Our house on the edge of Lukvis.
That's where we are, where we don't touch the human eye and we don't have to worry about being vandalized for being away. When our sister and brother came here, the person who was here first showed us.... Of course, that person is the Beast Man.
At first, I thought some of the many people would accept us...
At any rate, Lukvis is a big city that gathers tens of thousands of people from all over the continent, a very small number of whom are not strange to be tolerant of the Beasts. With such pale hope, we jumped out of hiding, our birthplace, and crept through the gates of Lucvis to learn magic.
I also wanted to learn the magic that everyone in my clan told me was talented, because I wanted to be friends with 'someone' other than the kid in there.
But it was only a matter of time before you realized that I was an idiot with such hope.
Luckvis is ostensibly forbidden from persecuting subhumans. That's not going to happen when it stands out because of that policy - even if nothing is done, you're going to be attacked by loneliness as if you're standing on a needle.
An environment that does not allow friendship with others.
Heavy pressure to force loneliness.
Here, it wasn't friendship, it wasn't power, it was just one thing, magical strength, that I, the beast man, could show my worth as a wizard.
Yeah, Lukvis was the best place to sharpen his magic and skills. Yes, I was made to understand, man can make peace with man, but to them the beast man was not even a 'man'.
People just on the upper edge are also people who are swallowed up by a group, people who are just indifferent.
I was kind of very sad when I was exposed to so many strange gazes.
The visiting compatriots also tried to be alone with no one.
I don't engage with humans.
I'm not used to it.
Nobody believes it.
They can't be alone. They weren't as weak as I was.
No matter who you are, you just learn magic. I don't expect humans to be like wary beasts, that was them.
- Oh, here's how I did it... here's how I should have done it -
What time does it start?
When walking outside, I began to hide ears that attracted attention and even hone my magic skills......
"There's no point in being here if you're weak."
"I'm not going through to get along with people"
- and I was telling myself that in a lonely dorm just for my two sisters and brothers.
A single beastly girl came to Lucvis when I repeated that over and over again.
Amako, a strange girl who chants about a future that comes not from a hiding place like ours, but from a country with a particular hatred for humans. She says she's looking for a healing wizard from a distant country to save her own mother.
Healing magic is a peculiar magic that can only be used by humans. I thought it was impossible to get humans to cooperate. In fact, he was rejected by the healing wizard here.
"Kirija, I'm not giving up."
But that kid didn't try to give up. I wanted to help my mother, so I didn't try to stop her leg, even if it was dangerous.
It would have been tough to get here... it was just dangerous... Kyou had stopped until the end but I couldn't.
Am I trying as hard as Amako?
Can we try to believe in humans?
There is no such thing as a human being who makes friends with the Beast Man without caring around him.
I still don't know the answer to that.
I meant to give you an answer a long time ago, but I didn't think that was the answer.
I'm sure I still think.
At some point, there will be people who will make friends with the Beast.
"... in the morning..."
I wake up with the sound of a bell announcing the morning of this city.
I had a nostalgic dream...... I feel like it. I almost forgot what kind of dream that was, but somehow I think half of it was a bad dream.
Get out of your hard bed and stroke your wretched tail.
When you have some hair dryness, get out of bed and get dressed quickly to prepare breakfast before you get out of your room.
I have an immediate living room ahead of me... but today was different than ever.
"Is that it? What's wrong, Satsuki? Early this morning."
Satsuki, the beast man who came from the same hideout as me and Kyou about a year ago, was peeking outside from the entrance I broke last night.
Satsuki puts his index finger on his mouth when he notices me approaching him and gestures to keep him quiet.
... I wonder what's wrong. I think I'll take a peek at what I'm seeing, too.
Interestingly writing something down, I look in the direction she's looking from behind the satsuki looking out.
"Amako is too light for training at all!!
"... it's not my fault, Usato"
Why are you laying on your arms early this morning? This human being... Amako is on his back with no food on his face.
"It's amazing, Kirija, I've been doing it since that guy's day came out. So, I don't even look tired at all. What the hell is going on! I don't think so!
Ever since the sun came up? If you're doing it without rest, I don't think you're more and more of a normal person. It's strange to take my fist straight from the front, which also crushes rocks.
The fruits of an unrelenting workout, is that what his power will be? I can't imagine how harsh that irresistible training is.
But more than that......
"Satsuki... you've been observing Usat all morning..."
... Now the problem is that Satsuki has shown so much interest in all the glowing smiles in front of me.
This kid is quiet in public, but he writes about what happened at that time in a notebook that he carries with him at all times as if people had changed as soon as he had a mundane cut. He said, "If there is anything unbelievable or puzzling, write a notebook."
This would mean that Usato is an incredible and inexplicable being for Satsuki.
Sometimes I'm really... I'm a really big boy, but when this happens, I just have to let it go anymore. I've been silent since Usato and Amako arrived yesterday, but I guess they actually showed more interest in the two of us than they could afford to talk.
"Well, the more..."
He said, "I know."
Leave the satsuki alone in the shadow of the entrance to the cooking area.
Let's get breakfast ready first. Sometimes it's easy, but today we have Usato and Amako. Let's make it right. When I take the ingredients in the cooking area, I inadvertently recall what Usat said to me yesterday at dinner.
"... delicious, or"
He said "delicious," I'm not going to have a nascent personality that I can illuminate with such a compliment, but I'm sure I was surprised.
At that time, I told Kyou that I could trust Usat, but the truth is that I still didn't believe Usat myself. So I sat right next to Usat so that no matter what happened, I also fed him the dishes that I... made by the Beastman. Ordinary humans don't try to eat dishes made by beasts, and they don't say they're delicious.
"That's really just my mouth... I am"
I feel very humbled that I still can't trust Usat, who made me sever my hand even though it was healed by healing magic, and forgave me for saying terrible things.
"... oh yeah, breakfast"
Satsuki's classes start early in the day. And I'm gonna take that satsuki to school. It's time for Kyou to wake up.
If we keep making it slow, we'll have to skip breakfast. I've decided to make it right today, so I have to...
Having successfully prepared my breakfast, I surrounded my breakfast with Satsuki and Kyou, who woke up late. Usato apparently sweated a little, so it seemed like it had been a very long time since we had had such a busy breakfast, although we had only been a little behind.
"Hey you! If you do anything weird to your sister, I won't forgive you!!
After breakfast, Kyou said so to nail Usat, who was drinking water at his desk as he prepared to go to school.
While smiling bitterly at my overly protective brother, I decided to send out a help boat to Usat scratching my cheek like I was in trouble.
"Kyou, isn't it time? Take Satsuki to school or you'll be late."
"Huh!? Is it that time already...... Satsuki! Let's go!!... until what time are you writing it!
"... hey, watch some more..."
Kew, who changed his blood phase with my words, grabbed Satsuki's collar and ran outside, still writing about Usato in his notebook while wearing his robe.
Usat, who missed the two disappearing toward the town, turns to this way with his neck tilted as he sees them and wonders.
"Kirija, are Kyou and Satsuki learning magic in the same place? You look different."
That is a particular question.
Kyou is 17 the same as me, Satsuki is 12, different ages in the first place. I guess you're wondering that Kyou and Satsuki left together and that I'm still here.
"Kyou is sending Satsuki to school. Satsuki's still small too...... Me and Kyou are in the same class at school, but I have a lot to do before I leave home."
I'm asking Kyou to escort me because I might get into some trouble with bullying or something.
Our class starts later than Satsuki, so it's convenient.
"So Kirikha will go to school in a little while..."
"That's what happens...... what about Usato and Amako? Wait here?
"No, we're going to the stables near the castle gate. I see them because there are people who have come this far with me.... Amako is fine with that too, right?
I don't have to worry about my absence because the people I came with are probably the ones who went to tell Usat that they were staying here after dinner last night.
But I don't suppose you two have been wandering around the city forever, so let's get back early.
Washing dishes thinking about dinner today, Usato, dressed in white similar to the coat on the wall, called out.
"Yes, thank you for getting dressed. For once, I washed it before meals and left it to dry outside... it's okay, right?
"You don't have to worry about it. I just borrowed Kyou's clothes, not enough to thank you."
And, a good one looks out sideways and sees clothes that are beautifully dried.
Surprisingly... it's not quite the same as the boy who looked horrible yesterday. I saw him yesterday. He was horrible, I do think the humanoid aug says too much... but you never look like that. I never thought I'd get barometric pressure when I saw people's faces...
"... your face is blue, okay?
"Oh, oh... yeah, I'm fine... yeah... I'm fine"
Amako worried me because I was on my face without realizing it.
You asked her a lot yesterday about Usato... he's not a bad person, and the kingdom of Ringle, where Amako was for two years, is a better place than I can imagine...
Still dip trembling hands in cold water and restore calm. When he finally returned to calm, Usato, who was in the living room, came face-to-face from the entrance to the cooking area.
"We should probably get going."
"I'm coming, Kirija"
He and Amako behind him will also wear a white coat and say so to me.
In my eyes, these two looked like friends who were uncomfortable with anything. I thought that was how much I didn't think it would come true, but when I had to see it in front of me... here's how... unspeakable thoughts come to me.
"... Ha ha, come on in"
That's what I said in my hectic voice. I must have had the look of an indwelling grin and anxiety. Usato only slightly tilted his neck, but Amako would have definitely suspected him. That kid is sharp and satirical, independent of prediction.
"- Time for me to get ready..."
I could meet a friend I missed.
Still, wonder and my heart don't clear.
"A message from a senior?
That's what the knight told me as I moved from the inn in Kirikha to the stables where the Bulrins and the knights were, and raised breakfast to the Bulrins on my sleeping face.
The knights who asked my seniors to tell me about me last night asked me to come home.
"Yes, if Lord Usato comes, he wants us to come to the brave men."
"And... you're from the inn"
I was going to go more than I did, but I'm plain scared of the seniors' reaction.
I don't know about that guy because he looks like a kid... I hope he hasn't mumbled because of something weird.
"I'm in a hurry... I'm expecting me here in the morning because I'm talking about my senior, so should I go early?"
Don't meet me in person, I've changed the place to stay on my own, so I have to explain everything there properly.
"Amako, can you still ask me about Burlin here today?
"Mm, it's okay. I don't hate being with this girl..."
Crouching, she said so by stroking the nose of a fruit-eating brulin in an upbeat mood.
I don't know if I can spare Amako here, but there are some trusted knights here, so they can handle whatever happens.
Say goodbye to Amako and the knights for now and run out of the spot on a small run.
The destination is the pre-school inn where the seniors are located, a place where you can reach them in minutes of things if you go for a small run. I generally grabbed a sense of distance yesterday, and it would go pretty smoothly if I didn't get caught up in the crowd.
But when you're running around the city for a small run, you want to try a heavy run in like you did when you were in the kingdom of Ringle. I can only run in normally because I haven't brought the weight, but if I can just get Burlin to bring him around. Or... No, you can't because I'm surprised the people here before I run...
"Let's ask Mr. Gladys..."
For once, there seems to be something called a demon, so maybe I can get permission.
I don't know if a common user demon fits into my relationship with Burlin, but it's worth a try for what you ask.
Brulin is just right for the weight, and I'd love to run if I could run with him............ hmm?
"..., this is..."
Because I was running frustrated, or if I realized it, I was coming in front of an alley yesterday where a group of students from the school walked in. Normally, don't even worry about it. I keep running, but I stopped my leg because I was concerned that there was a crowd of people across the alley.
What the hell is wrong with you, you look like a wild horse no matter what, but is there something at the center of it?
Driven by curiosity, I walked into the alley in front of me and approached the crowd.
"Again, those guys... horrible stuff"
"You can leave him alone and give him something good..."
"But if we got involved, it wouldn't have happened..."
... some disturbing conversation was heard from the crowd.
When I got to where they were a little early and put something in sight at the heart of their conversation, I was surprised.
Yesterday, one of the groups that went into this alley, a boy in a coal stained robe, was collapsing in a dilapidated state.
As I approached him, I held him up and tried to heal him with magic, and the wild horse I was looking at a little further away just said I didn't need to worry.
"I don't know who it is, but it's all right, there's no need for healing magic."
"I don't care what you think. You're hurt. Where's okay?"
"He's a healing wizard. Look, it's dirty, but it's not scratched anywhere, is it?
Pointed at by a wild horse student-like boy, he sees the boy again.
There's a scratchy mess on the side.... No, there are no scratches when I wipe the dirt off my cheeks.
Really this kid is the healing wizard......? This girl who was staring at me yesterday? I don't know what that means. How the hell is this happening?
"Earlier this kid was called a healing wizard, right? What happened to you?
"Have you just been here lately?... Well, you can't help but know, this guy's got his eyes on a troublesome guy... and every time, this is how he does this by healing magic."
The troublemaker's got eyes on me, and healing magic isn't magic to sandback other than training.
I didn't even think it was dew that I had already met with the healing wizard of Lucvis who was interested. And are you hurting me to this extent...... No, not to this extent, that's it. Me.
"Don't get all kinds of complicated thoughts when you face it......, do you want to wake it up for now"
I try to wake him up with a shabby shoulder.
At first, I want to see if my consciousness returns to safety or not. There were no scratches and I didn't wake up - when it happened, the aftertaste was too bad even though I had nothing to do with it.
When I loosened my shoulders for about a dozen seconds, I slowly blinked my eyes with a slight groan.
Surprisingly easy to regain consciousness around. Looks fine... I guess I was extra worried.
"Looks like you're awake, feeling..."
"Huh! Get off me!!
He woke up and paid off his shoulder-placed hand the moment he put me in his sight. I was just a little surprised by the sudden rejection, but the boy was in a hurry for some reason when he saw the blue, clear sky.
"Time's up... come on"
"Oh, hey, wait a minute -"
I don't know what that means. The boy ran straight out onto a path on the main street without listening to my voice.
That haste is unusual... does it even seem important? But I didn't think you'd be rejected... maybe you're becoming so human distrustful by now...
It doesn't look like Amako asked for help two years ago.
"... Well, what do we do"
The desire to meet a healing wizard outside the kingdom of Ringle has come true, but somehow you're in a bad mood. I'm not a person I could do more than look at bullying and pretend not to see, but I can't explain it as emotionless.
I don't have the strength to do anything about the situation. [M] One way or another, I'm in a position to be the healing wizard in this city.
You're joining the seniors now.
Let's talk to Kazuki first.
It's quicker to get an opinion from both of you because I don't know what to do.
Then get to the two of you as soon as possible.
"Hey, Usatokun"
Looking back at the familiar voice from behind, it is clear that there are two beautiful men and women in the alley leading from the square to the main street.
It's a tree with Senior Dog.
"... didn't I even have to head there?
With a heartfelt grin on a tree that was waving well at me, I proceeded to the two of them with such a grunt.
Senior Kamikami was unhappy with me for quietly changing my place of stay.
Of course, Kazuki laughed as bitterly as I did.
"Absolutely, Usato-kun! If you're staying at Amako's friend's house, you want me to take you too!
"Don't make your nose rough and say something unscrupulous. Even I had a pretty rough time..."
Because when a senior comes to the boulder, Kyou doesn't seem to have half the effort...... I know I'm not a bad person, so I don't want to take my senior as far as possible until I get some credit.
"Aren't the seniors at the inn more than that?
"I came with you because the seniors told me to pick up Usat. But if I could see you here, it wouldn't have to be too much trouble."
"Hmm? You got something?
Could it be that the school has already decided to respond…?
They said it would take a lot of time for the decision to be made...
Seeing my doubts, for some reason, a good looking senior approached me with excitement.
"Last night, the dean of Gladys invited me to visit the school. So, Usato, take it."
"Is this a tour..."
Speaking of which, you were saying that yesterday on your way home to give me a letter.
Cheng Cheng, it seems that Mr. Gladys was kind enough to see the seniors eat up. Is it because I'm a petty person who gets too good a treatment and upset the other way around?
"I was worried, too, and I'm coming."
"Usato, I was sure you would say that. Then let's go quickly."
Senior Inukami grabs a tree hand with me and starts walking fast to someone at school. I wonder how excited I was, loving boulder fantasy so much (?) Seniors.
"Seniors seem to enjoy it more than anything..."
"But you're looking forward to Usato, aren't you?
"... I can't hide anything from Kazuki..."
After seeing the delightful look of a tree that nodded in my words, I see a senior walking in front.... Yeah, sounds like a lot of fun. Naturally… this is a school city that nurtures wizards that exist in different worlds. All the darkness rolls with so much romance and fantasy that it surpasses it.
Let's talk about what I want to talk about first. It shouldn't be too late for us to be summoned here... to play with friends we couldn't have done in the original world.