Chicago 1990

Chapter 124 Chicago Rap

Planned and unplanned, the tour propaganda along the way, the team took a big N-shaped turn in Wisconsin, returned to Illinois, but did not enter Chicago, but rested outside a small town called Bloomington, they Will attend a small music festival here, and then head east into Indiana.

Song Ya held the pen and thought quietly in the RV. Fergie mentioned the trumpet, and Fergie used the trumpet to wake herself up. Fergie was the same as the first sentence of the lyrics...

So I got this song called trumpets (trumpet), which is also the seventh song of the apocalypse I got.

Like the previous i feel it ing, this song also has a bit of color, but how to say it is much more'oily' than i feel it ing. If i feel it ing has a little innocent tone, then this song trumpets Just go a bit more in the direction of'desire' and'noise'.

Do you want to release this song as a single, or just put it on the album and make a strong single like feel? It? Still, he is a little uncertain now, after all, singing this kind of song at the age of sixteen seems to be unclear Too suitable.

"That original singer's figure is really good..." Somehow, his thoughts drifted away. The original singer was a young black male whose body was so good that Song Ya was a little jealous.

He touched the muscles on his body. Because of long-term squash training, his arms and lower limbs are fine, but his abdominal muscles are far inferior to the original singer. It seems to pay attention to this aspect of exercise. Your muscles are not a bad thing.

"And those pants..."

He also likes the trousers originally sung. They are black, with a little sporty style. They are densely packed and neatly covered with sequins or rhinestones. They are shiny and stylish. They are more fashionable than the exaggerated flying squirrel pants popular among blacks recently. , And that kind of loose fat-leg pants are ten thousand times stronger.

He casually drew the pattern of the pants on the staff.

"By the way, two unfamiliar names were mentioned in the lyrics, Kanye West and Katy Perry..." He also carefully noted the names of these two people, one to change it, and the other to For later use, maybe they are all future celebrities.

This song has more tuned parts than i feel it ing and feel?it?still, and you have to decide whether to accept it in full. In this era, there is no good impression of excessive tuning.

"Basically, that's it." He collected the score carefully.

"Boss!" Fergie suddenly pushed open the door of the RV, "Nas had a conflict with a few white people."

Song Ya was most afraid of such a thing, he hurried out, and when he passed Fergie, he smelled a faint smell of smoke, "Did you smoke?"

"I just tried one." She stuck out her tongue.

"Not allowed next time, it's not good for your voice, if you still want to be a singer."

Song Ya said a word and stopped taking care of it. Fergie was at a time when she wanted to try everything after she got rid of her family's supervision. The last time she was easily pushed down by herself was actually due to this. He didn't want to be too strict. Is in the rebellious period.

"I see, you go and have a look." Fergie pushed him to nas and them.

The rest place is a RV camp, basically all cars of a RV caravan. They happened to meet and parked their cars after getting permission. Because there is no adjacent parking space, the distance between the two cars is a bit far.

Song Ya was originally worried about a discrimination incident. NAS is not like a person who can swallow his voice. He only let go of his heart when he saw it in the past. NAS was indeed angrily talking to a few white old men and women, but it was ordinary. The other party thinks they are too noisy.

How can I say that, as Dile and Al followed their popularity, and a good at pimping by their side, starting from Wisconsin, young girls have appeared in the team one after another, yes, they are called For the kind of flesh and blood, they played very hard, and they continued to hang out in the big RV. The men and women quickly got together and it was a mess.

Song Ya is not going to take care of this. Firstly, big a and nas are not really young brothers. Secondly, Dile and Al are probably also suffocated. They can't sing songs every night in the small RV and let them watch it. Go ahead.Besides, this kind of thing is normal in the band. Those white rock bands often report that the band is sleeping all over by a flesh and blood, and it is often achieved in an environment like a RV.

But to be honest, rock musicians have a really good vision. They look for flesh and blood that are all prettier than female stars.

Most of the campsites in this RV camp are elderly white elderly couples. They get pensions, and then meet to drive the RV for a romantic all-meter self-driving. This is a tradition popular in the U.S. The soundproofing of RVs is poor. , My own side is too noisy, the old men and old ladies must not bear it.

"Then let's go to the music festival venue for the night, anyway, we will perform there tomorrow." Song Yachao gestured to the two drivers who stayed beside watching the show.

"Hey, they are discrimination!" Nas exclaimed in an aura.

"Come on." Song Ya is most afraid of looking for discrimination in everything like blacks. Sometimes it makes sense, and sometimes it just wants to take advantage. For example, now, even ashamed of herself.

He ignored nas, went straight back to his RV, picked up the radio walkie-talkie he had bought halfway, and said: "When you're ready, let's go. Let's go to the music festival venue to find a place."

At this time Hayden called, "aplus, I have already issued a statement on your behalf, stating that you are from Chicago and a fan of the Bulls and Jordan. You will sing in the first game of the Bulls vs. Knicks playoffs. "

This was passed in the early communication, Song Ya certainly has no objection, "Have you told the other party that I don't sing the national anthem?"

"No problem, it's all well communicated." Hayden reminded him before hanging up, "Buy more music magazines. There are many comments on remember the name."

"Good or bad?" Song Ya asked.

"It's almost blowing you to the sky." Hayden laughed.

The convoy drove to the vicinity of the music festival venue. This kind of small music festival was nothing but a slick suggested stage. Some small vendors bought some food on the periphery. The small town was surrounded by plains, mainly agriculture and animal husbandry, mostly white people. Most of the naturally present are country bands.

Settling down was simple, Dile drove a f150 to purchase a lot of drinks, steaks and barbecue grills. They planned to have a barbecue party.Half of it was for business. They took this opportunity to invite many local djs and music festival organizers to participate. It was a good opportunity to build contacts, and Song Ya would not stop it.

"The magazine you want." Dile threw several music magazines into Song Ya's hands.

Song Ya first picked out the Rolling Stone magazine and opened it. It was Philby from Philadelphia again. "Starting from creating second-hand stores, and then to remember the name now, aplus's strong personal style gradually matures. This young man from Chicago People seem to have opened up a new style of rap. In order to save trouble, maybe we can call it Chicago rap.By the way, I also heard one of his new songs through a special channel. I collaborated with a popular actress. This song perfectly combines the elements of rap and soul music. It is a work of art.'
