Lauren, king's capital of the people.

The Royal Castle and the Grand Temple of Card exist in this capital.

The Great Temple of Cards is that place where the God of Cards left this world.

"After all, no raids, no obstructions on the road"

Kim Noisuke and the others are currently running on self-propelled wheels inside the Wang capital.

"I guess that means we couldn't hit the selectors in public."

"The streets were nice, too."

Kim Noisuke also returns "Right" to Eileen's words.

The lack of a planned raid has left the situation unclear.

"Anyone could have attacked me and asked me a lot of questions. Too bad."

Exactly no one was in tune with the words of this Kinosuke.

Since the Wang capital, Lauren, is the largest capital of the people, there are many people and many self-propelled wheels running down the road.

And the city itself would be huge if it did.

Kim Noisuke is of course the first person to come here, but Lyudmila was familiar with geography at times when she lived in this city. He seems familiar enough to be able to do a tourist guide, and he teaches Kinosuke a lot about this city.

"Keep going and we'll be at the castle in two hours. but I want to stop by the Grand Temple of Cards before that. All right?"

"What is the Grand Temple of Cards, the parent ball of the Temple of Cards?

"Oh, my dear... well, that's the thing"

"I want to go!

Kim Noisuke remembered a fairy tale he read the day he came to this world.

The god of cards put up his own cards here, and they stole them.

I then spoke with the god of cards in my dream skills, so Kim knew that the fairy tale was true, but I could go to that historic building. The tension also rises.

"I wonder if Eileen would mind."

"Yes, Sister Lyudmila"

"Okay, let's change the destination. The place is right next to the royal castle."

Moving around for a while, I saw the castle.

It is probably originally high, but it stands out in the distance because of the large number of towers built in the castle.

"What do you say, you're amazing"

Lyudmila said that. As a member of the royal family she lived there.

"Looks like you're having a hard time going up the stairs."

"... you don't have weird feelings"

For Kinosuke, who had lived in Tokyo since he was fifteen, human trash was a familiar thing to see, and he looked up at the building higher than the castle tower every day.

Even the most prosperous cities of the people are inferior to the local cities of Japan.

Because of this, Lyudmila seemed somewhat disappointed, hoping that Kiyonosuke would be impressed.

"This is the Great Temple of Cards."

"Well, here it is."

It's a white yard building, so it's no different from the normal temple, but this place was different in size.

"There's the outer gate and the middle gate, and the main hall is behind it."

"It's like an In Wa Temple."

"What's that?"

"Talk Over Here"


"I wonder if this Card Grand Temple is a kind of tourist destination, a lot of people"

There were not enough people at all to say that the Temple of Cards stopped by when I first came to this world.

This place was so busy that I didn't think it was the same temple.

"You're sure it's a tourist destination. Those who come to visit will never stop.... this way."

Lyudmila walked down the middle gate and went off the road.

"Where are you going?

"There's someone I want to see."

He proceeded to circle the building to a large extent, and the line went into the building away from the main hall.

"Kasim, I want to see Secretary of Rituals."

When Lyudmila said so at the reception, one of the people who was working opened his eyes.

"Master Lyudmila!?

Put your hands on your mouth and answer in a low voice.

I'd like to see my great-uncle in confidence.

"Okay...... please go to the back room. I'm calling you right now."

The line that was put through the room was relaxing for now.

I kept running on my own wheels for a whole day and a half. Fatigue accumulates.

"What was that earlier, Kasim Ritual Secretary?

"He's my maternal grandfather's brother. He's the youngest brother of his brothers, so he's been a cleric in the temple since he was little. Now he's born and he does things like" Secretary of Rites. "

"I see. What's the purpose of coming here?

"Check the status quo and... Is it a request for assistance?


"Oh... well, if my great-uncle says so."

A short wait opened the door and a favorable old man came in.

"Long time no see. Ever since that day."

"We're out of time, Master Qasim"

"No... what's happening more than that? Sudden visits, etc."

Kasim Ritual Secretary looked sincerely strange.

"Really? That means you haven't heard from us yet."

"... hmm? What are you talking about?

"Let me introduce you first. The story is from then on. This is Eileen, the second daughter of the Ente family, the selectee."

"Yeah...... oh?

"And Kinosuke and Elev. We're both capable cardi hunters, who have escorted us so far."

"With the selector... maybe what Miss Lyudmila came here for?

"Yes, I'm a king candidate. I also consider this a royal duty. This information is now being communicated to each lord. I haven't heard from you yet."

"Right... that's what I'm talking about.... So the First Prince was fake."

"That's right. I'm about to board the Imperial Castle for a trial ritual."

"Isn't it dangerous? The Royal Palace is still under the jurisdiction of the First Prince, right? If you're going, you'd better gather enough soldiers to occupy the royal palace."

"While you're ready, you'll give your enemies time to consolidate their defenses. It will then develop into a war in which many dead will emerge. That's not what I meant."

"That's why it's a dangerous place to jump in."

"So I'm thinking about breaking in from the back."

Kasim Ritual Secretary hacked into Lyudmila's words.

"The Temple Gate? But it's locked up, and there are guards on the Royal Castle side."

"What's that temple gate?

Kinosuke asked an unreadable question of the air.

"The Temple Gate is a passage made to come directly here from the Royal Palace to the Grand Temple of Card during some ritual. I can't open it from here, but I can unlock it from the other side. I heard Kinosuke can get over the wall, can he?

"How long?

It's the same height as the outer gate.

Kinosuke remembered the height of the outer gate. There were about seven or eight meters.

"If that's the case, we can put on a run, or we can put up a stick or something."

"Dear Kasim, how many soldiers guard the Temple Gate?

"Always two."

"Then there's no problem."

"No... you can't just put it in the royal palace..."

Lyudmila sees no problem if Kinosuke can knock down the other soldier and open the door.

But Secretary Kasim said it was still dangerous.

"I lived in that royal palace the whole time. It actually leads to the back road."

"Back road?"

Kasim Ritual Secretary tilted his neck wondering if there was such a thing in Hate Royal Palace.

"It's a passage for servants."


The Royal Palace has a number of passageways reserved for servants. As an implicit understanding nobility does not enter such a place. Conversely, servants rarely use the passages used by nobles.

The servants can follow thin, dark passages and go out to various places.

However, it is a move that completely ignores efficiency. The aisle is crooked or far-fetched.

"I've been in and out of the royal palace for decades too, but I've never visited a servant's passage..."

"It would be. You don't have a nobleman who looks at you like that... except me"

"Then go through there..."

"Yes, I'm going to go directly to the Royal Palace Visiting Room."

"Then... is it possible"

"As long as we get in between trials, the problem will be solved. That's why I'd like permission from the temple."

"............ ok. Allow it."

After careful thought, Kasim Ritual Secretary said so.

Kinosuke put a stick about two meters up against the outer wall, jumping it to its starting point.

As long as I had the skills and foothold of a light industry, I could even twist up the wall separating the castle from the Great Temple.

The aisle on the side of the Grand Temple is made completely invisible from the garden.

Because it becomes a passage that the royal family passes directly through when they use the Great Temple, it is a policy not to create a place where they can be alert to their external enemies and never go outside.

Therefore the Lyudmilas can only pass through the passage from the main temple of the Great Temple.

On the other hand, the royal castle side does not need that consideration, and it has become simple to just keep guard soldiers at the gate.

Kinosuke stepped down to the lawn on the side of the royal castle without making a sound. I haven't noticed the watch yet.

"It sucks to have a whistle..."

There is no place to hide your body until you reach the lookout.

Then Kim Noisuke walked the wall with his aid.

- Stata tata tata.

Neither do the lookout for the walls of the castle. If you are accustomed to watching, it is even worse.

Therefore, I could not perceive its existence until Kinosuke came nearby.


"... hmm? Wow."

Poking at the steep point of his throat, Kiyonosuke stunned the watch with one blow.

"Now, where's the key?"

Round up the body of the watch and look for the key to your aim.

When he opened the heavy door by sliding it into the keyhole, Lyudmila and the others were waiting on the other side.

"That's brilliant."

That's what Lyudmila said when she saw the lookout she was passing out.

"What do we do with this?

"Let's keep our hands and feet tied and put them on the side of the Grand Temple and lock them up. That'll buy you time even if you notice."

"I see."

Push the watch toward the temple and lock the door.

"All right, I'll lead the way from here. Let's go."

It is where I lived until I ran away. There was no stray in Lyudmila's feet.

"... What is this place?

"I'm about to bring in firewood, etc. It's called a fire yard. I don't use it in the warm weather so I'm closing the stairs here to make sure no one comes. This door, Kiyonosuke, can you break it?

"Of course."

When Kinosuke applied force to the door, the gripping stick that had been applied to the inside of the castle broke.

"Excellent. We're going up the stairs from here."

Copy that.

The four of them are going through a narrow passage. The ceilings, floors and walls are made of stone folds. Lyudmila continues unmistakably through an inorganic passage without any decorations. I wonder how used you are to it.

"Do you know how many laundry gardens there are in this castle?

"Of course I don't."

"Aren't you going to think about it?

'Cause it's troublesome.'

"... there are eight. Two for royalty, three for nobility and lord, and the other three for servants."

"That's more than I thought. Especially if the servant needs three?

"Oh... so is this castle, a third is used by servants. in various warehouses as well as residential areas and passageways. This is the only way to get around because it exists around the aristocracy and other areas of use, but if you don't get lost, you can get to where you thought you were going."

That's all there are servants.

The path led by Lyudmila is thin and dark. Wrong is not the way nobility walks.

Sometimes there are different servants, but I didn't pay any particular attention to whether I thought it was some kind of play because Lyudmila's outfit was noble.

"This is handy."

"I didn't know there was such a place in the castle."

"It is normal not to bother to go out to compartments where there are no steps and no lights, because all the passages used by servants are discreet. I guess you didn't have to know."

"That's right. But when this happened… I also wanted to grasp the structure of my parents' house (no). Sure enough, the servant area never set foot."

"That's a good idea... we're almost in the lookout room"


"Right? I still can't hear you like you've been noticed outside, and the infiltration seems to be successful. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. We're almost there. We'll be careful."

From there it was suddenly in a lavish passage.

It's as if you got lost in the palace where the royal matriarch lives.

There's no one here.

"It's a compartment where only royalty and those with permission can get in. Is that what happens to people?"

"So, what about the gaze room?

"Behind here."

A soldier who was guarding in front of the door noticed Lyudmila approaching in a hurry.

Lyudmila is now wearing noble clothes. It emits something even more like a unique aura that the royal family has.

Whoever guarded the door thought what to do.

You have to come through the gate at least four times before you get here. At least he won't be unauthorized.

Then I'll cut out the errand from the other side without having to do anything disrespectful. The soldier thought so, in a passive position, and waited for Lyudmila's words.

"It's supposed to be the Cannels protecting this place, but the crest seems different."

An unexpected word came up. The soldier was slammed into the void, but he must answer when he is asked.

"The Cannels are currently surrounded by tower security."

"Hmm... since when?

"It's been since last year."

"What happened to the Kingsguard Squadron?

"Looks like the Elior team is on this assignment right now, sister."

Lyudmila sees the watch crest on Eileen's words.

"Does that mean... the Kingsguard has split? Kinosuke, you can do it."


Kim Noisuke jumped the two watchdogs with both hands.

The aisle had a deep carpet so there was no sound leaking.

"Apparently the Kingsguard isn't a single rock either. Then let's just say we go inside. As soon as no one's around, we're on target... let's see."

Lyudmila opened the door leading to the chamber of sight.