Chicago 1990

Chapter 295 Batman Returns


Not far away, Cassidy suddenly exclaimed, "We don't have tickets! This movie is very popular, I heard that it's hard to get a ticket."

"Hayden won't forget this kind of thing, you open the glove box and look for it." Song Ya said.

Cassidy opened the glove box in front of her, neatly arranged a small box, two movie tickets, a hundred dollars change, a pair of sunglasses and some necessary vehicle documents.

"This kind of life..."

Cassidy stuffed the movie ticket into her pocket, took out the smaller women’s sunglasses and put on her head, looking at the street with the enviable glances of passers-by who could not help but floated towards the car, "They will prepare everything you can think of and unexpected. Right? Big star."

"This has nothing to do with stars, only money." Song Ya replied.

"Then do you feel happy now?" Cassidy asked, "Just now."

"Of course, because you are by your side." Song Yan coaxed her with words.

"Forget it, then when Fergie and I accompany you, do you have double happiness?" Cassidy's expression became a little lonely.


Song Ya stretched out her hand and rubbed her tender face, "Is there a day when happiness will be completely satisfied? I doubt that when I was messing around in Nancheng, I dreamed of moving out there every day and living in the middle-class community like yours. , Change to the kind of private school you attended. After getting all this, I was satisfied for a short time, and then immediately started chasing a bigger house and more money. Am I satisfied now? Maybe still not..."

"I think my parents are very happy like that. It's enough to stay together for a lifetime and have a few children, just plain and plain..."

Cassidy said.

"Your father..."

Song Ya laughed, "That's because they didn't show Cathy in front of you. At least I know your father doesn't necessarily think he is very happy."

The car quickly drove to a high-end movie theater near Hollywood. The neighborhood was well protected by the police during the riots, and there was no trace of the chaos.

"This is the poster that was stolen continuously?"

Song Ya glanced at the big Michelle Pfeiffer's'Catwoman' poster at the entrance of the theater. She was wearing a black tights, coquettish and full of allure... But the years still left marks on this woman's face, her figure, Not as good as the Halle Berry and Mariah Carey he had seen.

In fact, she is not the candidate for the film, Annette Bening is, but unfortunately the actress missed the schedule because of her pregnancy.

Of course, those are the best women. Halle Berry was born as a Miss America. Mariah Carey also insured her big long legs.As soon as I remembered those legs, Song Ya...

I don't know what it was like when she put on the special tights of one thousand dollars on Catwoman.

"Don't look, let's go in."

Cassidy took his arms, and the two walked into the movie theater. The audience was mostly men. It is estimated that a large part of them came to see Michelle Pfeiffer.

Hayden got the best position. The two went to sit down and waited for a few minutes. As soon as the movie opened, the audiences of this era were surprised by the shocking stereo surround sound effects. Many people even followed the sound. Subconsciously turned his head to look in the direction.

"This is a fundamentally different level from DTS used in my recordings. It seems we need to speed up negotiations with David Geffen and others."

Song Ya thought secretly.

This superhero series by the famous director Tim Burton, the first one sold 410 million dollars globally, the second one is darker and weird, full of Gothic style, "Huh?" Not long after Batman appeared, Song Ya was a little surprised.

"What's the matter?" Cassidy asked.

"How did he kill?" Song Ya burned one when he saw Batman driving.

"He got a license to kill the first one. Didn't you watch it? Join in the fun."

A middle-aged "hardcore" fan in the front row turned his head and said in a bad tone.

Cassidy smiled and put out her tongue, Song Ya pursed her mouth and didn't speak any more. This kind of superhero comics has a long history, and some fanatic fans are very extreme. It is not necessary or not to provoke it.

When the catwoman played by Michelle Pfeiffer made a stunning debut, the men in the movie theater cheered like idiots at the same time, and some even whistled.

Tim Burton’s boldness is shocking. This version of Catwoman seems to have features such as fetishes and BDSM. Michelle Pfeiffer holds a whip in her hand. She has a very open and avant-garde style. The villain Penguin looks disgusting and has very dirty lines '.The bloody picture is not too evasive. Cathy took advantage of the close-up of the supporting character's face being'baked', and she snorted and retracted her body into Song Ya's arms.

"This is PG-13 classification!?"

The two parents who brought their children angrily left early, "MPAA (American Film Association, responsible for grading) is too irresponsible!"

"Come on, look at your child!" It was the old man in the front row who said that.

The half-old boy held by the parents was turning his head step by step, greedily staring at the movie scene of Catwoman and Batman kissing boldly under the mistletoe.

Song Ya and Kasidi were amused.

The MPAA is not an iron fight. For such an important annual blockbuster by Hollywood giants, it is common for them to be flexible in the classification.

This movie is still very exciting, and the Catwoman character also has some feminine independence. The two of them watched it in one fell swoop like ordinary couples, and they didn't expect to do anything else.Of course, this is also related to the atmosphere of the theater. On the first day, the ratio of iron fans is not low. The scene is much more active than ordinary movie screenings. The scenes of several kisses between the male and female protagonists are also obliterated by the noise of the audience. So romantic.

"Shall we go have something to eat?" Cassidy proposed, she also wanted to continue the sweet date.

"It's getting late." Song Ya touched the fake beard on his chin. "I will have a meeting with important people tomorrow, and this beard seems to be ungummed."


Cassidy obediently agreed, they got in the car, she opened the storage box and put her sunglasses back.

"Oh, right."

Song Ya turned to Nunu's mouth in the small box inside, "Open it."

"What?" Cassidy opened obediently, and inside was a very low-key and delicate necklace.

"Give it to you." Song Ya started the car.

"Too expensive." Cassidy put the necklace back in the box.

"No, for me." Song Ya said when she was about to put the box back in the storage box: "Your professional skirt is very beautiful, but it will affect the image of my company if it lacks some embellishments."

"This reason is too bad." Cassidy smiled.

"Do you want me to put it on for you?" Song Ya freed his hand to grab the necklace.

"Don't, you can concentrate on watching the road." Cassidy quickly stopped her, took out the necklace, and put it on herself.

"You are beautiful, Cassidy."

Cassidy touched the necklace on her neck, "It's a pity that they met under the mistletoe and kissed (meaning to stay together), but they finally separated."

"Do you know why?"

"Because of what?"

"Mistletoe is poisonous..."

Song Ya parked the car and returned to the hotel with her.

"APLUS." Taraji waited in his room, holding back a smile and handing over a book.

"I'm going to take a bath." Cassiti gave Song Ya a generous kiss, and then walked into the bathroom.

"what happened?"

Song Ya took over. It turned out that Ellie's "When I was Young" was officially published. He flipped through it casually. There was a large section of the description of the two people, which is simply an erotic book.It is estimated that the publisher behind her can't do anything about it. After all, the time between the two is too short, and there is not much to write without spreading rumors.

"She praised you more hahaha." Taraji finally couldn't help laughing, "Do you want to sue?"

"Forget it, it's basically not out of fact."

Song Ya threw the book back to her.

"Shameless! And..."

Taraji gave another business card with only a phone number.

"Whose number?" Song Ya asked.

"Madonna, she wants to make an appointment with you on your eighteenth birthday. Maybe she just read this book." Taraji hit him with the shoulder, "but you have to prepare the medical report in advance."

"It's someone else's turn to ask me for a medical checkup sheet ah?"

Madonna is not Song Ya’s food at all, and she’s not too young anymore. It’s DIVA, or nothing... Song Ya threw her business card in the trash can, "Ignore her, I don’t want to be the second Kane dad. ."

Daddy Kane, who was still glamorous not long ago, was so fascinated by Madonna that he somehow went to help her erotic magazine take a set of super large-scale portraits. For the male rapper, this was a suicidal behavior. Later, he was not only criticized by the big media. Unsurprisingly, it became the joke of the entire black group.

Black hip-hop singers are not afraid of scolding, scandals on other idol singers, and even being caught and jailed will not necessarily lose their popularity, but they are afraid of being the object of everyone's ridicule, especially when they mention their name, they think of it.' For example, Tony and Silencer, two typical straight black men born on the street, now they will laugh like a fool when they hear the name of Big Daddy Kane, without any reason.

Losing the basic disk, he was in Flop almost at the speed of light, and was quickly dumped by Madonna, a stamp collector.

How miserable!

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