After that, we waited in the lodging room for a while, and we called for a party. First of all, a compliment, or change into the courtesy clothes the Sellwood family has. Though an S-rank adventurer, it would mean dressing up at a party.

I was forced to change into aristocratic clothes. Meanwhile, Misha was a pure white dress.

Unexpectedly, I took a breath. I thought it would be a hassle to get dressed, but that feeling already blew up. I want to say thank you honestly.

"Misha, you look like a princess. It's not only cute, it's beautiful, and it's elegant."

Now it would almost be against the rule that status is cheat as well.

"Your husband was delighted, so today's errands are like no more. Not the rest of the party."

Outreach, maybe it's for real.

"Don't say that. Let's enjoy the party."

"I didn't say I wouldn't enjoy anything else. It's an opportunity."

Since Lena and I had a different room to be appreciated (naturally because it was my parents' house), we joined in front of the venue.

Lena was wearing a black dress with pieces of jewellery today, and she looked great, but...

"I'm not like this..."

He seemed terribly disgusted. If I get permission, I'll take it off right now.

"As soon as you get home, you're going to be wearing wings like this... I want you to give me a break...... Isn't it located opposite a bandit like this..."

"You look beautiful. It's been a while, and be patient."

"Sister, you think you're other HR...... It's not about dressing or anything. It's not physiologically suitable..."

You can see that on your face, but you can't dress like you dive into a dungeon.

"It's okay. Lena, you're cute."

I don't know if that's comforting, but I tried to say so.

"Oh, thank you... husband..."

Lena slightly dyed her face to the vermilion and nodded.

I thought Misha would say something, but she could forgive me for saying, "You can't help it because it's true you're cute".

The venue is one of many buildings. It was an open building with high ceilings, and when I walked into the venue, there were so many people who said where I'd been calling all this from.

Besides, even if you just look at the outfit for a bit, it's obviously not like ordinary people or anything else. I could imagine that it was just the aristocracy and the rich merchants and stuff. That's why I'm curious to say you collected all this extra often. There's only nobles living in this neighborhood. There's never going to be one.

And there are a number of tables lined up, each lined with fancy meals. If you look at it from the common people, it feels almost like a sight in heaven. I'm no longer sure how much money I'm throwing to prepare a place like this.

"The Sellwood family is really amazing..."

Misha had her eyes round too. Although I am somewhat accustomed to being welcomed, this scale cannot be the first.

"You can see some of it. And I don't think I have to be flashy. But clearly, you don't calm down, do you? As a daughter, I also feel comfortable with you."

If they do this all the time, I wonder if there will be some people out there who don't like it. I feel like I'm going to be a person who sticks to power, or a person who doubts it.

That's where Veradonna came in. Because of the servant's position, she's a maid of honor.

"Thank you for waiting. If you have any questions, please let this Veradonna know."

"I don't really know how to do it, so I really want to ask you to do it completely."

"Right. The purpose of today is to celebrate you, so I don't need to greet you, so would you mind staying around the main guest table? Perhaps the aristocrats and others will keep saying hello, so I hope you have something to say about it"

Sort of a pain in the ass......

I don't even know why Lena ran away from home. But I don't. At Lena's anyway, then a nobleman came to greet me, and I guess I already thought about this.

"Master, it's easier than defeating a monster. Let's make sure we take them down one by one."

"Misha, the whole idea is noisy"

"A monster naturally does something nasty to us. Still, people here aren't just meant to do bad things, it's better than that. So we're gonna get over this."

Though the idea seems to be an S-rank adventurer, I'm starting to feel like I can do something about it.

"Okay. I'm going to be a good S-rank adventurer."

"Okay, this way, please."

We were led by Veradonna. It's a table with a white tablecloth. The chair was also clearly a luxury item.