Arrows flying at tremendous speeds.
It was the soldiers of the beast men who were ordered by Mr. Jinya to release it.
Shit! Mr. Alc doesn't have a sword right now, so he can't prevent an arrow! If the target is only for me and Mr. Alc, I'll prevent it!
Having decided that, I deploy my right-hand cage hand while simultaneously caging my thoughtful magic.
I used more magic to make my body heavier from wearing out my magic to cure Mr. Candlestick, but I stuck my palm forward.
"Healing Magic Rupture Palm!!"
A healing magic shockwave released from the palm becomes a wall and plays an arrow.
So I could play most of the arrows, but notice that there are arrows that don't extend the range of the bursting palms.
An arrow unleashed on me and Mr. Alk in a different place.
But I stumbled across the arrow, and I stuck my hand out and grabbed the arrow.
"... ugh!"
At the end of the stop was Mr. Mushroom, who remained asleep.
Why did an arrow hit Amako's mother? If I hadn't prevented it, I would have hit her in the head.
... Could it have been shot by mistake?
No, is it something a sharp beast clan can take off the arrows at this distance?
I bared my voice and turned to Jinya. [M]
"I almost hit Mr. Mushroom! Are you even pointing an arrow at your own people!?"
To my voice, Mr. Jinya doesn't break his expression.
It's like he's also saying he doesn't mind if an arrow hits Mr. Mushroom.
... Indeed, as Jinya said, no arrows are directed at Amako and Hayate.
"Don't hit Amako and Hayate."
The moment I came to that thought, my thoughts were engulfed with anger in an instant.
I mean, yeah. If you don't hit Amako and Mr. Hayate with an arrow, that's fine. Does that mean sleeping Amako's mother doesn't mind if she dies?
There is a sweet smell from the arrow that I grabbed. This... smells similar to the poison of the Evil Dragon I fought before.
"... you even use poison."
I don't have a problem with it because it's not evil dragon level poison on boulders, but if a sleeping mushroom gets this, it's not strange to die instantly.
With so much anger at the unreasonable assault, I snap all the arrows I grabbed and stare at Mr. Jinya and the soldiers of the Beast.
An Orc soldier with an arrow upset by my gaze, but Mr. Hayate walked out in front of us to block it.
"Jinya! Bring me to the Kingsguard and do what! They're not harmful to us! That's what you found out in earlier discussions!?"
"It doesn't matter. I finally got a chance. You can't miss this."
Jinya went on to spin the words of Mr. Hayate, who watched us very closely.
"Today we, the Beasts, have made alliances with the Demons."
An alliance with the Demons!?
Stunned by unexpected words.
"What are you talking about! Are you going to involve the entire Beast Clan in a direct war!? No, more than that, is that the summation of the Beast Clan Chiefs!"
"Of course, it's been accepted. We've got power. And the system of cooperation brought on by the devil's side… there's no way you won't get on this"
Was the Demons here before we got here?
If so, it means we've been lured to enemy territory. Fortunately, Mr. Hayate is on our side... but the situation sucks. We need to figure out a way to escape somehow.
"It can't be that easy for the elders to agree. What the hell did you offer...!"
"Power. I'm doing what I need to do to do that."
Jinya, who returned that to Mr. Hayate's words, shifts her gaze to Amako.
"Hand over Amako."
"... eh"
Hide behind me in awe, Amako.
I don't even want to hand over Amako. [M] Instead, why do I have to turn Amako over to these guys?
... If these few opponents, don't let them get away with it.
After stirring with healing magic turmoil and stunning a soldier with a forward Beastman bow in that gap with a healing punch, he grabs Amako and Mr. Canoco and escapes with Mr. Alk and Mr. Hayate.
Somewhat, I may get arrows, but I'll be fine.
If necessary, beat a healing eyeball or healing punch continuously into Jinya, who is in command, to take consciousness away.
All right, let's do this.
After glancing at Mr. Alk, when he tried to hold Amako, an arrow was released towards me.
Reflectively, when I saw the direction in which the arrow had been fired, Jinya, who had changed her sober expression, was holding a bow and staring at me.
"Don't move from there! Healing Wizard! Move and I'll kill the mushroom!!"
"... ugh!"
Bastard Wow, I'm fine and holding the sick hostage...!
Plus, he said he's been releasing arrows even though he hasn't moved into action yet. Did you predict my behavior? You have the ability to fight like Mr. Halfa's demonic vision in Lukvis? If so, I don't know if I can protect Mr. Mushroom from poisonous arrows that will be released in advance.
On the contrary, I'm confident I can storm and force myself to break through like this, but I can't risk Mr. Cannoco. As it stands, we're holding Mr. Candlestick hostage.
"I can't even offer you a missouri amako...!"
If Mr. Jinya's purpose is Amako, you can't leave her alone all the more.
Don't be emotional, think calmly. If they take Amako, I can't protect her. [M]
... right.
I put my hand on my mouth under the guise of impatience and whine at Nair, who is on my shoulder, keeping his voice as low as possible.
"Nair, Amako, please"
Nair nodded silently, jumping gently to Amako's shoulder next door.
Fortunately, Jinya and the others didn't notice.
Making Nair stay an owl played a role. Now, I won't leave Amako alone. Worst case scenario, no matter who Nair is, she should be able to escape easily.
I turn my gaze to Jinya without looking at Nair. [M]
"I'm not going to do anything absurd. She's important to us."
"... that's incredible"
Mr. Mushrooms, you think you're going to do something drastic to stop us with poisonous arrows and not do any harm? What you're saying and doing is lame.
Besides, I thought you said to get out of this country when we talked earlier.
I have no idea what this guy wants to do.
"What are you gonna do with Amako?"
"I'm just letting you help me with something. I'll let you go as soon as I can."
Let him go?
No, I haven't answered any more critical questions than that.
The ”one thing” thing.
To avoid appearing on his face, Hayate, who was standing in front of my diagonal as he thought, leaned over Jinya with an angry face and grabbed his chest.
I panicked and called his name.
"Mr. Hayate!?"
Don't be ridiculous! Are you going to let the research resume again!? And now Amako, aren't you ashamed of yourself as an adult!? "
"I don't think so. Didn't I just tell you? I'm just doing what I need to do for me. And now it's for a different purpose."
"Oh, what is that?"
"Kingsguard, hold down Hayate"
"Hey, let go, K... Jinya!"
Mr. Hayate, held down by the soldiers of the Kingsguard, stares at Mr. Jinya in angry form.
We couldn't leave Mr. Mushroom in the middle of nowhere without overlooking the sight.
Jinya, who placed Mr. Hayate in Kingsguard custody, looks here again.
"When you move, this one has to come out by the right means. If we get caught, we'll save you and your mushrooms."
At last, if I surrender, I will save your life.
You're full of suspicion.
Mr. Jinya shouldn't be disciplined enough to keep his promise of overriding on the spot. And since we are human beings, we have no duty or obligation to keep that promise.
As I was trying to get through this scene, Amako, who had leaned silently from earlier, walked out in front of me and Mr. Alk.
"Okay. Instead, keep your word."
Ask Amako, who drank his opponent's terms on his own, to shake his body like a little nair over his shoulder, too.
I grab my shoulder with surprise.
"I'm all right"
"It's okay, that's why..."
But when I looked back at her expression, I was stunned.
Face is the faceless one, but angry. That's also unlikely to be her usual.
Amako, glancing at me unable to move from in front of Mr. Mushroom, leaked her voice as she squeezed.
"I... found something I had to do in this country."
"What you have to do...?"
"... yeah"
Did Amako find anything here?
Or are you determined?
Still confused, Amako looks up at me and looks back at Jinya behind her.
"Don't put your hands on everyone, what you say... listen"
"Sounds good and helpful. Catching this guy was going to take a lot of work.... catch the two humans there."
Ginya, taking her hand off the bow, gave instructions to her men to seize me and Mr. Alk.
Me and Mr. Alk are held down and their hands tied with rope.
I stare at Mr. Jinya with an angry eye, even as he seizes me.
"I'm not interested in what you're doing, and I don't want to know! But don't ever do Amako any harm...! If anything happens to her, we will... I won't allow it!"
"Horrible. That's really horrible. I thought about what to do when the plan was supposed to end in a place of discussion... but I was relieved to be caught hostage prepared with insurance"
I have no idea what Mr. Jinya is talking about.
But no doubt this man has invited us and Mr. Hayate here from the very beginning. And we got caught in a trap.
Having been completely restrained with both hands, me and Mr. Alk were taken by the soldiers of the Kingsguard and had to leave Amako without refusing.
When Jinya caught me, Alk and I were put in the cellar of the big building where we first stepped in.
Dim room made of cobblestones and trees.
In it, me and Mr. Alk, who were in the same chamber, were fitted with wooden handcuffs connecting the trees with iron.
"... I can't believe you're staying in a cabin."
It's been like, like, three hours since I was in the store?
I've been to a cabin about the Ferms, but I didn't think I could get into custody.
It's somewhat more disabling than you might think, because you can move freely but both arms have wooden and iron shackles fitted in disappointingly. Besides, I don't know if it's because of this barn or the shackles, but I can't use magic.
Only healing magic works so well for me, but it would be a nasty substitute for Mr. Alc, who mainly uses flaming magic.
Lift the shackles in shackles, and they also look like they are in years.
... you can break it if you want to.
"I won't do it now. And there's something wrong here, too."
There were few signs of dusty and used inside the barn, and the guards were just standing in a tense, faceted beastly soldier in a place that separated the cage.
"... oh, hey, what. Don't look at me!"
Staring casually at the watchman, he shook his voice and yelled at me.
... Somehow, I'm not used to human opponents, so I seem terribly nervous.
Now that I know the situation in which I am placed, I leave my back on the walls of my chamber in sigh.
"Is Amako okay..."
Even if I had some idea and surrendered, Amako equals just a girl without predictive magic.
If you think there may be imminent danger to that child, you will be attacked by anxiety that will tighten your heart.
"Lord Amako has some ideas and I believe it's an act."
"Yes... I guess. There's no way he hasn't thought about it."
Nodding at Mr. Alk's words.
As things stand, I don't know what Amako thinks. But from the experience we've had together, I'm pretty sure it's not pointless. So me and Mr. Alk are caught here unarmed.
"And then there's Lord Hayate."
"... Mr. Hayate, unlike us, is on the beast's side... so I'm worried that he's being treated like a traitor on our side and not in terrible ways."
"Yeah, thinking about Lord Jinya, it may not be weird what they do"
Mr. Hayate was on our side on that occasion.
More importantly, he cared a lot about Amako, so I want him to be safe.
But there's nothing we can do now that we're caught.
"... it's been a while."
Apply an agua and stare at the ratty ceiling.
Yeah, it's looking good now. Wait for contact from Amako or Nair first. If you haven't waited three days, move.
"... it's been a long time since I've been in a cabin."
"Really...... eh!?"
Wait a minute, what do you mean Mr. Alc can stay in the house!?
In an instant, I turned to Mr. Alc, who laughed at me when I was drawn back to reality.
"No, well, it's more of a cell than a barn."
"You'll be surprised even in solitary confinement. There was no such thing as an image of Mr. Ark being in a place like that..."
"That's too much to buy. Because I used to be quite a problem child myself. I can't even count the number of times I've been thrown into a cell with a coworker and made to reflect all night on my fingers."
"Damn, to be honest... I can't imagine at all"
It's quite a surprise that there was such a time for you to be polite, serious, cook, fight and your favorite Mr. Alk.
Several footsteps echo from the stairs leading to the ground as we engage in a conversation without other love to distract our anxiety afterwards.
When we stopped the conversation and watched the one on the stairs, it was Mr. Hayate who came down who was detained by two soldiers of the Beasts. Without strength, Mr. Hayath, who had been taken by the soldiers, was shackled and brought into the same chamber as us.
If you look closely, he has blood on his mouth and swollen cheeks.
"Mr. Hayate, are you okay?!?"
I stare at the soldiers who brought him here.
The soldiers slipped away and went back to the ground after they were upset.
"They just brought me here on Zinya's orders. Don't blame him too much."
Mr. Hayate rose up holding down his painfully swollen cheek.
If my healing magic wasn't sealed, I could heal your wounds...
I have to apologize to you.
Saying so, Mr. Hayate, who made his expression painful, sat grounded with momentum that seemed to clash to the ground despite his shackles.
"I'm sorry! I just got you guys to meet Jinya and it's the worst thing that ever happened to me...!"
"The worst? Hayate, what the hell is Jinya trying to do?"
Mr. Hayate, who raised his head, held both fists strong as he trembled in anger.
"I assumed that my research on mushrooms had failed. But actually, no. The study of mushrooms was different from what I had expected, but it was successful. But no one knew that except one."
"Except one...... no way"
"Oh, it's Jinya"
So I realized the answer to the puzzling prefix when I was taken hostage by the Mushroom.
Jinya truly predicted my movements, not by the sight of a demon like Mr. Halfa.
Like Amako's predictive magic.
"Jinya took the predictive magic out of the mushroom and made it her own"
The moment I heard that word from Mr. Hayate, I was about to be ruled by irresistible anger.
Did you keep your mother from Amako and use that magic on our faces?
You took the magic, you took Mr. Candlestick hostage, and you tried to kill him?
"And now I've got eyes on Amako. He was so proud of himself. 'This is a great force. To be owned by an individual, you don't have to."
No body.
That's all I know.
Jinya is now willing to start a study in Amako in which Mr. Canoco is no longer awake from sleep.
I'll let you go.
His words are full of lies.