Chicago 1990

Chapter 645

"Calm down! Calm down... Sean."

Vic was caught off guard and quickly locked the office door, "Don't you fucking yell."

"You follow me."

Shaun put his forehead on his forehead, and snarled depressively: "I think I made it clear last time. You are not allowed to be suspicious of me like this. I will not betray you! If you don't believe me, Then shoot two!"

"What tracking?" Vic refused to admit.

"Don't be hypocritical about Vic. Just now, Cassidy came to ask me to persuade you to go home early in the evening. Why do you and I have such a consistent schedule!? Huh?"

Sean was so angry that he went around in the room, "I won't betray you, I won't! Unbelievable, what do you want to do with your brother so defensive!?"

Vic understood that it was the eldest daughter's unintentional mistake, "Sean, I'm very nervous about your recent performance. Those two FBIs are always looking for you, they are looking for a breakthrough, you are!"

"Fxxkyou Vic, how many times do you want me to guarantee you!?"

Sean said: "They are asking about the case of APLUS asking us to go to New York to catch an eavesdropper, because there is new evidence that the Italians are not the only time doing this kind of work. As for other things, they didn't inquire at all!"

"You don't want to think about it. You have already recorded a statement there. Does the FBI need to check with you multiple times? If they really have any doubts, they can ask you to make up a written testimony through formal procedures..."

Vic said to Sean: "It's been a long time, and the appearance of the FBI is by no means easy."

"Then what do you want me to do? I can't stop the FBI from pestering me, it's them looking for me, not me looking for them! Or do you want to continue to kill the FBI like last time?" Sean asked back.

"Hey! Keep your voice down!"

Vic immediately exploded and pushed him vigorously, "Have you forgotten my warning? Don't mention it at any time or anywhere! And you don't always gamble with people at night. You can't do this at this time. Forbearance? You can lose all the bounty given by APLUS for so much spending!"

"Then a little money is not enough to spend. Don't always pretend to be a well-intentioned person in front of me. Vic, you make me sick. Don't think I can't guess that you got the big head from APLUS, your little son. The youngest daughters go to the best private hospitals, how much does it cost? And I? Just eat leftovers and endure your tracking and gesticulation."

When Shaun said this, Vic's eyes fell cold.

"Sorry, I was a little impulsive Vic just now. I have no opinion on your children's treatment. I can understand that we are the best brothers. We were born and died together on the street. I just want you to respect and trust me more."

Xiao En also felt that what he said was a bit too much, and immediately apologized in a low voice.


At this time, the outside door was knocked twice, and then someone twisted the doorknob and didn't open it. "Are you inside?" It was the voice of the sheriff.

"I'm here!"

Vic went to open the door, the sheriff came in, glanced suspiciously at him and Sean, and said nothing, "Come out, there is an emergency."

"Hey, I'm coming right away."

Vic gave Sean a fierce look and followed the sheriff out.

Many people in the police station gathered in the big office and looked up and concentrated on watching TV. The sheriff brought Vic to join in.

"I'll ask you again, Officer Foreman, have you used the word NGe in the past ten years."

It turned out to be a videotape of the hot Simpson wife murder case. Two live trials have been conducted since the court session in January, but they are both pre-stage and not very important. Today is the highlight. The key witness in the wife murder case is the Los Angeles Police Department. The white police detective, Officer Foreman, went to court to testify that he found a series of evidence at the scene of the crime and at Simpson's home.

He is being questioned by the defense's top cross-examination expert Li Bailey. Forman, who has many years of law enforcement experience, has a calm expression, but he probably didn't expect that the other party would not play cards according to the routine, but asked for any evidence to directly provoke racial issues.

"As far as I remember, no." Foreman replied after a moment of silence.

Vic smiled disdainfully. Considering the presence of black police officers, he did not ridicule loudly, but whispered to the sheriff: "Those black men are playing the same old damn thing." Following the trend, he turned to observe the silent standing on the edge of the crowd. Sean.

The sheriff also sneered from his nostrils.

"You mean, maybe you called someone NGe, but you have forgotten it, haven't you?" Li Bailey continued to ask.

"I'm not sure how to answer your question."

Foreman looked at the prosecutors' team of prosecutors, and got no indication.

"Let me put it in other words, I want you to clarify that between 1985 and 1986, you may have called a certain black man NGe at a certain moment, maybe you have forgotten it yourself?" Li Baili was reluctant.

"Hey! It's endless, right?" Vic raised his hand and yelled to the TV, attracting other police officers to laughter.

"No, it's impossible." Foreman quickly gave a clear answer.

"Are you willing to swear an oath on this?" Li Baili asked immediately.

"That's exactly what I want to do." Foreman was positive.

"If any witness appeared in court to testify and said that you used the term'NGer' to describe a black person, this person must be lying, right?" Li Bailey changed his question.

"Yes." Foreman nodded.

"These lawyers can say a very simple sentence back and forth several times in different rhetoric..." The sheriff also vomited.

"A group of vampires." Vic agreed, and looked at the place where Sean was standing just now. The person was gone. He laughed twice, and quickly began to make various guesses in his mind. The more the brain fills the eyes, the more unconsciously it becomes. Fierce.


Li Bailey ended the cross-examination and returned to the defense bar of the All-Star lineup.

The star white female prosecutor Clark is not the head of the prosecution. In order to balance the mood of the black group, the Los Angeles prosecutor has replaced the leader with a black man.

The trial continued. Foreman entered the Simpson house alone, and the key evidence was obtained by him alone. This violated the procedure and the defense began to chase, but Foreman dealt with it calmly, and all reasons were reasonable. explanation of.

After the video was played, "So?" Vic was a little puzzled, not understanding what the sheriff meant.

"I don't know either." The sheriff shrugged.

"Please listen carefully." A senior civilian in a bureau began to play another video tape.

"Those Ngers... If I find a Nger man and a white female in the car on the street, I will sound the police siren and order the car to stop. If there is no reason to order them to stop, just make up one... I wish to see it. Until all the "NGers" are gathered in a pile, they are burned to death or simply blown to death."

There is no picture, it is a pure recording, it sounds like Forman's voice, he seems to be talking with a friend, most of them are spitting, swear words are repeated, the whole recording said more than forty Nger...

"This is a recording obtained by a TV station. Ninety-nine percent of the recording was deliberately released by the defense in order to avoid exchanging evidence in advance and caught the prosecutor off guard."

The senior civil servants said loudly: "Now this recording is fermenting all over the country, and the anger of the African-American group will soon be stirred up..."

Vic and the sheriff looked at each other and understood why Li Bailey had to ask those inexplicable things in court. It turned out that they had already got the handle in their hands. This kind of private conversation, and what they said casually when chatting with friends many years ago, can actually be It was acquired by Simpson's lawyers. Needless to say, Foreman's friend must have betrayed him for money, and the motivation for recording such a thing back then was not pure.

"Do you understand the seriousness of the matter?" the civilian executive asked.

"To understanding."

Vic and the sheriff replied at the same time. Needless to say, the blacks are about to start making trouble again, "I hope that the incident in Los Angeles in 1992 will not be repeated..." The sheriff reluctantly began to assign tasks, "Everyone, go to the streets in groups. Especially in Nancheng District, we must prevent them from gathering to make trouble!"

Everyone started to get up and down, preparing to dispatch the police.

Vic took advantage of the chaos and ran to the small stormtrooper office and opened the door. Sean was drinking coffee and chatting with the other two brothers.

Seeing him hurried in, Sean sneered uncomfortably.

"There is an emergency, everyone is dressed and ready to go." Vic said with a sigh of relief for the time being, with an official attitude.