Chicago 1990

Chapter 1011: Angry Bull


"It dropped by 4.7..."

Who feels good?When a superstar of the same ethnic group personally stepped down to launch public opinion, how could it not be affected by the continuous high-intensity attacks, Oprah sighed tiredly after learning the ratings data after get off work.

The high places are so cold, the talk show and the book club have the highest ratings at the same time. How many of them are blocked?Really to the day when there is a chance to be put down by them...

"I know that some professional hackers have a new technology called DoS (Denial of Service Attack) for a fee-based service that can paralyze websites."

Her public relations consultant whispered an idea.

"Black Netscape shareholder's website?"

Oprah shook his head, "I'm not going to other people's home courts... Do a questionnaire as soon as possible. I want to know which part of the population that the ratings drop mainly occurs.

"Okay, uh, Linton from Hollywood Pictures and Catherine from KM Pictures are waiting in your office." said the public relations consultant.

It was a plea again, "Long time no see, Catherine, and Mr. Linton." She had to smirk to entertain.

"What can I do? I just told the young man's secret lips on the show. I'm sorry, but I am actually willing to apologize to him in private."

A+ Pictures and Hollywood Pictures and KM Pictures have cooperation projects. She knows that Catherine is more anxious than Linton, because Blade Warrior is starring APLUS, and A+ Pictures is just an investment producer. .

But now she can't satisfy these endless stream of lobbyists. She knows that Catherine is Spielberg's old subordinate, and is also a popular producer in Hollywood, but a lot more than her background, such as David Geffen, such as Condoleezza, the most successful black female politician in the Elephant Party, former New York Mayor Dingkins, black equal rights leader Jesse Jackson, black media mogul Johnson, and widow of Malcolm X. Etc., etc……

Yeah, what can I do?Your own words have been exported, and the damage to APLUS's business and reputation has been caused. Can it be recovered?

And his messages on the Internet and allegations of fraudulent donations, as well as allegations of falsifying early life experiences, are also spilled water.

Damn it!Blame Halle Berry!I was deceived by that bitch’s acting skills. I was as good as a puppy before by my side, and obviously smart enough, I thought I would cooperate when I was on the show...

Of course, APLUS will not be satisfied with a private apology. Catherine and Linton looked at each other and said: "Anyway, I don't think you should go on like this anymore, Oprah, this is not good for you."

"I didn't do anything! I mean I didn't do anything to him after I said that. He kept talking and saying..."

Oprah suppressed the urge to roll his eyes and turned on the computer monitor in the office, "Look!"

I don’t know which fan post is the reopening. On page 32, she recorded the last place she read. Song Ya replied to a follower who questioned the authenticity of the remarks, saying: “There are already brave ones. The citizen stood up and proved that he was Oprah’s childhood neighbor!Go see what he said!On the front page of the Louise report!'

Reply to a female fan who persuaded the idol to calm down:'The crux of the matter is that I didn't say that to Oprah, she slandered me!She is a liar!Without a word of truth, habitual lies are always used to deceive people's trust and sympathy!'

"Next year he will start painting the blade warrior starring him?"

Oprah sneered at the helpless Catherine, "I feel he is crazy and mentally abnormal. Do you guess the audience would like an African-American broken mouth superhero with mania?"

"Oh! We will persuade him again."

The first part of Blade Warrior has been filmed, and I have paid most of the post-production costs for Industrial Light and Magic. Catherine said that I was mad at you, but I have said everything. There is no good way. I have to talk to Linton. Goodbye.

"That kid has a lot of energy. Maybe we should have one more website in our Angel Media plan next year.

Harp Entertainment’s president and partner, Jeff Jackboss, walked in, “Now the key to the problem is the Inner City Broadcasting Company. We have to guard against the kid who really gets the original evidence from there to initiate a lawsuit after returning to New York. A+CN, if his own media can fight back, that would be great..."

"Gordon has been very helpful this time."

Oprah asked unhappyly: "But my ABC doesn't firmly support me? You shouldn't persuade me to bow to the Disney Emperor!"

"No way, what Ovitz said is still in the co-CEO position, and Eisner's old subordinate, Robert Iger, has replaced our ally Geraldine Leyburn in the control of the ABC television network."

Jeff Jackbos replied: "Call Gordon and Sutton and his son, I have prepared the conditions that are sufficiently attractive."

Oprah took a deep breath and pressed the hands-free dial.

"I have done my best, Oprah..."

Gordon replied on the other end: "Sorry, I can't do other things."

"Angel Media, which will start broadcasting next year, will leave you with a position. Only under the former president of ABC Geraldine Leyburn, the annual salary, power, and influence will exceed those given to you by A+CN. Gordon, we need you. "

Jeff Jackboss persuaded: "APLUS is a young man who has no measure and is very vengeful. What you do for us now is undoubtedly betrayal in his eyes. When he returns to the United States, he will definitely take you Sweeping out, even using gangster methods...what else can I hesitate? Come on, join our angel media."

"I have my own guidelines, sorry."

Gordon replied: “I’m very disappointed by your fight with APLUS. I’m just trying not to aggravate the conflict because of the moral adherence of the African-American media people, but don’t forget, Oprah, it’s you, you are completely and absolutely It should not be the first to attack APLUS in live broadcasts."

"He drank first and then his mouth was cheap." Oprah defended.

"Come on, I don't like him very much, but I also know him well. He won't, at least he won't insult you for no reason." Gordon hung up the phone.

"This old fashioned one!"

Oprah called Pierre Sutton again furiously, but was told by the secretary that he was in a meeting and it was not convenient for him to answer the call. He went to his father, Passy Sutton, and got the same answer.

New York, Inner City Broadcasting Corporation headquarters meeting room.

Pierre Sutton sat at the end of the long conference table and glanced at the governor's wife who looked very haggard. "Ms. Flock, do you need to postpone it? I think you have been a bit tired on your journey."

"It's okay, don't worry about me." Alicia smiled: "This is the power of attorney for the four-seat director voting rights owned by APLUS's A+ copyright and asset management company.

"Okay, let's start voting on the board."

Pierre Sutton took a brief look and had no objection. He smiled at the other directors sitting on both sides of the long table and said: "Whether to forward the original record of Oprah’s early years of Inner City Broadcasting Corporation’s donation to Flock and Agger Sri Lanka, that is, the company’s director APLUS has entrusted the relevant litigation agent. There is no doubt, right?"

"No, vote." Independent director, former New York Mayor Dingkins asked: "Pierre, did you raise your hand?"

"Uh, you don't need to." Passy Sutton next to him said: "If you agree to the transfer, just raise your hand."

Alicia immediately raised her hand.

"Four votes agreed." Pierre Sutton looked at his father, then Dingkins, and both shook their heads.

"I sympathize with APLUS, but don't make things uncontrollable with us." Dingkins asked Alicia after speaking, "Is he necessary? Mrs. Flock, I know that acting in this case will improve you and you. The reputation of the law firm is very favorable, but everyone does not want Oprah to become a defendant because of the key evidence provided by the Inner City Broadcasting Corporation."

"I am only responsible for doing my job well, but I can feel that he has accumulated too much dissatisfaction in his heart."

Alicia didn't answer directly.

"That's still four votes, Dorothy?" Pierre Sutton didn't join the conversation and looked at the founder of the first black female television station.

"Dorothy, A+CN also owns 5% of your TV station, right?" Alicia also smiled at the black old lady.

"I will find a chance to talk about this with APLUS in the future." Dorothy raised her hand and waved, but still did not raise it.

Pierre asked one by one, and quickly got six votes against, including representatives of the foundation of Federal Representative Rangel, and then he looked at the clear media representative who had two votes.

The white man in a suit raised his hand.

There was a small commotion in the conference room. Pierre Sutton suppressed his upset and asked: "This company is involved in this type of scandal. Do you know that the public image will suffer a major blow? This is in the interest of your company? Also contradictory."

"Sorry, I was only ordered."

The white man in a suit innocently turned the laptop screen in front of him one hundred and eighty degrees, "and we can't get out now."

'I will sue her!In New York, she is a recidivist of donation fraud, certainly not only this time, I hope other insiders can help provide evidence!I will have a good return!'Song Ya's countless exclamation marks came into view.

"Then it's six to six now!"

Pierre Sutton irritably counted the votes, and cast his eyes on the last of the thirteen directors, the representative of the New York City Council.

The white man in a cheap jacket raised his hands up.

"Huh! Seven to six!"

Alicia breathed a sigh of relief, and asked Pierre Sutton with a smile, "So... when will my people officially take over those documents?"

"give me some more time."

Pierre Sutton ignored his silent father and Dingkins, got up and strode out of the meeting room, "Get me Oprah, right away!"

"Oprah! It's time to make a decision, I can't stand it anymore!" He shouted into the microphone, "The reference is not unlimited!"

"Nossa, nossa, Assimvocêmemata..."

Portugal, the first concert in Lisbon is just halfway through. Of course, I have to sing my Portuguese title song here. Song Ya has a warm interaction with the fans, which is much more popular than Spain and the box office is much better.

After singing a song, he was in a good mood. He introduced a well-known local guest singer to the stage and trot back to the backstage to prepare for a change of outfits and rest.

"Huh?" He found that the makeup artist and other staff had been driven out of his lounge and gathered at the door to wait.

"What's the matter?" Opening the door suspiciously, only Sloan and a white man wearing a coat were waiting inside, a little familiar.

"APLUS, we have to talk." the white man said.

Oh, come to think of it, it was the deputy commander Gore, who had seen him at the Congressional hearing, and he was helping to warn him.

"Hello there."

Don’t guess what’s coming, Song Ya shook hands with each other, “I didn’t expect you to come to Portugal at the moment of the election.”

"Yes, we don't have much time, so I will make a long story short."

The other party said seriously: "You can't do this anymore, APLUS, stop here."


Song Ya was upset and frowned, "Oprah first discredited me."

"But now your dispute has become a hilarious joke in the conservative media, which is not good for everyone." The other party replied.

"She made the joke first. Your donkey party can't always ask me to give in. If that doesn't make sense, is my support for you weak? After so many years..."

Song Ya retorted, "Do you think that the general election is no longer suspenseful, and my use of you is not of high value? But I remember that the deputy commander is leading the student four years later..."

"Uh, please don't talk about it."

The other party hurriedly stopped him from mentioning Gore, "Anyway, I brought his will, you think carefully."

"I have considered very clearly. I have voted for you a lot in M-Fxxk these years. Those whites of Motula attacked me and you don't even ask, and you don't help if you backstab yourself? Then I donate money for a bird use! "

Song Ya scolded.The rest time is only a few minutes, and Anshuzi's people are already knocking on the door anxiously, "Anyway, you don't want to get rid of the mud, this time I won't give up if I can't get a statement, and I have this attitude in person. "

"Then I will take this reply back?" The other party threatened coldly.

"Whatever! Anyway, you never respected my money!"

Song Ya replied domineeringly, and even took the initiative to open the door to drive the other party away.

"Wow, you are very charming at this moment..." Sloan said with a smile.

"I won't receive the Portuguese shield anymore..."

Go simply rushed down, and then sat in front of the makeup mirror, letting the staff who came in clean up their styles while typing frantically on the laptop keyboard.

"He has a bad attitude."

Gore's people came out to rush to the airport, "I will never stop until the goal is reached. I can't make him change his mind, um...I will return to China as soon as possible."

While still on the way, there was another call from China, "APLUS has a new statement!" shouted a colleague in the deputy commander's office.

"He always has new opinions, those posts..."

Gore's people replied unhappily.

"Speaking very hard!"

'Sometimes I think conservatives are not that bad. If the car breaks down and asks for help on the side of the road, the ones who swear and stop the car to help you repair are usually conservatives. Really, the so-called liberals are their own people. What?They always roll down the car windows and say good things about them, and then, as soon as they step on the gas pedal and speed up, they might splash you all over!'

He had to find a place where he could access the Internet in the airport terminal, and when he saw Song Ya's new reply, he rolled his eyes reluctantly and complained to his colleague: "What? He wants to change the door?"

"Yes? He is already doing it!"

'In the latest news, APLUS intends to purchase the family business Litman Press from the bankrupt paper media tycoon Henry Litman, as well as the large number of newspapers and magazines it owns, in addition to high-fidelity magazines related to the entertainment industry, modern photography, stereo review, In addition to soap operas, it also includes a series of traditional southern conservative magazines, such as guns and hunting with a long history, Christian life... etc.I don’t know to what extent APLUS and Litman have been in contact, but according to this report, the total transaction amount will definitely exceed 100 million dollars!'

'It seems that he intends to transfer half of the income from A+ records into the traditional paper media that is losing money in the industry. Under the disadvantage that his Netscape stock has just plunged to a high of 172 dollars, the youngest Of African-American billionaires have been very irritable lately, constantly attacking others on the Internet, and the business sector has also begun big adventures.'

"What an angry bull!"

In Washington, Gore angrily threw the newspaper in his hand onto the table.

"He is mad, it seems that Oprah does not give an explanation, and no one wants to pull him back." The staff laughed.

"APLUS posted again." The assistant came over with a piece of paper.

"Read it." Gore didn't want to look.

"Microsoft's practice of bundling IE into the operating system that provides OEM versions of PC manufacturers for free is suspected of being a monopoly! I just talked to Jim and Mark on the phone! Netscape will not sit back and watch them use such shameless unfair competition methods!" The assistant eloquently imitated Said the hip-hop singer's tone.

"Silicon Valley is yours..." The aides stopped talking.


Gore scolded something vulgar, picked up the landline microphone, "Pick me up with Disney's Eisner."


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