Chicago 1990

Chapter 614 Group AB

A+ Audio now has a synthetic audio copyright library that accounts for about 10% of the entire Mi City, an American music website, and a 5% stake in DTS. It is planned that DTS will be listed next year, and the annual legal expenditure is enough to become a company. The cornerstone of the new law firm's opening.

Song Ya just went to contact Lockhard and Gardner’s law firm for Tony’s case. In fact, he wanted to use the energy of Peter Flock behind Alicia, so she brought the business to the company from the beginning. Later, Alicia represented A+ Audio and basically participated in the whole process of DTS's multiple rounds of financing negotiations. Next year, DTS's listing business will be another big income.

So it is reasonable for Alicia to take this customer away, but she provided services to A+ Audio Company as an employee of the original law firm. Legally, she wanted to take the business away directly. She and Lockhard and Gardner There are bound to be lawsuits between law firms.

But this has nothing to do with Song Ya, he took advantage of Mariah Carey's Christmas album announcement, and flew to Los Angeles.The two quarreled constantly, but after the quarrel and when they woke up the next day, it seemed like nothing had happened, as good as anything.

"The protagonist audition for the sequel of my life has reached the third round."

During the Christmas and New Year holidays, there are a lot of tourists in Universal Studios. Usually, many production companies will be on holiday at this time. However, because Universal Pictures will change hands next year, President Simberg keeps a close eye on the progress of various projects. So the office building is still busy.

Yeremov pushed the two stacks of actor's resume to Song Ya, "Look at it."

"Group A? Group B?"

Song Ya pointed to the label on the resume and asked.

"Group A is the plan originally planned for the eighth to tenth graders. The actors are all born around 80 years ago. Group B is the plan for the older ones. They are all your peers." Yeremov replied.

Song Ya casually opened the resume of the male lead in Group A. There are two familiar children, the starring character of baseball angels, and the director's son Jack Gyllenhaal.

"Jack is indeed more handsome than Joseph...but doesn't he know how to dance?" Song Ya asked helplessly. The director and his wife really did not shun relatives.

"Both of them didn't dance very well, but they both came from an acting family and are child stars. They still have some dancing skills. Because they are young and plasticity is not a problem, three months of assault training is probably enough to make a movie..."

Yeremov began to play videotapes of their first two rounds of auditions. “Their advantage is that their acting skills are online. After all, they don’t lack resources since they’ve been acting since childhood.”

"Hmm." Song Ya nodded, "Who do you think?"

"This one."

Unexpectedly, Yeremov didn’t choose anyone. Instead, he pulled out another resume. “Gosling, a member of the Mickey Mouse Club, a children’s song and dance show on the Disney Channel. This show is still playing, but it’s over this October. Production, the young actors are all'unemployed'. Their agents are posting resumes everywhere in Hollywood. Gosling is good looking, good at singing and dancing, and most suitable for his age."

"What about the opinions of other producers?"

After moving to Highland Park, Song Ya's family didn't even set this stage, and he never watched it.

"You know, Simberg likes Jared Leto."

Yeremov opened the resume of the male protagonist in Group B. "However, Leto and his agent invited you to dinner tonight. He also participated in the audition for the male protagonist of the cat and mouse game. I guess their idea is If you choose the protagonist of the cat and mouse game, then you will turn off the sequel of my life."

"It's beautiful, are there other candidates in this group?"

Song Ya looked at the photo of Leto in his resume and found that he still maintained the look at the premiere of The Night Interview with Vampires, with long hair and scumbags. He has changed from the image of a visionary boy in the TV series "What I Call Life". For the decadent rock star Fan, "Looking at Leto's posture, he has already planned to transform his character into a male star?"

Youth song and dance films for young boys and girls do not need such a personal protagonist.

"If there is a male protagonist who can act, the character set can be changed back.

"OK, I see." Neither of these two are handsome or fan base. No wonder Simberg likes Leto.

The two looked at the actress again. Similarly, Nicky De Lodge was shortlisted in Group A of Mickey Mouse Club, Kerry Lynn was shortlisted in Group B, and Jennifer, the "enemy" Fergie had beaten in Group A. Love Hewitt.

"Don't comment on this group."

This group is all underage, Yeremov is worried that he will be spread bad rumors, "If you are worried that Fergie is unhappy, just leave the matter to me. Assuming that Group A wins, this girl is also favored by Simberg. , But I should be able to secretly use some means to reject her."

Indeed, like Jared Leto, both are child stars and have a good fan base, which is a good plus for an idol movie.

"Did Simberg privately..."

No matter what method Song Ya uses, he is only worried that Simberg has secretly traded with others with the leading actor. In that case, it would not be nice to get rid of the person he is fond of.

"It shouldn't be. He still expects the management to remain firmly in the position of president after the replacement. At this point in time, he will avoid any negative news." Yeremov replied.

"Where is Christina Rich?" Song Ya also noticed that the very spiritual little actor in the 1991 big-selling movie Adams had disappeared from the audition list.

"She got the heroine of the ghost horse elf, it's out of schedule." Yeremov replied.

"Isn't David Geffen recommended anyone to come?" Several producers, Song Ya, have to take care of it. After all, the sequel has become more complicated in terms of funding and internal relations. "Amplin Entertainment?"

"David Geffen is currently helping the Night Interview Vampire hit the Oscars, and he has no time to deal with this small investment."

Yeremov said: "Amperin Entertainment put Drew Barrymore directly into the final round of Group B auditions."

Group B are all actresses born around 75 years old. There are many acquaintances of Song Ya, except for Spielberg’s goddaughter Drew Barrymore, Amy Adams, Amy Acker, Charis, etc. The first few rounds of auditions after entering the first part are basically there, only the older Ashley Judd and Juliana Marguerite did not come, and the other famous young actresses are thousands of miles. Pick one of the beauties, it can be described as sultry flowers, many of whom are blonde.

"If the Group B plan is implemented, Simberg is still happy to let Amy and Leto partner, don't worry about rejecting Drew Barrymore and offending Spielberg."

Yeremov gave him a reassurance.

Having mastered the basic situation, Song Ya had a bottom line in his heart and met Leto and his agent at dinner with Yeremov in the evening.

In reality, Leto is a very shy big boy, sitting quietly and speaking very little. If he is not wearing a suit, he looks like a restrained blond girl from behind. Yes, he is also blond.

"APLUS, we are actually more interested in your other project."

His agent is responsible for the communication and tells what he wants straight to the point, "When will the cat and mouse game male lead audition officially start."

"At least we have to wait until after Valentine's Day next year."

According to Linton, the president of Hollywood Pictures, the Oscar nomination announcement on February 14 next year is the milestone time for final negotiations with director David Fincher (not David Geffen, nor David Lynch). Others The operation has to be delayed, "And the main actors who danced the sequel of my life at that time must start practicing with the dancing fingers." Song Ya replied.


Leto’s agent looked at Leto with regret, "So Leto has no chance to choose a pair of two?"


Yeremov knew that although the boss didn’t say clearly, he was willing to create opportunities for Amy to continue to play the lead role. If Amy wants to continue to play the leading role, then the B group plan is the prerequisite, and the key to whether the B group can win is in front of him. This new idol star is willing to play the role of the male protagonist. The simple casting game is one after another. "The competition of the cat and mouse game male protagonist will be much more fierce than the sequel of my life." He hinted.

"We did understand."

Leto’s agent is CAA, and has already been exposed to the original script of the cat and mouse game through resources. "The cat and mouse game hero will help Leto to develop much more than a youth song and dance film."

"How about picking up both?" Yeremov quipped. "Both are sunshine boys."

"Although they are both Sunny Boys, the two films have very different expectations of the roles in the eyes of the audience. We need to use one film to shape Leto's performance in the next few years."

His agent saw it very clearly that the sequel to my life is a standard campus youth film. This kind of film not only does not pay attention to the actors' acting skills, but it is especially easy to label actors without acting skills and only rely on selling faces and figures to eat. The label, Song Ya, who is playing tickets, may not care, but Leto, who wants to develop in Hollywood for a long time, has to consider this point. Cat and Mouse Game is a man's drama of high-profile drama, which will be of great help to the future development of actors.

"I like the role of Abagnell very much. I have been watching his book of'Catch me if you have the ability' recently, and I have got some videotapes of his early speeches."

Leto took out some prepared props, books and videotapes to impress Song Ya from his bag, "Quiet! Everyone, I am Mr. Abagnell, I am Abagnell, not Abagnole, and It's not Abagnaire, it's Abagnell..." He also performed a short line of script, which is a scene of Song Ya once disguised as a teacher in the classroom.

"Very good, very good..."

It's really good, it looks good, although Song Ya still can't forget the original starring Xiao Lizi, but it's not bad, he sincerely praised, "Your acting skills are really good, Leto."

"Leto is the best of his peers." His agent took the opportunity to sell.

"That's not necessarily. You'll know when Uncle Cat's game audition. Basically, all the male stars who are suitable for Hollywood will come." Yeremov attacked them, "Some have already proven themselves in other movies."

Leto and the agent smiled awkwardly.

Leto has just made his way out of the television circle, and the first supporting role in the movie Love Weaving Dreams has not been released yet, and his resume in the film circle is blank.

"Maybe Simberg is going to be disappointed. I feel that Leto himself doesn't want to act and dance in the sequel of my life." After the dinner was over, Yeremov said to Song Ya after he came out: "I can tell at a glance, that kid is quite an artist. Temper, although it is still relatively immature now."

"I feel so."

Leto's attention drifted away as soon as the sequel of my life was danced during the dinner. It is estimated that without his manager, he might simply refuse the audition for that drama.

"APLUS, you are in Los Angeles, right?" Alicia called.

"Yes, I'm here." Song Ya replied.

"I have arrived at the lobby of the hotel where you are staying. The prohibition order has just been lifted and the document can be signed."

Good guys, they are all chasing here, "Okay, I'll be back soon." Song Ya hurried back to the hotel lobby, about to shake hands with Alicia and his party, Lockhart and Gardner's Diane Lockhart, another named partner, suddenly appeared again.

"Welcome to Los Angeles, Diane." Song Ya saw the envelope in her hand and already guessed what was going on.

"This is the second injunction issued by a local court in Chicago, which once again prohibits Alicia Flock and others from contacting clients of the law firm."

Diane Lockhart is a tall, capable and elegant blonde old woman who always wears a huge necklace that catches the eye. She must be very beautiful when she is young, but as a woman who can climb to the top position of the law firm, she has a very strong personality. Now the general appearance is usually domineering, "It's nice to see you Alicia in Los Angeles." She handed the envelope to Song Ya, and immediately hung the winner's smile and turned her face to mock Alicia.

"Don't expect me to give up easily." Alicia refused to give up.


Song Ya was a little upset, and interrupted the two women when they exchanged eyes, "Please don't just waste my time? Billionaires are very busy!"

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