Chiyu Mahou no Machigatta Tsukaikata ~Senjou wo Kakeru Kaifuku Youin~
Lesson 8 Forest Diary
The second day of monster spreading forest life.
Before going to bed, I would like to spell out what I wrote today about the Grand Grizzly and the ecology of the Blue Grizzly.
The only light I can rely on is the moonlight, so it's a little dark, but I'd like to write something about it.
Have you had a habit in the past month? I need to keep a diary to calm me down.
Day two.
He was guided by a black hairy rabbit and arrived at the monster's residence of interest.
The address was confirmed by two blue grizzlies and one grand grizzly.
One of the Blue Grizzlies was small and the trick looked like a child. The other one looks big, probably like a parent.
When Grand Grizzlies live in a herd, it was written in a book... is this a kind of herd too?
After about an hour of observation, I didn't see much progress either, so I cut it up.
As always, there was a rabbit on my shoulder... forgive me for being cute.
Day three.
On the third day too, observe the residence.
Still no movement.
There are no notable changes, so that's all for today.
I wonder what this rabbit is following me... the words make sense, and the crisis detection abilities that are unique and have are very convenient.
There are endless questions.
But it's cute. No.
Day 4
My stomach hurts.
Day 5
I knew the water was akan.
The rabbit beside me suffering from abdominal pain was very comforting.
Around afternoon, I went to bear observation because I was feeling better.
Looks like I went hunting today, watching over a tree. I haven't felt it in a very long time, even though I haven't seen it in a day.
For hunting, it feels like Grand Grizzly can take the bear's blue grizzly. It kind of soothes.
What I found out today is that they eat everything basic.
He was easily tailored to 'Fallbore', a pig demon with developed hind legs.
Can he really take him down?
Day Six
Monsters attacked me today.
He told me where the black rabbit would be flooded with beautiful water. It was on the way home. Suddenly, the rabbit shook up.
And what showed up was a giant snake like a cock, a giggle cock as it is because I don't know its name, abbreviated to call it a giggle. He had a thick torso and was a giant snake about seven metres long.
I was scared from the bottom of my heart when he didn't snake like a snake and ran straight. Of course, he escaped. They chased me very persistently, but I managed to escape.
I detoured from my original path and went home. Just to be careful.
That snake, something's wrong. I felt unhappy with the monsters in this forest.
And the black rabbit was frightened. There's this guy who was even fine with the Grand Grizzly...
I don't really understand these forest monsters. I think so. Something terrible must be going on.
Day 7
There is nothing particularly unusual about the bear today.
Shit, it's been a week since I've been here, but I'm starting to wonder why I'm here.
Day 8
Also, Giganoco attacked me.
Not so far from where we're based right now.
It was supposed to be deep in the woods that you found him... moving the stronghold after me? Then he's totally after me. I'm sorry I can eat you.
Better defeat the Grand Grizzly early.
I have a bad feeling about it.
Day 9
The rabbit had been frightened since morning, so I rested my body on the tree today.
The water I've been drawing is on the bottom, but it can't replace my life.
Still, isn't this rabbit too nostalgic for me? How many wounds have you healed so far?
Honestly, I want to take it home.
Tomorrow, if you don't see Giganoco, I'm going hunting for the bear.
In the end, I couldn't hunt the Grand Grizzly on day 10. [M]
It's not like a desperately crafted operation failed.... I haven't even run it in the first place.
Because - - there was a body in front of me of a grand grizzly that was devoured unbroken.