Chicago 1990

Chapter 1167 - Breaking

"Hey, APLUS, I heard from Doug Morris that your second single is expected to get a World Cup theme song?"

Bronfman Jr.'s attitude is still perfect, "What more do you need from Universal Music? Go ahead."

"Yes, the Cup of Life ...... President Morris has helped me a lot, the broker told me that I am ninety percent sure to take it, thank you very much, Mr. Bronfman Jr."

Song Ya trance even began to wonder if the other side in the end is not behind the use of piracy incident to suppress Litman Media IPO, although through some of the details of Universal's actions according to common sense, should be him, "Universal Records under your leadership ......" regardless of, first! And that Marilyn Manson thing, wow wow, those politicians are now completely afraid to mention it, you helped us withstand the pressure, you are protecting us deviant singers."

Sloan held her head down beside her to hold her laughter, and Sonia's hand touched over, but she pushed it away.

"Hahaha ......"

Bronfman Jr. laughed brightly, "By the way, I apologize, I was in a bit of a bad mood the day of the meeting and my attitude ...... I was just being matter-of-fact, don't take it personally APLUS."

"No, how could I." Sonia laughed with me, "It was originally my fault for not doing it right, my fault, Amelican Music ......"

"So why weren't you at the party that night?" Bronfman Jr. interrupted, either intentionally or unintentionally.

"I was there."

"I didn't see you there. ......"

"I went to stay for half an hour, didn't see you or Mr. Griffin, and then I had some pain in the area of my gunshot wound, so I left."

"Oh, I did get there late, understandably, haven't you recovered from your gunshot wound?"

"No, you know, that old injury will come back from time to time, and I guess it will be like a chronic disease for the rest of my life." Sonja made it up as he went along.

"It's dangerous, isn't it? That shooting ...... your physical fitness and willpower saved you from yourself."

"And luck, thank God."

"Hahaha ......"

The two were chatting very intimately and Sonja tried to get to the point again, "Ugh!" He sighed and said, "If nothing else, would I have been able to release the new special edition in 1997? The sales figures would have been better."


"I remember in 1996 when the piracy problem was far less serious than today." A bit of a hard turn of phrase after all? But it can't be helped? It's already March? Littman Media's IPO is next month, and a second wave of ad bans on sites like Amerika Music will soon be out, even with Daniel's chairman of the Copyright Dispute Committee quietly using the bureaucratic delays of NARAS and the RIAA.

Did this rumor cause investment firms to turn a wait-and-see approach to Littman Media's IPO? There are also participants suggesting a lower offering price.

"Uh-huh." Bronfman Jr. agreed in trailing tones.

"Uh ...... Mr. Bronfman Jr.? There's something I need to report to you."

"You don't have to talk to me so nicely APLUS, I'm forty years old, but I consider myself young at heart? Just think of it as talking to your Homie?Yo!What'sup?Haha? Is that right?"

"Wow ...... is very authentic."

Sonia compliments? "Uh ...... is this? I had someone ask about the Amerika Music website after the meeting that day? It's true, as you said, there is a problem with users sharing songs in MP3 and other formats privately, and I'm already working on it."

"That's great."

"But the question of whether the data uploaded privately by ...... can be deleted on the grounds of spreading piracy still needs some time to be confirmed by the Amerika Music website, and there is no clear law prohibiting that kind of sharing? And the parent company of the Amerika Music website, Litman Media, is about to IPO ......"


Bronfman Jr. repeats interrupting? "You know that this issue is a matter of life and death for all record companies, right? We cannot compromise on such phenomena."

"We'll change it? I swear, but hopefully we'll be able to extend the advertising ban until after the IPO," Sonia continued.

"Your attitude is even worse than that of an MP3 site," Bronfman Jr. said.

"Are they deliberately trying to steer users to do that, whereas the Amerika music site would first face the legal risk of privately deleting user uploaded data? We need time to be sure. I'm very ......"

Sonja sped up his speech, then took a deep breath, "I am sincerely asking you to do me a favor in this matter, I will be grateful and reciprocate, such as ......."

"Wow, Hohoho ......"

Bronfman Jr. snickered on the other end of the phone and could be heard clapping, "You're talking business with me again, APLUS."

"Business is business hehehe."

"If I had to haggle with people for every decision I made, I'd be so busy I wouldn't have enough time twenty-four hours a day."

"Just give me a break for another month or so, okay? It's easy for you ......"


Bronfman Jr.'s tone suddenly hardened, "You're being obnoxious APLUS, I made a decision and you're carrying it out, that's the easiest way to do it. Any other excuse is a waste of our mutual time!"

"I'm a singer under your banner, but I'm also a shareholder in the Amerika Music website ...... and the rush to crack down on this behavior right now will instead raise the price of PolyGram stock and negatively impact your acquisition, right?"

He mentioned this Sloan immediately waved his hand in warning.

"How the fuck am I supposed to talk to this guy for so long ......"

Bronfman Jr. did indeed answer the call, and Sonja could faintly hear him hurling insults at himself before he disconnected.

"What did I say? Definitely don't talk to him about his business again," Sloan said.

"Talking or not talking is like that, he won't change his mind, contact Daniel's people."

Sonia scratched her head and put down the microphone, "And wasn't I right about that? Lei Shi Dong indulge or even secretly support Cochrane help me sue CBS to suppress the value of CBS to pave the way for the acquisition price, by the same token, since he wants to buy PolyGram that at least in the acquisition before the need to rush to fix the unfavorable factors of PolyGram stock price ah. Anyway, now I can be sure it was this dude who started the whole thing, and according to his temper, he's probably going to urge NARAS to issue an advertising ban as soon as possible.

While Sloan was on the phone, Sonja also began contacting the Wall Street investment firms that participated in Littman Media's IPO and also own shares of websites like YAHOO.

"It's ready to go, we decided to start, yes, right away."

"As you already know, the second wave of the NARAS ad ban is not just for the Amerika Music website, we need to join forces ......"

The king wants his subjects to die against his mother, Sonja's mood is not particularly big fluctuations, perhaps because of the psychological preparation and Sloan will always arrange all the steps in a well-organized way, and it is good to execute in order.

Or maybe it's just that Bronfman Jr. doesn't like to be a strong, tough, in-your-face, irritating guy like Mottura.

Of course Wall Streeters are also better communicators than the inexplicably wealthy trio.

"Phew ......"

There was too much talk beforehand, and after a round of phone calls Sonja's mouth was a little dry, "What can I get you?" He asked Sloan.

"Soda it up. Have you ever thought about APLUS, you're going to piss off another boss after this one, and the Bronfmans have far more power than Mottura can." Sloan took the water he poured and warned.

"I can't just watch Littman Media's value shrink by tens of millions for nothing and then still break even, can I?"

Sonja replied, "I'm not a rich kid who takes money for granted."

"But your recording career ...... may suffer more than tens of millions of dollars in losses, and alcohol."

"Anyway, let's settle this first, I don't want to offend him to death, and besides I find it hard to believe that Bronfman Jr. is not a business person at all. What about him?"

Sonia eventually had a slight expectation, "Besides Litman Media's weight in my heart is actually more important, because it's my, and your career ...... our career."

"Wow, that's kind of touching," Sloan teased with a pinch of his voice, "Finished your drink so quickly?"

"Well, I'm too thirsty."

Sonja put the drained glass down.

"Keep working then, and hurry up." Sloan dropped some change into the empty glass.

"Is there someone on the inside?"

On the Bronfman Jr. side, he's rarely so attentive to a trivial matter as to call Universal president Doug Morris a day and urge him to get the relevant agencies to issue an injunction, and he's not stupid, and three days later he's somewhat aware of the weirdness.

"There was internal pressure and external pressure, especially from Time Warner, the parent company of Warner Records, which had begun to invest heavily in the Internet industry, and the injunction meant that we were going to be in a legal battle with a bunch of Internet companies backed by Wall Street, which was so new that there were a lot of legal gray areas as of now.

Doug Morris side-stepped his advice: "YAHOO, Amerika Music, Infoseek, AOL, and Webchat have gathered an enormous amount of money on their plates, and YAHOO's market capitalization is going up to $19 billion, which is even more dramatic than the old Netscape."

"YAHOO? Oh, a completely unprofitable company, don't worry, sooner or later the bubble blown up by Wall Street will burst." Bronfman Jr.

"But it hasn't yet, and it's still the sustenance of countless investors at the moment. How about narrowing the blow a bit?" Doug Morris was observant, and then cautiously advised.

He still hadn't quite figured out his boss. He figured Bronfman Jr. was targeting someone, but didn't quite grasp the subtlety of Bronfman Jr. not wanting it to be obvious to the outside world who he was targeting.

Bronfman Jr. believes that not many people can see through his true intentions, and indeed no one will be able to pierce that to his face, because those who can see it probably already know his character.

"The Internet is not outside the law either."

The severity of website infringement in the second wave of the ban is similar, and Bronfman Jr. didn't find an excuse to single out the Amerika Music website, saying, "Don't dawdle about making an announcement, tomorrow ......."

The secretary outside knocked on the door to report, "We were contacted by an Interpol chief who said they had joined forces with the Mexican police to solve a major case of cross-border production and sale of pirated music CDs."

"Ha, that's good news again, that deserves a drink." Bronfman Jr. went to the liquor cabinet to get a drink himself, noticing the sudden twinkle in Doug Morris's eye.

"Uh ......."

But the secretary, looking a little ugly, continued to report, "They also caught a few of our people."

"What people of ours?" Doug Morris asked.

"Our employees, at the California vinyl disc factory, secretly transcribe the master tapes they send over and sell them to pirates to produce the highest sound quality pirated CD discs on the market today, and the pirates also resell them to their counterparts in Mexico, Asia and Big Hair."

The secretary stole a glance at her boss's gloomy expression and said, "The Interpol people say it's a global network, and the numbers are particularly large, because our vinyl factory also takes over recordings from ...... and other distribution companies, so we're not the only victims."

"Bloody hell, looks like you're going to have to make a few phone calls and apologize to our friend."

Bronfman Jr. unfurled his furrowed brow and quickly regained his nobleman demeanor, joking to Doug Morris, "I say how come pirated discs come out so fast. "

"Okay, but I guess they have people like that within each house, but we're just the first to catch them out with our stricter management."

It seems that the boss has yet to realize the connection between the two things? Doug Morris said a couple of comforting words, excused himself to go call another company, and immediately after leaving the house, wiped his sweat and called Daniel, "Is that you?"

"I what?"

Daniel asked rhetorically.

"Take my casual suspicions from the last time I had dinner with you to heart."

"What suspicions?"

"Don't pretend, what did APLUS give you?"

"APLUS? He and I broke up a long time ago, you don't know that."

"Come on, I finally know now that you were the one who secretly helped him delay the ban within the RIAA."

"The ban? It's just a procedural issue, and it's going to be released soon. What the hell are you talking about?"

"I'm going to expose you!"

"It's not that bad, is it? Forget it, you'll have to think about it yourself anyway, Mr. President."

Chicago 1990 https://