Hal and Lunaria open their eyes to surprise as they continue to run and see the village.

"- Oh, no! The village!!

Reaching out as he did, Lunaria was stunned to see the firehand lift up and the smoke stood in.

"Lunaria, hold on tight!... Please, just a little more hurry!

Though I feel sorry for the horse who had made me run so far, Hal calls out with his hands on the back of the horse because of his impatience.


Whether that desperate feeling had been conveyed, the horse began to run at a greater rate than ever before.

Both Hal and Lunaria say a short period of time. They are heartbroken by the burning village where the cared for people live, hurrying their horses as they scream quickly and in their hearts.

By the time we arrived, the villages' houses had burned down and worn out, with the villagers' bodies rolling on the ground.

"... ahem? Are you from this village? Then you're back at the worst possible time."

"You saw firehands up from afar, but aren't you stupid enough to come and get us killed?

Two bandits, who noticed the sound of the horse's feet and looked back, discovered the Hulls, laughing at Niyaniya.

Next to it a wolf demon glanced and waited.

"Dude, you're in the back, aren't you an upper-ball!

"Oh! Heh, let's just kill the man!

The men, who had a nasty laugh when they saw Lunaria behind Hull, are willing to pull out their swords and attack the Hulls.

"Lunaria...... ask for the horse in a safe place. I'll get rid of these guys."

When Hal gets off the horse, he spots the bandits.

"Dude, I don't care about you! Get me that girl!

"Shut up."

Hal had instantly snapped the bandit's neck when he spoke so much.


A safe man tries to scream, but he turns the man's torso in two with a blade to return.

The demons that accompanied them were unable to move without knowing what had happened because it had been done so quickly.

"You must have done harm to the villagers, too. I hope you're not hostile, but goodbye."

Hal released a blade of wind as he put his right hand forward, knocking down two wolves in an instant.

"Mr. Hal! Are you all right, sir?

It was Lunaria who knew Hal's strength, but still speaks with a worrying look.

"Oh, I'm fine. Lunaria, from here on out it will be a battle to exterminate the bandits. If you're scared, I'll be fine by myself, okay?

We've both come this far, but I cared about her because of the attitude of the bandits earlier, and the fact that they kill humans.

"Already, Mr. Hal! I'm one of Mr. Hal's people! All the time, we're together!

When I said that and smiled, Lunaria had the wand in her hand.

"Okay, let's go! It's the extermination of bandits and demons, making sure no one's alive yet!


The two run around the village with a clear purpose.

The bandits are still inside the village because they are looking for it.


If so, Hal waves his sword in order not to produce a second this village so that there is no damage outside.


The same is true of Lunaria, who uses magic to defeat the bandits.

The demons in service were mostly werewolf species, with only a few orcs.

Hal and Lunaria taking them down lightly.

After the defeat of one street, he confronts a bandit with a great attitude in front of the village chief's house in the center of the city. The man was the head of the bandits.

"You guys did my guys...... hey, follow me!


When the head gives instructions, a new demon emerges from the rear with a loud sound with Dosun Dosung.

"Hehe, come on. Take it from us, it's the strongest orgasm ever! Come on, get 'em!

The orgasm King, who sees his aim in a sleigh motion of, is directed by the head, and strikes Hal and Lunaria.

Despite the giant, the movement is quick, quickly packed with distance and beaten by Hull.

"Damn! Heavy!

Hal takes his fist in the belly of the sword, but is pushed behind him.


They thought they were going to attack Hal as it was, but they immediately changed their target and now they're going to beat him to Lunaria.


Hal unintentionally calls his name because of his high level of aggression, but Lunaria has already got her hands on it.

"It doesn't work!

Before the Lunaria, barriers of ice, earth and wind can be made.

Lunaria had sensed that her gaze was directed at both Hal and Lunaria when the orgasm moved out, and had decided that an attack would soon come upon her as well.


Without being good as it is, the orgasm goes on with one, two, three fists and tries to break the barrier created by Lunaria.

"Let it. Ahhh!

Wave your sword down the orgasm, not Hal, who lets you go free.

An earlier attack, and understanding the hardness of his body from not having one scratch on his fist in an attempt to destroy the barrier, Hal let the sword gather heat and slash it on his back.

The sword, as if the butter had been slashed so badly on his back.


An orgasm that gives voice to damage you never thought possible.

The orgasm turns bright red in anger and looks back, trying to hit Hull...

"We're not gonna hit it!

Hal, who knows he will lose his strength, shrugs and rips his torso off without mistake when he avoids his fists.


An orgy king who raises his voice again.

The bandits are surprised that Hull's offensive power outweighs that of the Orgy King.

"Hey, what the fuck! Just do it!

The orgasm, more eye-lit by the voice of the head, hits Hull even faster.

Now I take it again with my sword without being able to avoid it.

"Gu, gu"

Hal accidentally kneels down to a heavier blow than he did earlier.

But since the damaged back is empty, Lunaria should hit the magic there.

But it never came, and Hal was antagonizing with the fist of the orgasm with all his might.

At the next moment, the opposite fist strikes Hull.

"- No! Don't run!

"Hey! Oh, no. Oh!

I hear a sad Lunaria and a crying child there.

Only for a moment did the power of the orgasmic king's fist weaken with his consciousness facing you.


Hal rolls sideways to a nasty hunch and escapes the orgasm.

As soon as I turned my gaze to Lunaria, there was a child there, jumping out of her hand trying to protect her.


I missed Hal because I was interrupted.

An orgy king angry about it tries to beat the child who is the cause of it.


Desperately reaching over, Lunaria runs over and turns the girl to her ridiculous back for an orgasm.

Next moment, Dawn! The loud noise echoed around.