But he did not dare to do it easily, because Ji Xiangning and Huo's relationship is not average, even if it is now, there are still many people think that Ji Xiangning and Huo have an leg.

If they are really such a relationship, then they have smashed the Ji Xiang, and it is equal to hitting Huo.

The new hope is now a lot of time, don't say that the Ji family is, even if it is ten times more companies, I don't dare to easily.

It's like Huojia, I used to treat new hopes as an enemy. Of course, it is still enemies. It is still a big amount of so much, and still does not dare to move new hopes.

Two in the new hope that I have made many people have made many people understand, this is not a small company that can bully.

Want to make the benefits from them, winning the things you have to eat.

Therefore, Ji Town will only be crashed against Ji Xiangning, and do this, but also let him fall into two difficulties.

Take Ji Xiangjun, fear of the new hope company.

But then drive her away, the company has so many business, these two years are Ji Xiangcheng. Others have developed habits and don't ask.

If Ji Xiang is gone, who will take over?

Don't say that the ability is not enough, this is on one side, the light is dare to take over the courage, I am afraid that many people have not.

Because now the size of the Ji's business is several times more than before, many industries have been optimized, integrated, and have long been different from them before.

I want to take over, you don't know where to do it.

In the present, Ji Tao Xiong really realized that the Ji family has more dependence on Ji Xiang.

"I can give you a chance to hand over your power, then we send people to supervise. So you can continue to do general manager, we will not pursue your other responsibility." Ji Town.

Ji Xiangcheng is smirk, said: "Do you think I will agree?"

"You don't agree to try it!" A straight member of Ji Tao Zi is anger.

Ji Xiang was glanced at him, said: "For two days ago, do you dare to talk to me with this tone? And even if I don't agree, can you take me? Kill me?"

The direct member is not good, but Ji Xiang is also telling the truth.

Even if she disagree, you can't drive her away and can't really kill her.

Know that this is to let the tiger return to the mountain, who can have this courage to suffer from the wrong child.

"Chairman, definitely can't let her, according to me, directly prosecute, let her take a private member."

Ji Town is frowned to see him, ask: "What kind of crime?"

The direct member was asked, crime? If you want Ji Xiangjing, the prosecution of the prosecution is definitely to harm the family enterprises.

However, in these two years, Ji Xiangcheng made so much money, you said that she harmed the company's interests, how can it be possible.

Of course, you have to stand up to the door, maybe you can count a charge. Such a crime, the court does not support.

People just say, haven't done it yet, then say, even if it is true, this is what you love, how to convict?

For a time, a few people don't know how it is good.

At this time, some people hurried came in, first looked at Ji Xiangcheng, and then on the Town of Ji Town: "Chairman, not good, new hope Li Shuheng is coming, saying to see Ji Ji."

"Li Shuheng?" Ji Town is a hop, his face is more sinking: "How can he suddenly run?"

"It is estimated that someone ran to tell him, saying that we were forcible for Ji Xiangcai." Have a man.

How do you want to marry a mother in Ji Town? How do you have so many two-five?

However, Huo has arrived, he can't see it, but also consider considering the consequences.

Without any way, Ji Taoxiong can only go to see the waves, and he is waiting for others: "It is better to see her, there is no order, absolutely not allowed her to get out of this room half a step!"

Subsequently, Ji Town has a few straight members, hurried away.

On the road, those people asked him, if the other party is really coming, what should I do?

Ji Tao Xiong bites his teeth and said: "Don't give! She is a man who is a Ji family, death is a ghost of the Ji family, what to do, we have the right to deal with it, others have no right to ask!"

Several straight members, you will see me, I look at you, I have heard that there is a lot of imaginary.

That is the new hope of the boss, not a A cat, dog, you can reply to each other with this, I am afraid there is no effect.

But now they don't know what to do, can only take a step.

Soon, a few people came to the front yard of the Jijia House, Huo was very stepped forward, and Tang Shiming, Tang Shimu, followed.

If someone wants to block the way, Tang Shimu has pushed away, with his strength, who can stop?

Even if someone thinks that it is not awkward, I don't dare to go forward.

Huo can push them, but they don't dare to come back. Once you are still, this matter can be a lot. At that time, the family looking for someone for the sins, but there is no such benefit.

The people of the Ji family are not the kind of personality, can be unresponsible, they are absolutely responsible.

Therefore, when Ji Xiong came to the front yard, he saw the "arrogant" posture of Huo's extraordinary.

Although the heart is very unhappy, Ji Town is still trying to pile up a smile, walk through: "Mr. Li, what the wind blows you. You have to come, don't fight in advance, I will welcome you."

Huo's unfair looks at him, and finally stops the step, but it is very straightforward: "Let Ji Xiang come to see me."

"Ji Xiangning? She has something to go out, I have to come back after a while, why didn't I tell Mr. Li?" Ji Town asked.

This obvious lie, where to believe, let alone Ji Chuanhai told him about 151 people.

"I know that she is in this yard, I don't care what you think, let Ji Xiang will come out to go with me. My patience is limited, I hope that the chairman of Ji should not delay the time." Huo .

His voice and expressions are so cold, and they have not placed Ji Town in the eyes.

Such attitude, let Ji Town Xiong feel very no face.

I am also the chairman of the Jijian. If you really have an leg with Ji Xiang, then I will be your elder. Speak with the elders, use this attitude is not suitable?

"Mr. Li, I don't quite understand this. Is Ji Xiangcheng to make you? Is it a misunderstanding with us?" Ji Town asked.

"I said, please don't delay the time. Otherwise, I can only take someone to come to you!" Huo's extraordinary voice is bigger.

Tang Shimu is also very cooperated with the previous step. The only one who has seen him is unbearable.

There are some people, they face the color of the face.

Three years ago, there is still a joke in the eyes of the Ji family, everyone knows this is a nerd, the high hand is low.

But now, the nerd of the year dares to threaten the chairman of the Ji, and there is no one who dares to resist.

This gap is really too big.

The face of Ji Town is more sinking, can't help but say: "Mr. Li is what is going to do, and Ji Xiang is not there. She is a person who is our Ji. Mr. Li is not too much. What happened? "

"You are right." Huo did not have any plan to give Ji Tao Xiong, said: "I don't think that the Ji's family is worthwhile, and I also know that you are soaked, I want to be hit. To tell the truth, I personally make it very much. The former Jijia is too decadent. It is necessary to have an opportunity to make a fundamental change. If Ji Xiang Cong can become a family chairman, I believe you can make the Ji people go more brilliant Tomorrow! Of course, I also know that you may not agree with this. But there is no relationship, I just need to take away Ji Xiangzhisheng. Her career, will bundle with new hopes. The potential of new hopes is endless Ji Xiangning is also the same. And those who stay here will understand in the near future, what is lost! "

The words of Huo, let the Town of the Town have changed.

He is very clear about the potential of new hopes, and it is also clear that if Huo is sent out, if you pass, it will bring what pressure to the Ji family.

Huo is very clear, and the new hopes only support Ji Xiangjun's right, so on this Ji, once Ji Xiang is leaving, naturally will be rejected by new hopes.