I had a weird dream last night.

My parents and sister came out in a dream.

I think it's a dream, but maybe not.

What actually happened, or the fact that there is to come.

My dreaming skills could be affecting me.

"... I don't want to think about it, but maybe it only connects to Earth while I'm dreaming"

It's still the second time, and there's no certainty.

"And... God of cards"

Yes, the boy who came out after that was definitely God of cards.

Being that I have crossed over into another world.

I don't know why, but it looked like he found me watching.

"This matter is full of uncertainties, too."

Maybe it's something I can't help thinking about after all.

I forcefully concluded that I followed Bono.

Breakfast seats were to be eaten while parents and children made noisy arguments.

I don't care. I developed into a curse from a disagreement, and if I didn't stop it, the fork would have flown over the table.

Discount the details.

I don't even want to remember.

After breakfast, we were to go out immediately.

Kim Noisuke had little need of herself, so she looked at the luggage loaded in the garden in a bluff.

It is my brother Levon who is loading his luggage onto his self-propelled wheels.

My sister, Bono, must also be preparing for that parent-child affair.

"Do you use two self-propelled wheels?

"I'll return one to town."

I see, speaking of which, did you borrow it in town?

The dedicated self-propelled wheels that have come out of the back are splendidly decorated and large enough for seven or eight people to sit loose.

"Two cars go to town, Bono returns his self-propelled wheels intact and then returns to the hall.

I'm going to follow my parents, but I'm going to tell you about last night, because it looks like we're going out of E-maj town through Cardy's habitat, and I'm going to give it to you until just before that. "

"Right. I'd like to ask you, what is the power source of this self-propelled wheel, Voral?

"Although I think Voral is about the general energy given by the god of cards. What would you like to know?"

Had trouble.

Some of you would say you just got a brief explanation yesterday.

"I was in a place where not many of these things were used normally. I know a little bit about it, but I only have that much knowledge about it being used as a power source. Dwarves are clever at their fingertips, and self-propelled wheels seem to be more prevalent than people, and I thought I'd ask."

"Really? I've never been to the realm of people, but I've also heard those stories. Voral is prepared by the God of cards as an energy used for a variety of applications. Close to you, it's also used for lighting in this hall. And then the same goes for self-propelled wheels, but I don't think you can go wrong if you consider them to be a power source for something mechanical and moving. It's also used in the bouncing bridges of the castle."

From that explanation, I wonder if it's like Earth's electricity.

Considering that self-propelled wheels are Earth's automobiles, can they also replace gasoline?

That's pretty versatile.

"Can you make that yourself?

"No, you can only buy or borrow the part that will be a grand dollar, that is, the part that will convert Voral into energy, from the kings of each country. I hear the king is also receiving it from the god of cards."

"What if it breaks?

"You will be asking for restoration at the Card's book temple. I don't know what skills are used, but they say they have the skills to fix something like this."

After all, if you don't know how it works, can't you make it? But it's funny that you can fix it.

Perhaps it's a skill to put it back in its original state or something like that.

"I kind of get it. Thanks. Finally, I ask, is that expensive to buy?

"It will be too expensive for the average person to buy. Most importantly, through the king, so it's not easy to buy with anyone."

"Doesn't that mean through the royal palace or the merchants in and out of the castle? You buy it directly from the king himself?

"Of course, when purchasing, there seems to be a specialist reception. But eventually, the king went out to the main temple of the card, and it seemed like something to give there. In the case of the Dwarves, once a month, the king will take you to the temple, so I thought that might be the time."

Surprisingly, the king of this world seems to be working for the people.

As we talked about that, a loud parent and child came.

Same thing happens at breakfast, but I still have to do it.

"Kinnoske, you're early. Are you ready yet?"

"Sort of. He's wearing it."

"Well, I'm so proud of you. My father would also like to learn Kinosuke to be more concise."

"Drop the fool. I don't know where the people are looking."

"I told you not to mention that I can't go out until I've decided to dress perfectly. Is there only one choice in my father's head between a ruffled outfit and a perfect outfit?

"There's like five levels to a little rough outfit or something a little uptight!

"Then be patient in the middle. Don't bother with coordination even though you're busy."

"Then I'm telling you, there's no sign of it for the people."

I don't think I care about the clothes.

They don't run out of talking stories on any topic.

Or if this story takes time, just move on.

"Parents, we are ready"

Bono spoke up just in time.

"Well, let's just say we leave."

We finally set off.

The journey on the self-propelled wheel went well.

We broke up with Bono in the town of Casil as planned, and we're running down the street on Levon's steered self-propelled wheel.

"We'll take the inn there today when we get to the town of Ugle.

If you leave early the next morning, don't get to the town of E-Maj in that day. "

"Yes, the streets are empty, and you'll probably be fine"

"I'm just wondering if there's any obstruction."

Veloslav is saying disturbing things again.

I was through because I didn't want to get involved as much as possible, but it seems dangerous too, so I decided to listen and see it right.

"Again, I ask you, what obstruction of it means is which forces are obstructing it with what intent?

I asked Veloslav, and he was trying to say something.

My father answered me better instead.

"You're a hostile force attached to the other side this time. There are three Kings candidates elected this time. One of them is definitely a bender of faith. He chose his own candidate, but no one else has endorsed him."

"I mean, only one of the seven chosen priests has come out with the knowledge of losing,"

"That's the thing. So, the rest split in two."

It sucks.

There were three candidates, and three, three, and one backed them up.

"If we don't decide in one go, we're supposed to leave two people behind to make the showdown. However, if I do not come by the prescribed time, I shall be deemed an abstention. That's what they're after."

The smell of being attacked is already pumping.

"If it were to strike, where would it be?

"I guess in front of the town where the selection meeting takes place. Now you don't even know which route we're going to take."

You're absolutely right.

If there is, when I feel relaxed.

The easiest place to ambush and the easiest place to read the route.

And even by the time I get the most tired as the moving side.

You need to think about it a little bit.

"Kinnoske, is that also a good idea?

"Not yet. But it's not in vain to think about it, is it?

"Oops. So is that. My clan doesn't like that."

When Veloslav says so, his father is also nodding.

Well, I knew I didn't like brainwork.

Or Kim Noisuke himself is not good at it.

While doing so, the self-propelled wheels proceeded and reached the town of Ugle without anything.

I picked up the inn here and left early the next morning.

On the second day, after proceeding with the self-propelled wheels without taking a break other than a meal, we were able to reach the town of Emaj before sundown.

"Father, please wait in the inn first. I'm looking for Eleve. If you'd come here, you'd have a face in the tavern."

"Eleve... ok, I got it"

"Shall I go, too?

"No, not this time. I'm sure of his arm, but he's a lot of trouble when he drinks."

That's all Veroslav said.

"I like alcohol, but when I drink it, I get oligarchy and I don't even respond to my voice. You've always had a hard time having a dialogue because one of these days you won't move like a statue."

Levon remembered or told me that with a bitter smile.

"What? You're gonna come back with a hardened one of these days."

Oh, that's who you are.

I may not want to get too involved.

Kim Noisuke himself, I didn't even try to go out to the tavern to find Levon, but I just wanted to meet him because I still can't even find one scale of rear filling.

But there's nothing I can do about that.

I felt like I was going to have more trouble than we met, so I decided to wait in the inn for a long time.

There must be an encounter somewhere someday.
