"I don't even know what Misha said, but I'm still ready for my heart..."

I've been lying in bed all my life, but it was pretty nasty and pully.

"Oh? Is your husband not allowed to do this? I thought you were a real boy."

"You know... you're in there with some bad jokes, maybe you're having fun, but don't toy with Lena too much... I don't suppose you brought him here forcefully..."

I know Lena well for her background in tone and banditry.

I would never at least say from Lena that the three of us should be distracted and so on.

"I know. Lena is a dear family to me, too. You're not gonna lie to me, are you?

Misha said with a naughty grin. It's hard to think that Misha would really do something Lena doesn't like.

"Sir, I came here of my own free will...... No falsehood there......"

Lena still had a hard expression, but she spoke clearly in her own language.

"You know, you can tell me I made a concession on this. I don't know what to say to myself, but it's true, so I'll explain."

Misha put up her right index finger and started talking.

"Normally, it's natural for my wife, me, to spend time with your husband on the day when he says he's back in the mansion where he can slow down like this. Not just us, but every house, I think."

"Well, I know that"

"But that makes Lena feel discriminated against for every long journey she has. Well, I can't give up my right-wife position, but that's why I always think it's weird to show Lena that you're in the sideroom."

"There too, I know"

It's absolutely wrong to do something that makes you feel like a loser.

"That's why"

So Misha finally laughed at

"I don't think the three of us need to be the most reluctant to have fun or anything like that!

"I see..."

Before I let you explain it in words, it was strange to argue, and I didn't immediately come up with an objection.

And, to be honest, of course I'm happy. It's a man there, so I can't help it. I mean, they're both wives, and it's weird to say that it's weirder to avoid them thoroughly.

"I think it's gonna be a long night. Well, let's start with - let's get Lena naked."

Misha slowly took off Lena's clothes.

Ugh...! This puts blood on my head. A girl takes off her girl's clothes, and that downright situation, honestly, excites me.

Originally, Lena in thin clothes was immediately made into underwear, which was also ripped off.

"Ugh... my sister has an overall abusive..."

Of course Lena is embarrassed, so her face is bright red. But there was no way to defy it, so it was done, but it stayed.

"Then you can take off my clothes, too, Lena. We'd rather take each other off. Your husband's been pretending to be flat on the bed."

Misha finally stared at my face on the side.

That's awesome......

I also pretend to be calm because I'm disappointed here because I'm not tight about anything, but needless to say, I'm not calm.

Now Lena started taking off Misha's clothes with an unfamiliar hand. If you're used to it, that's weird.

How about……. Seriously, you could get a nosebleed, this...

"I know a little bit about how Lena feels, too. This makes me feel much weirder than getting naked myself..."

Misha couldn't seem to be grand about this either, and her mouth was slightly distorted.

"As far as I'm concerned, it's more embarrassing to take it off..."

Then it's your turn to take off your husband's clothes.

Oh, naturally.

After that, two naked people came to bed and I was stripped of all my clothes, too.

From there on, they did a lot of things that they couldn't put into words anyway. Misha said, "It's a special service because it's a reward today."

Truth is, I'm more tired than I was fighting on a long journey...

In a way, you're using your body very much. It's a lot of exercise. Besides, I'm dealing with you two.

When I thought it was time to go to bed, Misha put some healing magic on me.

"No, sir. Lena's not happy yet. It's cheating to leave just one person first. This isn't just about me and your husband."

"... ok. I'll do it now."

In the end, I fell asleep about the time the sky began to brighten.

In the morning, when I came down to the dining room, Veradonna had already lined up her breakfast plates nicely.

"Morning, Veradonna"

"Good morning, you seemed to be enjoying yourself for a long time last night"

When they say it in the face, it makes me fiercely embarrassed.

"Maybe he even heard your room...?

"No, it's not, but if there was a street in front of the room, I could hear you. But it's nothing to be ashamed of, so be grand."

"You can't be grand!

Well, let's interpret it favorably that the family ties have strengthened......