Morin headed to Lord Urstan's bedroom with that leg after dropping off the Kinosuke and the others.

"Do you let people walk you to your bedroom and that attitude? Are you asking me out in the morning?

"I didn't ask you out! … Itetete"

Lord Urstan passed out in a blow by Kim Noisuke, and when he noticed it, he was groomed on the bed. I have broken bones and cracks all over my body.

I can't even get out of bed for the time being, so I just have to get a job report here.

"I'll report, the selector and his line left earlier."

"Well... I don't even have a pillow up right now"

"So you're going to replace me with a pillow."

"You didn't say that."

"I'll be depressed if my husband finds out"

"You just denied it, didn't you? Kippy."

"My husband's shoulders will be even rounder. Is that okay with you?

"And you're not talking about shoulders!

"Isn't the center of the story on the shoulder?

"No! Then shoulders aren't that important, what did you think?

"So, after the selection, is it okay for me to take the lead?

"Hmm... right, can you ask?

"If you don't bring a porn story to me with my husband, I'll do everything I can"

"When did I take it? You never took it with you, did you?

"Was I? Sorry, that was my mistake."

"Mm, no... we just have to split up"

"... then I beg your pardon. Please love your body."


That's what Morin said and left.

And again this time, confused by Morin's weird words and actions, Lord Urstan gave him permission without even hearing Morin's proposal.

Of course, Morin did it for her, but by then her heart was occupied with how to sharpen the power of the princes in the royal palace.

"... yeah? In doing so, you have a temporal loss. Then... no, then there will be a man-made disaster. Rejected, rejected. You don't want to bother the general public. If so... who are you sending? Shall I let you do it the other way instead? If so... if you do that and that, oh wonder, aren't you naked already? That's good. But naked... the next story came to mind, and now let's go."

And this was the moment when Morin, the person who should never be left alone, became free.

On the evening when the Kinosukes left for the labyrinth, there were a few from the castle of Lord Urstan, avoiding the eyes, who left the castle inconspicuously.

Some dressed softly, and others dressed no different from the people of Ichii...

"Is that it? I wonder if something happened in the castle today," to the slightest degree of discomfort. That came to the eyes of those who were monitoring Lord Urstan's castle.

They hide their discomfort indefinitely, but therefore they are gently followed by those who gather in their eyes and leave the castle.

He was dressed the same way as someone from Shirai who was not following him or having any discomfort again.

And some of them lose sight of the tail object when they are mundane. Apparently, it's not a mess.

Those who nevertheless succeeded in tailing were in contact with their peers and monitoring their trends with man-made sea tactics.

And two days later, the repair of the broken wall was completed in the match between Lord Urstan and Kinosuke.

No one noticed that there was an increasing number of vendors leaving.

There is a man named Tonglas Throwfarogaro. Originally, he is known as the First Prince, but now he is named King. Of course it calls itself.

And there aren't that many tongue-glass handouts. In the first place, he was in his capacity as the First Prince and did not yet have a full political basis. I don't know in the future, but I'm not allowed to have direct force by nature.

Then why was it possible to engage in armed activity during the period of unrest, largely due to the thoughts of the Lords who held him together?

In particular, it began when Tonglas married the daughter of one of the royal families, the Asidiney family, and stemmed from the fact that Tonglas, among other things, cared about his relationship with the so-called superior nobility.

In that regard, it would be a very different place from the Second Prince, who had gathered his support from the upper nobility to the Lords of the Lords of the Bottom 10,000 times.

Now, the king is chosen by the electorate, but there is an insanity that it is limited to royalty.

It is supposedly a covenant exchanged between God and the First King, and the selector has never chosen anyone other than the factual royalty.

However, there is a wide variety when it comes to royalty, and from the viewpoint of the selectors, it is actually slightly different.

The Chosen One distinguishes "those who draw the blood of the First King" and elects the King at his own discretion.

Therefore, there are three princes, including Tonglas, but it does not mean that a king will be chosen from among them.

A man came into the office of that tongue of glass.

It is his ventriloquist, Chief Minister Ejuin. "We have a report of an emergency," he paid a tribute to Tonglas.

Because Ejuin manages the King's duties in general, even at this hour the Kingsguards escorting him outside the office are unable to stop Ejuin from entering the room.

"What's up? It's a long time."

Already staying up late. Looks like Tonglas is diligent and often works in the clerk's office as long as his own time permits. Most of the time, we are exploring our own ground-building and other trends.

"We have received a report from the side stone that has been released."

Side stone is a term that collectively describes the various people who are infiltrating other places, diving into many places and conducting intelligence activities.

"Did you make any moves?

"A cardi-hunter went to Lord Urstan's castle, and after doing one request, he left immediately."

…… So? "

"Perhaps the request itself should be camouflage. Because it seemed like something that would end that day."

"Hmm... that means you've come for something else."

"Yes, some men have left the castle inconspicuously that night when the cardyhunter left"

"I see."

"Half of them were lost or scattered, but we managed to keep in touch and now we have a secret watch on the four people who left the castle. We are also tracking those we have lost sight of. I wonder if we can report any good results."

"You seem to be keeping it a lot stricter. Did you get the purpose?

"Apparently, it works against the lord."

"Could that be from the selectors?

"I think that's likely, so we've made an increase in personnel. I also intend to make internal contact with each lord."

"Well, don't let this move go unnoticed."

"Yes, sir."

After Ejuin left the office, Tonglas laughed thinly and cut up his affairs.

I took out the liquor on the shelf and took a bite.

"Has it finally moved? Well, how's it coming, the selector?"

Proud to be a cutter, Don Glass leaves his body to a very slight sense of intoxication.

There are many hands to hit. No matter how it was, I was sure there was no defeat of my own.

"I'm talking about Ejuin, so the continual report will be here any minute. You can't wait till then. I will be king of truth."

Don Glass had no doubt that it was a definitive future.

Lord Zigg was bewildered.

A messenger came suddenly from Lord Urstan, a lord who usually had little interaction.

Although equivalent as a lord, his stature as a nobleman is above him. For this reason, no means can be taken to drive them back.

However, even though it was during the turmoil that we converged, if each lord still meets secretly or sets up frequent messengers, there is a risk that the royal palace will stare at us.

"How are you?

"You must have come with official documents. Pass the card when you check it. We can't just not see each other."

"Yes, sir."

That's all Zig had in mind about what kind of crap it was.

The ambassador who came made me think that he would be good if he let intelligence work somewhere, as I thought. In other words, there is no gap.

This is all Zigg had a bad feeling about. And Zig and the messenger and the other stories I don't love continue.

"... so, messenger which. It's time for you to get into the requirements."

Sieg was frustrated with a messenger who never cut out the story. I suppose that's the kind of operation, but that's why I'm not free enough to put up with eagle frying all the time, and I'm not close to Urstan in the first place.

"I came with a request from the Selector"

- Gatta!

Zig got up unexpectedly.

The thought of saying it first is strong.

Is it such an easy thing to fall apart in the first place?

"... Proof."

"To this."

The messenger retrieves the contract card.

Duplicate the self-card when the person bearing the mark of the Selector asks for cooperation.

"I'll check."

"Help yourself."

Sieg receives the card and looks at it.

Probably, it would be real first. I can't complain about being attacked by other lords at the time I made this fake. I thought there was no way Ulstan would do anything to blaspheme God.

"Selector...... Eileen Ente? Well, it still belongs to the Ente family."


"What should I do?

"Support and cooperation."

"I wonder who the selectors chose as the king's candidate. If you tell me that, I can't support you or cooperate."


"What's up? You come all this way and you shut up?

"... of the Krawvanian family. We only have forgiveness"

"Oh my God!"

Zigg thought. Speaking of the Krawvanian family, it was a prestigious family lined up with Lord Urstan, certainly in times when he was treated as a past royalty.

"Who in the Krawvania family are you? Your best candidate is the son of the current lord, did you say Sardine M. Klauvania?"

"I'm sorry. I haven't been informed of that."

"Can't you support something you don't understand? What's this all about?

"I want to understand the situation."

So Zigg thought. If the First Prince knew, he would be afraid that the person would be assassinated.

Indeed, at the stage of the king's candidacy, and if that is known before it is published, there is also the risk of being killed in secret.

(And that the messenger hasn't been informed either... you're thorough)

There is no reason to doubt it more than originally. The situation is bad, as the messenger said, to express agreement immediately.

"Sardine was thirty years old at the time and would be the easiest to get into the eyes of the chosen one. Don't have any other Gorifoym Krawvania in the house. Isn't that him?

"I haven't really been informed."

I've done a little shaking, but I don't even react to a name like that.

There is also a man named Eugard Klauvania in the division, but he failed to marry the three daughters of the king's brother first, and is now in the middle of nowhere.

Zigg tried to tell me he wasn't Euguard. I just didn't think it was possible.

(I guess it's either Sardine or Golifoim. Well, it won't matter which one will be king)

"All right, let's work together. However, if there is a lie or falsehood in any of the words of the Messenger, the cooperation relationship may be blank. Yes. Can you tell my husband?

"Ha, thank you"

The messenger left in a courtesy.

Dropping that off, Zigg called in a minister and didn't forget to give him a firm nail to keep this thing from spreading.