A few hours passed since Nair went to Amako and the others during the day.
The sun has already set, and the castle, visible through the windows of the houses within the boundaries, is lit with a pine light.
Eva was still sleeping in the bed in front of me, and I sat in a chair beside the bed watching to see if I could solve the sorcery that had befallen her.
"... I wonder if Nair is doing well..."
I know it's okay because she looked pretty evil, but I also feel anxious because there's something at her core that teases Doji.
"You have to trust me at times like this."
I'm me, let's get on with her plan.
First, rest your body exactly as Nair first instructed.
Next, watching to see if the magic of resistance applied to Eva will disappear in some kind of incident.
And if the magical light of that resistance has weakened, to carry her outside the junction and wait for Nair to come back.
Nair, who gave me these three instructions, showed me unwanted care: "Even you in the brain muscle can remember this much, can't you?" He cried and rejoiced when I gave him a healing decopin to thank.
"... you're getting a lot weaker"
The light of the spell of resistance protecting Eva sleeping on her bed is weaker than when she saw it during the day.
"About time, huh?"
As planned, let's get her out of here.
Even so, I have to destroy the curse, so it is Eiri, the butler, who carries her.
I really thought I should ask Master Lucas for the help of the other knights, but since Nair refused to do so, it was up to me, Nair, and Ali alone to carry out the destruction of the curse.
Mr. Eiri has already offered to cooperate, so all we have to do is call him later.
- Master Usato, excuse me.
The door is knocked.
"It was just fine. I was about to go get it, so... what's wrong? Eiri."
Eiri, who opened the door, had some bitter look on her face.
I doubt him like that, but Mr. Eiri stepped back in front of the door and slipped sideways to see why.
"Hey, I'm here."
"... what? Dear Lucas?"
Dear Lucas, who appeared sneaky from behind Mr. Eiri.
Why? I'm not supposed to tell this guy about the operation to proceed quietly as Nair told me...
"Why are you here?!?"
"Ali told me. Are you going to break the curse tonight?"
When I glance at Eiri, he looks sinister, too. As far as that is concerned, it seems that the report is the only one that did not expect Master Lucas himself to come here.
Eiri closed the door when she thanked me for being sorry. [M]
"Le, Master Lucas......"
"Don't even say it to everyone, Usat. I was a father before I was king. There's no way I'm gonna be able to save my precious daughter's life."
"But what will this country do if something happens to Master Lucas!?"
"No matter what happens to me, a good minister will do something about it. What, those who have supported me for decades? Whatever happens to me, I trust you enough to leave it to me."
"That's not the problem!"
I suppressed my head without knowing what to say to Lucas, who laughed happily.
I don't feel like I can say this anymore...
"But Usat, trying to wander around the castle without permission wasn't much praise. If he was badly suspected, he might have been caught by the worst knight?"
"... I was hoping that things could be resolved without anyone making a scene..."
It's not like I didn't have the idea of getting caught. But curses specialize in powerful mental attacks, so you don't know what happens if you poorly assemble people.
A knight who would have a sword is even more despicable. The spirit could be unbearably confused and confused.
"... Master Lucas, who's your escort?"
"Of course. I'm bringing Fegnis and four knights outside the juncture"
Is Mr. Fegnis here? I hope it doesn't end up like Nair said.
But if you're here, I can't help it.
"... stay as close as possible to the great book of curses. I'm the only one approaching. Let the knights protect Eva."
"Are you all right?"
"The curse makes a powerful mental attack. I'm probably the only one who can handle it."
Only Nair deals with the magic of resistance, to be precise.
Now that I have granted Eva witchcraft, I have the disadvantage that it can only be granted to one subject, so when I destroy the curse, I have to decurse Eva's witchcraft and wrap it with the magic of my resistance.
"Let's just move in with Eva"
"... is it okay to move Eva?"
"If the magic is broken, the curse will strike from anywhere. So it would be safer if you stayed close to me, which would be your priority."
Again, her presence will surely disappear if Eva is used as a medium and something like a curse is activated.
For once, I'm thinking about the means if Eva is the only one targeted by a curse before me, but I don't want to do that if I can.
Get ready to wear the coat you were wearing in your chair while praying inside to avoid it.
"- Father, Dear... Usato,?"
I heard a small voice in my ear when I was ready.
Turning to that voice at the same time as Master Lucas, Eva lay on the bed with her eyes open thinly.
"Eva, are you okay?"
"Er... I'm fine. What the hell happened?"
That's what she asked when she slowly woke up when she saw the face of the nearest Lady Lucas.
Don't you remember? Are your memories cloudy?
"And why is your father here? Aren't you busy at work?"
"... Hahaha, I've already finished my job"
"Heh, really? Then you're with me today."
Eva with a happy grin.
But when she took her shaking hair in her own sight, she raised her voice of surprise.
"My hair is turning bright blue!?"
Speaking of which, she didn't know her hair had changed color.
There's no reason to talk about the curse all of a sudden and upset her, so let's just say that there's a situation and the color was changed by the magic I used.
Listening to her talk, she looked up as if she remembered something, humming her blue hair as she leaned her neck.
"- Oh, if you have a father, you have to get ready for hospitality now!"
Rising off the futon, she slowly lowers her legs to the floor.
"... eh"
"Eva, you don't have to do too much... Eva?"
I noticed her movement unnaturally stopped as I put my foot down from the bed, and I watched her as I stood up a little bit.
Her gaze is looking down, and if I look ahead of her gaze, too...
"No shadow...?"
The shadow created by the moonlight only shaped the piece she was wearing and - only half the body left behind.
Eva shivered as she raised her face and looked at me in a piece that seemed to float unnaturally.
"Usa, Mr. T... Oh, oh... I, for God's sake..."
"Eva, what's going on? You okay?!?"
"Don't touch me! Don't touch me!"
Eva leaves, trying to crawl away from Master Lucas, who tried to put her hand on her shoulder. Moving to the window, she shrugged in a small voice, 'I'm sorry' when she looked at me.
From this appearance, he seemed conscious even when he was being manipulated by the curse.
... I can't help but notice that she would have been heard the resentment of the people of Samaria, just like me, after the body had been taken over by a man who knew no one.
"Usato, what can I do..."
"Master Lucas, leave it to me."
I say that to Master Lucas, who is upset not knowing what to do, and I leave a step forward.
I'm not sure, but I have to calm her down.
"Mr. Usato, don't come near me. Also, the curse..."
She held her head with both hands as she approached the side of the bed.
Perhaps the curse was activated because I touched her then.
That and this is also due to a curse of bad nature, but she seems to think that someone will have terrible eyes when she touches herself.
When she found out I wasn't getting any closer, she looked up.
"I... don't want you to disappear. I can't believe we just disappeared together, that's what I'm supposed to think, I don't... trust me,"
"... it's okay, I believe it properly"
That skeleton, did she say that she could stay with me if she erased me?
I know you're desperate to be free from the curse, but I can't forgive you enough.
Keeping my anger down, I speak calmly to her.
"You were just being taken over by a curse back then."
"... eh"
"I don't have to worry about being manipulated because I'm keeping you away from the curse with magic now. So don't worry. Here."
Give me your right palm before Eva, who is hiding her hand in her arms.
Looking at my hands and eyes, she reaches out slowly trembling in fright.
Even though I pull my hand in confusion, my limp, cold hand can be put on my palm.
When the curse was activated, it was caused by me touching her hand, but nothing happens if I touch her now that the curse is being driven away by the magic of resistance.
... It's only a matter of time now without Nair.
"Hey, are you okay?"
"... yes, yes"
Slightly breathing relief, she held my hand.
Good, you seem to have calmed me down - but this is so embarrassing. I am driven by the urge to be more and more on this scene now that my actions are too shiny.
"... Yes? Ah."
When I was too bored of inner embarrassment, I realized that Lucas, who was next door, was looking down at me jiggly.
I bluish my face after changing my gaze from Master Lucas to Eva.
"Uh, this is, uh..."
Even though it was necessary, there was enough insanity to hold the hand of a princess of a country.
Then even my father, Master Lucas, would marry me with his mouth - or joke, but it's not strange to have to say, "Why are you touching my beloved daughter's hand" in these circumstances...!
"Wouldn't you like a daughter after all?"
"Are you talking to me?!?"
If you look at me without expression and wonder what you're going to say, is that it?
Lady Lucas, who smiled at Eva and me in surprise, continued to spin words.
"No, it's times like this that I know what true thoughts are. No, I'm impressed. I have to admit, I'm a boulder. Do me a favor, Usat."
"And don't say it the way you were reluctant..."
I feel like I'm a boulder... and I feel like I've had a rough time.
I didn't see a single element of a stubborn father in my words and deeds.
"Well, let's talk about this after we save our daughter"
"... Huh? Aren't you going to joke about it?"
Something absurd waited for me after I saved Eva.
"Um, Father... did you mean to save...?"
"Now Usat is going to break your curse."
"Usato, you..."
"Well anyway, let's go over the details as we move"
Lady Lucas, who crouched in front of Eva when she looked at me, lifted her hand to her back and knee.
Do you want me to hold her till I'm on my way? When I heard that Master Lucas was -,
"Leave this role to me.... maybe... no, let's just get out of here"
"... ok. Now follow me."
I know what Lucas was about to say.
Failure to destroy the curse means that I am bound by my soul to this castle and that she disappears.
"I won't let you do it one last time."
I have no desire to fail.
Breaking Samaritan's curse with all my might - I went out the door with all my temper.