Cheat Majutsu de Unmei wo Nejifuseru

Second story: Non-standard

A demon resembling a boar rushes towards the three of us.

What is different from boars is that they are giants with body lengths greater than 3 m. And from the tip of the nose to the upper body, it's hardened as if it were a rock, where there are four fangs stretching out to the tip.

This is underground 4F. Rock and giant dead tree roots are exposed to the ground, which gives the impression of a wilderness rather than a forest, making it difficult to move with your feet taken.

In the meantime, the boar's monster sticks in with a delicate move that doesn't suit the giant.


The first one to move was Kuna.

Four shots of [Flame Spear] with excellent rapid fire performance and penetration were released in total.

Streamlined magic bullets are added flammable gas and accelerated at speeds exceeding the sound speed.

The four [flame spears] draw separate orbits for each shot, while all are landed on the monster of the boar thrusting in.

In addition, [Flame Spear], at the time of landing, the tip is destroyed, a directional explosion occurs, and the subject is burned with ultra-high heat. In principle, it's pretty much the same as an anti-tank rocket bullet.

It pierces the rocky outer skin and screams from the boar's monster.

"Is this to this extent of damage!?

Kuna screams. The flame of the kuna makes the meat choke about 20 cm and burns. But that's all. The boar monster can move enough.

"I'll take this one. A half-breed attack doesn't make sense to this guy. Kuna, go away and prepare for the great sorcery."

"Okay. Stop, please. No more sorcery is possible without concentrating on arithmetic. Instead, I'll show you what you keep!

After Kuna gets her thumbs up, she takes a distance from us and starts concentrating her magic and calculating her magic tricks.

Did the boar monster also feel threatened, or he stared at Kuna and took a push position.

"Leave it to me. [Magic Silver Smelting: Shaped Shield/Wall of Paint"

I spill magic into the ring of the misrill, deforming it, interrupting it between the coona and the boar.

Completed is a giant magic silver shield. The tip of the shield is fitted with an ear-like projection of the spear.

I just prepared a shield, and there's an overwhelming difference in weight and muscle strength, and there's momentum for a rush over there. A collision would blow me away.

... but that's a normal shield story.

"Whoa, whoa!

This shield has a giant pile directly below it and a diagonally stretched pile on the sides of both ends.

First the pile attached directly below pierces the ground deep, then the diagonally stretched pile pierces the ground behind me.

"Root up, my shield"

Thin spine-like things stretch countless times from a pile pierced to the ground, stretching silver roots underground.

A boar's monster rampage lands there.

A thunderous roar echoes around.


I drop my hips and keep my whole weight on the shield.

In addition to my total muscle strength, thanks to being fixed in three piles, I can also get a boar thrust.

That said, the shock is very numb in the arm and pushed slightly.

But that's fine with me. The ear of the spear attached to the front of the shield pierced the surface as hard as a rock. I can't penetrate it with my muscle strength, but with the overwhelming power of this boar, I can penetrate it.

And as long as the blade goes through.

"[Thunder strike]"

Burn the electric shock from the inside through the blade of a pierced misrill into the body of a boar's monster.

This is what I was after from the beginning.


A boar's bucket screams and bursts into place.

Any monster can't work out to the inside of your body.

You shouldn't be able to move due to muscle contractions caused by electric shock, burn like this.



Incredibly, he steps firmly on the earth and shakes his head violently with the blade poking at him.

When I heard an unpleasant noise, the pile that was piercing the ground broke, and I lost my ground support, I was blown up with every shield, and I danced through the universe, and I was slammed by the big rock.

The left hand was cushioned to shelter the spine, but crushed naturally and the light of protection rose.

But I just can't do it.

Before the shield fell out, the tip blade was detached from the shield. Thanks to you, only the blade is in his body. The blade is stretched with thin silver thread, and the silver thread is in my hand. I mean...

"Still, it means we can keep electric shock going! [Thunder strike]!

Transmit the yarn and flush the electric shock. Mithril's silver threads are tough and have extra length, so no matter how much he sprays, they won't cut.

At first, I was all over my head. His movements get duller and duller.


I need to stab Todome. But I haven't lost any damage yet.

It's even hard to stand.

But there's another one at our party.

Anne was running with a demon sword on her back. The boar monster, distracted by the furious pain of anger and electric shock, is not that distracted.

Anne flashed against an indefensible boar monster.

"[Moon slaughter]"

It's a slaughter with a full body twist.

One of the basic moves I taught her to admire my [divine spear].

Originally, my witchcraft constitutes witchcraft with ideal body movement + alpha, but with her ability to compute it is still difficult.

Therefore, the movement of the body compensated with its own workouts and just dropped the grade to the magic of enhancing slaughter.

The identity of that sorcery is conceptual reinforcement. Reinforce the very concept of slaughter. The combination of her own skill and the cleavage of the Devil's Sword makes her a special blow.

Thirty-second time is required for the operation. It cannot be used unless Anne is the best at slaughter. There is a limit to what I said. But besides that, it's an attack with enough power.


Anne's slaughter cleaves the artery of the bovine monster's neck in all its dimensions, and purple blood erupts like a fountain.

But shallow. This guy can't be fatally wounded unless he drops his neck.

But boars are still alive. With his muscles, he blocks the swelling wound and stares at Anne with yellow, cloudy eyes.

"I'm finally done with the math. Anne, get away from me. I'm going to the big game! Sauji, I'll borrow your misrills!

There, the scream of Kuna, who was dedicated to the arithmetic of the great magic, sounds and Anne jumps away.


"It's magic worth the wait. Proud sorcery direct from my mother. I'll show you! [Firefox tail]!!

The magic that Kuna unleashed just used my shield, which was blown away by a boar monster.

Mithrills dissolved in flames and turned into liquids strike the boar's monster as if it were a snake.

"I know you're flame-resistant. Then it will burn through with a flame of mass!

Flaming snakes can be found in three strands and speed as they become like munchies. The tip exceeded the sound speed, a sonic boom occurred, and countless scratches were made to the epidermis of the boar's monster.

The fiery serpent relentlessly pierces the lower half of the boar's monster and burns the boar from the inside with its overwhelming heat.

In an instant, the lower half of the boar's monster had no time to burn and even scream, and the boar was doomed.

"Hmm, ahem."

I snapped without thinking.

I know the reason. Coona can handle twelve times as much magic as she could otherwise handle with the help of Mana of Fire. In principle, the mana of fire could only be used for the magic of fire, but the only reason I could manipulate the misrill was because I saw the melted misrill in the magma and was forced to grant the attribute of flame.

But that being said, more than half of it is in the realm of earthly magic dealing with ore. Genius is a different dimensional sense that can't be cleaned up with words such as "genius" to treat it so delicately and so powerfully with arithmetic power at the bottom of rank 1.

Some jealousy. And my amazement at that talent swirled in my chest.

I wonder how much power she would show me if she improved her ranks well.

"Phew, this is the power of the Firefox princess! I hope you regret selling the fight to me!

"Say that, your legs are shaking."

With his usual Doya face, Kuna sticks her finger up and poses as a decision maker, but his hips are subtly drawn, and his tail hair remains the opposite with vigilance.

"Because what is it! That monster. Isn't that so intimidating! I thought I was going to die."

"Right. Honestly, I didn't think so."

Anne dressed up as Petan and the girl, and Coona fell down positively and stuck her butt out. I was so tired that my tail was sagging with PETAN.

"Obnoxious. I never thought you two would make it this far."

I mean it, not flattery. I didn't think you had the strength so far. The moment I saw that boar's monster. So much so that I even considered using a "trump card” with a chunk of chi in the pochette.

"Damn, Sauji, aren't you a little too strong for the demons here? Normally, I'm dying. Now it's basement 4F, right? What kind of monster comes out of the basement 5F you're targeting!

"Well, if this class keeps coming out, it's really hard. If one more identical enemy turns up, we'll be sure to wipe it out."

"Sure, if two enemies of this level come out at the same time, it'll be over."

That boar monster is such a tough enemy. Even the top four parties in Rank 1 are suspicious if they can win.

"Now, let's go home. Not yet, this floor is too early! Or get up there a moment before you meet the next demon."

Kuna is pointing her body toward the stairs to the basement 3F as she rises, as if it were a lie that was going in earlier.

It's a wise decision.

But that's the premise that monsters are coming out of the current level.

"Not really. It was an accident. Look, the instructor said it, right? I'm only saying that there will be demons as strong as the lower floors where Erna is dark, but sometimes even in the shallow hierarchy, there will be powerful demons using dozens of Erna. That's it. It's called an accident springing."

"Oh, really? I'm relieved."

"Yeah, right. Something that doesn't have the energy to escape anymore. I wonder how many hierarchical demons it would be."

We must have both been tired of fighting so much earlier. There is no tension in my voice.

"That guy, right? Top of Rank 1, so in hierarchy, it's about 8F underground or 9F underground."

"No, surprisingly close"

"It's okay. 'Cause you're stronger until you get there."

Even today, I got quite a few demon stones as I pushed along on the shortest path. I might be able to manage to get the two of them to the middle of Rank 1.

The top Demon Stone in Rank 1 this time is pretty tasty too.

"Today, let's put up a tent and take a break. I got the right ingredients."

"Damn, Sauji, you got the ingredients, no way"

"Yeah, this guy I just knocked down is today's dinner."

The moment I said that, Kuna and Anne looked so disgusted.

After this, there is no water field on this floor, so what would I look like if I told you that I would also get water from this demon?

A little, but that's what I was looking forward to.