Chicago 1990

Chapter 644

The two watched Hirai's back disappearing in the doorway. Daniel sat down in his original seat and took out the smoke and lighter. The flint was rubbed by him so that it sparked, but it never hits. "You know what? Aplus, you and Ms. Kelly’s repertoire management rights originally belonged to Sony Music Copyright. If they force this transaction, it will be legally okay. It’s just that they dare not risk upsetting the two first-line superstars. I’m under a lot of pressure, and I have to keep emphasizing your attitudes to Shuerhoff and these executives. You can’t regret it when things happen. That will make me lose another point in terms of capital."

"I know, when did I cheat you? And I have always been very top."

What kind of pressure is this to myself, "Daniel, I remember you didn't smoke before?"

"Sorry, ahem, I have been stressed recently."

Daniel finally lit the cigarette, took a sharp sip, and was accidentally choked. He casually slapped the blue smoke floating towards Song Ya, "You can understand me, right?"

"of course."

Song Ya can understand him. Now that things have happened, several record companies monopolized by the defendants are preparing to respond. Although a fine of billions of dollars is unrealistic, as long as there is such a possibility, it will inevitably be accompanied by fierce game. In the court, it was between the defendant companies, because the prosecutors would inevitably induce companies to betray each other. As he was the only record company executive named by the Federal Fair Trade Commission report, Daniel bears the brunt of the battle. , The career may be ruined at any time.

So now I am more important to him, because I am the only big-name singer under his direct management.


Sitting with the worried Daniel until Mariah Carey finished her work, she appeared at the door full of energy, "Go, go home!"

"Be obedient, don't buy that broken island, okay?"

After the settlement, the two went to the notary lawyer to do property notarization, and then signed a prenuptial agreement together. They both learned about each other’s property allocation. Song Ya found out that if she sent to each other like this, she would not It felt like her family was going to be hollowed out, especially after investing $10 million in Xingmeng's Tears Film Project.

The key point is that she didn’t make as much money as she had imagined, too. After all, she only debuted in the same year as herself, and unlike her own record production company, the income mainly comes from three yuan, the singer's copyright share, the songwriter's share, and copyright royalties. Performance, advertising, and concert income, only the last income far exceeds my own, but I have other prosperous investment sideline businesses, or in fact, the main business.

Of course, her record production is high. Since her debut, she has a stable one-year album, and her sales have completely crushed her. The music box album has sold over 20 million worldwide, and it is still hanging on the billboard album sales chart. Even the Christmas album I made casually last year sold no worse than the soundtrack of my life movie that I danced on the apocalypse.

Her asset management is actually very healthy. When she makes money, she buys a very stable fund of funds and saves it. This is due to the financial planning and conceptual guidance that Motura instilled in her early years, plus she has nothing else than buying things. Vice.

It's an impulsive consumer woman, but the basic financial business online can be evaluated like this.

In fact, her personality is more like a boy, very strong, she is aa to herself in everything, and the prenuptial agreement is also signed according to who the property belongs to.

"Heiglander! Your money is much more than I thought!"

Mariah Carey was stunned by her fiance’s rich family background, "You have more than 200 million cash and stocks in your hand! My wife has bought a small island and has been nagging and nagging in my ears... …"

"I don't think it is necessary. In fact, I can buy it, but we shouldn't have time to go to the Bahamas this year.


She was still happy in her heart, and temporarily put aside the purchase of the island, and returned home to continue to concentrate on preparing for the wedding.

A large white-covered podium has been built on the lawn of Bedford Mountain House. At the edge of the house, there is a temporary church prepared by Pastor Jesse Jackson, the wedding car, various sculptures, and lanterns. She made a lot of decorative ribbons and so on, all piled up in the warehouse and garage, many of them will not be used at that time, many of the plans are abandoned by her, and the things she bought are also invalid.

There is also a customized gift bag with a small gold bracelet engraved with the initials of the two people. Every guest who comes to the wedding can receive a copy, which is worth about three hundred dollars.

As for other one-time decorations specially prepared for the wedding, I can’t finish talking about it. Now there are hundreds of workers and wedding personnel in the entire villa, all working hard for the 27th day.

The two flower companies will be responsible for the supply of flowers at that time, and the high-end professional companies in New York will be responsible for everything such as wine, food, etc. She is still not making additional requirements, so she must be perfect.

"Mimi, I'm ready for the pre-wedding party, let's cheer up by then!"

Brenda, who is in arrears with IQ, and her godmother Patty Labe are at her side, responsible for all kinds of bad ideas, "I have ordered all the dancers, guaranteed to be the best in Las Vegas!" Bren Da flaunted and said with a grin: "I will do it all. Then you only need one person."


Song Ya, who was passing by, was taken aback, "Mimi, come." He almost forgot about this, and quickly called Mariah Carey aside, "You don't indulge yourself at the pre-wedding party like some people do, do you? Don’t just cancel this link, okay?"

"Ah, no, no, no, we follow the rules. The bridesmaid is responsible for the pre-wedding party. I can't ask anything beforehand, let alone intervene."

Mariah Carey smiled and shook her finger in response.

"Emmm..." Song Ya's face turned black.

In the evening, the two had a big fight over this, "aplus! I told you not to interfere! But you let Linda secretly warn Brenda!? She is my friend, and we said that the pre-wedding party belongs to her. Responsible!" she yelled angrily.

"Is she still a signed singer of my record company? Take my wife to Las Vegas to call the Gigolo? Don't think I don't know what services the Gigolo over there provides!"

Song Ya replied quietly.

"You have crossed the line! I haven't asked Dile and Al what programs they prepared for you!" She retorted.

"They won't take me to find any dancers." Song Ya replied.

"Really? How well your street friends are playing, don't think I don't know!" She said, "Then have you asked them not to prepare excessive programs in advance?"

"Of course I said hello, they dare not listen to me." Song Ya is righteous in this respect, "You don't know how loyal I am to you, it is so hard for me to refuse all kinds of temptations..."

"What temptation? Who?"

"Uh, all kinds."

"I ask who is it?"

"Too many. Two projects in Hollywood are under construction. Do you know how popular I am there?"


The quarrel got farther and farther away. In the end, there was no result. It always ended with two people washing and sleeping, and they were getting used to it.

Chicago that night, "Daddy, what are you doing recently? Always come back so late."

Cassidy yawned and caught Vic McGee who had just entered the door. "It's three o'clock in the morning. Recently, you and your mother have been arguing about this."

"Hehehe, big cases where you can be promoted, be good, don't care about adults and children."

Vic smiled and went to the refrigerator to find a half-pack of toast, took it out and smeared it with peanut butter and ate it cold.

"I'm all in college."

Cassidy looked at her seriously, "I heard my mother said yesterday that she would divorce you."

"Leave her alone, she has been under pressure recently, you know, because of your brother and sister's condition." Vic coaxed her, "Go to bed, tomorrow Monday, you should go back to school."

Cassidy went back to sleep in a dubious manner. The next day, she didn't even think about class. She drove directly to the police station where Vic worked at noon, knocked on the door and walked into the stormtrooper office.

"We haven't been busy with any big cases recently..."

Shaun replied casually, but noticed that Cassidy’s face immediately reacted. The stormtroopers themselves were very skilled at covering each other, pretending to remember something, "Oh, oh yes, I know what the case is. , A perverted murderer, don’t you know your dad? He only needs to focus on a case, and he won’t let it go unless he solves the case. It’s okay, Cassiti, he’s working hard for the case, you have to understand, wait a while I'll persuade him and rest assured."

"He is already a deputy sheriff and does he need to work so hard?"

Cassidy said distressedly: "We thought he would have more time to spend time with his family after he was promoted. He didn't come back at three o'clock last night, two o'clock the day before, and one day before he arrived home at six o'clock in the morning. Help us to persuade him Uncle Sean, he can't do this anymore, my mother is very upset about this."

"What day?" Sean's face changed.

"Number four? Or number five." Cathy didn't notice, but remembered seriously.

"Don't worry, I will persuade him."

Shaun took Cassiti away perfunctorily, turned and furiously rushed into Vic's deputy sheriff's office, "You follow me!? Vic, you fucking follow your brother!?"