Challenge the wilderness to survive

Chapter 200 - This power is really scary (Request for subscription)

"Rockwood, there is rockwood just ahead, please wu follow me." The barbarian tower led Xu Yi in another direction.

Soon, Xu Yi and the others came to a place.

Xu Yi saw a strange plant, like a giant flower blooming on the ground, except that the petals were all small trees.

"This is the rockwood?" Xu Yi asked.

"Yes, witch, this is rock wood, it is very hard, even if a totem warrior wants to break it, it is not very easy, only the outside becomes black it is hard, the white one is very soft."

"This is the wealth of our barbaric snake tribe. Wu Snake tribe, very much want rock wood, we rarely use it to trade, it is difficult to turn black."

Xu Yi found that the epidermis was blackened in different sizes.

Its leaves were on the ground, and the trunk was like a bare stick, each one was about three meters, more uniform.

Xu Yi found more thin ones, presumably they think it is too thin and not good for use.

But Xu Yi felt that this kind of two-finger thick is appropriate, that kind of three-finger or four-finger thick is a little too big.

Probably because the totem warriors are more powerful, using the thin ones is too light, and there is no way to bring out their full strength.

Then, Xu Yi took out his own dark copper machete and handed it to the barbarian earth.

"Go, cut down all the thin ones."

Barbarian Earth performed a salute and took Xu Yi's machete.

"Woo, this is?" Barbarian Earth felt that the dark copper machete was very light and strangely shaped.

"Machete, use this side to cut the bottom of the rock wood." Xu Yi pointed at the blade.

The barbarian earth immediately acted and went up and slashed.

At once, all the totem warriors were shocked.

It would take them some time to break the rock wood from here.

But after using Xu Yi's machete, it came down with a single slash.

"The weapons of the gods are really amazing, they are so powerful." The barbarian tower's eyes immediately glowed, and his gaze became even hotter when he looked at Xu Yi.

The weapon that the supreme witch sent to himself, did it have such an effect?

The barbarian earth was very fast and soon cut down all 34 rock woods, then handed Xu Yi's dark copper machete to Xu Yi.

Xu Yi ended up with the dark copper machete and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the dark copper machete was not cut and rolled.

This means that the Dark Copper Machete is still very powerful.

Then, Xu Yi took out three spearheads from his storage capsule and mounted them all on top of the rockwood pole.

For this lance, Xu Yi kept one for himself and gave the other two to the barbarian tower for him to distribute.

After all, it was the barbarian tower that knew who was stronger.

Then, Xu Yi sharpened the rest of the rock wood.

When sharpening the tip, Xu Yi found that this rock wood was indeed very hard and it was rather laborious to sharpen.

No wonder, people in the tribe use this rock wood as the handle of their weapons.

After sharpening, Xu Yi handed the machete to the barbarian tower.

"You go find a suitable rock wood to use as an axe handle, the axe head is still very useful." Now there are more than sixty people in the tribe, if you burn the fire every day, the consumption is very big.

The axe, it will come in handy.

"Here, you guys watch, these can be used as rock wood after sharpening, can be used as a spear." Saying that, Xu Yi picked up a rock wood spear on the ground and aimed at a tree in the distance.

Power up, projection.

The rockwood spear, shot directly into the distant tree with the tail still twitching.

After the totem warriors saw it, they couldn't help but see their eyes light up.

"Here, you guys try it." Xu Yi let these totem warriors get their hands on it and try it out, letting them get familiar with it first.

So, the totem warriors quickly took action.

After projecting the rockwood spears in their hands, they found that they could not successfully pierce the target, and even the projections were not far.

After Xu Yi saw it, he revealed a slight smile.

This effect, is what he wanted.

Throwing spears, also not just throwing, also needs a lot of skill.

"Woo, can I use thicker rock wood to make a throwing gun?" The barbarian tower felt that the rock wood that Xu Yi had cut was too thin, and needed to be thicker to be suitable for him to project.

"Yes, you can cut a few more. Now, I will teach you the skill of projection."

The barbarian tower also stopped and began to learn.

This was the supreme witch teaching them to use a new technique, no matter what was less important than this.

Under Xu Yi's explanation, these totem warriors quickly mastered the techniques involved.

[Crap, shot the tree directly through?

[This nerve, I thought Lao Xu is already superhuman, compared to these primitive people, or brother ah!

[I now know why Lao Xu did not rush to the water source, so he knows his strength is not ah. Let them first master the skills of projection, and later, if they encounter the situation, they can also shoot the beast in time.

[I feel that the primitive said the wild beast should be very strong, otherwise the barbarian tower can't say that 15 totem warriors can't deal with it, right?

The first level totem warriors are so strong, the second level is not directly able to shoot the trees?

Now I'm curious if Old Xu will become a totem warrior after he eats some totem fruit!

What I'm more curious about is whether the witch of the great tribe really has some extraordinary power.

This world is much more interesting, ordinary power is boring, this can easily shoot through a tree with a spear will burn!

The first thing you need to do is to get stronger and beat the primitive people, I believe you can.

In fact, the audience really did not guess wrong, Xu Yi is indeed stored in the idea of improving their strength.

He knew that he had underestimated the beast, 15 totem warriors could not engage, not to mention that they are now only 12?

There is no way to increase the number of people, so we can only start from the weapons.

"How about, with this rock wood spear, so many of you, can you hunt a desolate beast?" Xu Yi asked it directly, not afraid of the audience in the live broadcast room laughing.

Anyway, he did not open the pop-up screen, just pretend that the audience did not exist.

The barbarian tower shook his head, and did not seem to have much confidence.

"Woo, although this rock wood spear is very good and can shoot the draconian beast from afar, but the speed of the draconian beast is very fast, we used to use many totem warriors to wrap around the draconian beast and find the opportunity to attack the weak point of the draconian beast before we can kill it." The barbarian tower was tempted to say that we might not be able to beat it, but saying so seemed a little too damaging to Xu Yi's confidence.

Although they couldn't deal with the desolate beast, they still had no problem escaping.

Even with an additional Xu Yi, who was a second level totem warrior, escaping with Xu Yi was definitely a sure thing.

Of course, certainly need to sacrifice a totem warrior to block the desolate beast, become the food of the desolate beast.

But this sacrifice, the barbarian tower felt that it was worth it.

The life of the witch was above everything, even if all the totem warriors died in battle, Xu Yi's life must be preserved.

With the existence of the witch, the tribe would be strong.

With the existence of the witch, there will be more totem warriors awakened.

For the sake of the tribe, anyone can sacrifice, including himself, including his spouse, his children.

"You guys continue to practice for a while, barbarian tower you install the axe handle, later we will go to the water land." Xu Yi let them continue to train for a while.

Soon, the barbarian tower installed the axe handle.

Xu Yi let him go to try the effect of the axe, want to see if it will also cut the axe handle.

"First give me the axe head, I'll chop it for you to see, and then you chop according to."

Xu Yi took back the axe head, and then forcefully chopped directly in the middle of the trunk position.

An axe head down, the trunk of the tree appeared a crack, about seven or eight meters.

The entire axe head has been completely submerged in the tree, the axe handle is not different at all.

Xu Yi pulled the axe head out of the tree, and then handed it to the barbarian tower, pointing to a larger tree on the side.

The barbarian tower took the axe head, took a deep breath, and then fired, splitting at the tree in front of him.

[Nima, it cracked directly?

[I throw, directly split a tree in half ah, is this still a person?

I'm sorry, I'm not a human being, I'm an alien.

Look at Lao Xu's face, his mouth could be stuffed with crocodile eggs.

What kind of power can split a one-person tree in half?

[It turns out that being weak also limits imagination, not only being poor.

Xu Yi was indeed shocked, he just did not have any hidden clumsiness, using the full force.

But compared with the barbarian tower, their own little power, is completely a brother ah!

No comparison, there is no harm ah!

Xu Yi just directly turned on the x-ray vision and saw the 'power' surging to his whole body at the location of the totem when the barbarian tower was firing.

His way of generating force was very primitive, completely relying on 'brute force'.

"I'll teach you a technique for generating force and see the effect." Xu Yi felt that he should pass on his own technique of force generation.

Better yet, teach them all of their basic techniques.

In this way, one's tribe could be strong.

In addition, Xu Yi felt that that [Bolong Wrap], was used to teach these primitive people.

With the [Bolong Wrap], their strength would definitely be greatly improved.

With an excited face, the barbarian tower pressed his hand on his chest.

"Thanks to the supreme witch!"

What Xu Yi taught was the way of power generation inside the [Bolong Wrap].

Unfortunately, the original booklet was no longer of any use, otherwise if it was taken out directly to Barbara Tower to learn, it could have improved his combat power a lot.

Although Xu Yi was not as strong as Barbarian Tower, but when he really fought, Xu Yi's chances of winning were still a bit greater.

After all, he has a lot of combat techniques that he can use to close the gap between himself and the barbarian tower by using power generation means.

There was no need for Xu Yi to use them in normal times, after all, using this kind of power generation would extract his physical strength and make him lose his durability.

But when engaged in battle, the pursuit is to quickly kill the opponent, lasting little effect.

This way of power is not particularly difficult, but it is still a bit of a struggle to learn.

In order to reassure the clan, Xu Yi also sent someone back to inform, is in the hungry can not stand, can first eat a piece of jerky.

Half an hour later, the barbarian tower initially mastered the power generation skills.

With the help of this power generation technique, the barbarian tower's can burst out twice as much power in an instant.

"Woo, this power generation method is so strong that I feel like I can hunt a desolate beast myself."

He could now, at least, exert the power of a Tier 3 Totem Warrior.

His father was a level three totem warrior, and at that time their tribe had more than three hundred people.

It was only after his father's death in battle that the tribe went into rapid decline.

Now the tribe is all young people, no old and weak, is because the only level three totem warrior fell.

Level three warrior, but can challenge the existence of the desolate beast alone.

Above the desolate beast is the savage beast, and above the savage beast is the fierce beast.

This planet, is very dangerous.

Although, now the barbarian tower in a short period of time, can only use this type of power, after using it, you need to rest for a few minutes before you can use it a second time.

However, he already had the confidence to kill the ferocious beast with one blow.

After all, he still had the axe given by Xu Yi in his hand.

Lance just he also tried, he did not like to use, feel too weak, he prefers to use the axe, domineering!

Xu Yi heard the confidence in the words of the barbarian tower, he said happily: "Good, we will go to fetch water land now, maybe we can also hunt the fierce beast."

Today is too late, first go to fetch water to go back to cook dried meat, after everyone is full, Xu Yi can start teaching all the tribe members to learn the [Bolong Wrap] power generation method.

After learning the way to generate force and become proficient, then you can learn "Bolong Wrap".

The power generation technique is the foundation.

Without this foundation, you can't learn [Bolong Wrap].

In addition, this hair force technique can also be used in the basic knife technique, boxing, and gun technique to go.

Food is the root of all problems, after solving the food, only then there will be surplus labor.

Otherwise, all the labor force is tied up in food, it is impossible to engage in development, and there is no time to learn combat skills.

A tribe wants to develop, food is the foundation.

Hunting can not meet, then fishing.

Fishing can not be satisfied, to engage in animal husbandry, planting.

The development of mankind, is so step by step down.

Therefore, only after the problem of food, Xu Yi can let the tribe develop.

The barbarian tower walked in front of Xu Yi to lead the way, Xu Yi was protected by a group of totem warriors.

These totem warriors were all carrying hardwood spears and their own weapons, and they were all very alert.

Obviously, it was about to approach the place where the water was taken.

"Woo, look, the water extraction site is up ahead. Now there are no desolate beasts around, so we can take water without worry."

The barbarian tower was happy, and this situation was usually rare.

Xu Yi saw a small stream of water in the distance, the water was shallow, estimated to be not even half a meter, but quite wide, three or four meters wide.

"Going up along this water extraction place, will there be more water, any big rivers?" Xu Yi asked.

All civilizations were established on both sides of the river.

If there were big rivers, then it was likely that there were big tribes somewhere on both sides of this river.

"There is, go all the way up and there is a big water extraction place." The barbarian tower said with great certainty.

I wonder if it's a river or a lake?

"First take the water, you accompany me along this small tributary and check out." Xu Yi wanted to understand the situation, this small tributary he did not find the creatures.