Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 7: Trouble

Living in a cave, plus Shao Xuan, 27 children, brutal, Shao Xuan's little arm and calf?

There are many children in the cave who want to take over the location of the library. In order to get more food, Shao Xuan is obviously much smaller to take over management. Obviously, it will greet other children's grievances, which will inevitably lead to a struggle.

Two words - please.

The middle-aged man who was responsible for delivering food to the hole, called "Ger”, was not as strong as wheat and had lost an arm during a hunting operation and was now unable to go out hunting, retreating from the hunting team and carrying food every day.

Shao Xuan did not ask why in the past.

After the food was distributed, Gert left with an empty stone cylinder in one hand. Even if one arm was missing now, his own strength remained, and there was no problem with the one-handed anti-stone cylinder.

After Gert left, Coop entered the hole to announce his new decision and the candidate to replace him.

“Starting tomorrow, Xuan will distribute the food! ”

After eating the food, the atmosphere in the cave would have calmed down, without the flames of the battle just now, but was nervous again because of Ku's sentence, the children in the cave would not go to complain about anything, I don't know how to go to the theory, it's just not good on the face.

The library didn't stay any longer, didn't explain, quickly packed the cover and left. He is old, and if nothing happens, after this cold winter, he will awaken the power of totem, that is, he may not return to the hole once he leaves.

Coop left easily, but Shao Xuan was in a heavy mood.

Looking at the sky, it corresponds to the time of the last lifetime, which is around 3 pm, some time before the sun goes down.

Shao Xuan led Caesar to the gravel again and sat on the ground wondering what to do next.

I was thinking about going on like this, dragging two or three years old to wake up in the power of totem, even if I can't qualify to wake up late, at most at this age of Ku will naturally wake up, then go out and build my own house, plus a hunting team to go out and hunt for a living. Now, it seems impossible to live this bland life, as he left the hole, with several children staring unwillingly at him and Caesar next to him.

“Do you think they'll get up in the middle of the night and eat you?” Shao Xuan looked at Caesar walking around on the rubble.

There used to be Ku Town, those kids didn't really do anything, once Ku left, the situation would be difficult to say, the children in the cave are more harsh than the other children in the tribe, don't think too much, really hungry ignore the tattoo given by the witch, exempt to go out and unite to bake Caesar how? Shao Xuan is no match for the 20 men in the cave.

Caesar, unaware of his impending predicament, began to want to go to the Black Swamp when he could not find the stone worm in the gravel.

There are two forbidden sites near this hill where the tribe is located, one is a large black swamp, easy to get into, basically sinking into is a death; the other is the river in front of the hill, where you can't see the other bank, there are rivers and beasts, rumours that in the early tribe several powerful fighters went into the water to fish, but could no longer come up, too many unknown dangers existed, and finally the tribal high level decided not to let people go into the water.

So, apart from the fact that tribal women occasionally go to the shallow beach to wash their hides, they don't come into contact with river water. There is a creek up and down the mountain, where tribes use their drinking water, and naturally no one is willing to come into contact with rivers full of unknown dangers.

Warriors, both in the Black Swamp and along the river bank, have rotating guards to prevent tribes from entering the two hazardous sites and to guard against unpredictable dangers in both locations.

Fishing and hunting, no fishing, no domestication and cultivation, and the fact that tribes are basically hunting on the go is also the main reason why there is always a particular shortage of food in tribes.

Everything was predominantly about food, and Caesar, such a large piece of flesh, walked around in the cave every night in front of the hungry children, causing the little ones in the cave to covet.

“What should we do?” Shao Xuan sighed again, complaining about the old cleric who gave the brand but no longer showed up.

Tribes do not allow people to enter the Black Swamp, nor to descend the river, especially children who have not yet awakened the power of totem, but do not say that wolves are not allowed to approach the Black Swamp. So, once in a while, Caesar would come over here and look for something to grind his teeth on the edge of the Black Swamp, like some weird beetles living in the Black Swamp. More often than not, the fighters responsible for guarding the border opened their eyes and closed their eyes.

Animals are sensitive to danger, and Caesar naturally knows that the Black Swamp is dangerous and only wanders around the border.

Not knowing what to find, Caesar ran over with something and threw a pile of black in front of Shao Xuan.

Caesar brought over a bug that Shao Xuan had never seen before, unlike the last beetle, this time it was softer, as big as Shao Xuan's palms, flat oval shape, long and elongated feet, all black as a black swamp.

When Caesar was holding him, he went to Zacaesar's wolf's nose with his feet.

Caesar came back with bugs a few times, probably just to play. After all, there are not many creatures in the tribe that would interest Caesar, not to mention catching rabbits. As a wolf, it's pathetic to be dealing with insects all the time.

As Caesar tried to bring back the bug he wanted to escape, Shao Xuan found it spitting a pile of black bubbles out of his mouth, wrapping it all around. Caesar didn't like these black bubbles so much that he threw the bug out of his mouth.

The black bubbles came together and ended up as big as football, wrapping the bug in the middle. Caesar spins around the ball of black bubbles, but doesn't say anything. Obviously, he hates those black bubbles, which probably don't taste good.

A moment later, Caesar abandoned the bug hiding in the black sphere and turned back to the gravel to continue his search for the stone bug.

Shao Xuan was somewhat interested in the insect. He pulled out his stone knife and poked the clump. He found that the original soft black bubble now became stiff and brittle. Under Shao Xuan's strong poke, the black “football” split in half, while the insect hiding inside ran out in panic and fled in the direction of the black swamp. The whole appearance shrunk by more than half, dry.

Without going after the bug, Shao Xuan squatted down and took a closer look at the “ball” that split in half.

Trying to pick with a stone knife, Shao Xuan found that both black hemispheres were very light and could not feel much weight. It took a little effort to crush them.

After studying one hemisphere and crushing it, Shao Xuan looked at the other black hemisphere. Think, call Caesar and take this black hemisphere to the river.

Tribes, even when they come to the river, operate cautiously only in areas with shallow beaches, which are safe.

Shao Xuan will not die in the water. Who knows what strange creatures are in the water? He's just trying to see if this hemisphere really works out the way he thinks.

Untie the grass rope tied to your waist, tie it to the black hemisphere at one end and hold it by yourself, then throw the black hemisphere tied to the grass rope into the water.

Indeed, as Shao Xuan thought, the black hemisphere floated on the water.

This thing... can be used for fishing.



That's more like number two, number three double.

Five days after the opening of the book, I didn't expect so many people to reward me, and I came up with a guardian (blue for melancholy) and a rudder master (cat shudder), and I saw many familiar names, voted reward comments. When driving back to the cat, each rewarded bookmate will be listed. Later, because many people complained that they would always hear those names when reading and listening with voice, they would all hear them, and then they would not be listed again. Now this book is not listed, the author backstage also has every reward record, the statement is here to say, thank you for your service!

More than four months after the end of the cat return, many factors caused delays in the opening of the book. During this period, a lot of questions were asked about the new book, and there were always votes to return to the cat. Thank you very much for your continued support.

It's a little late, but say it here: I'm back!

This is going to be a little slow, interested to keep first, and the statement will try to write this article.

PS: By the way, let me tell you something. The cat is probably going to turn out to be a prostitute. Look at the prostitute book buddies and wait.