Chicago 1990

Chapter 970: Regaining Lost Land

The loudspeakers of the election rallies are always powerful. Song Ya can hear the voices of Underwood and Russell from far away. Of course Underwood's speech level is very high, but he is not very good at making strangers ordinary in a short time. People have a good impression, and they stumbled when they first elected a federal representative.

But this guy is really good at playing drill camps, power tactics, and secret room politics. Once he went to Capitol Hill, his position in the Donkey Party skyrocketed to the naked eye.

The bald, drunkard, and Russell, who spent a lot of his own money, liked it a lot by the workers. Where you can use the vernacular, you don’t need advanced vocabulary, and where you can use phrases, you don’t need long sentences. The names of people in the audience can be reported casually. He has never been a worker, but his attitude is very sincere and kind. Claire said that the workers regarded him as'the more promising brother in the family.'

Song Ya also heard from Ms. Sloan that although the Donkey Party is currently in power, for the major companies to pass the telecommunications bill, about three-fifths of the political contributions went to the Elephant Party, which controls the two houses of the Federal Senate. Congressman.

Led by the superb economic performance of the current leader, the Donkey Party is likely to reverse the situation and regain the majority of the House of Representatives this year. Therefore, it has poured great efforts into various fringe districts.

Russell was in good time.

"Don't you go?" Old Mike asked.

"and many more……"

Song Ya wanted to see which singer Russell invited to come over to make a show. A+ Records really couldn't find a suitable singer at the moment, so he had to spend money to let his campaign team solve it.

"Sure enough, it's still a country folk..."

Most of the ordinary people participating in the election rally were joining in the fun, and amidst the greater cheers, they ushered in a small well-known country singer.

Elections, big or small, will burn money, and burn a lot of money. It is easy to play a biased role in the old developed countries that are not "historical accumulation".It is said that in this year’s election year where the federal, state, counties, cities and small towns are full of wars, there will be tens of thousands of famous and unknown village, pop and rock singers and musicians of all kinds of big and small. Small campaigns are so prosperous that they even need a temporary bidding market. The trading center is in Nashville, Tennessee, the birthplace of country music.

If calculated by output value, the second largest music capital of the United States after New York is there, and Los Angeles can only be ranked third.

After all, the United States is still a white world...

Contrary to the fact that Underwood and Peter Flock need black votes, because their skin color, personally endorsing Russell’s platform may not have a positive effect, and this is actually a common phenomenon in election years. White voters may be forced to be politically correct. I don’t speak out, I was very honest when voting.

"Come on, Mike."

Song Ya sighed while listening to the simple melody of the country folk songs, so he made up his mind to get Baba yetu's gospel symphony chorus out as soon as possible. The complexion cannot be changed, and the old Baen may not be able to lick it successfully, at least to please the mainstream. White culture.

The current situation in the United States is like this: With the impact of the anti-Vietnam War, the rise of hippies, and the rise of hippies, conservative Christian forces can be said to be retreating step by step, reaching their lowest point in the early 1980s.

When the so-called Beat generation grows up, those who believe in everything are not believing in the original god.

After the rise of the affirmative movement, the black community also began to abandon the Christian religion that endorsed the original sins of slavery, and turned to the embrace of the green religion. Now the east-west coast rap war is going on. The prestigious reconciliation of the two sides has never been the black affirmative leader Jack Jackson, The veteran producer Quincy Jones in the music circle, the head star MJ, or a gangster rap senior, is an organization called the Green Country.This can be seen.

In universities and scientific circles, with the development of genetic technology, cosmological theory, astronomical discoveries, modern archaeology, etc., those stale religious stories have become less and less credible, and many atheists will even go to preach. The meeting smashed the scene, and it was fun to chase the pastor to debate, cross-examine the other party to be speechless, and record evidence for video.

The feminist movement has led to intense conflicts with traditional Christian concepts on a series of issues such as abortion and virginity, and the same-sex equal rights movement is also largely the case.

Even in the traditional conservative villages, all kinds of variant cults have sprung up like mushrooms, which has greatly squeezed the living space of the old Christian cults.

And those who believe in the advent of extraterrestrial civilization and the end of the world in 2000, let alone them.

But all this changed in the late 1980s, stumbled and finally collapsed in an extremely sudden and dramatic way, and then in the Gulf War, the United States used precision-guided bombing and other new technologies and equipment to surgically crush Iraq, a powerful country in the Middle East, and domestic black people. The group finds that the basic religion cannot solve the problem that the green religion cannot solve, too. Gene technology such as cloning has begun to challenge human ethics. The emerging cults frequently cause vicious events to become more and more reputations. Doomsday theory and other pseudo-science play to the end, and real believers are also increasing. Less.

Except for the continued vigorous development of various affirmative movements, other kinds of things seem to have gone wrong, so the doctrine of the superiority of basic civilization regained people’s hearts, and it also made many changes to adapt to the new era, such as including the Big Bang. The creation theory, the learning of missionary methods that are more acceptable to young people, etc., have achieved remarkable results, and even some pastors have already clamored that this is another movement to recover lost land.

The situation in the United States is particularly good. Compared with Europe, this place is a conservative base.

Of course, to be honest, these have nothing to do with Song Ya, but it is always right to please the conservative group. The conservative group will like Baba Yetu. The Lord’s Prayer is still sung in Swahili, and it can even be used in Africa to create such a pious. Will people who serve God be a traitor?Ok?

"What impact will the merger of Time Warner and TBS have on the stock market?" On the way back to A+ Records, he first asked his stock broker O'Grady with the information revealed by Underwood.

"It's not easy to say, the optimistic and the unoptimistic are divided into half."

O'Grady replied: "It looks like a win-win situation to increase the user base, but it may also be like Disney's acquisition of ABS, with heavy financial burdens, bloated management and low efficiency."


That is worthless news?Leave it alone, "I want to add more." He said to Linda after seeing the rehearsal progress of the small symphony on A+ records.

"What overweight?" Linda asked.

"Baba Yetu, this is too slow, and it doesn't have enough influence..."

Song Ya counted with her fingers, "I want the best female lead singer, and I want the male lead singer I want the local African who can speak Swahili...the most suitable and the most popular black singer. Don’t play this small-scale rehearsal. Go directly to the big symphony orchestra, and the sooner you can get it out, the better. The choir should have old men, middle-aged people, young people, children, men, women, black, white and yellow..."

"The male singer is easy to say, I will definitely be willing to come by invitation. Who is the female singer looking for? The best...your ex-wife?" Linda thought for a while and asked.

"Uh... don't, the female lead singer does not have a strong sense of existence. Frequent participation in rehearsals will delay her career, and what I designed is Bel Canto..." Song Ya said hesitantly.

"Then who is the best? Bel Canto... Lia Salonga if you are among the opera singers?" Linda asked.

"This candidate is not bad, he is Asian, and his singing skills are better than Mimi."

Song Ya thought for a while and nodded in approval.

"Wow, I really dare to say anything after the divorce."

Linda smiled.

"Originally, pop singers are sometimes not good enough for professional singers." Having been a singer, producer and record company owner for so many years, Song Ya still has a certain appreciation ability. "Mimi sings a large part of what he is born with. Eat with a good voice."

"Lea Salonga is currently playing Epanny in the tenth anniversary version of Les Misérables Musical. The Broadway singer is very busy. I have to confirm the schedule." Linda said.

"As soon as possible."