A very beautiful outsider looked down at me when I realized it.

Where the hell am I?

But I also had a hard time breathing on the hospital bed and moving my body a little bit would hit me with severe pain, I should have had such a painful and unpleasant time as usual......

It's still hard to move your body, but is there any pain whatsoever?

Was my hand this small? This is like a baby's hand.

"My baby, I can't name you until my dad gets home, I'm sorry."

Huh? My baby? Dad......? No way... Ha ha, that's why... Yeahhh!


"What's going on? I can't believe you're so grumpy, Viscount Kessler!

I was reborn. I figured that out because that beautiful blonde woman who called me My Baby, and the woman called Viscount Kessler, who is now holding me, held me up lightly.

I was born ill and lightweight, but not as light as a woman lifts lightly. That's why I thought he was dead and reincarnated for some reason.

A few days have passed since then.

I also found some circumstance. Oh, my God, this place doesn't seem to be Earth, there's magic in it!

My mom, that beautiful blonde woman, her name was Dorothy, but a woman in maid clothes told me that her mom was called the Virgin and she was a healing magic user.

My mother came every day because I was sick and weak in my previous life so I just spent time on the hospital bed, but your father only came Saturday and Sunday. I know your father could only come Saturday and Sunday because he works, but I still missed him.

I really didn't like being alone at night because my mother would be home, too.

I couldn't do anything to your father or mother now that I think about it. There was nothing I could do on my side. [M]

So I want to have fun with my parents right now, and I'm gonna do whatever I can to spend it!

Apparently, the house where I was born is aristocratic, and Viscount Kessler and the maids call me a man or something.

Sure, the room I'm in right now is very big, probably big enough to afford a whole standard Japanese house. There's me and my nanny Viscount Kessler in such a large space, and four maids, and my grandmother Cecilia, my mom and dad's mom, comes to see my face many times every day.

Mr. Cecilia figured it out because I heard she was my grandmother, but she looks young enough to normally think it would pass even when she was 25, and she's a beautiful person very overflowing with adult charm unlike her mom.

My mom comes every day to flaunt me. I know how much you love me, but my dad never shows me his face.

Apparently my dad is going to war as a nobleman. In the past life, war was a distant country, and I had other personnel, but in this world, war seems to be close to me.

I wonder what kind of person my dad would love me for.

I know I can't come home for a long time because I'm at war, but I'm very anxious that my dad, who hasn't let me see his face yet, doesn't know if he'll love me.

A few more days, my mom came to see my face. But it feels different.

"My baby, my mom is going to help my dad. Don't worry, I've left you to Cecilia."

Oh, what do you mean? Is your dad in danger?

"... Babu"

"... Huh!? Do you understand my words?

My mom seemed to understand that I gave her an uneasy look because I could understand her words poorly.

I've been trying to see how things go for a while and decide what to do, but when this happens, I'll appeal to you to understand your mom's words and ask you to take me with you!


"Ma... you? Do you want to come with me?

"Babu ~"

I passed it on! Another push!

I move the magic in me and float my own body in the air.

Because the maids were talking about magic, I was able to recognize the magic in me when I wanted to use it, and I was able to move it.

It's only a few days, but I'm practicing manipulating the magic in me. When I woke up in the middle of the night or everyone was practicing for a gap that took my eyes off me so I couldn't let the Viscount Kessler or the maids get away with it, I'm quite proud to be able to manipulate magic.


"Bubba, bubba, bubba, bubba."

"Wow, okay, let's go together!

Mommy understands the unspoken words of me and holds me up to her grandmother, Cecilia.

It's kind of weird that this makes sense, but now I think that would be appreciated.

"Bubba, bubba, bubba!

I appealed desperately to my grandmother, Cecilia. He wants to help his dad, and he wants to protect his mom.

It took a little while, but my grandmother, who saw me floating in the universe, did the trick of relaxing her eyebrows and allowed me to go to my dad's with my mom.

I heard him whining at that time, "I knew you were Christoph's child..." My mom doesn't seem to hear me because I whisper, but it sounded right to me.

And I guess that "Christophe" is my dad's name. I knew it was an outsider's name. I haven't heard of the Japanese name yet, so maybe this world has never seen the Japanese summoned or reincarnated.

I wonder if I'm the first reincarnator...

My mom gave me a hug when I was ready to get out of the house. The first outside of the other world was surrounded by a large garden and tall walls. Moreover, when I looked at the house, it was not on a level that could be very much a house, but more splendid and palatial than a mansion. Behind it stood a large and glowing castle.

I thought you were pretty rich because you're noble, but the level of riches is out of the standard!

If my mom held me and tried to move somewhere, she convinced me that my nanny, the Viscount Kessler, would definitely follow me and I would move in the chest of the Viscount Kessler.

There's my mom's escort girl and I was wondering how she was going to move... I thought my common sense wouldn't work because there's magic in the world... but there's this big, substandard creature out there.

"Aroo, how have you been? Fly with my boys and them today."


That creature my mom called Aru is probably... a dragon.

A very beautiful dragon with a glowing emerald green scale. I think the total length is over ten meters, and when you have two to four wings and you stretch those wings, you have more than fifteen meters...... it's fantasy!

Maybe, but when it comes to dragons, they're supposed to boast the highest strength of demons, and pet that dragon...... you mean Tame, who the hell is the mom who does?

I know you're called the Virgin, but can you take a taste of the dragon because you're the Virgin?

Aru licks his cheeks when he stares at me jealously. Apparently, they took it.

The Viscount Kessler holding me is hardened to a cock with a bright blue face out of fear. I almost fell, but the Viscount Kessler managed to stay conscious and regain hold of me.

On Aru's back, he wings his big wings once and quickly takes off from the ground. It's an insane take-off as if you ignored the laws of physics or something, but there's no load on your body at all.

Once again, the shock wave of evidence that exceeds the sound speed in an instant spreads all around us, but we don't have a load of acceleration. Strange, but I just have to convince you that this is a magical world.

Maybe, but not at Mach 1 or 2 speeds. I don't think Al Lu's flight speed can be represented at such a level of speed.

After flying for a while, I got a nasty feeling sticking around my skin.

That uncomfortable feeling has made Don stronger and now he feels worse.

I accidentally cried out loud, but you had no choice, did you?

Aru slows down and lowers altitude.

Apparently we're going down to a place where people get together a lot.

I feel a little better when I think I'll see my dad soon enough. And I think it's getting very warm.