Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 13: Fight!

The weather is indeed clear today.

The river is also calm and very quiet, with no wind, and the water on the banks of the river will wash the shallow beaches in waves the other day, which is not the case today.

Too calm, a little weird.

The river is not crystal clear, the shallow beach is fine, a metre further out, a little deeper can't see the situation underwater.

In such a world of crisis, where theory cannot prevail, no detail can be underestimated or death ignored. Besides, the river was seen by the tribes as a high-risk zone like the Black Swamp, and being able to fish smoothly over the past few days doesn't mean it's safe to do so.

Seeing Shao Xuan like this, the child who had been so excited to rush stopped the action in his hand and retreated. They're greedy, they're not smart, but they're not stupid. Besides, what happened during this time gave them a lot of confidence in Shao Xuan, and they all looked back at Shao Xuan.

Shao Xuan stood on the shore, looking at the calm river in front of him and thinking.

Beyond that, the river remains calm and not much different than usual. The river did not discolor, and nothing suspicious appeared.

Is that too suspicious?

All of a sudden, a white translucent creature appeared in front of us, like an upside down hammer, with a lot of scratchy tentacles. Swim as the tentacles swing.

With previous experience, Shao Xuan knew that such a situation would not occur for no reason whatsoever, that there should be such a creature in the water, and that it was still dangerous.

Shao Xuan took the straw rope tied to the stone worm and threw it into the water. The place where the stone worm fell was just two meters from the shore. After the stone worm fell into the water, Shao Xuan did not feel the sharp pull of the cannibal bait through the grass rope.

The black block floating on the water is trembling slightly, if you don't look closely, you will only think that the stone worm below is struggling, but after a few days of fishing, Shao Xuan is familiar with the stone worm struggle, but the fact is that the black block on the water is trembling slightly less, and there is a trend towards trembling less.

Shao Xuan pulled the grass rope back. When he saw the appearance of the stone worm, he kept staring at the little ones over here.

Stone worms are not bitten off, but the entire body is white, shrunk, or stiff, and maintains a distorted state when struggling underwater.

Placing the mutated stone worm on the ground, Shao Xuan knifed the back of the stone knife against the worm slightly and forcefully.


After a slight crisp sound, the stone worm breaks, the crisp raw breaks, and there is no soft body like a normal stone worm.

The little ones who stood next to them looked terrified. If people go into the water, will it become dry and crisp and break?

No one dares to try, not even touch the water, far away.

Shao Xuan threw several more stone worms into the water, each time in the same situation, and for a few seconds, it turned into a brittle worm trunk. There was no fish biting bait in the water for half a day.

“Either the fish are not interested in wormdries, or there are no fish around today. Now there's something terrible in the water, and the fish may have run away, probably waiting for that creature to leave before the fish come back.” Shao Xuan retracted the grass rope and said.

“So... when will the fish be back?” A child asks. Now they're not scared of that kind of cannibal fish, but they're looking forward to seeing them and not panicking for a day.

“I don't know, come back tomorrow.” Shao Xuan shook his head and briefed the two warriors in charge of guarding the river bank, telling them not to let the tribesmen go into the water, leaving a worm trunk for them to study.

“Go back and make some more grass rope, next time.” Shao Xuan persuaded. If the straw rope is not well knitted, it can't be used twice, so it consumes a lot. Today, Shao Xuan took a break. Shao Xuan thought of making them pull the straw, and sat in the hole to make the straw rope.

Even though it scared the little ones to see that stoneworm, they still had more on their minds.

How many do we have to catch if we can catch it today? There's gotta be four, right? If Caesar could dig up more stone worms, they might catch more. For the sake of life, we can't catch him today. According to what Xuan just said, come back tomorrow. But what if tomorrow is the same? The day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, can't even fish anymore?

It's horrible!

The children in the cave were anxious and distracted when they returned to the cave to braid the rope.

Shao Xuan sat in the cave, soaking up the sun, looking back at the creatures he had just “seen” and thinking about the coming winter.

On that day, many of the men who had gone fishing on the banks of the river were driven back by guard soldiers.

People living near the foot of the mountain found a few days ago that the children who lived in the cave usually ate, slept and ate, rarely got out of the cave once and robbed everywhere, they were moving fast! The kids go out every day and come back from the riverbank only after lunch, and every time they come back, they drag a bizarre giant fish with a long arm full of pointy teeth.

Some curious people have followed the past and want to learn to fish, but first, they have difficulty digging stone worms and can't substitute for anything else. Even throwing grass ropes can't catch fish. Second, even if they catch stone worms or use other alternatives, it is difficult to catch fish as easily as Shao Xuan and they do. On several occasions, they still catch creatures that don't know what they are. Once they are stuck, they become swollen bosses.

Finally, they noticed that Shao Xuan used something black that would float on the water, and they had less fishing gear than Shao Xuan. Harvesting is not ideal when not using that thing.

Shao Xuan analyzed the reasons. Probably because the piranhas did not like to move under the water. When the grass rope was thrown past with bait, it sank. Floats such as wood blocks did not last, and were later dragged down by creatures in the water. The combination of the two factors that make it easy for stoneworms to escape once they come into contact with the water floor and meet the dirt and gravel underground leads to undesirable harvests.

In the past few days, Shao Xuan asked Caesar to help catch a few black swamp bugs and make a lot of small black pieces. He exchanged some meat and fur with this person close to the foot of the mountain. There was not much meat, and the change was distributed to the children in the cave on the same day. As for the fur exchanged, even if it is not good enough, it will make the coming winter a little better.

Therefore, in addition to these children in the cave, those who did not go out hunting in the foot part of the nearby mountain are also fishing, no one will dislike the lack of food, the winter sight is approaching, there is not much food to hoard, the mind is not solid.

But today we are all disappointed.

Shao Xuan sighed as he watched another group of people pulling their heads back from the river in the distance.

Suddenly, Caesar, lying next to him, stood up and stared in one direction.

Shao Xuan looked over.

Twenty meters away from the hole are a few big rocks, if the weather is good during the week, there are children on top of the sun, now that there is something to do, no one will go that way. At this time, there was no one on the big stones, but Shao Xuan was shown a little bit of the exposed beast skin corner.

Even a little corner Shao Xuan recognized, that was Sai, who used to rob Shao Xuan's things, and was beaten down by Shao Xuan on the other side of the training ground a few days ago. Generally, the two boys will follow Noh and Jim next to each other, and today they're here again.

The day before yesterday, when Shao Xuan took Caesar to the edge of the Black Swamp to catch the bugs, the three men blocked Shao Xuan in the gravel ground, to grab the black piece that could float on the water, both sides fought, but at that time there was a child in the hole, the three of them quickly ran away, today the three of them probably didn't give up, and thought about stealing something from this side.

Fish they dare not rob, tribes have rules against robbing children's food in holes, but other fishing tools are no longer among the food.

Shao Xuan touched his chin and patted Caesar, letting him wait while he turned himself into the hole.

“Little ones,” Shao Xuan pointed at the humans in the cave, "everyone has done well lately, and has caught a lot of prey, which is good, continue like this, plus the food sent by the tribe, we won't starve this winter. But what if someone comes and grabs our stuff at this time? ”

When Shao Xuan's voice was heard, he thought he could go fishing. The eyes of one of the people who had fallen apart were bright, but after hearing it, his eyes were dimmed again. However, when he heard the full sentence, his newly dimmed eyes were replaced by anger.



Not stealing fish, stealing tools?

Not even tools!!

But what is "stealing”? What, you say you take it or you steal it? Doesn't that mean robbery? Beat it!!

Shao Xuan said that for these kids, "eating” is the most beautiful and beautiful word in the world. Food is the specific interpretation of this word. Whoever wants to rob their food is moving what they care about the most. They fight with whoever they want.

At this time, he hid behind the big rock outside the hole with two of his followers to discuss how to leave while the people in the hole didn't notice to grab some of those little black pieces. He could speak with a low voice, and Caesar suddenly jumped from above and jumped on the three of them.

Too suddenly, the three of them were frightened and jumped reflexively.

The escaped race was unsettled, holding the wooden stick in his hand, staring closely at Caesar, thinking that if the wolf walked one step further, he would wave the stick.

I thought too hard, Sai didn't pay attention to the surroundings until Noh and Jim poked him.

“Poke what? Didn't see me...”

The game turned its head and yelled, but before the words were finished, the race followed the direction indicated by the wild and occupied, and saw the hole standing, more than twenty people with wooden sticks, stones and other things, angry eyes and fierce light staring at this side, little ones.