired a breakthrough and her coat of arms on the verge.

"Kuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!"

Then, I stick my hands out into my spiral, which is about to roar, and try to catch it with my strength.

"What's the matter !? I'm sorry!" Dark war maiden Yamadile! What do you think of the six-legged general ?! "

The intermingling roar of me and Yamidile. One more step. It can be pushed out a little more.

"One more step ... yes, not yet ... just yet. You're almost one step away. "

"Terra ... no ... it's already magical ... yeah, gigas spark !!!!"

"Well ... oh oh!"

The thunder, as if the sky had exploded, lightly drowned out my roar. But I understand. Yamadile also shook. A masterpiece worthy of world history shook away all that remains with me. The end is ...

"Oh ..." "Oh, oh ..."

Offset. A defense by Yamadile's breakthrough and a giga-class lightning that broke my big spiral. I couldn't push it. One more step. However……

"Whhh ... guh ... all the magical power ... huh, eyes ... but ..."

Yamadile was now kneeling. Yes, literally Yamidile was out. Magical power. But still ...

"Still there is still enough physical strength to drop you!"

I also gave up my magic, but I can recover with magic breathing. But then, Yamidile jumped in not to give me that time.

"That's really ... it's a guy ... but you"

I put my weight down, pushed down, turned up, turned my arm from under my arm, squeezed my neck tightly with both arms, and pressed down to the ground.

"Magic Shin Arm Triangle Chalk!" "Tsu, go, oh, oh!" It's useless. In this position, "you can touch my body," don't punch anything! "

Immediately after the carotid artery is tightly squeezed, breathing and consciousness will soon be ... joint art. If assembled, punching will be difficult and it will be a future task.

"Oh ... and it's a bit different from the original plan ...

Being held down on the ground, struggling slightly with my trainer nodding over my head ...

"What are the examples? "It was dangerous, but ... in this right hand I've been holding on all the time ..." "Okay ... here it's here."

With that said, Traina points to a part of Yamidile's body that my right hand manages to reach. They are aiming for that.

"Wow ... ri ... uh ... dire" "What?-What are you talking about?"

I'm sorry, Yamadile. At first two to one. One-on-one on the way. And the end is two to one. If true, you had won. You were stronger.

In the first place, if you were "willing to kill" me, it was over sooner. The urge to "do not kill me" has caught you so far.

I'm getting stronger. But now ... I can't afford to lose and stay in this country forever, and I'm having a child with Kron ... so ... I'm going to get you out of combat here and I go. Of course, I can't say I won you, and I don't even think of it.

"Well ... no" "Huh?"

And I "stabbed" what I was holding in my right hand into the part of Yamidile's shoulder.

"What, ... ?? Needle ... ?? You, hiding such a thing ..."

Yeah, a needle. I stuck my hidden needle into Yamidile's shoulder. After all, even if it's a monster, it's hard to pierce a woman's body with a needle ... Really ... Forgive me.

"Hmm, but if it's a knife, but I'm doing it with a bit of a bit of stabbed pain ..."

Yamidile smiles for a moment, but immediately smiles. Yes, this does not damage Yamadile. However, it depends on where you stab.

"Oh ... oh ... nuh ... oh ..."

Yamadile also noticed immediately. That something has happened to my body. I know it. Because I also have "experience".

"―――――――――― That !!"

Yamadile screams out of words. I let go of my hand and went around.

"Wow, oh, oh, oh, oh, na, sui, oh, na, what are you doing? Oh, what are you doing?"

Yes, I have experience. The internal organs seem to explode, and the whole body burns like burning. The sensation of digging the wound with a distorted cutting edge runs around the whole body.

"Gaaaaa, moga, suu, aaaaaaaaaaaa!"

Even the world's strongest Yamadile goes crazy. After all it hurts ...

"... you have a closed hole ... you've pryed it open" Una "

There was only this ... I was still weak, I had only this hand ...

"Oh ... I see ... you've used up all of your magic ...... the barrier is gone?"

I felt a bit unwilling to do it, but I was just relieved that the mission was complete.