Chicago 1990

Chapter 742: The White House Tour

Now that the decision is made, Sutton and his sons can't wait to sign the agreement that night, but because the entities involved in the assets of the Inner City Broadcasting Company are too complicated, Song Ya still uses the excuse that he will come to New York again when Netscape goes public on August 9th. Postpone it and leave Alicia with the final audit window.

"Did you see it? Everyone at that night was satisfied with my capital injection. I don't remember where I saw the autobiography of a business celebrity. He said that only the more painful the negotiating opponent, the more he can prove that his deal is profitable. ."

On the private plane to Washington, Song Ya said to his political adviser, Ms. Sloan, "The attitude of these people shows that I may still be a bit at a loss."

"Everyone has their own troubles, don't they?"

Ms. Sloan hinted that he had gained other big benefits by injecting capital, "and it's too late to say this now."

"Yes, what do you think is the first problem I faced after owning that company?" Song Ya asked her for advice.

"Donations, the Inner City Broadcasting Corporation can receive a lot of donations every year. For foundations, individuals, and companies owned by African descent, the trickle streams of pens have declined year by year after Dingkins resigns. If you can’t stabilize this continuous blood loss The hole will become bigger every year.”

Sloan said: "Obviously, the Manhattan Gang is going downhill, and you can take on the task of arranging political helpers in the middle and giving those funds new reasons to continue investing in it?"

"I don't intend to get involved in that kind of thing."

Song Ya shook his head. He is a billionaire. It is too risky to do that kind of thing directly. "This is also the reason why I have been worried about the Apollo Theater before, but I am willing to let go of the management of Pierre Sutton. His father and son It's professional, and no one can change me at this time."

"Transform to a commercial company?" Sloan asked.

"Anyway, according to the plan submitted by Morningstar, we will split and sell some of the money-losing businesses."

Song Ya shook his head. "Wangel is definitely not happy to see the complete transformation of Inner City Broadcasting into a complete commercial company, and so does Dingkins. They also want to continue to use the influence of this company to serve as Senator David Pa. Patterson provides political support, and the future of the Manhattan Gang is all pinned on the politician with eye problems."

"What's their plan?" Sloan asked.

"For about two thousand years, David Patterson will run for the New York State Senate. It is difficult for two senators from each state to be vacant. At that time, there was a chance." Song Ya replied, "I heard a few words during this period. The reason why the Sutton and his sons set the deadline for handing over management rights at the end of 1999 is not only because my 30 million may be burned out by that time. They must have fully studied this point in time, if that time The Manhattan Gang was really revived by David Patterson, and I may still not be able to drive away the father and son."

"This kind of strong state federal senator with extremely high exposure will be extremely competitive. At least as far as I know, John F. Kennedy, the son of the former leader, has long aimed at this position. Little John is considered the most attractive man in the country. The Kennedy family has high hopes for him."

Ms. Sloan is not optimistic, "If you choose to support David Patterson at that time, you may be involved in the vortex of the top political power in the United States."

"It's still early, who knows what I evolved into at that time." Song Ya shook his head. For him, two thousand years are too far away, right?What about a federal senator?

"Honey, how about this one?"

Mariah Carey put on her clothes with the help of her assistant, and turned around beautifully, "Is it appropriate to be on the scene tomorrow?"

It was a Chanel dress. The upper third was white and the lower was black. It was very decent. "It's too suitable. I will wear this tomorrow." Song Ya was very satisfied.

"Humph." She sat down proudly on her little husband's lap. "What are you talking about with Ms. Sloan?"

"What else can we talk about, Inner City Broadcasting Company."

Song Yagang hugged his wife, and her lips were sent up.

"Hmm..." The two of them lied to me for a while, "Hate, don't crumple this one, I'll replace it and wear it again tomorrow." She got up again proudly and screwed her husband to her seat behind. .

Song Ya, who got the hint, smiled apologetically to Ms. Sloan, "I'll change it for you..." followed.

The plane landed in Washington, and Ms. Sloan was the first to exit the cabin, holding her forehead and taking a long breath of fresh air before she walked down the boarding ladder.

"Sorry, Ms. Sloan..."

Linda solemnly apologized after getting into the car with her, "They are too young."

"Do you need to endure live broadcasting often?" Sloan asked.

"Very often..."

Linda smiled.

Sloan rolled his eyes. "They won't get involved in the White House tomorrow?"

"Huh?" Linda was lost in thought. "Will there be a chance?"

"The bathroom is good."

The next day, Song Ya and Mariah Carey walked out of the East Room bathroom under the angry gaze of the White House internal staff holding hands.

"Really? Not as big as our Bedford Hills..." she muttered softly.

"Is it different in meaning?" Song Ya rolled his eyes, "Don't say such things publicly."

"When I have no brains?" She punched Song Ya's waist.

"Two, the couple and the deputy leader are in the garden outside." A female staff member came to guide.

"Thanks, Miss Lewinsky."

Song Ya followed the staff and internal staff. The current chief of Arkansas was walking and talking in the garden with deputy chief Gore. In addition to their wives, there were also "old friend" Spike Lee and his wife Toya Lewis, as well as some non Celebrities from ethnic cultural circles.

"Aren't they all waiting for us?" Mariah Carey stuck out her tongue.

"I have used the fastest speed." Song Ya whispered.

"Yo, APLUS, I heard that you took the Inner City Broadcasting Company?" Spike Lee was still that annoying character, "Dingkins and the others are so happy."

"It's capital injection, they are happy." Song Ya responded: "I heard that your film will start painting in September?"

"Yes, but I don't feel good."

"Do you want to pounce again?"

"Hey, don't you really know how to say something nice?" Spike Lee cursed.

"I will always stand with African Americans..."

Before I came to the White House, I was full of expectations, but when it came, everyone had two eyes and one nose. The current president and his wife have watched countless times on TV. The deputy leader is a politician who accepts his campaign funds. Moreover, the two parties will not have any additional communication on this occasion. They were taken by the hostess and the wife of the current commander for a stylized stroll around the White House.

The lady was quite arrogant, but Mariah Carey could talk to her about the decoration.

A group of people came out of the garden and lined up a background wall on the White House lawn under the guidance of the staff. Some representatives of African American workers and firefighters in Washington listened to the general leader’s speech. “I totally disagree with Bob Dole’s treatment of African Americans. Some offensive remarks from my friends, the era we live in..."

The top priority for US politicians is elections. The governance of the country will be behind. Arkansas quickly targeted Bob Dole, the Elephant Party who is most likely to win the primary election. Song Ya adjusted his hat with the Netscape browser Logo. , Holding hands with his wife at the back, grinned with white teeth at countless camera lenses and microphones.