Capsule System

Chapter 1886 Missing!

Now that the survivors who have been locked in this school are likely to be in the cafeteria, Lin Cheng no longer wants to think about things, and after telling everyone about his ideas, he then said: "So our task now is to dig the ground and give people Find out! We can't stay in Jawang City forever, so this matter should be resolved today, otherwise we can only continue on the road."

I heard that Lin Cheng said that only one day is given to everyone... No, it’s noon now, which means that everyone is only given half a day to search for survivors. Others don’t know what they think, but Ayase Kana is anxious. After all, this matter is still In her personal affairs, it is normal for Lin Cheng not to waste too much time on this matter, but if people like Lin Cheng fail to find a survivor today and leave tomorrow, she feels that it would be difficult for her to encounter this again in her life. Good opportunity to find relatives!

"I will look for it now!"

Knowing that prayer is unlikely to work for Lin Cheng, Ayase Kawa Na simply turned around and ran towards the back of the cafeteria. Since Lin Cheng only gave everyone half a day to search for survivors, she decided to start from now. Every second is not wasted. You must find the survivors hiding in the school before dark, and find out from these people what happened in Jaho City and where the doomsday refuge was built.

Seeing Ayase Kana who trot all the way to the kitchen to search for clues, Lin Cheng couldn't help but raised his eyebrows. In fact, what he said just now was indeed for the other party, although the cooperation between the two parties so far has been fairly pleasant. It is also the reason why he decided to help the other party to find relatives, but kindness is always limited. It is impossible for him to waste a lot of time on this matter. It is better to say it now than to tear his face tomorrow, and Ayase Kana’s reaction It didn't disappoint him, it can be said that she is a very reasonable woman.

No one thought that Lin Cheng was joking with what Lin Cheng said just now. Bai Ling, who knew him best, immediately realized that he was serious. Considering that everyone has been in Dongying for a few days, they have not yet come out of Bei. Haidao, she knew that Lin Cheng was a little impatient, so she didn't have much, and after nodding, she took Felton, Daisy and Coke to continue searching for survivors.

The thick mist outside the window enveloped the entire Zahuang City. In the dim canteen, Lin Cheng and his party held their flashlights and kept checking in various areas, even though the two floors of the canteen had actually been searched again and again. Again, but everyone still maintained enough patience, mainly because they maintained a high level of trust in Lin Cheng.

But it’s not a way to search aimlessly all the time. If there is a target point, it’s okay to say, the problem is that after most of their search in the afternoon, let alone living people, there is no trace of man-made traces at all, give them It feels as if no one has been to this school since it was built. It's just as unscientific and unscientific.

Because of this, as the search continued to deepen, even Daisy, who was a little skeptical about Lin Cheng’s inference at the beginning, realized that the neatness here is completely unreasonable. In other words, it is very likely that there is someone in front of them. Deliberately!

After searching for a while, there was still no harvest, Lin Cheng exhaled, and casually pulled a chair to sit up, lit a cigarette and started to vomit.


After smoking two cigarettes, he suddenly felt something was wrong, and asked the people who were still investigating in the cafeteria: "Where is Ayase Kanna?"

"Miss Ayase? Hasn't she been searching the back kitchen?"

Hearing his question, Daisy raised her head and asked him with a little face in doubt.


But at this moment, Bai Ling suddenly stopped the movement in his hand, "swiftly" stood up and rushed towards the kitchen!

As soon as Bai Ling left, Lin Cheng and Felton also rushed towards the kitchen, because Bai Ling's actions made them realize that Ayase Kana seems to have not appeared for a while!


Kicked open the back kitchen door, and the three people who rushed into the back kitchen looked up, only to find that the back kitchen was empty, and there was no shadow of Ayase Kanna!

"How could this be?!"

Finding that there was no Ayase Kanna in the back kitchen at all, Bai Ling's face suddenly changed, and Lin Cheng waved his hand and said to her in a deep voice, "Don't worry, there is a problem with this back kitchen."

As he spoke, he saw him lift his foot and walk directly inside.

Seeing that Lin Cheng knew that there was a problem with the back kitchen, he still walked inside. Bai Ling subconsciously wanted to stop him, but he still held back his words. Everyone has spent most of the afternoon in this cafeteria, and now there is such a stall again. She didn't think she could stop Lin Cheng.

Walking to the center of the back kitchen, Lin Cheng frowned slightly, his eyes swept across the kitchen, and finally found that there was no trace of fighting here. Ayase Kana seemed to be captured by the enemy in an instant, even There is no chance to fight back or call for help.

Looking at the tidy back kitchen, Lin Cheng's eyes gradually cooled down. If he knew that there were survivors here, but he couldn't find a breakthrough and was troubled, then he has only one feeling now that these people are obviously playing tricks. he!

"You two go out first, I have something to do here."

He waved his hand to signal Bai Ling and Felton to leave first. Before Bai Ling could ask, he listened to him in a low voice, "I will explain the specifics to you later. Leave now. It will soon become unsafe. Up."

Hearing his last words, Bai Ling's heart suddenly froze, and he didn't even bother to ask. He immediately left the back kitchen with Felton, and closed the door of the room.

After the two left, Lin Cheng was still leaning against the stove, playing with Thousand Blades in the shape of a dagger by him. After a while, the sound of "click" and "click" came from under his feet. A layer of frost exuding cold air has completely covered the floor of this back kitchen at some point!

With Frost completely covering the floor of the back kitchen, the back kitchen, which was originally at a normal temperature, suddenly became an ice purgatory. There was no need for Lin Cheng to take care of it. The roof beams and various facilities in the back kitchen were quickly installed. A thick layer of frost has condensed, and at first glance it seems like this is a super large cold storage room.

"Isn't this coming out."

Seeing that the frost in the whole room is getting thicker and the temperature is getting lower and lower, Lin Cheng can't help but murmured. In fact, his purpose of doing this is very simple, just to use this kind of extreme cold that can freeze people to death. Force out the survivors hiding here!

He didn’t care if he would freeze those people to death. From the moment they took Ayase Kana away silently, these people are equivalent to declaring war on Lincheng, and when he treats the enemy, Lincheng is from Will not be merciless!