Build a giant by yourself

500. are all misunderstandings

Tang Shiming's skills, naturally not this kind of person who has only simple fight training, he is a real martial arts family. Eighteen martial arts, penetrating, nearly universal enemy. Only Dong Tianqing's folk master who is going to live in life and death will only be more than it.

Like this black suit, Tang Shiming is not letting the other party, you can put people down, thereby visible.

His appearance, let Su Zi Hang am surprised, and it is frightened.

Because there is nothing else around, he brings it to the top of the fashionation. Under the eyes, you can protect him, only yourself.

But even the black west is knocked down, and the chicken is like the body, who can resist it.

Huo's feelings have seen Su Zihang's panic, a calm voice: "I don't want to be difficult, let you come down, you can leave, you can have not happened. However, I don't want to have next time."

Su Zihang silently took a moment, then took out the mobile phone to dial out, wait until the connection, said: "You all come down."

The door upstairs is still stopped, how long, five people wearing a black suit from the upstairs.

They ran to Su Zi's aviation, slightly: "Chairman."

Su Zihang turned, like preparing to get on the bus, but when he stepped on the car, he suddenly turned back, looked at Huo, asked: "You said, if I am now letting them now What will it? "

"You can try it." Tang Shimu took the next step.

Five black suit has already noticed the companions on the ground, and also saw the black stick in Tang Shifu. They stared at Tang Shiming, and one of them pointed to him: "Standing there, not allowed!"

Tang Shiming gave this person with an unconditional arc.

Su Zihang smiled, recovered his feet, turned back, said: "One is playing you, five together? I want to see, you have more to fight. Give me two times to die, out I am worried about it! "

These black suit is originally a bodyguard that Su Zihanghua, as long as the employer is willing to pay money, let them do anything.

Under the order of Su Zihang, the five people suddenly played together, and the three of them went to Tang Shimu, and the other two aimed at Huo.

Their idea is clear, most of the power deals Tang Shiming, which seems a little, but they did not expect that most of the so-called power is not enough to deal with this person.

Tang Shifu's black stick, as if lightning is general, the whole person takes the initiative, and the moment is in one of the chests.

The man spoke, his eyes were round, covering the chest pain.

At the same time, the black stick rotates a half circle in Tang Shifu, and smashed in another rib, then another thorn, the thorns of the thirty rib.

The soft ribs of the two people were hit, and the color of his pain on his face appeared. I don't wait for them, the legs of Tang Shiming have homked the last two people's calves, one pulls, and the body is not stable.

At this time, Huo is angry.

Although he is better than Tang Shimu, it is much more powerful than ordinary people. Now the opponent is not stable. If he is still afraid, then it is too much to say.

Directly a hook in one of the noses, the person consciously wanted to cover the painful part, Huo's extraordinary is in his crotch.

The person is straight, and it is breathed, and the pain is painful.

As for the fifth person, I got up Tang Shimui, the Eight-pole elbow hit the heart, the two eyes were black, and instantly fell into a coma.

Five black suit, in just a few seconds, it was knocked down, some people were coma, some people made a painful voice, and some people were in the breath, and they can't die immediately.

Tang Shimu made a black stick, slowly moved to Su Zihang, looked at the scene, and a pair to give the other party lesson.

The face of Su Zihang is white, where he thinks, Tang Shimu is so high. And don't say Tang Shiming, Huo's unfair, it seems very fruitful.

Looking at the pain of the darkness of the earth, Su Zihang felt that some parts were a bit cold.

He is backside down, but it does not prevent it to retreat to the door sill. Walk away. "

"This time is still threating people, it is so stupid." Tang Shiming evaluated.

Su Zihang reacted, even quickly got to Huo, said: "Mr. Li, this is a misunderstanding, just actually joking, you see you, how is it really real. This, I will let them go, this matter is not happened before."

"There are many nonsense." Tang Shiming is on the shoulders of Su Zihang and let him make a painful scream.

Shang Fengyang upstairs, vaguely heard the sound, she ran to the window, it is easy to see a few people.

I have just knocked on the door, I have made her feelings. Now I have seen Huo, and I see a few people who are lying next to the car. The excitement and joy of her heart cannot be described in the language.

Su Zihang's behavior is that Gu Feyang did not expect, and the chairman of the Tang Dynasty company did so despicable and daring things in the rule of law society.

The sound of the black west, just like the hammer, let Gu Feiyang fear, she is very clear that the man's ideas are really caught, and their own finals must be very miserable.

So her first thought is to call Huo, not alarm. Because in her mind, Huo is the most people who can protect her.

Now Huo is always coming, verifying her ideas, and proves that her choice is not wrong.

Yue Wenwen also climbed to the window, shouting down at the surprise: "Li Uncle Li!" Li Uncle! "

Huo's feelings heard the voice, looked up at the eyes, then the mother and daughter of the window were waved and said: "I will go up."

Yue Wenwen issued a happy laughter, Gu Fei Yang smiled and pulled her from the window, said: "Don't be over, very dangerous."

"Mom, is Li Uncle, he came to save us!" Yue Wenwen is happy, very a bit proud: "You see, I said Li Shushi, nothing to be afraid."

Daughter is happy, and it is easy to get out of danger, let Gu Feiyang have to deny her. Because in her heart, Huo's existence is really a sense of security.

At this time, Huo yelling in Tang Shimu and let him stop. Tang Shiming is very obedient to recover the stick, and then take a step, but it is only staring at Su Zihang, as long as this person dares to have any strange, it will give him a hit.

However, Tang Shimu is really overestimating Su Zihang. This is just an ordinary . It is a good way to bully bully. If you encounter Huo's hardening, he is not a way.

To put it bluntly, it is a bullying that is bullied.

Seeing Huo's extraordinary walking, Su Zi Hang shakes, said: "Mr. Li is misunderstanding ..."

"Is it misunderstood, I don't have to say, I am very clear." Huo walked to him, reach out, this action makes the Suffles more powerful, almost unconscious.

However, Huo has not been to him, but it is very serious to help him whole suit tie, said: "Wearing people's model dog sample, why do you always want to do this? Of course, this is you Personal freedom, I have no reason to persuade you. Just remind you, it is best to cherish the days after you, don't waste your life. "

Huo said this, purely refers to things that are about to acquire Wind Europe, but listen to Soviet, but it is another.

He nodded and said: "I will, I will never do this anymore, I will work hard."

I know that he didn't understand, Huo did not explain, took a shot of his shoulders, said: "Then take your people away, don't be here, it will be law enforcement, you can't work, you are not good Explanation. Miss Gu Miss, even if you can't fix your sin, you will make you very shameful. "

Su Ziyan dilestt, don't say that Huo is reasonable, just a Tang Shimu, I scared him enough, and I quickly kicked the black west bodyguards on the ground and kicked away. As for coma, you will be thrown into the bus.