Card collector from different worlds

104 Unnamed Sword, whose name is

Kinosuke followed Lyudmila's hospital bed in some respects, taking into account her condition.

Zackli and her mutilated left arm are still unable to move two days after starting treatment.

In addition, standing with a lot of blood loss seemed like a hundred million bucks to wake up and talk.

"Nice to meet you, Kiyonosuke. My name is Iol and I am the treasure trove manager. I am in charge of Lord Martial Arts."

"Hi, I'm Kiyonosuke."

He was led to the treasure trove manager, and from now on he and I will be on our way to the Martial Arts Hall.

Iol is still young and would be in his late teens or early twenties.

"You're so young to be entrusted with such an important place as a treasure trove, you're very trusted."

"Perhaps it is my father who is trusted. We work in the royal palace in that relationship because we are taking them to the sidelines of the nobility."


Kinosuke had a prestigious image when it came to nobility, but this young man named Iol was the opposite of it.

The nobility of this world is a little different from the nobility that once existed on earth and sang the spring of our world.

In the people there exists first of all a royal family, descendants of the first kings, besides whom there are lords who rule all over the place. This lord is naturally an aristocrat, but in fact only a few percent of the aristocrat as a whole are aristocrats who become lords.

The rest were, so to speak, workers employed by royalty and lords.

Compared to the civilian population, it is possible to get a better job, but in Japanese terms it is a hardship equivalent to a middle management position.

Moreover, minimum duties, such as education or military service, are imposed and often lead lives that cannot be afforded one way or another.

Hence, there are those who, like Iol, fall into more trouble than is necessary.

Although the starting point is different, they are also on the hire side.

"The third treasure trove is located on the second basement of the castle."

"Well, isn't the basement of the castle where criminals are imprisoned?

"That's not true. There's no way we're going to build a facility where criminals are kept under the king's residence."

"I see. Speaking of which, yeah. It's dangerous..."

Somehow, it was Kinosuke, whose image of the dungeon of the castle collapsed.

The first treasure trove is located in the central part of the castle, where no one but royalty can enter, and the second treasure trove is still at the top of the castle.

In other words, the more important it is, the more difficult it is to install it in places that are usually difficult to visit.

"Lord Martial Arts will continue down the third aisle.... I'll have you briefly checked in this back"

End of the line, but only one hole is drilled from the stone fold wall.

They say this is where they check. They show up their self-cards and put their hands through the hole.

Kim Noisuke will give you the card as they say.

"Someone across the hole is copying the card now."

The stone fold on the side moved slightly.

"... hidden doors?

"That's close. It doesn't open in the usual way. Once the treasure has been placed."

"... I see"

A while down the aisle, now there was a door with a lever.

"The key to this door is my self-card. Only Kinosuke and I have just copied the card. Once in, no one can enter until we leave."

It seems impossible to get more than one way in and out. If the person entering the room does not leave completely, the next person is structured in such a way that he cannot enter.

It would be to prevent theft. Pretty strict checks and entry restrictions were required.

"Okay, I guess this is it"

"Yes, fine. Then let's go in."

At last, Kiyonosuke was able to step inside the Takeshi Palace.

Two old men came to Lyudmila resting in bed.

Niyaga, a physician specializing in royalty, and Chairman Rasni's clerk on behalf of the civil servants.

"He just turned me down."

Lyudmila's words alone made the two of them guess.

"There will be many of those who are born cardi hunters. Except when even the Ente family was throwing a party, it was said to have been medium difficult to make it their own servant. You won't have a choice."

Chairman Rasni's clerk did not expect much from Kim Noisuke's solicitation.

If he had all that strength, he would have belonged somewhere earlier if he was willing to. When it wasn't there, I wasn't interested in serving the palace.

"... so what's the situation?

In response to Lyudmila's words, Chairman Rasni's clerk offered him some bundles of documents.

"This is the list of taxes paid, and this is the total quantity of items sold in our country. And this is a list of items that can be picked in our country, and it gets high every year."

"Okay. I can't seem to... right now, so I'll keep an eye out for you later"

"I understand. Then we'll do it."


As a compromise proposal between Lyudmila, who wanted to begin her duties immediately, and Dr. Niaga, who would not give way to rest, a doctor was always to accompany her when she did her duties.

The condition of working only within the time Niyaga had decided was unexpectedly harsh, leaving most of the cases that had to be handled to other civilians.

For this reason, Lyudmila decided to devise measures to understand and revitalize the economic situation of the ethnic territory, which is the most important issue.

"... that's a pile of problems. Really."

Become king.

Lyudmila was in the mood to sigh that it was not the end but the beginning.

The armoury hall of the third treasure trove was decorated with numerous weapons and protective equipment.

Sometimes it's mostly labyrinths, there's no unity, and one way or another I get the messy impression.

"We hear you will be given one of your favorite things. You can take the time to choose."

Is it possible that the words of Ior have also reached the ears of Kinosuke?

Kiyonosuke did not leak into the general example, and was excited in front of numerous specialties and delicacies.

"Wow. This is what it's all about."

"Even for me, who is entrusted with the management, I think I have quite a few things. Oh, that's called" The Fool's Hegemony Sword, "a sword reserved for those who are super clever. You can't expect a cut on a slightly clever level. It's a pretty nasty sword that the best clever people in the country use to show their true worth."

"I see, do you mean something and swords are for use"

Kim Noisuke thought of the Japanese proverb.

There is something overly decorative, practical, and even something that seems like it can be hidden in the palm of your hand.

All of them have auras that don't seem to be the only ones.


"Is it nearly a thousand years? Out of the labyrinth of this country, we keep things here without their owners"


Fumi Kinosuke saw a strange sword placed in the corner.

That's roughly impractical.

Is the material lime or something? The shape is also heavily corrugated.

"... What's this?

"Is this it? This is an unnamed sword, isn't it? They say it's a ritual sword made of bone."

"Are they saying?

"I have beginner appraisal skills, so I'm letting you do the admin here, but even my boss with an intermediate appraisal said, 'I don't know a lot about unreadable parts'. I can only read my name as an anonymous sword and nothing else..."

Kim Noisuke saw with that unnamed sword.

"That's light."

"... Huh? Really?

Iol came to me surprised.

"I guess it's because I have physical enhancement."

"Is that so? Um, maybe so. I said earlier for the ritual because I couldn't even lift it without it being too heavy for a few people. It is not practical because of the material or shape…"

Hearing such an explanation of Iol, Kinosuke remembered the sword lines of those who had once fought, and shook them.

- Huh.

It was a flash as if it would even slash and tear space apart.

It's not something an amateur of swordsmanship can do. It was a sophisticated and skilled move.


This was awesome and Kim Noisuke roared.

Light and easy to handle.

I was trying to pick a Mace-based weapon, but I changed my mind.

"Make it this!

Declaring so, Kim Noisuke appraised the anonymous sword that had become his own.

Pendragon Sword…… Inherent Restrictions (Inheritable), Ethnic Restrictions, Auto Repair, Concept Destruction, Phase Shadow Slash

Later, this world made by God of cards and one sword that will change the fate of the earth.

It was the first moment in history when the sword of the Pendragon appeared.