Chicago 1990

Chapter 659

"APLUS is an over-excellent young man, but he still has the impulse to invest in African descent. If he thinks of a small problem, don't give up Gordon, you still have a chance."

Passy Sutton came over this time to ascertain Song Ya's investment intentions in the Inner City Broadcasting Company. The old man was in a good mood. When he left, he comforted Gordon, who was a little depressed. "

"I hope so, but I'm different, I'm tight on time."

As a top African-American news anchor, Gordon spends almost every day on the evening news of BET in Washington. He knows in his heart that boss Johnson is already suspecting that he is looking for a next home. He is very moved to create an opportunity to visit the new funder. Fan Xinsi came to New York with the excuse of recording live broadcast footage, but it is clear that this excuse cannot be used frequently.

And he can't afford to lose his position as a BET ace anchor instead of flicking his next home.

Say goodbye to the old man and return to the gate of this manor house. There is already a BET broadcast team waiting there. There are many other media reporters and broadcast trucks nearby, all for the wedding on the 27th. Preparing for the grand event broadcast, but the inside of the manor cannot be filmed. The exclusive has been sold to the long-term cooperation GQ magazine by the money-robbing couple.

"give it to me."

Gordon asked for the microphone with the BET logo, "Have you found the background?"

"Please stand here and face..." The staff led him to the designated position and touched up his makeup a little, "It's okay."

"Ok, 1, 2, 3..."

He is very familiar with the rhythm of the photographer, "Audience friends, I am now at the Bedford Hills in New York, outside the door of APLUS and Mariah Carey Love Nest. The high-profile wedding of two African-American superstars has entered the countdown. Just chatted with APLUS inside, he told me..."

He is recording live broadcasts, and a certain financial TV station on the other side is also recording programs, but the focus is different.

"Although he was frustrated when investing in a technology company and was publicly ridiculed by the company's founder, Nian still seems to be in the center of the storm. This year, the two companies he invested in, DTS and Netscape, have started their public roadshows. According to the prospectus, he can retain about 3% of the shares after the two companies are listed. In DTS, he also owns a small amount of B shares with ten times the voting rights, and can enjoy about 5% of the voting rights... …"

"Of course, the current market has mixed news about the listing prospects of the two companies. The SD camp in which DTS is located is facing great difficulties if it wants to monopolize the new audio-visual media standards. Netscape's Netscape browser has a very high market share, but it is profitable. Ability is generally questioned..."

"In addition to the technology industry, after APLUS sold its promising light stick factory to Dow, it still retains a large amount of investment in industry. I just met the visiting president of A+ Apparel, Scott, Scott, you Okay, say hello to the audience."

"Hello, audience friends, hello everyone."

With the increasing number of businesses and employees, Scout has become a business leader. He smiled cleanly and shook hands with reporters, then nodded to the camera.

"This year you will be in a large-scale exhibition store in the whole rice?" the reporter asked.

"Uh, the number of directly-operated stores will not be many. Our development direction will still be stores in integrated malls, counters, and some franchisees..." Scout replied.

"Is it convenient to reveal the quantity? Your long and short T-shirts sold very well last year."

"Yes, I ask APLUS to wear trend-setting blessings in the movie. Together, there are more than 300 stores and counters..."

"Wow, that's great. Or just sell T-shirts?"

"Probably so, the long and short ones, and some original styles, please allow me to keep it secret before going on sale in the summer... I think being dedicated is a very good quality. Mr. APLUS is a very dedicated person. Both he and Miss Kelly hope to bring consumers the best T-shirts, and we have been working hard for this."

"Okay, thank you, and thank your company for bringing a lot of job opportunities to the United States."

"Thank you."

Scout shook hands with each other and walked into the gate of the manor house surrounded by the camera and his entourage.


On the other side, a reporter from the Hollywood Reporter recognized Linton, the president of Hollywood Pictures in the car, at the door. He and the photographer ran over and slapped the car window impolitely.

"Stop it."

Linton confessed to the driver helplessly, rolled down the window, "Hello..." He stretched out his hand to say hello, smiled, and called the reporter's name.

"Hello, Linton, you and APLUS are working together on a big project, right?" the reporter asked.

"Yes, Cat and Mouse Game, adapted from Mr. Abagnell's original novel'You have the ability to catch me'. This is Mr. Abagnell." Linton pointed to the person next to him.

"Hey, Mr. Abagnell."

The reporter also knew this legendary liar who was a bit famous, "Should I remind APLUS to be careful of you?"


Abagnell laughed. He reacted very quickly, and he was very good at doing show effects. He blinked playfully, "Don't, because I brought a technology project."

"Hahaha!" The reporter laughed wildly.

Linton clenched his fist and coughed, and the driver started the car again.

"Mr. Linton, the director of the cat and mouse game project has been decided, right? I heard it was Redliscott?"

The reporter chased the slowly sliding car and reluctantly.

"Yes, I have a hunch, our cooperation will be very pleasant." Linton nodded.

"But I heard that he hasn't directed a new project for several years. Like your company, his film studio has been experiencing setbacks in recent years." The reporter asked.

"We are very confident in this new project, Mr. Abagnell and APLUS agree with us." Linton replied.

"Investment probably..."

"Twenty million or more."

"When will the shooting start? Is the schedule set? The lead actor is..."

"I can't answer these questions yet, but I can tell you that the project is progressing very smoothly and the budget management is also very healthy." Linton answered the reporter's other questions one by one.

"Let’s talk about the movie "Roommate" that you released earlier this month, with Inteope Pictures, Polaroid Pictures, and Nomura Barbuk Brown! The production cost of 22 million, the box office of 12 million Ministry." The reporter asked again.

Linton turned dark, rolled the window, urging the driver to accelerate.

As more and more guests came to Bedford Mountain Resort in advance, reporters at the door began to get busy. Examples of interviews with target figures in related industries abound.

In Chicago, another interview will also be conducted.

Under the protection of the Southern lawyer, Cassidy stood in front of the demonstrators at the Chicago Police Department headquarters. Today, she put on her makeup and took off her thick old-fashioned glasses and replaced them with invisible, sad and beautiful faces. The blonde hair was blown to one side by the high winds of Chicago, looking a little pitiful and weak.

"Yes, this is okay."

Nanfang lawyer discussed with the photographer and was very satisfied, and asked Cassiti to continue to recite the lines to the manuscript, and to direct the crowd behind Cassiti, "You, stand aside..."

He pushed some brawny local bikers with various beards in motorcycle jackets to the edge of the crowd, and pulled some of the more'ordinary' citizens to the center of the picture.

"There are too few people," Cassidy said.

"It's okay. Someone will come later." The Southern lawyer looked at his watch. Soon, the local extreme white organization that had just contacted brought another group of people by bus.

"Fxxk, I don't want this kind of alcoholic and tramp." The Southern lawyer smelled the smell of alcohol on the first white man who got out of the car and covered his nose in disgust.

"Do you think I want to help Vic?"

The drunkard opened his mouth, showing his missing teeth, "Look, I was beaten by Vic."

"Shut up, Frank."

Behind him, a large group of half-old children filed out of the car under the leadership of a beautiful young white woman, "We are here to make money." She asked the Southern lawyer: "One hundred dollars per person in half a day, give the money first?"

"Yes, we will march all the way from here to the FBI Chicago office building later." Southern lawyer replied.

"We won't be arrested?"

"We have already applied. Don't stay away from the parade route and you can rest assured."

"OK." The white woman picked up the black child next to her, "Liam, let's go."

"Huh?" The southern lawyer saw the black child's eyes lit up, "You hold him and stand in the middle, behind Cassidy."

"Do you still need a small NGe to help the stormtroopers?"

The leader of the White Speeding Party became dissatisfied and leaned into his ear and said, "Don't forget what our ultimate goal is!"

The Southern lawyer subconsciously pressed the cuff covering the tattoo, "What do you know, doesn't this prove that Vic and the others also have black supporters? Our main goal now is to find people. Let's bear with the rest for the time being."

After a while, some of the heads of Vic and Sean and cardboard placards such as "We want a fair trial" were also delivered. Southern lawyers began to distribute the things and direct everyone to shout slogans.

The crowd grew larger and larger. After Cassidy made a tearful declaration to the camera, everyone demonstrated for the police station building for a while, and then began to march towards the FBI Chicago office.

"Sure enough, it's a group. Extreme supporters like the stormtroopers will cause us big trouble."

The FBI sub-director walked to the window and looked at the demonstrators at the entrance of the building. "I heard that our office in the south was hit by the KKK in the morning."

"Did Sean recruit?" he asked Carl Letterman.

"All recruited. They worked for APLUS in the New York wiretapping case. APLUS knew someone was wiretapping Mariah Carey, so he kept quiet and asked the Stormtroopers to wait and see. They captured the Italian private who was going to change tapes and batteries for the recording equipment. detective."

Karl Letterman replied.

"Okay, we can use this reason to transfer those four people to New York." The sub-director nodded, "Use this as a breakthrough point to continue the interrogation."
