There is definitely a risk in killing a pterosaur, but if you lure a pterosaur into the jungle and prevent its fleshy wings from working, it will lose a huge advantage.

Especially large pterosaurs, their bodies are more inconvenient to move in the jungle.

As long as their defensive power is not excessively abnormal, Xu Yi has a way to kill the pterosaurs and let them bring him rich rewards.

With the precedent of Leopard, Xu Yi is also more active towards becoming stronger.

In addition, he still had a thought.

If you want to do it, make a big one.

In this way, he can walk sideways in the jungle in the future, and he can protect Su Keke safely.

It is an instinct of Huaxia's parents to think far-reaching for their children.

In this world, peace, food and clothing are the best.

As for going back, Xu Yi doesn't have to worry about it.

He has earned enough family business. If Su Keke has been playing art all his life, he can afford it.

Xu Yi babbled, chopped into the dark.

There were several bubbles in his hand.

Looking at the open space, Xu Yi still feels a sense of accomplishment.

He calculated, there were 17 fallen trees in total.

It takes an average of ten minutes to cut down one tree, and the efficiency should be pretty good.

After all, he relied on an axe and a machete. If he had a saw, it would be more efficient.

"After cutting down the tree for a long time, I feel that I am going to waste, and my whole body is sore."

Especially with the right hand, Xu Yi felt that it was very difficult to lift it up.

Perhaps, I can't hold the chopsticks for dinner at night.

[No. 1, you are already super-savvy, okay? Other loggers rely on chain saws.A man with a stone axe and a stone knife is already against the sky.

[No. 1 doesn't treat himself as a human being. Does he think he is a superman?

[He has completely abused me. When I cut the tree the day before yesterday, after 3 trees were cut, I felt that my arm was almost gone.Otherwise, how could I be eliminated by a leopard, how could I kill it.

[Fuck, here is another big boss who has been eliminated.

[People are bitten to death by leopards, and you are still a big man, isn't it a man?


Back at the camp, Xu Yi lay directly on the ground.

At this time, he wanted to lie down for a while.

He didn't bother to think about other things, and he didn't have the energy to think about it.

Su Keke knew Xu Yi's status, so he didn't ask anything, and silently prepared dinner.

She knows that if people are tired from work, they don't want to eat.

However, Xu Yi did not lie down for a long time. He lay down for half an hour before he got up for dinner.

He is now recovering quickly, and he has recovered most of his condition within half an hour.

This is the function of the defect repair fluid, and his current state of all aspects is at the peak.

Dinner is simpler, roasted kudzu root, fried chicken mushrooms, venison slices.

Xu Yi ate a little less than at noon. It was indeed too exhausted, so the taste was not very good, so he forced himself to eat more.

Su Keke has already twisted the two ropes. She originally wanted to continue to twist the remaining two ropes at night, but Xu Yi asked her to learn new words and review yesterday's content by the way.

Xu Yi took a rope and a piece of Shen Yumu, and began to tie the rope.

After the rope woven from the bark of Shen Yumu dried up, it became stronger.

After Xu Yi was tied up, an extremely simple wooden bow appeared in Xu Yi's hand.

Without arrows, Xu Yi would not open his bow indiscriminately.

Putting the wooden bow down, Xu Yi went upstairs to rest.

The weeds he harvested to make the bed haven't dried yet, so he hasn't laid it down yet.

Tomorrow, he can ask Su Keke to tie the previously cut thatch to the bamboo and turn it into a thatch.

In this way, he can tie the thatch to the roof.

Tomorrow, he himself needs to shave off the branches of the felled trees and clear the open space.

Right now his hoe was not strong enough, so Xu Yi couldn't dig those roots.

It takes too much time to dig the roots.

He is going to cultivate it first to see the effect.

After all, he will survive here for one or two years at most, not for a lifetime, so there is no need to pay attention.

Cut down the tree so that the sun can shine directly down, which is enough.

Xu Yi fell asleep shortly after going upstairs, and it has been 15 days since he came here. Today is Xu Yi's most tiring day.

Su Keke was still practicing calligraphy downstairs, and when he got back upstairs, Xu Yi was already sleeping soundly.

Su Coco closed the door and buttoned it.

If the roof is not empty, in fact the cabin will be very stuffy.

The temperature at night is not low, plus the heat generated by the bonfire, so the temperature in the cabin is still 29 degrees at night.

However, Su Ke Ke has gradually got used to this temperature.

She climbed into her hammock and fell asleep after a while.

At night, Xu Yi woke up suddenly.

It wasn't an animal attack, but Xu Yi had a nightmare that woke him up.

I glanced at my watch and found that it was already past 4 o'clock in the night.

Su Keke was still asleep, and Xu Yi immediately got up.

Xu Yi fell asleep at eight o'clock last night, and at this time she woke up for eight hours of sleep.

Opening the door carefully, Xu Yi went downstairs.

After going downstairs, Xu Yi flipped over the firewood of the campfire, and then he walked towards the edge of the camp.

Because Xu Yi saw the moonlight.

So I want to see how the moon in this world is different from the moon in my own world.

In fact, Xu Yi had some doubts whether this world was really a parallel world.

A crescent moon hung in the sky, starry.

The widest part of the area that Xu Yi cleared was more than 30 meters, and the area he saw was not very large.

Unless, Xu Yi can climb higher than the trees.

If you want to take off, you can make a hot air balloon.

If there are no pterosaurs in the sky, you can travel far with a hot air balloon.

However, Xu Yi felt that as soon as the hot air balloon rose up, it would definitely become the target of pterosaurs.

Even if they are not killed by the pterosaur, they will fall directly to death.

So, for things like hot air balloons, just think about it, don't do it.

If you want to cross oceans in the future, you will need at least one big ship.

Otherwise, the dinosaurs in the sea and the sky can tear you apart.

However, Xu Yi is still a bit curious.

Is there still so many land plates in this world? Will there be other different situations?

With all kinds of things in my mind, time passed quietly.

After sitting and watching the moon for a while, the sky began to glow.

Today’s breakfast is relatively simple, Xu Yi only prepares to roast a kudzu root.

The taste of roasted kudzu root is not as good as roasted cassava, and the taste is much worse than that of cassava.

But there was only one cassava left, so Xu Yi planned to leave it to Su Keke.

Today, Xu Yi plans to find some materials suitable for making arrows.

With arrows, his bow is useful.