Chicago 1990

Chapter 648

On March 17, the black man who was beaten up by Sean left the police station cursingly, rubbing his swollen face and joking with the gang brothers who were warmly greeted outside. Then a group of people got into the car and ran directly to the station. A nightclub in the P stone site in Nancheng.

At 3:30 a.m. on the 18th, he left the nightclub drunk and returned to his door in the car of an accomplice.

"The boss asked you to rest for a few days to recover from your injury, and we will contact you when we need you."

The accomplice in the car urged.

"I know, I know." He held the door frame and took out the key, not aiming at the keyhole for a long time.

"Fxxk, let me help you." The accomplice got out of the car to help him open the door, and helped him into the house.

In a very old car across the street, Vic stalked his teeth in the dark.

Fortunately, ten minutes later, the accomplices shook their heads and got out, got in the car and left alone.

Vic waited for another half an hour. He raised his wrist and saw that the time was almost half past four. There was no movement inside. He also started the car and drove directly outside of Xiao En's house.

He knows Sean too well. As long as he doesn't play cards, he will definitely be asleep at this point. He has tried it out, and Sean is at home.

He observed for a while and looked at his watch again. At five ten ten, the time was very tight, and he was still the same, put on his black socks, got out of the car, rushed to the door with a low body, and quietly opened the door with the unlocking tool.

Sean’s nest is not big, and the door is basically clear. This guy would usually watch TV on the sofa and see him falling asleep, but today the TV is on and there is no one on the sofa in front.

Vic carried the stolen revolver with standard tactics, removed the muzzle pointed at the sofa, and moved towards the bedroom.

He remained vigilant and slowly enlarged the open bedroom door with his shoulders.

Ok?No one on the bed?

With the help of the weak TV light outside, he saw that the bed in the bedroom was empty, and he was taken aback for a moment,'click', a slight light on in his ear, the light in the bedroom turned on, and he immediately turned his gun.

"Vick, give up."

In the corner of the bedroom, Sean was being held down by two field workers in FBI uniforms, his eyes widened in disbelief, and he looked at himself, "We have been staring at you for a long time."

It was Carl Letterman who was talking, and his female partner was also in the room. In another corner of the bedroom, he was hiding a few plainclothes agents with live ammunition.

"FBI! Vick McGee, you have been arrested, you have the right to remain silent..."

One plainclothes placed a gun on the back of his bare head, another took the revolver from his hand, then knelt him on the ground, twisted his hands behind his back, and put cold handcuffs on his wrists.

There were also many brake noises from outside the dark room, and the car lights illuminated the window white.

Vickhan was raining, but his nerves were thick enough, and his mind that stopped turning for a moment soon came back to his senses, "You guys, you misunderstood, hey...I was joking with Sean, our own brother sometimes jokes Driving too much, isn't it? Sean."

"Go to hell! Vic."

The field worker relaxed and pressed the hand on Sean’s mouth, "You want to kill me!? You treat your brother like that!?" Sean who saw all this yelled at him, "You're such a bastard Vic! What a bastard ..." He cursed a few words, then slid weakly against the wall, sitting on the ground with his hands in his hands and crying, "I didn't expect you to do this, I didn't expect..."

"Hey, hey, you heard about me Sean."

Vic began to struggle, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, OK? But you don't say anything, go to a lawyer, we seem to be caught by this group of FBI..." He spoke very fast.

Before he finished his words, he was hit by a properly pinched butt on the back of his head, and he passed out instantly.

"APLUS, my dad seems to have been arrested, and now there are many...many police officers at home...they are searching, I am very scared..."

In the morning, Cassidy called.

"Don't cry, don't cry, Cassidy, calm down, calm down, okay? Wait a moment..."

Song Ya got up from the bed,

"FBI, it's FBI, many people in FBI uniforms." Cassidy said: "His friends in the police station can't be contacted either."

"Damn it!"

Song Ya scolded while holding the microphone, "Don't be nervous, okay? Cassidy, go to a lawyer, have you found a lawyer? I'll give you a call..."

He opened the phone book and found Goodman’s number. He hadn’t reported his exit yet, “Wait, wait, don’t worry, it’s useless to rush now.” The familiar names of West Asia and Will Gardner were seen one by one, and there was a mess in his mind. Barron would definitely not work. If Goodman and Hamlin were to act for Vic, it would be clear that they were the same as Victor. The contact revealed that this is the FBI arrest, which must be related to the murder of the detective. Alicia... is also too obvious. It is still unclear what the Peter Flock State prosecutor’s attitude is, "Will Gardner, you fight This call, no no, Will Gardner is not good either..."

"What should I do?" Cassidy just cried. "It's all too sudden. The neighbors are all outside. They look at the eyes of my mother and me..."

"Calm down! Cassidy!"

Song Ya shouted sternly, "Now you are the smartest person in the family, you can't do this! I haven't thought about the lawyer's thing for the time being. Let me talk about it later, your father is a very smart guy, and he will choose the most suitable for him. Lawyer, your first task now is to meet him, understand? You can apply to the FBI quickly, they have relevant regulations, I remember...I don’t know much, Fxxk!"

"Give it to me." Old Mike drew the phone from his hand. "Cassidy, listen to me, you call this first. The lawyer's name is Argus, and the law firm's names are Flock and Argus. Yes, remember the number."

"Wait, Mike, you wait."

Song Ya didn't have time to stop him from reporting the number and hung up the phone, "Alicia Flock is Peter's wife, you let Cassiti find them..."

"You just have to calm down the child."

Old Mike glanced at Linda and locked the door of the study after she went out, "What happened to Vic has nothing to do with us, OK? As for whether to save him or give up him, just let Peter decide. We have done it. Do you remember the plan?"

"give up……"

Song Ya understood. He immediately calmed down. Knowing that Vic had killed the FBI Inspector, he discussed with Old Mike about the plan if things were revealed, but he didn't expect it so quickly and suddenly, "If Peter intervenes, he will not only give up. Vic's possibility, he might abandon me."

"We discussed that he will run for governor this year. He will not give up the big benefactor. Vic is his person. He should be the one who panics the most now, considering that he may not really know Viccan. What's wrong, and it's about his political life..."

Old Mike warned solemnly: "It has already happened, we don't need to rush, nor can we rush."

"But Cathy..."

"Unfortunately, she can't choose her biological father, and you are about to get married." Old Mike looked into his eyes.

"Why that guy Vic is so stupid!" Song Ya didn't know how Vic got the bait, but it was unexpected that the most'senior' black police was arrested by the FBI so quickly.

"Black police? For the FBI, there is only the difference between wanting to care and not wanting to care. That is the most powerful law enforcement machine kid in the United States." Old Mike said.

At the same time, in the FBI's Chicago office, Sean was sitting in the interrogation room with his legs spread wide, his expression indifferent.


Carl Letterman and his female partner pushed in and slammed the folder on the table in front of him angrily. "Vick has already done something to you, but you still want to protect him!?"

"I hate him, but I really have nothing to say."

Sean rolled his eyes, avoiding the other person’s gaze and looking straight, "I don’t know why he suddenly went crazy, I don’t know anything."

"If you don't cooperate, don't think about freedom for the rest of your life. We have mastered all the crimes you have participated in these years, abuse of power, arbitrary use of violence, harbouring goods, and collusion with gangs. In 1988, you and Vick McKee..."

Carl Letterman counted all kinds of conclusive crimes one by one, and Sean's face became more and more ugly, "Don't read it!" He was suddenly furious, "Fxxk, you want us people to go to the neighborhood with the highest crime rate. When the gang changed their lives, they opened one eye and closed one eye. Now that we have no use of value, we can find it all in an instant? You gang of hypocritical people!"

In the other two prisons, the remaining two brothers of the stormtrooper had similar reactions. They yawned lazily in front of the FBI interrogation experts, and did not recruit anything, "I want to see a lawyer! I want to go to the toilet. It's in the crotch! Can you give me a cigarette? Thank you for a cup of coffee!"