After dinner with everyone, I was walking on campus grounds for two, trying to relax with cherry blossoms until I got back to the dorm.

I've been acting with cherry blossoms since daylight today.

Somehow, because I figured it was important as a lover that the two of us share time.

Plus, I'd love to be with cherry blossoms, and probably cherry blossoms feel that way.

Well, maybe the other one was from before.

"True Kun"


"Hands, can I hold them?

"Oh, that's good."

Cherry blossoms walking next door have done me a cute favor while staring upwards at me.

So I nod lightly at it and take her hand.

"Because you don't have to bother asking me this"

"Really? Then I'll sweeten it to your word from now on."

And he tangled his fingers together to create the shape of a lover connection.

It feels natural to do this with cherry blossoms already.

I should have only been around for about two days, including on Earth.

That said, holding the cherry blossom hand will make you palpitate as fast as ever.

Palms will be a little sweaty with tension, and getting used to this very act is still going to be a long way off.

"True Kun"


"I'm so happy right now."

"Oh well."

I thought I'd say it back, "Me too," but it's embarrassing for me to spew that word out as a dumb couple who hasn't shaken it off that far.

If they fall in love with me in front of the others, like I did earlier, my shame could run wild.

"... eh... eh..."


But instead, I will try to express my current feelings by putting a little effort into my hands connected to cherry blossoms.

Then you conveyed my feelings, and the cherry blossoms crept over my shoulder with a fuzzy grin.

Something's so cute.

Maybe the correction is hung because I became my own girlfriend, but the cherry blossoms seem so cute right now.

I used to think love was heavy or something, but now I even feel like I'd be happy to be done by her.

"What did Shin-kun ever think about wanting to do if he had a girlfriend?

"There is, but are there cherry blossoms who say so?

"Yeah, of course I do. There are a lot of things I want to do when I go out with Shin-kun."

Me and, hey.

It's like a rhetoric that cherry blossoms don't approve of anyone but me as their boyfriend.

"What do you want to do?

"Eh, first there's holding hands, chatting, dating and stuff, uh..."

"You're doing it all."

I was a little surprised what I wanted to do with cherry blossoms.

I thought cherry blossoms were more dangerous thoughts.

I was a little scared that I was going to literally act with my boyfriend 24 hours a day, or keep my boyfriend away from other women, or something like that.

But so far, she hasn't done anything to bind my actions like that.

I originally said something about not doing that, but I didn't know that was the truth.

Besides that, the cherry blossoms seem to be very stable in spirit right now.

Sometimes you do things that surprise me, but that also falls within common sense.

Maybe he was in mild emotional instability before I became my boyfriend.

"And then I want to... kiss..."

"That's... that's some fun later"

We kiss after we win the tournament, so we've already made a commitment.

It may be teethy for cherry blossoms, but I can't help it because I'm a romance that I just held a little when I remembered the story of a tournament.

I admired the situation of having my woman kiss me with a victory.

That's why we're doing this roundabout.

Besides, this is a sort of ritual.

I can say it's like a ritual of passage to be the kind of man who has the awareness of being a cherry blossom boyfriend and can only love her.

I'm going to cut off all the untrained in this battle.

I smile invincibly at her so that she doesn't understand me.

"Wait, cherry blossoms. I'm gonna beat you to it, and I'm gonna rush you."

"... yeah... I hope so"

That's how we smile lightly at each other with more strength in our gripping hands.


... before us like that - Phil went through.



A few seconds of blanks were created between us.

She's also a student at the school here, so it's not surprising if you happen to meet her on school grounds.

But I feel uncomfortable seeing Phil at this time, making my expression a little stronger.

I was also going to tell Phil about his relationship with cherry blossoms properly.

But that's what I was going to say when I got back to Earth and finished the duel tournament, so I'm not ready for my mind right now.

"... hey, Phil. Good evening."

"... Good evening, Phil"

"………… people"

Phil looked at our unscrupulous greetings and was surprised to see them, but he kept his head down.


And Phil noticed the hand between me and the cherry blossom - that we were holding hands together, and he shook his body for a moment.

... I'm talking about Phil.

Maybe this is all I realized what happened.

"Uh... and Mr. Singh... I mean... that's the thing... right...?

"Oh, oh... maybe it's more or less what Phil's thinking..."

"Oh, yeah..."




We shut up on the spot.

To be honest, I don't know how to deal with Phil or Claire in the future.

They were favoring me.

But I'm dating cherry blossoms, not them.

Then would I be better off with them less in the future?

Wouldn't that be the best option not to hurt them?

Phil is my dear friend, but she wouldn't want to see me get along with cherry blossoms either.

Thinking like this makes me feel like I should break up with Phil without talking a lot about it here.

"Hey...... good for you! Oh, oh... so good! Mr. Sakya!"

"Ah... ugh, yeah. Thanks."

With that in mind, Phil sent a blessing to the cherry blossoms.

Phil's voice is trembling, though he looks like he's behaving to his temper.

Maybe she's making it impossible for us to think about it.

He's younger than me, but he really did.

"Well, if that's the case... oh, I'll disperse... and then... take your time..."

"Phew, Phil..............."

Although I try to speak up, before that, Phil lowered his head again and ran away towards the dorm.

Was it a mistake of me to see that Phil's eyes seemed to have tears all over his face at the end?

Probably not...


"Cherry blossoms don't care."


I squeeze the cherry blossom hand that leaks my weak voice.

This was the path we had to take sooner or later.

And there's nothing wrong with cherry blossoms and phils.

So I grip the cherry blossom hand so hard, I start walking to save the spot.

"There's a bench in the yard ahead, so why don't we cool down there for a while?

"Yeah... right"

We decided to spend some time together until the dorm curfew as Phil turned his back on the direction he left.

It's June now.

In the heat and humidity of the season, we began to chat as if to delude ourselves into a lump in our hearts about Phil watching the starless night sky as we felt the pleasant night breeze on our skin.

"Hey! You!!!


One middle school boy showed up there.

I've never seen him on Earth before, and I didn't know who he was for a moment because I hadn't seen his face in a long time.

But I could remember right away because even my older opponents only had enough kid chos to count among my memories to be able to say and do this busy.

"... suddenly what is it, Kyoya"

The junior high school student in front of me was a warrior Kyoya who partied with us and taught us all sorts of things on the day of the entrance ceremony.

Kyoya is now dressed in student clothes, but her busy face remains the same here.

"Whatever, there's nothing! What did you do, Octavian?


Apparently, Kyoya came to me with an octave...... about Phil.

"Hey... hey Yamada... that's not the way to ask seniors"

"Shut up! Ayase, shut up!

They've been chasing Kyoya there even more - a junior high girl - came Aya, who was throwing a party with Kyoya and the others.

These guys are in the same class as Phil.

I guess that's why Phil and I have had quite a few friends before.

"... just shut up Yamada-kun because I'll talk to you for now. Like?"


And Kyoya is blinded by Aya's gaze.

Looks like this guy's still holding his reins by Aya.

"I'm suddenly sorry. Uh, it's been a while, Mr. Singh, Mr. Sakya."

"Oh, oh, long time no see"

"Yeah, it's been a while"

Aya's been saying hello to us where Kyoya's been quiet, so we'll respond to that, too.

"So. What are you guys doing here... about Phil?

"Ha, yes... Hachi and I were wrong just now... that kid, he ran crying..."



I knew the last Phil I saw was crying.

"So... Yamada, who saw it, ran in the direction of Yae..."

"... there was us ahead of you running..."?


I see.

I understand the general situation.

"You made Yae cry! Then I won't forgive you! Yae is one of us!

Friends, huh?

I didn't expect those words to come out of Kyoya's mouth.

It's a line I can't imagine remembering the first time I saw you.

Why do you think Phil has been so friendly with these guys in the last two months?

You did well for a mouth-beating fill.

True...... well done.

"... hey, I'm sorry. Can't you guys take care of Phil?

"Huh!? What are you talking about? You're the one who harassed Hachi! Then you're the one apologizing!

You're starting to say Kyoya, too.

If it wasn't for this kind of occasion, I'd say, "Do you say that?"

But I don't have that right this time.


"Ugh... hey, what the fuck, you. That's gross."

Kyoya bowed her head. She's been rude to me.

I wouldn't have thought I'd do this.

But this time, there is nothing else to do.

I can't comfort Phil with a girlfriend.

"It would be counterproductive if I met Phil right now. I'm sorry to make you wipe your ass, but please take it on. I'll pay you as much as I want on Earth."

"I don't know what that means... Explain it so we know more -"

"... ok. Let's go, Yamada."

"Ha!? Oh, hey, huh? Yep..."

Kyoya doesn't seem to know anything about it, but she looked at my attitude and figured out what happened to Aya.

Aya took Kyoya's hand and left before us.

"... I'm glad to hear that."


Cherry blossoms answer nothing to my whining query.

It's just that cherry blossoms have been holding my hand so hard that they shut up and stare at Kyoya and the others leaving.

I guess this is the end of my friendship with Phil after this, and even after I got back to the dorm I was depressed for a while.

But his relationship with Phil was set to change dramatically at a duel on Monday.