Chicago 1990

Chapter 312 My Money Is Pile

"Call Donovan."

Song Ya is not a good husband, "I want William Morris to block in Hollywood..."


Halfway through, they found that Charis Theron and Xue Linfen had appeared at the door and had to shut their mouths.

The door was not closed, and he did not suppress his voice again. The two should have heard the words just now, and the tears of the white girl, Charis Theron, came out again.

"I'll let her come and explain things to you clearly, go sit down."

Xue Linfen pushed her through the door and said to Song Ya: "Do you think it's too much for the first-line singer to use resources to deal with a little girl who just arrived in Hollywood?"

The two were close at hand, and Song Ya could even see the moles of tears in the corners of each other’s eyes. This woman was really a smashing face, and he was almost relieved. “There is an old saying in China, and the argument is irrelevant. Kennedy also said, don’t ask him What you say depends on what he did. I have helped her many times. Have you seen me so hard to help a newcomer star in Hollywood for so many years? According to my record company’s prediction, my It is very likely that the song will continue to be on the billboard singles chart, omitting the number of words, and then the same card. The second description is that it has been suppressed in second place for many consecutive weeks by the title list. This important moment of rushing to the charts, how much do you think I have leisure and leisure to help others? Happy and not asking for anything in return? I even plan to give her the hostess of nn after signing her. That's great. Her behavior today made me recognize a person and dispelled the idea in advance."

"Have Kennedy said that?" Xue Linfen frowned, showing a look of memory.

"Uh... just leave him alone, as long as you know what I mean."

Song Ya hurriedly fooled around, "Please come back, I am tired and need a rest." Turning back to the bedroom.

"But what you want in return is that she accompanies you to bed..." Xue Linfen said behind her.

"I never said this."

Song Ya certainly didn’t admit it. He would not have been so direct. He slammed the door and was too lazy to listen to any explanation. He opened the newly bought HP n laptop with 40 hard drives, and the operating system loaded on it was Microsoft’s latest ns31. He operated very smoothly, so he gradually stopped seeing the computer as a decoration in his bedroom, and he was sitting in front of the computer more and more in his spare time during travel.

"He is very young, he has not yet reached his eighteenth birthday..."

I faintly heard Yeremov talking with Xue Linfen outside, as well as the sobbing of Charis Theron.

"They are gone."

Half an hour later, Yeremov pushed the door in. "I think it’s better not to threaten William Morris. The relationship between Donovan’s music department and the film department is not very good, and this kind of thing will be quickly affected by them. If you spread it out from inside the company, it will be a big blow to your personal settings."

"That..." Song Ya dropped the mouse and gave up the next round of Sidmeier's civilization. "Is it feasible to ask David Geffen for help?"

"Come on, as for?"

Yeremov said: "I just heard about the girl's story. His father was shot and killed by her mother when he was drunk and wanted to assault her. So she is very sensitive to men who covet her body. And disgust, she has a dream of a movie star, but it does not mean that she can also accept the hidden rules of Hollywood. Although you have helped her a lot, she still does not want to be controlled by you. She has also made a lot of preparations, such as that The unscrupulous agent and the producer managed to escape, as well as the female companions in the hotel lobby yesterday, as well as the phone call of Xue Linfen to ask for help. She was very clever and did protect herself."

"So this is ah?"

Song Ya felt better all at once, "I always thought her father was because of domestic violence..."

"Of course, you know that kind of drunk, domestic violence is common."

Yeremov asked, "Are you still insisting on dealing with her?"

"Forget it, forget it." Song Ya waved his hand, "I don't have that lower limit."


"Come on,I have a lower limit, but I don’t mean I will be a licking dog."Song Ya said.

"What dog?"

"Nothing, huh..."

Song Ya let out a sigh, "Well, if the heroine can't settle down by then, let's have an audition. She can come, but you should not invite her."

"Okay." Yeremov agreed.

After finishing his trip to the West Coast, Song Ya's worries about Xue Linfen have become reality. He still hasn't reached the top of the list, and there is a lot of gap between the number of champions and n.

"Maybe the reason for the change in social aesthetic trends?"

Hayden was a little worried when he heard Yeremov’s past wind, and rushed to the airport in Denver to pick up the plane. He would also accompany him to participate in the follow-up Midwest propaganda trip. “People suddenly start to like various rhythm and blues combinations and melody. The claw ears, the harmony voice is gorgeous, the overall rhythm is calm and soothing, and it accurately grasps the pulse of the times. This is like the rise of short and ultra-thin models like Kate Moss, and we practitioners can’t say anything. People suddenly started to accept this type of music and fashion style."

Song Ya did not speak. This is his weakness. The Apocalypse songs are from the future and are of high quality, but it does not mean that they can be taken by listeners of this era.

"You have a cave in the evening." Taraji reminded after getting in the car.

"Is the arrangement so stressful?" Song Ya hasn't done anything so out of style for a long time, but since he was on the schedule, the other party's bid definitely moved Hayden, who was getting higher and higher.

"Sing three songs at random, and then sit in the nightclub for an hour and get a hundred thousand dollars." Hayden said.


This price is much higher than before. He went to the nightclub to finish his work, and the other party suddenly said that there was not enough cash and could only pay the bill tomorrow.

"Old Mike, you are staring here, don't let them go wrong."

Song Ya won't bother with them, leave Old Mike and the others in the nightclub, and return to the hotel with Tony who likes to make trouble.

The next day, the other party came to visit with a bag of cash very trustworthy, and directly poured a bundle of twenty or fifty dollars in front of Song Ya on the table.

"!" Tony picked up a few bundles casually. "It's been a long time since I saw so much cash. When I was with Little Lori, uh..."

He saw that Song Ya's expression was not right, so he should change his words quickly, "My good brother, I know that Denver has a very good place to eat. Let's go play?"

"Strip bar? I'm not going to." Song Ya shook his head, "Old Mike, put the money away." Then he took a few copies from the bundle and threw them to Tony and the silencer.The piles of money are no stimulus to him, and can't help Charis and Xue Linfen...

"No, Owl Restaurant." After Tony got the money, "it's not expensive there. I will treat you today!"

The Owl Restaurant is a restaurant in the United States that specializes in beautiful waitresses. The waitresses will have a variety of bunny girls, cheerleaders, beach lifeguards and other cool, very formal, go to the pure food and feast your eyes, and can't do anything.

"All right." Song Ya didn't want to be disappointed either.

After Taraji took the position, the group swaggered in from the back door of the restaurant, "Ah!" Today was the theme of the cheerleading team, and the waitress screamed after seeing Song Ya.

After dealing with them, Song Ya had a good meal. As for the level of the waitresses, she seemed to be vulgar fans in her eyes, and Tony and the others happily teased the girls.

"I'll pay the bill!"

After eating lively, Tony proudly took the cash to pay the bill and gave a lot of tips.

At this time, there was a noise from another table in the distance, and a white Huhong neck shouted to a waitress: "Are you 18 years old girl? Just let you work in this kind of restaurant? Call your manager Come!"

"I'm full! I just turned eighteen!" The girl argued, "Show you my driver's license." She turned to get her ID.

Song Ya glanced over, the waitress being questioned was about 1.6 meters tall, especially the waist, very thin, but the key parts were very predictable. It was a typical thin but of that type. The key was her face, which really seemed to be only fourteen or five. Years old, very pure and beautiful, you must know that the white girl is very mature at the age of eighteen.

Especially there is also a slightly reddish blonde...


The girl fetched the driver's license from the inside and, accompanied by the manager, handed it to the red neck.

"Uh, I'm sorry, I made a mistake, I'm sorry." The red-necked old man was very embarrassed, and he paid the bill before he finished eating.

"This bastard." Tony smiled: "I didn't know what came here because of what? He also pretended to be so righteous..."

The girl began to clear the table, her waist bent down.



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"Taraji, business card." Song Ya asked for a business card with only one phone number from Taraji, who rolled his eyes.

"Hi." He took the initiative to greet the busy girl.

"Hi, hey!" The girl saw that it was her, and suddenly became nervous, "Hello, do you need any help?"

"Don't care about those people." Song Ya handed him a hundred-yuan bill with the business card underneath, "You are doing well."











"Goodbye." He smiled and said goodbye to the girl who was a little surprised. "Let's go." Turning his head to Tony and the others, the group hurriedly left the restaurant.

"Ah!" The girl in the store suddenly let out a scream of excitement, she should have found the business card.

Song Ya stood at the door of the car and turned around. Many waitresses rushed toward the girl with envy and hatred. She immediately hid her business card vigilantly.