"I'm not...!!"
Usat swallowed by the skeleton in front of him.
I couldn't get him to move like that, and watching kept me from wanting to help out right away and even continued to bewitch Lucas and Eva.
"Nea, Mr. Usato...!"
"Now worry about yourself! Now get away from me and you'll be the two dancers of Usat!"
The spell of resistance can only be applied to one subject.
It's now that I'm touching Lucas, Eva, that the effect of the spell of resistance is activated, and if either Lucas or Eva leaves, they're out of the scope of the effect of the spell of resistance.
"I'm sorry. I can't fight because I'm a foot wrapper..."
"Oh, there's no way Usato can screw that up! Don't tell me what makes you anxious, just worry about yourself!!"
I'm gonna give Lucas a drink with a pessimistic look behind my back, but I'm actually in a pretty hurry.
Usat is as strong as an asshole for physical attacks, but vulnerable for mental attacks.
If you were about to suffer with just a few skeletal mental attacks as of last night, and you ate that of countless skeletons, Usat's heart could be broken.
My lord ends here, and I, the user demon of the lord gone, become a wild demon just like before.
"... hehe, hehe"
I wonder what you're thinking, me too.
I should have been ready to die before I became a Usat user demon.
Now there's no place to go home. Strongly speaking, Usat's position as a demon is where he is now.
Maybe it's not a bad idea to throw your life out here for a human being who made me decide to go out into the outside world just for a short time.
"- I'll hang out with you till the end. Whether I succeed or fail, I will do my part as a demon!"
"I'll show you how to keep it!!"
Just as I did when I captured Usat, with a thin grin on my skeleton throwing chains this way, I cage more magic in the spell of resistance.
Then the spell of resistance that overshadows the three of us emerges to swell and transform itself into the sphere's junction.
"You can do it. Try it...!"
Neither the skeleton nor the chain, which is the curse itself, can touch this. Instead, the magic is completely fixed on the spot and uses a lot of magic, but these guys should have a lot of effect on them.
"Dj, ah...... ugh!!"
All the chains thrown by the skeletons, too, the junction plays.
Some individuals hit the body with force, but that doesn't make sense either.
"Nair!? To protect us. Such..."
"That's all I'm doing because Usato said he'd help you! So shut up and watch there!!"
To withstand the impact of the pushing skeletons, stick your hands forward and focus on maintaining the magic.
The spell of resistance is certainly a powerful magic, but it's not a magic that never breaks. Any resistant attack you set can withstand, but it's not very strong for other attacks.
So the load applied with shock and weight is the only thing I can do to reinforce it with magic......!!
"Again, why don't you give me a glimmer"
"...... ugh!!"
Even withstanding the onslaught of the skeletons, an individual emerges from the floor in front of the altar that emits a distinctly different atmosphere than the skeletons ever seen.
The point of being a skeleton remains the same, but the one with the worn robe and wand that would have been expensive was uttering words with rattlesnakes and teeth.
"You finally showed up...!"
"It's just a trivial whim that I came out. The healing wizard is already in my hands, and after that my grief will be fulfilled only by cleaning up the Lord '
Suckingly, when the guy in front of you raises his hand, a chain extending from the neck of the skeleton is pulled back, forcing the attack to stop.
Whimsical. Actually, I think he showed up when he saw the win.
Besides, unlike the rest of us, the words make sense, and the fact that I let him stop the attack means that he can manipulate the curse to some extent.
And from the word my sorrow...
"You're such an obsessive geezer, mage. It's not sane to make it look like a death sentence and tie your dead soul to a curse."
A magician? Are you the magician who was executed by the king for sacrificing his people to witchcraft!? "
I guess there's no reason for Lucas to be surprised.
You wouldn't expect a man who lived hundreds of years ago to be obsessed with the brave until he tied himself to a curse.
"It's a strange story to think about. Even though it was the two kings and magicians who made the people of Samaria the sacrifice of the curse, for some reason only the royal family was cursed. Originally, it is strange that the family of Fegnis, descendants of the sorcerer, is not cursed either. Because you were shifting the direction of the curse to royalty only... right?"
'Almost right. But also to keep me cursed.'
So Fegnis was also used in this undead way.
With that in mind, it's like a curse to teach a brave man to be so obsessed.
"What are you going to do with Usat? Either way, losing your source of magic is doomed to extinction. Even if you're sure you'll win, it's temporary."
"K, kukukuku......"
What's wrong with you?
The shoulder-trembling magician turns his hollow eyes to this side and he utters a bottom-cold voice.
"No more magic supply necessary."
"... what do you mean?"
"It is also possible to bind the soul to the flesh using my magic" The Spell of Constraint ". If I can get a new flesh, I don't need a supply of magic or the curse I have now '
"That is an outrageous deed in this world...! The dead will not be allowed to live again! Not to mention the fact that a dead person takes over a living person...... no way!?"
'You seem to have noticed. That healing wizard is my new flesh. "
The purpose was not to tie Usat to Samarial, but to take over Usat's body!?
Now Usat is being hit by a mental attack by the skeletons.
If they pour in dozens or hundreds of thoughts at once, a normal person would break his heart.
To that thought, the skeleton that sees me in a blood-changing phase makes me laugh again queasy and uncomfortable.
"They're really simple. Seeking unfulfilled wishes, it's just a dogma to tackle and summon the living. But the numbers are still high. It would be possible to break their hearts if they could show their heartless grudges and memories."
"Then Usat is……!"
"You'll be shown the sight of hell by extension"
Look at Usat surrounded by skeletons.
I don't see him because he is surrounded by a tremendous number of skeletons, but in that he continues to be shown the hateful and abominable memory of the people of Samaria.
If you're a decent person, it won't last a minute......
"Please don't... why would you do that..."
With a little voice, Eva asks the sorcerer that.
The sorcerer scoffs at Hun and laughing with his nose.
"The reason is simple. I admire the brave. Because I admire it, I sought the brave. I caught him and tried to make it permanent. As a result, it failed '
"Right. There's no way I can tie a brave man down an evil dragon with your witchcraft."
Sure, magic is powerful, but it's easily dealt with by a far superior opponent.
Not to mention the subject is the brave man who even defeated Evil Dragon. The power of the vegetarian would be awesome, and more importantly, it can't be just the force of the arm.
'... that's when he mutilated my all-powerful curse with just one stroke. He disappeared without breaking the curse. As if this were my punishment, my sin.'
"Then feed on that failure, and strive -"
"Shut up, you worldless little girl."
For the first time here, a voice caged with emotions is emanated from the sorcerer.
Eva trembles with horror at that voice.
"There's no way that just a human being can make an effort to get to that realm... but it's a hit to feed on failure. I'm not retarded enough to repeat the same thing '
So the next word that the sorcerer, once separated, uttered was the worst I had ever assumed and should be repelled.
'So I thought. I wish I could be a man of brave qualities.'
Whatever I say, this guy is a real monster.
I can't believe that even I am part of the curse by sacrificing the lives of so many innocent people for that reason...
"Now, if you sacrifice a curse, you can be with a healing wizard? I can even let my disappeared mother see me."
"... I don't like it! Still, Mr. Usato is still working hard!! You can't give up on me living here now!!"
"The healing wizard has already fallen into my hands. It won't take him long to break his heart and perform our ritual.... at least I thought of it as a mercy, and I tried to make you choose an easy way to disappear, but it seemed futile '
"... which mouth!"
I offend the magician's words.
Mercy sounds like a kind word, but it's like saying how much it's up to you to turn it off. At a time when I can only vomit words narrowing such choices, I can see that mercy is an outer path far from words by this mage.
"You'll never be a brave man."
That's when Lucas told the sorcerer that.
The calmly uttered words contained a quiet anger.
'... what?'
"All you can say is that. You'll never be a brave man."
'Say something funny. A brave man is an overwhelming power. The same goes for that healing wizard, a peculiar being that keeps regenerating the flesh with healing magic, making it the limit of the flesh - it keeps extending the upper limit and becoming stronger. If I be him like that, I can be mighty. Didn't I?'
"No, you're not. I know it's useless to tell you that I'm only attracted to power, but I'll tell you!"
Lucas strode forcefully forward and moved beside me.
I silently slip aside and face the sorcerer so he can talk easily.
"It's not power that matters, it's the heart of those who deal with it. I figured it out by knowing one end of a human being named Usat. He does have tremendous powers, but he uses them to save them, not to ravage them. You have no idea how difficult that is?"
So what's up? You think you can be a brave man with your will and your creed? It's too stupid a thought. '
"You're the one who's stupid. What worships the brave? That's the only thing you worship……!"
I say a little bit about whether the magician was surprised by Lucas' words.
Nevertheless, he spinned the following words.
"I'm sure the brave men who defeated Evil Dragon also fought for their lives for the people. But it was you and the king at the time who made it pointless. Yet instead of regretting it, you continued to use the soul of a people who sacrificed it for centuries... there is no way a guy like that could be a brave man trampling on the dignity of such a person!!"
... Indeed, the brave men of previous generations must have fought for the people of Samarial, who are tormented by evil dragons. He continued to fight for it without sleeping, and at the end of it he jumped into the mouth of the evil dragon, poking a knife in its heart.
But waiting for him when the battle was over was the betrayal from the country he was supposed to have saved and the remains of the people he was supposed to have saved, sacrificed to bind himself.
... then it may be natural to devote all your love to humans.
"He owes it to me to be here right now, giving up on not being able to help my daughter. He told me he'd help, so I can't give up hope... can you do that? Can you give people hope? Sacrificing hundreds of innocent people and even using their souls at the end of the sentence...... can it be done to cowards trying to take over Usat's body!!"
The sorcerer does not utter a word to Lucas, who has revealed his emotions and said so.
Instead, the mockery that had been rattling from earlier disappeared, only the eerie atmosphere was noticeable.
'Enough... nothing can be done with the king's bullshit. I will destroy your soul and make you a puppet. "
Cage and activate magic in a junction that was suppressing the magician's arms at the same time as they moved.
Moments later, the skeletons that had ever been sealed in motion by chains came together to kill to the junction.
"Ku, uhh..."
"Are you okay?!?"
"Stay back!"
I take the onslaught of the skeletons at the junction, lowering Lucas and Eva worried about me with a bitter voice.
"It's a lot of magic. The boulder is a demon...... no, shall I cage my respect here and call you a vampire? But no matter how much magic plays back the curse, if you keep getting so many curses, you'll soon run out of magic."
"Oh my God, I know you didn't tell me...!!"
Eat up your teeth and say that back as you endure.
What we're doing now is just buying time.
"Why do you stand so long?" What you're doing now is pointless. The healing wizard will no longer help, he will break his heart soon, and I will enter that loose shell, and my plan will be accomplished '
"F, F, for that matter, it's taking a long time to break Usat's spirit...!"
Even though it's been minutes since Usat was captured by the skeleton, the skeletons never try to leave him.
Doesn't that mean you haven't given up on Usato yet?
Seeing a silent magician, I am convinced that the fact that Usat is now enduring is not what he expects.
'... no matter how strong the flesh is, the spirit remains human, and immature children. It doesn't matter how much hope you have.'
"... huf"
I don't know, I laugh at this guy's words even though it's a desperate situation.
"You're so funny right now. Convinced of the victory, getting on with it and exposing myself to ugliness that I can't stand to see...... but it's really similar to my situation then"
I'm sure I looked just like me watching the sorcerer in front of me at that time from Usat and the others. You're just like me in pain because my measures worked and I insulted them.
"The plan that little things like you have planned is absolutely broken. Anyway, the person you're trying to get now is the one who does something incredible that can't be measured by a normal measure. If you think things are going the way you want, you're going to get hurt...!!"
Normal humans don't use healing magic in combat, and they don't try to fight evil dragons directly from the front.
First of all, it's weird from the premise that the man is made up of only tough flesh.
This magician doesn't know that.
"... I'll hit you with all the souls I can use in this place, and I'll finish you off"
A mage with big arms up, along with some irritating words.
Hundreds of chains stretch out of the floor in response to that movement, revealing an unprecedented number of skeletons.
'I don't need a spare. Either way, now that I've got my body, I'm used to it. Let's crush him to the point that his soul is no longer rubbing off.'
"You are a real outsider...!"
"You can help me at the end. Wouldn't there be any more joy? '
If you eat all this number of attacks on a boulder at once, you won't have my magic either.
There is no other hand than to protect me now.
I'm about to break my heart in a desperate situation, but still I desperately let myself stand and cage my magic in the junction.
"" 'Gaaaaaa' "
The floating skeletons come to my kingdom.
Meditate your eyes to prepare for the shocks and loads to come.
"A, ah...!"
But the shock to come doesn't come.
The voices of the hearing skeletons have also changed from beastly screams to a mixture of amazement and confusion.
When you open your eyes slowly with confusion -,
"... what, this"
- Before me there was a translucent white figure standing to protect us from the skeleton.
On the contrary, we were surrounded by white shadows that prevented the skeletons from attacking us.
"Are you protecting us...?"
Suddenly appeared, a white figure.
One of the things that caught my eye was the shadow of a long-haired woman who was protecting us from the skeletons with her hands wide open in front of us.
Although the point of letting in the white light is the same as the other shadows, the long hair that reaches as far as the waist was coloured blue and its appearance resembled that of Eva, somewhere in Lucas' arms behind her.
"You came, you gave it to me..."
"Do you know what this is? Eva."
I'll ask Eva, who happily said so, about the white shadow in front of her.
"These people are not bad people. They are always kind people who have protected me from scary dreams..."
It protected me from scary dreams......
Are these the ones who were protecting her heart from the curse of Samaritan's people trying to hunt her down mentally?
Why did you come out now?
Does that mean you jumped out of the curse at Ava's crisis?
"Father, you're all right now! These people will protect you!"
"... father?"
You didn't hear Eva, Lucas, staring at the white man in front of me.
Staring temporarily, the breathtaking Lucas strengthened his hand embracing Eva with his voice trembling in tears, opening his mouth.
"Oh well... you did, you watched this kid grow up nearby, even with your body gone... At all, I'm no match for you. [M] You didn't have to say goodbye, because you've been with Eva the whole time..."
A small, turned, blue-haired woman smiles tenderly at Lucas' words that tremble her voice.
Eva blinks when she hears Lucas' words.
I see that this woman belongs to Lucas...
That means that the shadows around you have been erased by the curse of the historical royalties, right?
That's when the sorcerer's fury echoes in the hall.
"WHY NOW YOU ARE COMING OUT!! YOU DON'T REMEMBER MAGIC OR MERCHANT YOU ARE ONLY HUMANS!! You wiped out your flesh as a consolation for the curse and you caught your soul never came out on the surface...!! No, I don't care about that!! Now my advantage doesn't work to the extent you guys are on the surface!! '
With the words, the sorcerer pulled up the chains further, killing more skeletons into the shadows.
"F, ha, ha!! You can't stop the grievances of hundreds of dead people where they gather!! '
The sorcerer is right, only the royals around us can stop the skeletons.
In fact, whenever I take a skeleton, the white shadow sways like smoke and its appearance turns into something vague.
The figure of the woman before us is no exception. But the woman didn't even care about the attack on the skeletons, she slowly moved her lips as she turned around here again.
I can't hear you.
But he's definitely trying to tell us something.
What the hell...
"I'm saying it's okay..."
"Eva, you, can you understand what this guy is saying?"
"Yes. Somehow..."
Is the influence of protecting Eva, who was under the curse, allowing some degree of willingness to communicate? Or simply because this woman is this child's..., isn't that what you should think about now?
I wonder what's okay. Things were blocked in all directions just now, and I don't think so at all when people say it's okay in that situation.
When the woman had a tender grin that reassured her of my concern, she spun a short, continuing word.
"Because he's awake already...?"
Confused, I lean my neck towards Eva's words, which she told me yes.
When it comes to waking up, it happens in this situation...
"Whatever you do now, it's all for nothing! The plan that bets my long time will succeed! You will all destroy your souls and become my puppets! Ha, hahahahaha!! '
"Uuuuuuuuu... he..."
You exposed your nature, a magician whose character makes you laugh without shards.
I glanced back at the sorcerer to say something - but I understand the meaning of the woman's words earlier with the sight in my eyes of the skeletons that surrounded Usat, who was behind the sorcerer, moving apart to scatter the spider child.
One figure approaches from behind the sorcerer, who is laughing unaware of the anomalies taking place behind him.
At the same time that his appearance appears clear, the movements of the skeletons who were attacking us somehow slowly slowed down. By the time he approached just behind the sorcerer, the skeletons had remained pulled by the chains and the attacks had been so weak that they had been forced to hit the junction.
"... it's too late to wake up... eh?"
It's me whispering lightly, but I look at him leaning down.
Anyway, I saw an arm so powerful that I could feel the anger and blood vessels floating this way that I was away.
With Doss's dominant voice, a hand stretched from behind the sorcerer, who was laughing high, grabs his head with a smudge.
"Hey, hey, you..."
"What's going on? Smile. Like an idiot. I need to laugh while I can..."
I slapped the magician's head on the floor with enough force as it was.
Big crushing floors and Usat looking down at the crushing magician's skull with cold eyes, his fists chirping with the usual grin.
"Will you never laugh again?"
When people really smile naturally when they're angry, I've heard it from travelers from somewhere, but I guess Usat is in that state right now.
To that figure, which is totally clean, I really felt good from the bottom of my heart that Usat didn't have to do anything so beautiful.