After all the auctions, the Hulls, who finished paying, take the carriage back to the city after the auction venue.

"- Lunaria, Emili, are you aware?

On the road back in the carriage, Hal asks the two of them questions in a small voice without moving his gaze.

Lunaria and Emili nod silently at the question.

Lunatic cane was held in such Lunarian hands, and Emili wore an elfenium plate.

Chaser, who is your man, concentrates on maneuvering without even knowing that there is such interaction.

Several carriages are following us a short distance from the Hull's carriage.

It maintains a constant distance and slows down there as the Hulls slow down.

"Was the aim a successful bid?

"Probably, that's other than the bracelet I was after. Mine had no competition, but the two winning bids had competitors. Either that, I think."

Listening to Hal's words, with a serious look, Lunaria gripped the wand hard, and Emili, with a hard look, was making a small fist with her chest.

"What do you want to do?

Attack by magic, park the carriage and fight, or let it rush away.

Lunaria thinks of the pattern in her head so that she can cope with any choice she makes.

"It's time for the opponent to move, let's get his hands on it first"

Then, at the same time that Hal tells him so, the carriage stops abruptly as if it had just weighed the timing.

"Shh, excuse me! Suddenly there's a carriage!

Surprisingly, Chaser first utters an apology to the Hulls.

Around the time I lost my mind, it was a quick stop for the other guy to set me up.

"Oh, I know. Chaser needs to stay in the carriage. We'll talk."

Hull, who was preparing, immediately disembarks from the carriage and confronts the carriage that was following him from the rear.

We would have shown each other, the carriages in the rear had already caught up with the carriages of the Hulls.

Along with several escorts on horseback, a man of aristocratic appearance approaches the Hals.

"Hmm, sounds like you've come down with a notion. It's an extraordinary victory."

The man, who looks mighty flustered, is grinning with his nose and staring at the hals.

"You, I saw you at the venue."

Hal was checking with his opponents who competed with him and who was around him. For that reason, I also remembered their faces.

I recall clearly being one of them.

"You remembered very well. Oh, yeah. I competed with you and your hearts."

"Oh, that nasty face is so unforgettable."

"... be! You!"

In contrast to Hal, who says softly and truly, the man makes his face bright red and exasperates.

"Sir, please calm down. That's the man's hand."

Hal didn't mean it like that. He just said what he thought, but the elf, who had refrained right next to the man, gives advice in a calm voice.

"Mmm, do that! Don't be alarmed... okay, let's make more demands than that. Give me the breastplate she's wearing."

I heard the man say it. Hal's temples move pickly.

Lunaria hides Emili behind her like a cover, and Emili has her hands on her chest all the time.

"As far as who you are and who you're taking with you, you're noble, aren't you?

"Um, you're right, I'm noble. It's not like an adventurer like you from birth. If you know what I'm talking about, give me that breastplate!

An aristocratic man who answers Hal's question honestly while correcting his collar with his fingertips.

"I knew it. I'm sorry, but this is what we won. You're a nobleman in the first place, but isn't it bad that you lost the competition to that adventurer style? Nobility doesn't have more money than adventurers?

"Gu, gummy, oh and here's what I say. He's a busy kid! - You guys, do it!

Does Hal have a verse to think of, or does he seem to want to get the elfenium plate that Emili wore despite the aristocratic man who regrettably shook his body, and the Hal's that obstacle were nothing but intrusive?

"- We're both falling back..."

At that time, it was Emili who said so and came forward.

She takes one or two steps and approaches the men of the nobility.

"Mr. Emili!

Lunaria calls her name, reaches out, tries to chase her, but Hal reaches out and stops it.

"... let Emily take care of it"

I'm bothering the Hals for my own sake. That was her perception, and I thought that she was responsible for this case of the nobles as well.

Hal understood her feelings and wondered if she would move forward a step by letting them be resolved with her own hands.

"Oh? You want me to offer you a heartbeat myself? Isn't that quite a special victory? Look, what are you doing? Don't take it from that girl!

An aristocratic man who reprimands his men while laughing and watching Emily.

One man rushes to Emily.

At that next moment, the man collapsed without a voice.

"... be!? What happened?

The aristocratic man, unable to understand the situation, is just baffled by a slight expression.

In the meantime too, moving forward pale, Emily approaches another man and releases her fist.

"Gu Hu!"

Now I hear voices, but I'm unconscious with one blow.


Men who can't understand the meaning of Emili's words who grumbled bossly.

"Next, call me. Someone who wants to be defeated by me... call me, will you?"

Words without discouragement, but a flame of anger is burning in the back of my eyes directed long ago.

There was nothing that could fathom Emili, who completely ruled the field, and in just a few minutes most of his men were defeated and all that remained were aristocratic men and elf men.

"What are you two gonna do with what's left?

You still going to fight? Yes, Emily asks. This look is tempting because she's usually cute enough to remind me of an angel.

"I didn't think there was anyone in my family who was so good at melee combat. Hmm... I thought if it worked, this guy would be able to win the heartbeat, but you missed expectations."

For Christ's sake, the elf man who flaunted his shoulder was in the position of a man of nobility until earlier, but he changes his attitude.

"Hey, what are you talking about! Quickly defeat them with magic you're good at!

"Pfft, thanks for your help so far. I beg your pardon."

Looking down at the aristocratic man and saying so, the elf man shifts his gaze to the Hulls.

"This time it's my loss. But I remember your face. I'll let you win next."

The elf man, who smiled meaningfully, said so and flipped his cape, disappearing in a flash.

"- You kind of got your eye on the troublesome one."

Hal shrugged so as he scratched his head.

During such interaction the aristocratic man tried to crawl on the ground and fled.