Building madman

Chapter 730

At the end of the banquet, Ge Xiaotian returned to the hotel suite to check the latest corporate trends.

The dispute arising from the detention of the Tiancheng Electric Industrial fleet has apparently subsided. Chen Feng and the freighter were released by Xinjia and continued to march towards Montenegro.

With the help of 80,000 Tiancheng employees, the rubber plantation gradually transformed into a super manor, with sentry towers, city walls, bunkers, passes, radars, silos, and countless weapons, waiting for the war to come.


Montenegro asked Tiancheng Electric Industry for a battleship, intending to go to war with Bingxiong, but Tiancheng refused to trade, saying that the battleship was severely worn and needed to be returned to the factory for maintenance.

Bingxiong said to Tiancheng that he was loyal and worthy of being his own!

Montenegro unilaterally tore up the construction contract and refused entry of Tiancheng employees. Unfortunately, all of Tiancheng’s 80,000 employees are in the rubber plantation...

Montenegro refused to enter into a large-scale trade with Tiancheng, but unfortunately, it had already paid.

Montenegro is very angry...

In addition.

Tiancheng sent a group of thousands of lawyers to North America to form NT Real Estate.

Huo Dun Security has invested 1 billion Franklin, North American Fisheries has 500 million Franklin shares, North America United Hotels has 500 million Franklin shares, and the rest of the movie theaters and Neoblas cooperative enterprises have scattered 1 billion Franklin shares.

The stock king and old bus provided an old listed company that originated in the 1930s as a shell, and then opened the first round of financing...

As for the business, Holden and the stock kings and old buses decided to bid for the Pentagon and World Trade Reconstruction project that was destroyed by a gray machine, and then took the opportunity to go public and became a hit...

And the Nanyang side.

Tiancheng has reached cooperation with Nanyue, Cambodia, and Taimei. The huge movement of Tianwei Security Earthquake has also deterred Nanyang’s "flower arrangement" forces. The shares of Nanyang Development Group, a listed company, have steadily increased and returned to the level of 100 billion.

Hundreds of business cooperation intentions were reached last night. Today, the stock markets in various places opened, and the market value of Nanyang Development Group soared all the way...

According to the analysis given by Tianrong, although it cannot reach the 300 billion that Li's richest man in the capital was in office, it is similar, and will eventually remain at the ups and downs of 250 billion.

The market value has doubled, Tianrong can make a small profit, and the companies that cooperate with Nanyang Development Group can also reap the benefits, and work together to build a stronger Nanyang Development Group...

Then, harvest.

the next day.

January 26.

Ge Xiaotian packed his bags and prepared to return home.

Daoyi needs to stay here and put the last few documents in front of him, "The boss, Taimei, Nanyue, and Cambodia have doubts about the five 100,000 piers and worry that North America will find the Kra Isthmus Canal project."

"My big rubber plantation is for decoration? From now on, the annual output of rubber here will be as high as several million tons. What are the 100,000-ton piers? Besides, South Vietnam and Cambodia also need to grow rubber. How can they be shipped without a pier? "

"I explained it to them, and they want you to respond in person."

"Tell them that I am studying the world of peace and plan to grow mushrooms somewhere. I don't have time."


"Mi Er Liu, are you ready?"

"Stop at the pier at the beginning of the Kra Canal in the central area of ​​Taimei."

"I'll leave it to you here, your second brother is very strong, as the eldest brother... understand?"

"Boss, I'll go back and study technology."

"We can also study here. Rubber is our main raw material for a long time in the future."

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he walked out of the Oriental Hotel and met Sister Yingla again.

"Good morning!"

"Mr. Ge, are you planning to travel?"

"Yes, when the Spring Festival is approaching, my fathers and villagers miss me a lot. Go back and see."

"I wish you a safe journey."




"I want to treat you to dinner."

"Family party?"

"No, it's my friend who wants to see you."

"Very good?"

"It is an important partner of AS Communications Group. If you want to install the Zigbee network, you need his help."


"Are you not catching a flight?"

Ge Xiaotian didn't answer, turned his head and greeted him, "When I get to the banquet location, drive Mi 26 over."

Looking back at the dumb girl, "This is... freedom."


"you can also."


"Be brave to be yourself!"

Ge Xiaotian patted his chest and walked into tua.

The girl stood outside the car in a daze, patted her chest, took a deep breath and walked into the car.

Then he was stunned by the diamond floor, the diamond seat, and the diamond ceiling.

"After I left, it was a waste of this car to be idle, I will give it to you.

"Send, give me?"



"Do you want to say that the trench is inhuman?"

"No, no, you..."

Halfway through the conversation, the girl sighed dejectedly, "You are different from them."

"Yeah, we are different..."

Ge Xiaotian snapped his fingers, and the car subwoofer sounded...

"By the way, Mr. Ge, I forgot to say, the restaurant is here."


Ge Xiaotian looked out the window and patted the armrest casually, "It's okay, I'll take you for a drive."



Tua returned to the hotel entrance.

The concierge already understood how to open the car, and two young men in tuxedos brought to the red carpet...

Ge Xiaotian dragged the herringbone off, touched his pocket, and found that he had no money. He looked back at the driver and said, "Tip, make up the last piece."

"Boss, we all use smart cards, and I have no money."


Sister Yingla took out two Thai bahts and handed them directly to the two young concierges. Ge Xiaotian reached out and stopped, turned and stepped on the back door again, and buckled two rice-sized diamonds from the side.

"I have money!"

Yingla: "..."

Concierge: "..."



"Take it."

"Thank you Mr. Ge!"

"I am constantly striving for self-improvement! Although I am here as a concierge doorman, my annual income is high, but...everyone has a dream!"

Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, leaving an extremely stalwart figure behind, and walked into the hotel.

Sister Yingla chased up, followed behind her timidly, and immediately came forward uncomfortably to lead the way...

"Am I so scary?"

"You look like an elder of mine, but he passed away."


Can you speak!

Ge Xiaotian touched his bald head, wanting to scream, but worried about scaring the other person, sighed, "Sorry!"

"Mr. Ge, are you really only twenty years old?"

"No, I'm actually... fifty-six."


"Happiness is more expensive than anything

The covered water can't be taken back again

Peach blossoms are gone and there are roses

There will always be wind and rain for decades in life

Going to the party in a cool and unrestrained manner

Don’t regret the past, slowly go to experience...


Ideals have changed our appearance

It also taught me to cherish the shoulders of friends

Sunshine will always spread to the vastness after wind and rain

Let us look up and learn to be strong...



"sounds so good!"

"Really? I teach you."

"My grandfather also taught me to sing strong songs."


Is there such a close?

Ge Xiaotian discovered that this girl might really be a puppet of the family or her elder brother.

Hum all the way to the dining room.

Sister Yingla took the initiative to help open the door, and two elderly men greeted her.

"Mr. Ge."

"Hello Hello."

"I, Chairman of Chia Tai..."

"My fellow'Red Bull' founder..."

"Fortunately to meet, my fellow Ge Xiaotian."


"Haha, don't be so serious, sit down and sit down."

Chia Da, should be known to everyone in China.

This is a comprehensive enterprise founded by Nanyang Chinese in the 1930s. It has nearly 200,000 employees and 400 subsidiaries. Its market value ranks second in Taimei and third in Nanyang. Its overall strength is no less than On the surface, Tiancheng Contracting Group.

Well, it's just a construction contract, not an international holding company.

Needless to say, Red Bull has been drunk by many people. It originated from Taimei. After being improved by Italy and Austria, it became popular in China. It sold 4 billion bottles last year.

And its founder turned to real estate and agricultural farming with his share of profits, and his staff also had nearly 200,000 employees.

In addition, Red Bull is also the main overseas competitor of code and biological nutrient solutions.

Ge Xiaotian glanced at Yingla, "Sit down!"

AS Communications Group, in another time and space, has surpassed China Mobile to become the largest communications company in the parent star, and then transformed into a comprehensive enterprise to become a giant.

But now, the chairman of AS Group is not enough in front of the three.

However, Ge Xiaotian has his own plans.

When many Tianzhao enterprises with the words "Taimei" come here, Yingla is the king.

and so……

Develop it.

After polite.

The chairman of Zhengda spoke first: "Mr. Ge, I heard that Tiancheng Cement is selling well in the sub-region. I wonder if you have any plans for Nanyang's business?"

"The main industry of King Taimei is cement, Siam Cement Company. If I spread the cement business, what should I do in Taimei's industry?"

"We can enter Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore."

"When I do this, the relationship with them is very stiff."

"From Zhengda."

"Nothing is impossible."

"It's just that, I hope you can take care of the industries in Dongshan, Nanhe and other places."

"Which field?"

"All areas."

"In this way, I am going to invest in the Great Northwest. As long as your company follows the investment, I will no longer expel your company's business in Dongshan and other places."

After Tiancheng's industrial innovation, it has driven the entire field and began to reduce the business of overseas investment. This has always been complained more than once, and Tiancheng cannot do too much, otherwise it will disrupt the international market and will inevitably affect the relationship between countries.

And the Great Northwest.

It is not enough to have Tiancheng, Lao Shen, and Li's richest man. A lot of funds are needed to remit...

Hearing Ge Xiaotian said this, CP Chairman was relieved, "We have invested 5 billion Franklin in China, and this year we will increase our investment in the Northwest region. What do you think of the first 1 billion Franklin?"

"Two billion."

"We need Nanyang Cement business."

"I need your company to adopt the Zigbee network."

"it is good!"

"Happy cooperation."

In overseas, some occasions do not need to eat.

After discussing the cooperation intention with the chairman of Zhengda, he followed Ge Xiaotian's 20-member secretary team and immediately separated five people to accompany each other to Zhengda International to discuss detailed cooperation plans.

The founder of Red Bull, who has been silent, waited for the departure of the chairman of CP, "Mr. Ge, Red Bull has lost the North China market and its overseas sales have also been severely impacted."


"I hope you hold your hands high."

Ge Xiaotian took out the Shiguang machine, tapped the keyboard, and found out related materials, "It’s not to blame me. Red Bull contains sodium benzoate and caffeine. Caffeine is a psychotropic drug. Long-term use causes dependence. Sodium benzoate is a preservative prohibited by Tiancheng standards. Severely carcinogenic, and the anaphylaxis produced by it and caffeine is a central stimulant and belongs to the Tiancheng Sports Standard Grade 1 psychotropic drug. In general, it is a stimulant, which can cause irreversible damage to athletes and is also unnatural Sportsmanship to promote. I can only say sorry for drinking Red Bull, **BA, Sancha Cup, KO martial arts competition and other drug inspection agencies permanently banned overseas athletes."

"Mr. Ge, your company's standards are too high..."

"According to our announcement, if your company removes the benzoic acid in the formula, we will allow you to put it on the shelf again."

"In that case, it will expire in three days... Can't it be changed to potassium sorbate? It is safer and is also an additive certified by the home star food agency."

"Sorry, in our industry chain, only Tiancheng standards are recognized. Moreover, due to the influence of popular science, even if we help your company to be on the shelves again, the masses will not buy it again.

"I can help you promote code and biological nutrient solutions."

"Your idea is pretty good. Companies that want to represent code and nutrient solutions almost have to fight. After your rhetoric, you get the agency right away."

The idea was broken. The founder of Red Bull didn’t feel embarrassed at all, and smiled slightly, “Mr. Ge, as long as you hold your hands high, my real estate company, agricultural breeding company, including one of the largest food suppliers of the parent star, can purchase expensive The company’s building materials, seeds, fertilizers, and agricultural machinery."

Ge Xiaotian knew that the real business cooperation had come, and raised his hand, "Yeah."

Founder of Red Bull: "..."

Yingla almost laughed.

"Ha, the atmosphere is too serious, just kidding."

Ge Xiaotian buckled the V-shape of the time machine on the table, rubbing the independent displacement keys, and the screen facing the two people immediately lit up.


"Advanced? Thanks to the old king next door."


"As for building materials, there are Zhengda agents for special cement and non-defective concrete, and the rest are steel components and special building materials for prefabricated construction..."

Following the conversation, the screen showed the constant temperature room materials that Tiancheng will vigorously promote in the new year.

"Nanyang has a tropical rainforest climate, and it is also a tsunami and earthquake-prone area. If we adopt a monolithic prefabricated building like mine, it will greatly reduce losses, and the type of constant temperature room can reduce electricity consumption."

"Technology licensing?"

"20% of sales."

"Too high."

"You can earn more."


"Forget it, I feel Yingla can better represent me in this project."


"Stop talking."

"Up to 15%."

"Only 20%."

"We need samples."

"The rubber plantation is already under construction. Your company can send a team to investigate."

"Well, you won."

"In agriculture, there are four kinds of seeds, ordinary, excellent, harmless genetically modified, and super genetically modified, and the prices are different. Looking back, my animal and plant breeding center will draw up a list like your company. ."


"Agricultural machinery, are you purchasing or an agent?"

"Purchase and resell."

"Then we will not provide after-sales service, I mean, for your customers."

"What about my after-sales service?"

"Large orders are processed centrally. After all, your company's large-scale purchases are already very low. We need to control subsequent costs."

In fact, Ge Xiaotian prefers to sell in large quantities, remove the after-sales service of the first customer, and then set up a local after-sales service site to allow the second customer to come to the store for consumption.

"Well, let's see your quote."

"Agricultural machinery is divided into three types, ordinary internal combustion engine, heavy steam engine, and delicate gas turbine. The price is different, and the efficiency is also high and low. I will also ask Tiancheng Electric Industry to draw up a list. The quantity is still small."


"Fertilizer...I am going to build a factory here, located in a rubber plantation. I will talk more about it then..."

After a long time, ten members of the secretarial team will leave with the founder of Red Bull...

Every super company will have a large and professional secretarial team or manager team. The head of the company is only responsible for contacting important partners. After the negotiation is reached, the secretarial team and manager team will go to the other company for business negotiations or business Bidding, Yingla is not surprised.

"Mr. Ge, why don't you recommend Zigbee Network to the founder of Red Bull?"

"Behind him is the Science and Technology Alliance, and will not use the ZigBee network. Why should I find it boring?"

Yingla blinked, "Looking at the content of today's discussion, you seem to know that they will visit you."

"No, I treat all my peers as opponents. No matter where I go, I will always find out the local leading companies the first time."

"What about AS Communications Group?"

"We are partners."

"You are so humorous."

"is it?"

"I'm thinking about it."


"Be an entrepreneur as great as you."

"I thought you would say, take the road you paved."

"What if that?"

"We will keep you safe."

"now what?"

"Just happy."

"But I may not be the general manager."

"In Taimei, if you have my strength, what else do you need to be?"

"It seems...not needed."

"Just be yourself."

Ge Xiaotian smiled and stood up, turned his back to Yingla and walked out of the door. He copied his pocket with his left hand and raised his right hand to snap his fingers, "Welcome to Dongshan Tiancheng!"