Working with the self-gaining oaks, goblins, and their minds together, one of their goals was finally achieved.

"Home, done - ooh!"

It's pretty big for a house, you should call it a mansion.

Anyway, I got a fine one.

"If this was all I had, there wouldn't be a shortage at all if me and Prati, and Veil, lived together."

Rather spare.

It was a mansion of total extra size and luxury for the three of us to live in, but wouldn't it be reasonably sizeable if we assumed that teachers and Prince Arowana would come to visit?



... I have a vague feeling, but I'm still going to have more residents, that's what I feel.

There's no harm in getting ready.

"So this is the love nest between your husband and your athletes!?"

"But it's the house of an unusual maker, isn't it?

The reaction of the two wives looking up at the finished mansion is generally good.

And what does Ville mean by "unusual making" rating...!?

It was a Japanese house.

Wujia Mansion Style, shall I say?

My castle, built by me, Oak and the Goblins, was made into a Japanese-style architecture reminiscent of the world I was in, and hundreds of years ago.

Wooden floors and columns.

Most importantly, tatami.

Sleeping on a tatami is more pleasant than anything else.

So I fell asleep in a diving mood in the Japanese-style room just finished.

"Tatami feels good -! Smells like grass!!"

Very satisfied.

This alone was worth making the house a Japanese-style architecture.

"Huh? Does it feel that good?

"Then we too......!

Prati and Veil also fell asleep in tatami, and that alone changed their expression.

"What's all this?!? I've never seen a floor with such a strange feeling!?"

"What's this smell!? Grass!? Grass!? But it smells good. It sucks!!"

Tatami seems to be well received by both of us.

However, it seems that Japanese-room rules are not yet well known to these two world-born people, and it was earthly.

Keep your shoes off the front door.

This is strict.

If you're unhappy with your bare feet on the floor, let's slipper them later.

With the architecture of the house, we got a lot of new materials. I started growing cotton from the grass that became a tatami ingredient.

Those cultivation tasks got the goblins to work hard.

Thanks to this, I could make a futon, and the cloth material is luxurious.

In time, I'd like to try my clothes.

... so.

Well, why Japanese-style architecture? That's what I'm talking about.

The reason for this is first and foremost the climate.

Creating a home that fits the climate is above all important.

I thought it would be a good place to have a moisture-proof home in a place with close proximity to the sea and humid sea breezes.

Japanese-style architecture, born in Japan with high temperatures and humidity, excels in this regard.

Both wooden columns and grass tatami absorb excess moisture for comfort.

... Well, the rest is from my own desire to fall asleep anytime, anywhere during the regiment.

A fine western pavilion, with a unique atmosphere where clandestine murders are likely to occur, but I asked my family to calm down so that I could relax my whole body.

Japanese-style architecture of results.

Well, in short, it totally reflected my taste.

"But I'm surprised. I can't believe my husband had the technology to build a house like this...!

"Yeah, well, I've never seen a house like this before, either. Where the hell does your husband get this rare knowledge from?


Well, though I totally relied on the 'supreme bearer' around there.

Just gripping the scarecrow and the canazuchi turned me into a first-class carpenter, and the instructions to the orcs could also be tedious.

Truly 'supreme bearer' varies.

I want to make a diaper and offer it to the Hepastos God who gave me this gift as soon as possible.

Okay, then.

Let's share more secrets about our mansion from here!!

Well, our mansion came out of the concept of Japanese-style architecture, but it wasn't completely Japanese-style.

The problem is habitability, comfort.

Based on this, the interior of the mansion is partially western and incorporates a Japanese and Western compromise.

The most important part was the kitchen.

In addition to equipment such as stoves and sinks, a kiln oven was also installed in the kitchen, which also serves as a soil.

This is why I want to bake bread and pizza.

We can also prepare a cauldron for rice cooking and start with a little medium breast.

I haven't made the rice at the heart yet.

There are quite a few living spaces with seven Japanese rooms and two Western rooms.

In addition to that, we also set up a dining room and a large hall where everyone would gather and discuss when something happened.

I'm going to have quite a few more rooms, but if I don't have enough, I'm going to build more.

I forgot to tell you, this house, it's two floors.

Of the aforementioned Japanese Room 7 and Western Room 2, there is a Japanese Second Ocean Room on top.

The upstairs window has a great view of the sea.

And because it's Japanese-style architecture, I also attached edges.

I'm looking forward to sunshine here on a nice day.

The toilet decided to still let me use Kid Human De.

Toilets are very hygienic while installing them in the same building because they can disassemble any dirt instantly with their infinite bad eating.

However, as far as I'm concerned, I wanted to make a western-style toilet seat out of pottery and sit down to add something to it, but I still couldn't get that far.

The kiln for pottery baking has not yet been completed.

I was making it in parallel with the house, but I didn't make it.

And a bath.

equipment that we worked on as eyeballs in building the house, but this was also not completed in time.

Because of this Japanese-style architecture, I imagined a cypress bath, but although I tried to enter the mountain dungeon of Ville and look for building materials close to cypress, I failed.

The idea was to grow cypress from scratch using the "supreme bearer," but even with Prati prepared hyperfish fertilizer, it is impossible to grow a whole tree there for a day.

It was also a hassle to do firewood to boil another bath, and it was difficult to navigate the joint development of Prati and Veil when I tried to do something magically around it, and I knew I couldn't make it to the completion of the mansion itself.

The point is, my mansion is still unfinished. We are going to grow admirably.

Something like that.

Then, from this time on, the orcs, the goblins, who have helped me make a home and take care of the fields. We built our own house beside the house, and we started to sleep there.

"I wish I lived with you in the Mansion..."

I said, "Oak, from the goblins." That's terrible!, "he declined.

Still, the residential facilities for ourselves built by Oak and others are splendid, and it's like a private room with its own privacy well covered has been built side by side.

Could it be......, I mean.

It was a long house even if I didn't have to.

Monster Long House......

Maybe it's okay to have a flair.

The goblins also head out from here to field work.

For the first time, I had also grown crops that were not made into food, such as cotton and grass, and their support was really helpful just when I was out of anything on my own.

The monsters but self-procured goblins are very motivated to come and request the crops they want to grow.

In charge, there is a sense of building work oak, farm work goblin, and so on.

I would like to continue my pioneering work with them.

Regardless, the oaks and goblins are not the only ones you can count on.

My wife Prati will continue to rely on magic drugs that she has been relying on since the beginning.

Constructing a new home. Shall we even have a dedicated magic medicine lab? I suggested, but was refused because I had already used the brewery instead of the lab.

The brewery and food pantry were built before the new home, but the dragon form vier was forced to lift and relocate.

Now both the food stored and the fermented food from the brewery can be removed immediately when needed.

The invincibility of our mansion is increasing!

And the first digging cabin we've lived in, we decided not to demolish it and leave it there because we've grown some attachment.

From now on, it will be used as a storage warehouse and resting place for agricultural tools.

There's still so much to adjust for, but I got my own house on my land! The pioneering life ahead is getting more and more fun!!


With regard to my other wife, Veil.

"You, don't you have to go back to the dungeon?


I asked Ville, relaxing completely at home.

This dragon, the Lord of the mountain dungeons around here in the first place.

"For once you're the main one in that dungeon, isn't it convenient to be away for a long time?

No, I don't know the details.

But I don't like it if a mountain dungeon that replenishes precious Tanku is desolate in the Lord's absence.

"So is that. Shall we do this then? Hey yeah!!"

When Veil got some temper, something glowing popped out of her body, eventually forming and manifesting itself.

Is that a dragon!?

Isn't that the dragon form of Veil!?

But there's also a human form of Veil over here.

There are two Veers.

"That's my magic split. You should leave him in the dungeon. I don't think so, but it would also be a countermeasure to intruders"

"Is that what this is about?"

"More than that, my lord! I'm starving! Meat! Eat the meat for me! He's crunchy!!"

"Yes, sir."