Chicago 1990


After being dumped by Daniel, who had agreed to go into business with him, to go with As to seek the presidency of Sony's Columbia Records, Doug Morris found himself being screwed by these two guys again, put down the phone, and couldn't help but feel angry.

But he couldn't really expose Daniel, he revealed this to himself, as if to say to Daniel was suspicious of 'that vinyl factory is very problematic, I plan to look into it later' and so on, a drunken gossip, Daniel is the president of riaa copyright dispute committee, is also his friend, at that time did not think there would be a problem.

He knows Daniel very well, and he has been playing such short-sighted schemes and tricks with great vigor, and he will make good use of every drop of value in the riaa bench when he gets an opportunity to interfere with the mogul's lawsuit.

At the same time, he also knew that Daniel knew himself as well as he did, and that he had been eaten up in this matter.

Because ......

"Haha, it's tough to apologize to someone, isn't it?"

He was pondering with a gloomy face, but he didn't expect Bronfman Jr. to come out of his office, and the scene was in his eyes, but fortunately he misunderstood again, "I have a new idea, we'll discuss it together when you finish your phone call."


"Say something nice to them on my behalf ha."

The little Bronfman blinked with a flourish and turned back, "Oh yes." Turning back before entering, he reminded, "Just in time for them to pass the ban.

My own boss ......

The problem is the boss, after the two years of friction, Doug Morris probably also feel the other side of the ability, temperament and temperament, as one of the world's richest family heirs, the little Bronfman than some of its kind of look decent, excellent much, the real character is really not bad, there is a small problem with the dude but can be considered hard work, treating people with grace is first-class.

But in fact, deep down, little Bronfman is very arrogant, vain, narcissistic, self-absorbed, and headstrong, small-minded, and holds a grudge.

He said that he would discuss, but he better not think that he would discuss with himself, and it would not end well for him to give advice in good faith.

I've only learned to go along with it after suffering a few losses, but it may be too late? If he found out that he had brought this trouble on himself by talking too much, he could not keep his job.

The fact that Doug Morris knows he's not as well liked as Universal president Ron Meyer, who was a caa agent? A good licker? And that decisive betrayal of Ovitz? I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that.

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the company's website and see how it is doing. Is Universal Pictures more profitable than Universal Music? I can only be envious from afar.

I can't even learn from Barry Diller, the so-called media mogul who has been repeatedly defeated in the hands of Lei Shi Dong, and who has been in contact with Bronfman Jr. in the Universal TV network acquisition. I don't know how to charm Bronfman, Jr. He was cited as an idol and a leader.

The more Doug Morris thought about it, the trickier it got? On the one hand, he was a well-known thorn in the side, but on the other hand, he was making a major contribution to Universal's record business. The more Doug Morris thought about it, the more difficult it became? On the one hand, there's the white-collar Chicagoan with a ruthless streak and the power to rally the black community.

On the other side is the boss who wants to screw his money printing company for no reason, and he is also trying to figure out why. But he's not stupid enough to offend him! No motive? And As has definitely changed his temper since he woke up? And this time it was only in self-defense? Everyone knows that Littman Media's IPO is imminent and the ban is very deadly for their io.

That's tens of millions of dollars in losses, considering what happened to Motura? Doug Morris felt that he would be caught in the middle like a rat in a bellows.

Must mediate! A nuclear bomb wouldn't hit Universal Music!

This is the reaction that Daniel and As expected and hoped for, right?

"Hey, Rick."

Anyway getting the apology out of the way first, he called the president of Sony Columbia Records, "Just to let you know something that might be in the news soon, we have a vinyl plant in California ......"

I just heard," said Rick Rubin, who was well informed, "that 30 percent, 30 ercent!

Rick Rubin was well informed, "Thirty percent, 30 ercent!" he stressed with discontent, "With your master tapes, that kind of high quality disc covers thirty percent of the West Coast pirate market and continues to go worldwide.

"It's a good thing that we caught on, and it's never too late. You guys must be in a similar situation with Sony Columbia Records, so look beneath your feet."

Rick Rubin is a lucky junior, he used to be his junior when he was in charge of Warner, Doug Morris said in a quiet voice, "Anyway, I apologize on behalf of Universal and Mr. Bronfman Jr. but I want to make it clear in advance that this is the personal conduct of an unlawful employee and we will cooperate with the police.

"Okay, everyone understands."

"And the ad ban thing ...... Mr. Bronfman Jr. is pushing it again."

"We're based in New York, Mr. Morris, and there's a lot of pressure on this side, yahoo is the most sought after number one on Wall Street right now, and look at the stock price that day!"

Rick Rubin said, "Let's deal with the physical record piracy issue first, that's the big one."

"Is this the same attitude you had at the riaa meeting?" Instead, Doug Morris was quietly relieved.

"Probably." Rick Rubin had naturally received a call from Sonja as well.


Doug Morris called Warner Records again, which was not supportive either, since its parent company, Time Warner, had invested heavily in the Internet industry.

Doug Morris also called PolyGram, EMI and B three European background companies, whether it is vinyl, cassette or CD-ROM, record production, each is depending on the sales area of the nearest entrusted local factory production, cooperation between the six big as a mess.

"Mr. Bronfman Jr."

He returned to his boss's office, where the other party was standing in front of a filing cabinet, carefully reviewing the information, "I've informed and apologized."

"Well, you see."

Bronfman Jr. pointed to somewhere in the file, "Our vinyl sales are getting less and less profitable, right? That factory itself was already losing money."

No one else in the office, he should have found it himself from last year's earnings report.

"Yes, vinyl has long been beaten down by cassettes and CDs, the market is getting smaller and smaller, and the carrier material itself is limited."

Doug Morris nodded.

"So what's the point? It's a good excuse to close the plant down, lay off all the employees, and the union can't say anything."

Bronfman Jr. was in a good mood and snapped his fingers, "What do I think of this idea?"

"Good, really good, wow, it'll solve one of our big problems, and this year's earnings report will look a lot better."

What a great quality of competence, unfortunately ......

Doug Morris immediately complimented, "It should have been taken away a long time ago, I've always wanted to do it."

"Because you're afraid of the union right?"

"Haha, yeah, they're a pain in the ass."

"I got your back on this one, let it go." Bronfman Jr. patted him on the arm, "By the way, what about the ban?"

"Well, Warner and Sony-Columbia asked us to address the physical piracy aspect first ......" he reported back on each.

Bronfman Jr.'s mouth was agape, showing a hint of displeasure, "So Mickey is ambiguous, and the Europeans are happy with that, right?"

"Yes, I'll reinforce communication with them again."

"Okay, as soon as possible, go get busy." Bronfman Jr. waved his hand and sent the guests off.

Doug Morris came out and began meeting with Interpol, the FBI, and the head of the vinyl factory, while carefully considering a plan of action, and finally picked David Geffen.

David Geffen retained a small stake in both Geffen Records and Universal's predecessor, ca Records, and had many of his old staff on Geffen Records, as well as in Universal's music rights library and in his own management position on Universal Records.

David Geffen, Katzenberg, and Spielberg's DreamWorks had a 2 percent stake in Universal Pictures for $54 million. Bronfman Jr. not only used this 'small' investment to generously push DreamWorks' valuation to $2.7 billion, but also signed distribution contracts worth more than $1 billion, which pushed David Geffen and others' fortunes upward.

In short, he is trusted by Bronfman Jr. as much as Ron Meyer and Barry Diller, and has interests in A+ Records because of his connections to Geffen Records.

They are both old players in the record industry and have the best relationship with themselves.

"Mr. Geffen, look at ......."

He withheld the Daniel section and relayed his observation of the potential for conflict between Bronfman, Jr. and AS.

"Mr. Bronfman Jr. won't really do anything to AS,"

David Griffin doesn't seem to care much, "but as had better lower himself a bit."

"Mr. Bronfman Jr. ...... has a temper. a+ Records is very important to us right now, and you did a good deal for us, especially after as's reawakening and his new album, which will be released in September. ......"

Doug Morris knows what's at stake.

"Impulsive young people, what a pain in the ass ......"

David Geffen had small plans, but was equally reluctant to see the conflict out of control, "Well, I'll call As first and ask."

"Please, he listens to you."


David Griffin put the phone down, "What does Doug Morris mean? The vinyl factory thing wasn't AS's doing, was it?"

"He can do it," said the pro. The crony said, "Littman Media's tens of millions in stock price swings are affected by the ban.

"As, is that you?" David Geffen also called the scam.

"I what?"

"The vinyl factory thing. "

"What vinyl?" Sonia played dumb just the same.

"I just got the news ...... Forget it, you don't need to intensify the conflict with little Bronfman anyway, do you?" David Geffen said.

"I can't figure it out, Mr. Geffen, I've called him, and I've really put my foot down, but I still can't seem to get his understanding."

Sonja poured out, "I don't even know where I went wrong!"


"Really, I'll repeat it and you can see if it's okay, I said ...... he said ......."

Sonia relayed the phone call to all of them, "You comment, now Litman Media is almost io, Amerika Music website is afraid of being rumored big profits ......".

"It doesn't look like a problem."

"Right? You have to help me, I just want to make an honest record and do business, I'm so wrong ......"

"How about I help you get around?"

"Sure! Thanks Mr. Geffen, I'll be rewarded!"

David Geffen is still easy to deal with, Sonja put the phone down and breathed a sigh of relief.

Chicago 1990 https://