Breakthrough with the Forbidden Master

Chapter 419: Not the Other Way around

"There are too many prisoners... checking the number of prisoners, checking their identity... the empire's investigation team... and the daughters of the capital taken away by the demons... I want you to help me, too"

"Alright, then, the women I took away..."

"General, Xiao Sheng and the others checked the demon world investigation team."Are you sure? "

"Hmm? Hmmm......"

I couldn't save Uncle Ben.

Uncle Ben disappeared from our sight while being manipulated by Hakki.

Join Hakuki's subordinate Augurs in the transfer magic.

The rest of us are supposed to be under house arrest for now, in order to protect and confirm the Empire Investigation Corps, the Demon Realm Investigation Corps, and the Japone women captured in place of the tax.

"I'm sorry, I can't move my body..."

"I'm glad you're okay, old man... and..."

"We are pathetic... just like the enemy..."

"Haha, I hope your old man is resting."The case brother is looking after his old man, and the assistant brother wants to help us. "

There were quite a few of them in captivity.

It's going to take a long time to see all of them, to check their identities, and so on.

That said, I.....

"... stitch?... where is the Son-in-law?"

”Hmm, speaking of which...... Espi and Slayer aren't here either......”

Sorry, guys.

"If it's honey, she just told me to deposit this demon crystal and let me take a short break..."

I'm a skipper... but I wasn't much of a skipper.

"Nuu? The demon crystal... I see!"Hey, palipi! You have so much to ask!First of all, come out! "

'Nah? Noja-chan. Even though you've learned of the survival of your fellow human beings, it's rude. "

"What's so rough about it!"You're pretty much alive, but where have you been?Besides, what does it mean to be my son-in-law's son! "

As it is, I am the boss's loyal right arm.♪

"Mh, right arm?! Well, that's for stroking the virgin son-in-law without her yet...!"Almost, my son-in-law doesn't have such a hobby!It's my job to shikoshiko and p * ssy! "

'Hihahaha, Nani, I'll kick it.But isn't Nojan-chan physically giddy-giddy-giddy-giddy-buddy?Isn't it dangerous to accept the boss's demonic spiral? ”

"It's not a problem!" All three holes are fine, and I'm convenient to carry around with this body! "

”That's true, but I don't have any hobbies for the boss... Actually, I know all the genres of books that the boss had...”

"Isn't that right?!" Let's teach it quickly! "

Well, but...

Say it! Don't be freaked out by your old friends!

A little away from the hustle and bustle, I checked my surroundings... no, I'll be right back and get them...

Come on, child, bear with me... I'll be confused by Noja attacking you again.

"Shit, they're out there, let's have a little conversation..."

I can take the urge to shut them up right now, but I still need to talk to Trayna first.

That's why I can't stand it anymore.....

"Shit... so... what do you think? Traina....."


I was full of minds by talking about something else. [M]

The last big bomb Hakki threw still messes with my head.

There are many possibilities... they may be just metaphors or parables, or they may be words with no meaning...... but......

Yes, that's possible.

In fact, Espi, Slayer, and Kojiro thought so when they heard Hakki's words earlier.

But not "we."

”Hakki... if that's the case... it might solve the question I had, so it's troubling...”

"The question you had?"

Hmm. When Palipi spoke up in the Elf Village... it was about brainwashing, wasn't it?

"Nh? Ahh, that's right..."

When I was talking to everyone in the village.Speaking of which, I'm sure.....

--Hihaha, you don't need to trust me... come on... just like that cute little Noja over there... you just have to put a little foreign object in your head.♪

- It's not a bad thing to do. The remnants of Hakki and Japone's warriors were forcibly collected from the people... and the problem is...

--If Ben Linerf was among those who were tricked... well, because the Noja I was with was tampered with in this way... the possibility is...

Yeah, this is how the conversation went, and Trayna muttered.

- I can't figure it out...

That's right. At the time, Trayna wondered what it was, but at that point, when I heard it, she didn't talk about it like it was a little bit of a set of thoughts.

"Perhaps at that point..."

”Hmm. I was wondering about the same thing that Palipi asked Hakuki... Hakuki had mastered Shisonotami's legacy so far...”

"I see..."

That's why if the last word of Hakukki means exactly what it is, then all the hooks will fit.

and then.....

"Is there someone beside him... who can only see him?"

"... more than just Yu and the child in the first place... it's not strange to say that there are other people besides us, but until then..."

"... that's right..."

Honestly, I was shivering at that one word.

"Seriously... but if that's the case... no, I don't know what kind of phenomenon this is in the first place... I'm too accustomed to thinking about the fundamentals at all..."

”Indeed... I tried not to think too much that it was like that... but why... in the first place... remains a question... why is this happening?”

My heart is twitching.

It was such a shock.

Probably the same for Trayna.

In the first place, how could I have seen Trayna?How could Trayna possibly possess me?

You can't understand it if you think about it.But the agitation didn't subside.

”But... anyway... if that's the case with Hakuki... if that's the case with him... fufufu... it's ironic...”

"Oh, that's my friend... was it?"Is that an enemy? But it seemed like we were in some kind of relationship, right? "

I don't really understand the relationship between the female hero Kaguya, Traina, Hakki, and the Hades Dragon King Basara.

Of course, I think they were enemies of Trayna because they were brave people, but I feel like I can't say anything about that.


Oh, no, that's not true.


”If Kaguya possessed Hakki...... Fufufu, I'm sorry for the child's bad expression......”

Thinking of her sentimental opponents like her old comrades... she laughed in a good mood...

The Great Demon King Taruyu is possessed by a human being who is the son of a brave man... Kaguya, the legendary brave man, is now the strongest in the demon world and is possessed by the demon race of the next demonic king candidate... What do you say without calling this sarcasm?

"...... Ahh......"

For a moment, I was in a daze.

What, are you laughing there!? But when I was told... I was gradually going crazy...

"Fuck hahaha, that's right!It's usually the opposite, isn't it? "

Hahahaha, is that so?Isn't this an interesting heavenly measure! '

I laughed too.

And then, my heart was lightened when I thought about a lot of heavy things and felt something like a strange fear.

After laughing all the time, I stared at the distant sky.....

"But... it looks like we're going to have a fight... if we're not good enough, we're going to use that tag."Because Paripi instigated it so much. "

"It's true... even if you burn your hands alone, it looks pretty tough."Well, if [that woman] were to be cooperative with Hakki...... ”

”... I wonder if I can't win?”

It's tough... I don't think you can do it in one word.

Even though it was the strongest of the six monstrous heroes, it was superfluous to think that there might be someone next to it.

But it's as if I'm being so worried about you.....

What are you talking about now, boy?


In the unlikely event that Hakki and Kaguya's tags are the opponent, is that even a problem?

Trayna is trustworthy at all times.....

Yu and the boy are the strongest, aren't they?

... I was laughed at again by Trayna with a reliable smile all the time.

"Fuck hahaha, that's right.We're supposed to be stronger. "

Isn't that right?

It was refreshing.

"I don't know what I'm thinking anymore, so I don't care."

Well, when we see each other again......


Either way, it looks like I can't win as I am, and I need to train myself again to prepare for that.

That is all that remains to be done, no matter what.

Well, that's true. That doesn't change.

After reading my mind like that, Trayna nodded vigorously.

And I.....

"And one more thing. I don't know much about them, but it doesn't matter..."


"No... nothing!"

{... nh?... nh!? Oh, I see, um, nothing!Hmm, that's fine! '

Nothing, nothing.

I was read my mind again.

But you pretend that you haven't read Trayna either, so I'll have you flush it out like this.

I'm too embarrassed to talk to you.

- Even if it's ironic, it's good that it was possessed... not the other way around...

That's what I'm talking about.


"That's why it's time to come out.""The conversation is over...... Espi, Slayer"

"Huh!?...... Huh......"

The two of them came out with a face that seemed to hear a lot from the bushes.

"Oniichan... hey... what do you mean?... can you tell me everything?"

"Oniisan... it seems that even though I noticed that you didn't think you were talking to yourself, you dared to continue..."

Yes, I knew they were close together.

But I didn't want to hide it anymore.

“Yeah, I'll tell you everything. about my... master."